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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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and how many more similar videos will there be from those who are not embarrassed to talk about patriotism? we just tried to make good music, as we love, as we can do it, but now the people themselves decided that the song should become famous, in the repertoire there are very strong songs of love for their country, i think, the same contenders for. .. in order to become big hits, we are now preparing them for release, we are preparing new songs not for trends, for centuries, because they are about russia. what scenario will the tax adjustments take? systems in russia, the basic parameters became known. the ministry of finance submitted to the government a package of tax bills that... designed
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to make the tax system more fair. we will learn more from dmitry morocco, he will join us. dmitry, greetings, who will be affected by the changes? good evening, according to the ministry of finance, the innovation will affect only 3% of working citizens. the ministry of finance has launched the process of changes in the tax sphere. the bills he developed are already in the government. the discussion in the cabinet of ministers will take place in thursday. according to finance minister anton siluanov, the adoption of the proposed changes will ensure stability. and predictable conditions for citizens of business and regions for the next 6 years and will increase the economic well-being of the country. this also means that until the thirtieth year , tax conditions will no longer change. russian society has long had a strong demand for social justice, including a progressive taxation scale. the bottom line is that the more earnings, the higher the tax. as it became known from published documents of the ministry of finance, it is proposed to maintain the existing rate of 13% for those who receive. less than 2,400,000 rub. per
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year or more than 200,000 per month. everyone whose salary is more than this amount, but less than 5 million will pay 15%. for those who receive from 5 to 20 million, the rate will be 18 to 50 million. 20%, over 50 - 22. if we take a specific example, a person earning 250,000 rubles. will pay only 1.00 rubles per month. additionally, exactly the usual 13% from 200,000 and more. 15 from the remaining 50. it is necessary to emphasize the vast majority of citizens tax the changes will not affect. according to the ministry of finance , 64 million people are currently working in russia. more than 2.400 thousand rubles. russians earn 2 million, this is only 3%. it is worth mentioning separately about the category of self-employed. the self-employment regime is maintained, and rates remain at the same level. also, the increase will not affect income from the sale of real estate or dividends. income from deposit
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securities. families with children receiving low income will benefit. due to tax payments, the rate for them will actually be 6%. it can be used by about half of the total number of all families with two or more children in the country. by increasing the rate, they will essentially affect a smaller portion of taxpayers. for the remaining 96-odd percent. this is either an improvement, if the household has children, or the same conditions. there will be household categories. who will feel these changes, and once again, positive changes are primarily for families with children with not the highest incomes; according to preliminary calculations, they will pay less. additional budget revenues that will be received through tax changes will be used to support the social sector of healthcare, housing construction and infrastructure. funds will also be used to develop projects of technological sovereignty, production of aircraft, ships, medicines, and microelectronics. additional income that forms.
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justice. is relevant not only for don’t forget that the concept of citizens, but also for business, it is proposed to increase the income tax for legal entities from 20 to 25%. but this will not affect those companies that operate under incentive protection agreements capital investments, special investment contracts in special economic zones. special conditions are also provided for the it sector. increasing the rate of income tax paid by companies is also, to a certain extent, a return to what already existed. there was an era. reduction
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of income tax rates, it was worldwide, and russia also reduced its rate, now it turns out that our income tax rate is one of... the lowest in the world among industrial countries, so we are following the general trend of increasing tax rates on profit. small businesses will also be mentioned in the ministry of finance documents, whereas previously companies with revenues of 250 million rubles were included in this category. now the parameters will be different, from 60 to 450 million. in russia, more than 96% of enterprises earn less than the lower limit, that is , for the majority nothing will change. the rest will face discipline when paying vat, because in fact many large companies did not pay this tax, but preferred to split their business into several small ones. for those who have been noticed in such practices, starting from the twenty-second year, it is proposed to introduce tax amnesty, which will create conditions for businesses to come out of the shadows. taking into account
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the recommendations of the state duma received by the government, tax amendments must be adopted in the spring session so that the changes come into force on january 1 , 2025. so, the united states is under pressure from its allies in europe and the nato secretary general so that washington allows kiev to strike ukraine with american weapons. this paradoxical theory is presented by the washington post, and at the same time the publication emphasizes the double game of the british, as in the words of the head mead cameron gave ukraine the green light during a recent visit. there, while in fact london did not allow kiev to use british weapons to attack russia, the washington post claims, citing an anonymous official. meanwhile, the united states is still resisting pressure against such actions by the armed forces of ukraine, despite the call of nato secretary general stoltenberg, at least
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that’s what state department spokesman miller said, there is no agreement among the eu countries, the majority of european defense ministers rejected the idea of ​​allowing ukraine to strike russia, so plan... to send its instructors to kiev, among those few who are in favor: the netherlands, the czech republic and estonia. meanwhile, french president macron, during his visit to germany, tried to push through chancellor scholz, who is actively against it. in a new speech, macron proposed a softened version of the initiative. he called for permission for ukraine to fire western weapons at those russian military installations from which attacks are being carried out on the ukrainian armed forces. however, western curators, of course, are lying. the kiev regime has long been using nato weapons to attack russian territory. here's a recent example. a message from the ministry of defense on tuesday evening, russian air defense shot down a french-made hammer guided bomb over the belgorod region. also, the belgorod region was repeatedly
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attacked using the czech vampire multiple launch rocket system. and now the ukrainian armed forces want to attack belgorod and other russian regions with longer-range weapons, such as the same ones. anglo-french stormshadow missiles had previously been launched towards crimea, the british seemed to be blind to this eyes. today, the german biel reported on a scandal, the ssu allegedly used pvtriot systems provided by germany - a quote against russia for other purposes, without details. the publication claims that kiev received angry calls from berlin and washington threatening to stop supplying missiles if this happens again. when talking about strikes against russia, nato representatives must be aware of what they are playing with. constant escalation could eventually threaten global conflict. vladimir putin said this during a press approach to results of the visit to uzbekistan. the working trip of the head of state lasted almost 3 days.
