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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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seushnikov, another indicative video: four militants on the territory controlled by kiev are preparing another landing operation, only two do not want to go to death, they kill their brothers-in-arms and drag them into boats and let them onto the left bank, for such desperate ones, we remind you, it is not necessary to climb to the dnieper, if you can call the volga. now a short advertisement is what will happen next on our broadcast. anti-russian manuals in german schools. parents of students are outraged that their children are forced to draw ukrainian flags and hate russia. where will such lessons lead germany?
10:31 pm
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grow with us. stay on cean for 24 hours. magnet - the price is what you need. 2999. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. say no, it's ruined by silicone. and yes, shauma shampoo. 90% ingredients of natural origin for health hair beauty. take care of your family with shauma. shauma - care from roots to ends. come to the island and make a reservation. breakaway, shoes. among millions of hotels apartments. rest begins.
10:33 pm
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just a couple of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you with a 300 rubles discount on your first order. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where to invest the donated money? investing in the future. we agree, but first we’ll open a deposit for interest at sea.
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let's return to the first topic of the issue, which , let me remind you, was the messages from the ministry of finance, now we can summarize everything that is known up to this minute. so, the ministry of finance introduced government package of tax bills, changes designed to make the tax system more fair. it is assumed that people with an annual income of less than 2,400 thousand rubles. will continue to pay personal income tax at a rate of 13%. if the amount is greater. up to 5 million the rate will be 15%. for people who receive from 5 to 20 million - 18%. from 20 to 50-20, those with higher income will be taxed at a rate of 22%. as you thought at the ministry of finance, these innovations will not affect 97 workers, 97% of working
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russians, while taxation will remain support for large families and families of svo participants. i would like to add that there are no plans to increase vat rates. so as not to provoke an increase in inflation. a smoking samovar, a bottle of vodka, a jar of black caviar, and of course, a horse serving kalach to the participants of the feast. a cartoon from the archival edition of the newspaper novoye vremya for august 1914, which was recalled today in the newspaper department of the russian national library, and not by chance, right now. since we are talking about the brightest example of german propaganda during the first world war, within which it was like this. it looks like breakfast in a cossack house, the hostess in a kokoshnik happily drinks tea, stirring the sugar with a bone instead of a spoon, the main dish was human jellied meat, but at least this is what the legs sticking out of the jelly testify to. according to the explanation of the editors more
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than a century ago, even before the declaration of war, in german churches and schools they talked about the barbarity of the russians, and also that the cossacks were especially ferocious and... eat people, in general, as recent events show, with little has changed since then, mind you german schoolchildren are still fed selective propaganda horror stories about russians. boris ivanin became acquainted with teaching aids for special purposes. political science lessons in germany have turned into lessons in anti-russian propaganda; they are putting it into the fragile minds of german schoolchildren with the help of textbooks that are simply saturated with hatred of our country. the word hate is already there on the cover. here on this ugly caricature of russian soldiers, supposedly this is how they go to take kiev, imagining that there are not people there, but monsters. anti-russian drive course the west in the title, look, does not leave any space for other interpretations of the ukrainian conflict. the authors assure that this is how supposedly independent thinking is formed,
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although the textbooks are designed for fifteen-year-olds. german teachers have already been trained in similar training manuals. parents complain, teachers in german schools even during lessons from. they force children to draw ukrainian flags, and insults against russia are also heard in classes where history, law or politics are not taught? masha zhukov said that they would never forgive us for our victory, but as a german it really hurts me to see that in fact he seems to have been right, because what i have been observing there over the past two years is truly a nightmare, this fascism, there i’m already washing...
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to stand under the banner of war, at the lesson, according to parents , soldiers from the bundeswehr began to increasingly invite people to talk about serving in the army. here are some other tasks: write how the conflict in ukraine affected life in our country, in russia, caring tips in the media environment, supposedly this is the blocking of social networks, in the economy, the fall of the ruble, but at the same time there are no facts. it’s strange that there are no questions about germany itself, how much more expensive housing and communal services products and services have become there. instead, they explain to schoolchildren that the conflict in ukraine supposedly began after crimea was reunited with russia, but in the manual it is clearly called annexation, not a word about the referendum in a short paragraph, a set of narratives that are simply proposed to be taken as an axiom. my eldest daughter is already 23 years old and just in 1914, when there were
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problems here from the west with crimea, that is, what happened on the maidan was all good, but what happened in crimea, the referendum, it was very bad for them, and this is also in schools right there in the form of such brochures. this is how german schoolchildren are made to believe that the struggle waged by the west against russia concerns everyone, including them. this training course also contains videos where they essentially redrawn the entire post-soviet history. ukraine is depicted there as independent and independent, but russia is large and formidable, allegedly preventing it from entering the european union and nato, because it itself is afraid of them. ukraine from russia
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and already supports the country, now the prospect is being discussed that at some point ukraine will join nato, then the military alliance will become even stronger. in general, this is a direct reflection of the current course of the bundestag, especially since all these educational materials are not published by some private shop. school courses were never removed; on the contrary, their authors claim that such anti-russian propaganda meets all the principles of western democracy, but caricatures are needed in order to quote: consider the inhuman image of the enemy. there is a campaign to demonize russia, there is a campaign of russophobia, that is, everything against... russia, with all
