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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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the inadmissibility of the glorification of nazism, mostly europeans abstained; the united states voted against a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical identity, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. i present.
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are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. political science lessons in germany have turned into lessons in anti-russian propaganda, injecting it into the fragile minds of german schoolchildren with the help of textbooks that are simply saturated with hatred of our country. the word hatred is already there on the cover, on this ugly caricature of russian soldiers, supposedly this is how they are going to take kiev, imagining that there are not people there, but monsters. the anti-russian discourse of the west in the title, look, does not leave any space for others.
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the language in the land of gessen is the center of germany, it is included in the schedule as a second foreign language, and any student can choose these lessons; it is not at all necessary to be a refugee from ukraine, but studying russian there is reduced to zero. well, the creators of the textbook of hatred do not even hide that their goal is to encourage young people to stand under the banner of war. at the lesson, according to the parents, they began to increasingly invite a soldier from the bundeswehr to talk about their service in the army. here are some other tasks: write how the conflict is on ukraine has affected... life in our country, in russia there are caring tips in the media environment, supposedly this is the blocking of social networks, in the economy, the fall of the ruble, but at the same time there are no facts, it is strange that there are no questions about germany itself, how much more expensive it has become there housing and communal services products and services. instead, schoolchildren are explained that the conflict in ukraine supposedly began after crimea was reunited with russia, but in the manual this is clearly called annexation, not a word about the referendum, in a short paragraph a set of narratives that they simply offer to take it as an axiom. my
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eldest daughter is already 23 years old, just in 1914, when the west had problems with crimea here, that is, what happened on the maidan was all good, but what happened in crimea, the referendum, was for them it was very bad, and this was also discussed in schools right there, in the form of such brochures, and since my daughter is russian-speaking, despite the fact that she spoke german, schoolchildren also approached her and this is exactly the effect of similar nonsense they asked what was going on there in russia? putin, why is he so angry, well , now the wording is even more aggressive, the conflict in ukraine is now presented as an encroachment on the whole world, so german schoolchildren are forced to believe that the struggle that the west is waging against russia concerns everyone, them too. this training course also contains videos where they essentially redrawn the entire post-soviet history. ukraine is depicted there as independent and independent, while russia is large and formidable, supposedly preventing it from joining the european union and nato, because it itself is afraid of them. protect ukraine from russia and
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already supports the country. now the prospect is being discussed that at some point ukraine will join nato, then the military alliance will become even stronger. in general, this is a direct reflection of the current course of the bundestag, especially since all these educational materials are not published by some private shop, but by a state center for civic education, which is located in the baden-wurtenburg region, in southwestern germany. therefore, the manuals, although they caused a storm of criticism in the republic from the school course, were never removed, on the contrary, their authors claim, such... anti-russian propaganda meets all the principles of western democracy, but cartoons are needed in order to quote: consider the inhuman image of the enemy. there is a campaign to demonize russia, there is a campaign of russophobia, that is, everything is aimed at furthering
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this spiral of escalation, unwinding it further. attempts are being made by all means to demonize russia, attempts are being made by all means, and so on. denigrate or further somehow, somehow dehumanize the russian side in order to have then in the future there will be leverage to further drag germany itself into the conflict. but in germany they diligently do not notice that such lessons of hatred, like the textbooks in which they are taught, lead to a split in german society itself, because, as the russian proverb says: what goes around comes around.
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will protect you, if not me. many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school; in a roundabout way they went to serve as volunteers. i learned what it’s like to actually be in a war, on the front line. the youngest, also a brother, 17 years old, seryosha,
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also wants to go the same way. i realized that i couldn’t sit anymore. there is a lot to learn from the young guys. the ministry of finance has launched the process of changes in the tax sphere. the bills he developed are already in the government. the discussion in the cabinet of ministers will take place on thursday. according to finance minister anton silaanov, the adoption of the proposed changes will ensure stable and predictable conditions for citizens, businesses and regions for the next 6 years, and will increase the economic well-being of the country. this also means that until the thirtieth year of taxation. will not change anymore. russian society has long had a strong demand for social justice, including a progressive taxation scale. the bottom line is that the more earnings, the higher the tax. as it became known from published documents of the ministry of finance,
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it is proposed to maintain the existing rate of 13% for those who receive less than 2,400 thousand rubles per year, or more than 2,000 per month. everyone whose salary is more than this amount, but less than 5 million, will pay 15. for those who receive from 5 to 20 million, the rate will be 18. up to 50 million 20%, over 50.22, if we take a specific example, a person earning 25,000 rubles a month will pay only a thousand rubles extra, namely the usual 13% from 2000 and another 15 from the remaining 50. it is necessary to emphasize that the vast majority of citizens will not be affected by tax changes , according to the ministry of finance, there are now... 4 million people working in russia, more than 2,400,000 rubles. 2 million russians earn, this is only 3%. it is worth mentioning separately about the category of self-employed; the self-employment regime is preserved, the rates for it remain at the same level. also increase will not affect income from the sale of real
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estate, dividends, income on deposits, and securities. families with children receiving low income will benefit. due to tax payments, the rate for them will actually be 6%. and about half of the total number of all families with two or more children in the country will be able to benefit. an increase in rates will essentially affect a smaller portion of payers. for the rest of the nineties... this is either an improvement, if the household has children, or the same conditions. there will be categories households that will feel these changes. and once again, positive changes are primarily for families with children with not the highest incomes; according to preliminary calculations, they will pay less. additional budget revenues, which will be received through tax changes, will be used to support the social sphere, healthcare, housing construction and infrastructure. the funds will also be used for the development of technological projects.
