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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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it seemed to me for so long that european politicians were pretending to be idiots that i didn’t even believe it myself, but i realized they weren’t pretending, they were just real idiots. today i sincerely tried to understand what macron is trying to say. at first i thought that french was just very difficult, and then i realized that it is especially difficult to understand a person who speaks...
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what is in the heads of these unfortunate people , and these pathetic defthongs, yes, but we used to think that they those intonge, yes, but in general somehow they didn’t work out either there or there.
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your cretin signed, well, i mean the french foreign minister, that is , then macron generally thought that he would be a banker, he signed an agreement in 14, after which there was a war in the center of europe for 8 years, 1500 people were killed, look what a nightmare, my god my, what’s going on, what’s happening, everything ’s fine, macron, what’s there to talk about with you, you’re talking about how you’re for freedom when you’re pathetic. the role of whose wife is played by a mediocre russian actor, why didn’t you notice that this is one on one? who is this? well you have you seen macron's wife? don't you understand that this is the spitting image of panin? that the main thing is the cunning of russian intelligence, mercilessness, that we managed to replace makronikha with panin, and no one saw it, makronikha finally...
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took a deep breath and wanders around america somewhere, and panin carries out the task, no, well, no tell me that you have to take this seriously, the man who banned artie because he felt offended, it's true, the man who banned the only, in fact the only media that was at the center of the yellow vests, which showed the truth when france shouted not only vivlya franz to arms citizens, but they shouted, arti thank you, and when our colleagues margu were under rubber bullets, they were beaten, they suffered, and after that he dares to talk about freedom of the media, yes , it’s funny, it’s a pity the nonentity, as cambron would say, is dead, the guard is dying, but does not surrender, but there are no guards there, so as not to surrender, that’s what this fool said in dresden,
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russia, which also threatens our security and behaves aggressively in towards ukraine, but russia will be here tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and yes, we are. an unprecedented moment in our history, when we ourselves should think about our defense and our security for ourselves as europeans. let's look around: there is a fascination with authoritarian regimes, let's look at europe. this is not a liberal moment we are experiencing. this trend is not a trend. this is the reality in hungary. this was the reality before the stunning elections in poland. and in our democracies everywhere, these ideas thrive, fueled.
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yes, you know, it seems not, well, therefore, as i already say, this speech was definitely written by panin. macronikha, as his teacher, would not allow her student to say such nonsense, but they are all fine now, because biden does not hear them, he is sleeping, while addressing the nation in
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honor of remembrance day, he actually passed out somewhere, he is having a dementor’s dream. i'm here because of the corrupt joe biden, he is the worst president in the history of our country, he is destroying our country. this country is collapsing quickly, immediately, but rapidly, at the borders, in the energy sector, in inflation, in everything you can name, the elimination of afghanistan, everything he has done,
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he is destroying our country, and he is also destroying it with weapons, these are exclusively his weapons. here is a set of these people who... i showed, these are at least people who were elected by someone, but there are several characters who will lead europe to a nuclear war, who were not elected by anyone at all, that’s what the pathetic secret lady stoltenberg says. the fact that we supply equipment to ukraine does not make nato a party to the conflict. we have the right to support ukraine, without becoming a party to the conflict, because we are helping ukraine.
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other allies. the next fool is barel. do we allow our weapons to be used further deeper into russian territory? some countries have begun to address this. i can fight back against someone who fights me with his territory. i'm sure the issue of the risk of escalation will be brought to the table by some. but the risk of escalation must be balanced against the need for ukrainians to defend themselves. these cretins don’t understand russia at all, so today vladimir vladimirovich explained everything so clearly, so specifically, so harshly about the strike with a high-precision weapon deep into our territory, that i would advise these idiots to buy bunkers in australia,
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it’s true, i honestly don’t know what they say there, when was he prime minister, prime minister... in norway, we communicated with him and resolved difficult issues regarding the barents sea, there, well, others, in general, could agree, at that time, i’m just sure... i didn’t suffer from dementia none if he is talking about the possibility of striking russian territory with long-range precision weapons, he, as a person who heads a military-political organization, although he is a civilian like me, but he still should know that long- range precision weapons cannot be used without space reconnaissance means, first, second,
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before the corresponding calculations, they may not even understand what they are entering, and the calculation, maybe
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the ukrainian calculation, enters the corresponding flight missions, but it is the task is prepared not by ukrainian military personnel, but by representatives of nato countries, well, these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, especially in small countries, they must generally be aware of what they are...