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their might, attempts are being made to further denigrate or further somehow, somehow dehumanize the russian side in order to then have leverage in the future further drawing germany itself into the conflict. but in germany they carefully do not notice that such lessons of hatred are like textbooks. along which they are carried out lead to a split in german society itself, because, as the russian proverb says: what goes around comes around. the french president said that the european union should allow ukraine to use western weapons to strike russia outside the special operation zone. next week, macron is expecting zelensky to visit, so apparently he is trying to prepare, well, something like a gift, and today the ukrainian thug is in belgium, where a meeting of eu defense ministers was held. the question is all on the agenda. whether to give the terrorist kiev regime complete freedom in the disposal of weapons or else
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support vuzde? controversial opinion in the material by evgeny reshitnev. a cake was cut in brussels in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the european defense agency since its creation in 2004; the budget of this organization has grown tens of times, just as expenditures and resources for military needs continue to grow at a record pace. but ukraine still lacks one of the main tasks of this meeting - the heads of foreign affairs. ministers of defense of the european union, to break the resistance of budapest. hungary is one of the few that still feels like billions are going down the drain. hungary blocks additional funding for the european peace fund, and this is bad, we need to make such a decision and support ukraine with military technologies. the netherlands offered the allies to assemble one patriot system from components in parts and send it to kiev. components, as defense minister kaisa olangren said, the country is ready to withdraw. from their reserves, the idea looks comical, but apparently the initiative is more important than the result, everyone is picking up the signals from the higher
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leadership, not even two days have passed since the nato secretary general actually approved the strikes western weapons on russian territory, as the number of politicians who also believe, began to grow exponentially . do we allow our weapons to continue to be used on russian territory, well, some countries have begun to allow restrictions to be lifted, i'm sure that... some will raise the issue of the risk of escalation, but we need to balance the risk of escalation with the need for ukraine to defend itself. from my point of view, this should not be a matter of debate, and i hope that countries that have a different position will change it, because otherwise, i think ukraine is fighting with one hand behind its back. the authorities of the czech republic and lithuania spoke out in the same spirit, while germany and italy are still against it. a few minutes ago i was reading barele's rant. who theoretically should still represent me to the italian people, he is another one of those
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demolitionists who would like the weapons that we sent to ukraine for protection to be used for attacks, bombings and murders in russia. that is why they gather to convince those who disagree, using as hungarian prime minister orban described these processes, political blackmail. according to politico magazine, jens stoltenberg's main goal at the current meeting in brussels is to convince. eu countries, lift any bans on kiev, hit targets on russian territory. ukraine has the right to self-defense, and the right to self-defense also includes assault.
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ukrainian truck drivers who abandon their trucks after crossing the border and flee from mobilization will now be put on the interpol wanted list. i think, i think that in in the near future, we will develop it together with the lawyers of our large companies and will inform drivers that they will not only have problems with the police, but the situation will be treated as a car theft with the possibility of further transfer of information
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to interpol, that is, it is almost impossible to flee the country, refugees from the east and center, settled in...
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another reason to confess their love for their homeland: russians are massively recording videos to the patriotic song mother earth, and who has already become a thorn in the flash mob?
10:50 pm
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everyone. alfabank is the best employer in russia. flashing signs of brands in pepsi bottles on the shelves, affordable tickets to europe. usa rainbow flags and eurovision, a telling list of values ​​that russian relocants on tiktok are nostalgic about. there is a new trend: users publish videos about supposedly lost russia, with the voice of foreign agent elizaveta gordymova, that is, a beer coin, sounding in the background. the other day she released a sentimental track about homesickness, and it is to this track that fugitives now cry characters of all bridges. but it’s interesting that those for whom it was the norm of life to constantly criticize russia now
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recall with tears some important events for the country, but like the 1918 fifa world cup, footage of crowds of happy fans in melancholic videos are most common, but for some reason , the authors forget that all this is entirely the merit of the state they so dislike. well, how to truly confess your love for your homeland is shown by the participants of another online flash mob, as part of of which kokoshniks, birches and holy russia are appropriate. anastasia ivanova also decided to join. i don’t even want to use the word “viral” to describe a common unified impulse, as is usually the case with popular songs and dances on the internet, because this is a sincere love for one’s own homeland. just a new way to express it? chat birches! and i’m happy about him and about love, mother earth, white, birch tree, grant light for me, but for others. if in winter there was a trend
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for fur hats and fur coats, now russian women they put on scarves or caps, put on bright lipstick and record videos to a patriotic hit. such videos have become especially popular among makeup artists, because, among other things, this is a great way to show your professionalism. for example, svetlana sergeeva shares the result before and after makeup, adds a video while recording, the very words and songs give me goosebumps. makeup artist sasha anasanova created an equally striking, original image, writes nationally.
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artists should still look for a response in people, but look, listen, what i’m like beautiful, how well i sing, i’m glad that the song has appeared in my repertoire forever, well , at least as long as i live, i will sing as long as i can, this is the russian tank alyosha, 90 million views, i didn’t guess or think at all, believe me me, i didn’t do anything for this, i just posted the song on the internet, it went, it’s relevant, it’s eventful, i don’t know,
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it gives me chills... from the fact that such a feat is one among eight people, and how many more similar videos will there be from those who don’t embarrassed to say about patriotism, just tried to do good music, because we love it, because we can do it, but people themselves have already decided that the song should become famous, in the repertoire there are very strong songs about love for one’s country, i think... the same candidates for become big hits, we are now preparing them for release, we are preparing new songs not for trends, for centuries, because they are about russia. the main scenarios for the final adjustment of the tax system in russia have become known.


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