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individuals, will be aimed at solving social issues, supporting families, due to the introduction of new tax rates , infrastructure development for other areas of expenditure of this kind is also an important issue of social justice. overall fairness of the taxation system. we should not forget that the concept of justice is relevant not only for citizens, but also for business. it is proposed to increase the income tax for legal entities from 20 to 25%. but this will not affect those companies that operate under investment protection agreements and special investment contracts in special economic zones. special conditions are also provided for the it sector. increasing the rate for... the income tax that companies pay is also a return to a certain extent to what already happened,
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there was an era of lowering income tax rates, it was global, and russia also reduced its rate, now it turned out like this, that our income tax rate is one of the lowest in the world among industrial countries, so we follow the general trend of increasing income tax rates. mentioned in the documents of the ministry of finance and small business. if previously, companies with revenues of rub 250 million or more were classified in this category. now the parameters will be different, from 60 to 450 million. in russia , more than 96% of enterprises earn less than the lower limit, that is, for the majority nothing will change. the rest are expected to be disciplined when paying vat, because in fact , many large companies did not pay this tax, but preferred to split their business into several small ones. for those who were in favor... it is proposed to introduce a tax amnesty, which will create conditions for business to come out of
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the shadows. taking into account the recommendations of the state duma, received by the government, tax amendments must be adopted in the spring session so that the changes come into force on january 1, 2020.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on may 29, 1606 he appeared in russia. the new tsar, vasily shuisky, the last of the rurik family on the throne. he was an influential and treacherous boyar, experienced in intrigue and conspiracies, who wrote his page in the history of troubled times. he served three tsars: ivan the terrible, fyodor ioanovich, boris godunov, when fyodor godunov took the throne, he betrayed him and went over to false dmitry i. he also betrayed him, but was forgiven and even elevated, and then organized a rebellion in moscow. the false dmitry was killed by yeshuisky on this day. they said the king, but his position remained precarious: first he had to suppress the christian
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uprising of ivan bolotnikov, then a new impostor appeared, false dmitry ii, who was supported by the poles. shuisky entered into an alliance with the swedes, but this only prolonged the agony; the people did not like him. the historian vasily klyuchevsky wrote. quote: the main reasons discontent was the incorrect path to the throne and his dependence on the circle of boyars who elected him and played with him like a child. shuisky. in 1610 he died in polish captivity, power in russia passed into the hands of seven boyars, seven noble boyar families. may 29, 1895. the first british edition of h.g. wells's novel the time machine was published. 3 weeks before this, the americans published it, but in an abbreviated form. and the british version is considered classic. the famous writer 10 years before einstein, put forward the idea of ​​a four-dimensional world, added to spatial dimensions fourth extension in time and laid the foundations of a whole trend in science fiction. but
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the time machine is also a philosophical work, a vivid example of the dystopian genre. painted a picture of the degradation of humanity in the future, as a result of deep social antagonisms, the time traveler finds himself in a society where the eloi live, these are the idle nobility and the morlocks, the working people who have gone underground, both are examples of degeneration, the eloi are helpless and become victims of the morlocks. advancing billions years, wells's hero observes a dying land, where there are no longer people, only giant arthropods, and then they disappear. this is... a novel of warning, permeated with primordial motives; it has been republished many times, including in our country, and has been filmed more than once. on may 29, 1918, the state commission of soviet russia for education decided to create an institute of physical culture. the country
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was going through a crisis, famine, devastation, civil war, but it considered taking care of physical education a priority. with an idea the institute was addressed by vera bonche bruevich, the wife of one of the most influential people in the state, lenin’s closest assistant, vladimir bonche bruevich. she emphasized that the training of physical education teachers and instructors should be put on a scientific basis, therefore, from the very beginning, the educational process was combined with research in the field of sports pedagogy. this was necessary for the mass development of physical education and sports in the twenties and thirties; during the war years , the institute of physical education trained nurses and orderlies, skiers. trained here hand-to-hand combat, overcoming obstacles, throwing grenades. teachers and students worked in hospitals, many went to the front. today it is the russian university of sports. there are 39 departments, four faculties, the central olympic academy and the research institute of sports medicine. on may 29, 1990, boris yeltsin
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became chairman of the supreme council of russia, then still the rsf of the soviet socialist republic. this event became one of the turning points in the bitter struggle for power between him and the head of the ussr, mikhail gorbachev. in at the end of eighty-seven, yeltsin found himself in decline, but under the conditions of perestroika he managed to advance again, leading the russian democratic movement in defiance of the allied center. and he was elected chairman at the first congress of russian people's deputies, but only in the third round and with a minimal margin. perhaps many voted not so much for him as against him. state sovereignty, at the july congress in june of the ninetieth, a declaration on the cpsu was adopted, he announced his withdrawal from the communist party. laws of the rsfsr were placed above the allies, the split worsened, events developed progressively,
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and yelson finally gained the upper hand after an unsuccessful coup attempt in august. if you are planning to buy or build your own house, you can do this with government support, thanks to the national project housing and urban environment, its goal is to improve the living conditions of citizens, the government initiative, my private house, also helps with this.