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adjacent territory, otherwise we will be forced to create security zone, look at all the reports of your
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western colleagues, no one talks about the shelling of belgorod and other adjacent territories, everyone only says that russia has opened a new front, is attacking kharkov, not a word than this was caused, they did it with their own hands, well, then they reap the fruits of their creativity, the same thing can happen in the case. the use of high-precision long-range weapons, which you asked about, and in general this constant escalation can lead to serious consequences, if these serious consequences occur in europe, how the united states will behave, bearing in mind our priority in the field of strategic weapons, is difficult to say they want a global conflict, it seems to me that they wanted to negotiate in the sphere strategic weapons.
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it’s finally coming, our state has already begun to reconfigure the tax system, which we talked about a long time ago, i really talked about the luxury tax, but a differentiated income tax, in a sense, this is true, i’m glad that this will not affect 97% of our population, 97% of the people in our country. will not feel and will not pay more taxes; moreover, a significant part of them, families with children, will pay less taxes, or rather, at the end of the year they will receive such a new year's bonus, apparently, they will receive back partially paid taxes, why is this good, why is this overdue, firstly, it is important to say that the svo has nothing to do with
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it at all, they talked about this long before the svo, but before the svo the mood may be in country. a dog’s heart is not a stone, in my opinion, it doesn’t work at school, at school there is a thunderstorm about female infidelity and unhappiness, but the heart is not a stone, this is a play about how a merchant’s wife, she was married off at the age of 16, she was 15 years old married to an old man, a greedy merchant, of the world i didn’t see a white man, all she did to calm her heart was charity, she
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gave away his wealth, in the end her fate turns out this way that... she is left with wealth, and a new young husband, and complete happiness, that’s what she needs teach children to give away, well, not to give everything away, of course, but let’s call it that, share, share what you earn, this is, firstly, happiness, firstly, it’s pleasant, and secondly, in the end it leads to good results for yourself, if the thought that you saved someone and helped someone, then they say that they are generally followed for this. salvation and the kingdom of god, but we will find out later. many people understand it this way. i know a huge number of people for whom sharing is the norm, this is their daily life. moreover, there are people who open 100 rubles from their pension of 15 thousand, you know, to send us somewhere for our training camps, to the front or to help belgorod residents, someone else, and there are people
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who earn huge money, and never shared, and do not share and do not count it is necessary, folded. justice, why is this everything, and why is it nothing, such a mood, it, and such people, money-makers, they sooner or later lead to much more serious consequences, to revolution, to civil war, not only in our country, do we remember this historical anecdote isn’t it a joke when the great, so-called french revolution began, and marie antoinette asked what they want, what they want, and they say, they
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want bread, well, let them eat, they don’t have bread, but if there is no bread, let them eat cakes, you know, we have this mood, let them eat cakes, it, unfortunately, in some circles is too explosive, strong, and somehow i feel... injustice in other circles reminds me of some things from more than 100 years ago in our history, after all, workers generally lived well in tsarist russia, to put it mildly, if you open gorky’s novel mother, which, well, one, let’s say, of the catechisms of bolshevism, yes, which turned many people against the authorities and made them bolsheviks, then on the very first pages it tells about a sixteen-year-old, if my memory serves me right, of a worker who works alone, rents a house, at the same time supports his mother, who does not work, and is thinking about buying him a shotgun for hunting or some kind of weapon for hunting, or an accordion,
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because there is nowhere to spend a lot of free time, what to do, yes, you can imagine that now a sixteen-year-old factory worker could rent a house, support his mother, learn to play the harmonica on weekends. trotsky describes in his memoirs that when they they entered the factories, the workers could not understand what they needed from them, because... they lived well, they lived well, and yet, the revolution happened, the amazing book that vladyka tikhan wrote, the death of the empire, is called, if whoever hasn’t read it yet, be sure to read it, just about how, by and large, because of these money-lovers who did not want justice, our great empire, the tsarist russian empire, collapsed, and he describes there the case of how kosygin was invited to speak at some plenum and talk about the fact that the soviet...