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the composition of the russian delegation is impressive, almost half the government, including all key ministers. before departing from tashkent , the president answered pressing global issues to reporters. the visit took place shortly after vladimir putin’s trip to minsk, where the head of state commented on the dubious legitimacy of vladimir zelensky, because in order to talk about potential negotiations, you need to understand who has the right to represent kiev according to the constitution of ukraine, this person is the speaker
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of parliament. in the meantime, those who call themselves the authorities are playing their final role and making unpopular decisions, such as lowering the conscription age. constitution. ukraine provides for the extension of powers, but they are only happy, and the extension of the powers of the president in... was 27, now 25, the next stage could be 23 or immediately 18 years, and after the adoption of this
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or other unpopular decisions in force today, as it were representatives of the executive branch, i think they will be replaced by people on the shoulders who do not there will be those who will not have this responsibility for decisions made that are unpopular among the people.
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in europe, especially in small countries, they must generally be aware of what they are playing with, they must remember that this is, as a rule, a state with a small territory, with a very dense population, this is a factor that they must have in mind you, before talking about striking deep into russian territory, they must be aware of what they are playing with, the russian president noted... about representatives of the nato countries. and now, when the armed forces russia is demonstrating success near kharkov;
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it is worth remembering that the events on the outskirts of the city were provoked by the state of the north atlantic alliance, because our military is now working to ensure the security of belgorod. everything now revolves around the events on the approaches to kharkov, so it was they who provoked these events in this direction. i said publicly six months ago, i think, if they continue...
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this is the goal of legality, which there can be no doubt - these are mercenaries of nato countries who help kiev not only with advice. the military in ukraine are now saying that they may appear, but they have been there for a long time, we hear, on the air we hear, then english speech, then french, polish, if, say, some contingents of european countries come there , together with the poles, others will leave, the poles never.
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to be in the affected area of ​​our armed forces, i don’t think that this is a good, correct decision and a good way out, this is escalation and another step towards... a serious conflict in europe and a global conflict. the united states does not forget about its friends russia in central asia. officials at various levels are actively coming to the region, imposing cooperation. in general, they act using known methods. but this part of the world, vladimir putin is sure, is distinguished by the fact that pressure from washington does not bring the same effect to which america is accustomed. vizhors all over
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the world, they fly, now to latin america, now... to africa, now to the east, they intimidate everyone, these are elements of imperial behavior, and the political observers themselves, the american analysts themselves, speak directly about this they say that the usa is an empire, to a large extent its imperial ambitions are connected with internal political events, right now...
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it is ready to continue the negotiation process, but what, with legitimacy in mind here, can you imagine the ukrainian authorities will offer us at some other stages , we don’t know, so i don’t have an answer on this matter, but i always look with surprise at some kind of
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gestures on the part of our western friends and partners. remains a delay in time, the west for some reason expects that the situation on the battlefield is still will be able to change in favor of kiev, and the longer it resists, the more losses there will be, and nato countries will look at this indifferently, because the ukrainian wards do not consider them their own, and people, vladimir putin hopes, should finally feel this. immediately after a three-day
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visit to uzbekistan, vladimir putin held a meeting in the kremlin with the head of ingushetia, mahmud ali kalimatov. during the conversation, the president pointed out the importance of creating favorable conditions for business in the region. in addition, the focus was on the issue construction of kindergartens. life expectancy is higher than in other regions of the country as a whole, and the population is growing and growing, but questions arise from this, including the number of places in kindergartens. in case, this is the number of visits to clinics, so i understand that some of the most pressing issues, more than 40 kindergartens were put into operation in 3.5-4 years, yeah, new ones, we now have a little left, only 3.00 left somewhere just
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how to lead, besides, we have renovated 23 more schools, here... all the gardens, outpatient clinics, i see your industrial production is growing, due to what? i myself head the investment council, and i can tell you that there are 40 portfolios, the last time we looked at seven packages of portfolios, and an investor came to us to build a liquefied gas plant, large tourist clusters that will appear. in the kaliningrad region in the northern capital will become real megaprojects and a new incentive for the entire hospitality industry. about the economic effect after advertising anna lazareva. children are growing up, we need new solutions such as
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children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses, payment sticker, apply now. children's savings card - an adult approach. magnet. ice cream 48 kop. 59, 99. magnet. the price is right. at avito work it’s easy to find your place. dad, you 'll be home soon. soon, i won't be late now. i started a new job, there are many new vacancies every day, you will find not just a job, but your place. alfabank is the best bank for
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business. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. one of my friends walked into the wrong area. uh, boy, do you have any, should i call? yes, i myself have zero account. you have a megaphone. mega power connection at zero is already included in the tariff for free. our subscribers will not be left without communication, the word of the megaphone. book yours offline among millions of hotel apartments. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. sausages, dad can. deposit, the best interest in savings with a favorable rate of up to 16% per annum. hurry up to open a brokerage account to receive three shares from bera as a gift. the deposit is the best percentage, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime, you’re silent like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only
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delicious period, give me, come on, give me, come on, give me, come on, give me , come on, give me a new green, a new green, give me a green and a new pit. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfa bank. bring your friends. and get 15,000 rub. for everyone. alfabank is the best employer in russia. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first.