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we will tell you exactly what kind of support you can get in 5 minutes in the program. instructions. one of the main support measures was the distribution preferential mortgage programs for the purchase and construction of private houses. several such programs are being implemented under the national project housing and urban environment. let's start with a preferential mortgage, which is valid until july of this year; it is available to all citizens. deliveries up to 8% per annum can be obtained up to 6 million rubles. down payment from 30%. you can spend the money on buying a job. an individual residential building from a developer under an equity participation agreement, can be used to build a house under a contract or independently, and also using loan funds you can purchase land...a plot for construction. another preferential program is the family mortgage. parents can participate in it; who exactly is written in detail on the portal ask.dom.rf. the loan is given at a rate
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of up to 6% per annum and up to five in the far eastern federal district if the child was born on january 1, 2019. amount up to 12 million rubles. in moscow and the region and st. petersburg and the leningrad region, in other regions up to 6 million rubles. plan. the seller must be the developer; using a family mortgage, you can do it yourself build the house of your dreams, but at the same time all
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work must be carried out under a contract. a loan on preferential terms can be obtained under the far eastern and arctic mortgage program, the categories of citizens to whom it is available, several lists can be viewed on the portal sprosi.dom.rrf. loan terms: rate not... 2%, down payment from 20%, maximum amount 6 million rubles. but if you buy a house with a total area of ​​60 km, you can get up to 9 million. and the same amount is given for the construction of a private house, including with your own hands. in order for the bank to approve a preferential loan, you need a suitable project, so as not to waste time searching for approval, you can choose from the standard ones on the portal stroim.dom.rrf posted 1,200. house projects with an average area of ​​143 and more than 900 verified contractors from different regions of the country. any project can be downloaded for free along with all
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the necessary documentation. all projects that are published on the portal are pre -approved by the bank as collateral. accordingly, a person can only confirm his solvency, after which he will be issued a mortgage loan for exactly the project that he chose on our portal. we receive applications from contractors who are ready to build these projects, they are sent to us through our portal stroim.dom.rrf, where our moderators , within literally one or two working days , carry out a series of checks that confirm the reliability of a particular contractor and the viability of this or that another project. new personnel will help develop individual housing construction; within the framework of the national project, housing and the urban environment is working curriculum project f, it gives skills. interfaces between banking and housing construction. the ff project is a paid program for young professionals and
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graduate students, which allows them to work with mentors on the spot, carry out business tasks, and also receive training from experts. this program prepares specialists and experts in the construction industry, this is credit policy, this is construction expertise, this is construction control, client managers and also specialists in the profile, it and business analysts. let's let us repeat, the most important thing is to buy or build your own house, the national project housing and urban environment and the strategic initiative “my private home” help. a loan for individual housing construction can be obtained at a reduced rate under programs, preferential mortgages, family mortgages, far eastern and arctic mortgages, and you can find a standard house project... on the portal stroim.dom.rf. if you decide to become a specialist in the design and financing of individual housing construction, you can use the training program, project f. have any
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questions, want to know more about the measures state support, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will definitely communicate with relevant experts and specialists and tell you everything in one of the next releases of the instruction program. we watch to understand the world. educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website, our task was to take a stone, in the morning we were attacked, i open my eyes, but i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, he says, my mother just says it will strongly worry, i say now. she arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well, my eyes were closed, it was not clear that my leg was gone , and nothing could be changed about it.
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well, nothing, the most important thing is to be alive, you can go on reconnaissance with such people, and you will return from reconnaissance with such, i’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, it’s finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright. the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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it's easy to get lost in facts when you only see part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to do,
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it seemed to me for so long that european politicians were pretending to be idiots that i still didn’t even believe it myself, but i realized they weren’t pretending, they were just real idiots, i am today i sincerely tried to understand what macron was trying to say, at first i thought that the french language was simply very difficult, and then i realized that it is especially difficult to understand a person who speaks extremely.


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