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had a multi-room apartment, while he had the opportunity to have many children, his wife would not work, he would have a servant. unfortunately, this is not the case with us. i just returned from beslan, naturally, a very difficult trip, like any trip to beslan, well, i communicate with people there, there’s a woman, one of her daughters died, and her other daughter became, well, let’s say, due to a mine explosion injury. a special child, not a child at all, a child. already 30 years old, but in general she is like this, she receives 20,000 for disability, the mother receives 10,000 as a benefit to care for
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this disabled person, but every day she needs massages, instructors, fitness rooms, trips to rehabilitation, many, many things, it is impossible to pay for 30,000, well, it’s simply impossible, it can’t be like that with us, it can’t be, okay, if it were a lower country, at least it wouldn’t be so offensive, but these... people, well, how can there be a pension of 15,000 rubles in a country where i specifically looked at the statistics, last year the sale of clothes costing from 300,000 per to half a million grew fivefold, the war, belgorod, a girl from beslan, pension is 15,000, and i don’t have anything against it, i don’t want to, first of all, i earn good money myself, thank god, and my clothes are not bad either, i don’t want to look now, you know, such a hypocrite who says that... this is all bad, wealth is bad, it’s not bad, it’s wonderful if you share, i don’t want it to turn out like in that joke, if you remember historical jokes, when the young lady from looks out the window in
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1917, asks what it is, what it is, dear coachman, yes, it’s a young lady revolution, and what do they want, oh, my grandfather also wanted a revolution, what do they want, they want there to be no rich people, oh, how sad, but my grandfather wanted there to be no poor people, so we want there to be no were poor, there is no need to ban clothes for... a happy day when i found out that our state has started this, you see, when 10% of all giant yachts in the world belong to russians, we cannot call ourselves a poor country, we should not be in a poor country there may be such pensions and such disability benefits, however, it arises the next question is where does this money go? which they will collect from wealthy people, they will go, they will go, as stated, to the most important thing, to support large families, mothers, to
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social infrastructure, i wanted... he says that the current decisions that the government makes are always deeply calculated, this is true, their task is to fulfill the tasks that the president set, and the president very clearly set certain goals before the thirtieth year, the level of well-being of citizens should reach completely different indicators, and at the same time it is necessary it’s not yet possible to strangle business, and what is very important is that all these proposals for harmonizing the tax system are precisely aimed at business, where, on the contrary, it is necessary
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to stimulate and support. that is, here , too, there is an innovative business that will just rise, but whether it will work out or not, it ’s not so much about business, but about income, there it’s about everything, there it’s about salaries, there it’s about super-high salaries, but there it’s just about simulating investment rather than consumption, about the possibility of deductions, about the possibility of exiting shadows and about the opportunity to live honestly, that is, there really is harmonization of the tax system, because it is very important that the young talented guys who are involved in administration. taxes we were clearly told: we see everything, we know everything, we will calculate everything, we understand everything, everything will be fine, but in six months we will see what the specific results are. dmitry, yes, well, we can only be happy about this, because, uh, well, that’s all that margarita discussed and of course, will need to be achieved, but i think that really, you’re right, the government must calculate and weigh all this. by the way, note how
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the procedure itself occurs.
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well, remember olanda, well, i remember, but in principle no, eat yes, but so, but no, yes, this is from here, you like tomatoes, so, and well, the same thing with these comrades, with scholz and with macron, there is no difference between them, by the way, it’s also interesting when we say europe, referring of course to history, yes, well, europe, well, france, germany, well, first of all, france, of course.
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well, it’s like a great power, it always behaves called it that, for centuries, now they really have the fifth republic already, what doesn’t paint them, but what’s the fifth, well, thank you, it’s not the third rey, what happened in general, what happened, what’s wrong with you in general, like raikin he said that it’s you who’s frowning or something, by the way, you know, it’s a bad thing for you, yes, by the way, when i looked at macron. i suddenly realized, well, that’s how propanin you are, i realized, this is our wonderful artist borisov in the film after two birds with one stone, in all this reasoning, there is, it would seem yes, well, no, yes, holokhvastov, here, but very smart, very smart, very smart just said that supplying ukraine with long-range weapons capable of hitting russian targets is not an escalation.


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