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someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. tecno - stunning photo clarity and video in 4k resolution. new series of smartphones. komon 30, teekna. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where to invest the donated money? investing in the future. we agree, but first let's open a deposit with interest at sea. with sberbank , everyone can profitably increase their savings. open the best interest brokerage account and get three. izbera as a gift, in savings it is more profitable with prime. meat sauce, sytin, hot, fill with meat and noodles, warm sunset over the roofs,
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fill life with joy. two new all-season resorts will appear on the baltic sea: white dune in the kaliningrad region and st. petersburg marina in the town of gorskaya, which... is part of the northern capital, let's start with the latter: the tourism cluster located next to the main transport routes, ring road, northwestern diameter, primorskoe highway, several more interchanges will appear, it will be convenient for st. petersburg residents to get there, only 20 km from the center and residents of other regions, from the moscow railway station 32 km from the international airport pulkovo 55, 160 hectares will await guests, almost
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2,210 billion rubles. efforts will be united by federal, regional authorities and private investors. this is almost 800 billion investments that are being made in the northern part of our city, this is what gives this push, this push, the dynamic development of the entire northern territory of our city. there will be a number of engineering structures that will need to be solved; the city is ready to put it in place, but i want to say that the federation will invest, well , about 50 billion. this is good money, because it also involves the development of transport. infrastructure first. the work is underway, the transfer of land has been completed and the design process has begun. well, the most important thing is that, on behalf of the president, this project was included in the federal project, and the five seas, our big federal project, it has already been included in this component, because when this program was being formed, the president said, where is the baltic sea, in general, well, kaliningrad is clear, but st. petersburg, what do we have? the implementation of the project started 2 years ago, at the st. petersburg economic
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forum. an agreement was signed between the city authorities, the russian tourism corporation and the st. petersburg yacht club. an anchor investor has now been identified. the gazprombank group of companies entered the project, in this sense, gazprombanks or some management company that will be formed, will probably become the main investor in this project. it is very important. and this allows, uh, this is great luck, because such... a systemic investor like gazprom bank can afford to look at money a little longer. 200 hectares is the territory of the entire state of monaco, so there will be enough space for various activities, about 30 hectares will be occupied by a sports cluster, a film studio will appear nearby, and in gorsko there will be a marine terminal where large aircraft will moor, while they will treat nature with care and
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preserve the territory lakes where they nest.
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on which yachts under the aurus brand will be built. a new tourism cluster also means taxes and new jobs, because st. petersburg now has almost 10 million tourists a year. by the way, the income of every twelfth resident of the northern capital is somehow related to tourism. the industry’s contribution to the regional economy is almost half a trillion rubles. now let’s move 1.00 km to another part of the baltic. the white dune resort is located next to the village. gentarny 65 km from kaliningrad, 50 from khrabrova international airport. first line, beach width - 300 m. white sand like in the maldives, hotels and restaurants promise no worse. the resort area is about 500 hectares and will have 10,500 rooms. the costs of infrastructure alone are estimated at 380 billion rubles. an already proven public-private partnership scheme will be used. what will the city get? worker.
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places, taxes and tourist flow. at the end of last year, it amounted to just over 2 million people. the forecast for the twenty-fourth year is half a million more. the industry accounts for almost 4% of the region's economy. in addition to the accommodation itself, of course, these are hotels, sanatoriums, we have by the way, amber and blue clay are mined there nearby, we received all the certificates, it can be used in spa procedures, including we are planning a sanatorium part with its use. include, of course, water parks and children's amusement parks, that is, everything that should accompany such a quality holiday, including family holidays, and we also count on the fact that we have good winds and good interesting places for various types of sailing sports, this includes windsurfing and kiting, in fact, yachting, white the dune will be able to accommodate 1,1000 people per year, such estimates are given by the operator of the project five sea
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lake baikal city...


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