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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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therefore, when they say, now they are trying to rewrite a lot of things, they are trying to re... rewrite the history of the second world war, it’s really that the americans, if you ever come to perlharkhar, they will take you there, that’s when the first lecture is imprisoned there into the hall before the excursion, they talk about how it happened in a loud voice, and then higher, higher and higher, it turns out like this, at first, it means there was a mean blow on them, and then the americans removed everyone, as if they were taking you to arizona, monument to strength.
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we even agree with the former president of romania, but we will in no case let the ruto, who was going to bring us to our knees, pass, i remind you that from july 1, hungary will preside over the european union, so they have a very big problem here, the problem is that that the current european representation is also practically irremovable, that is, they would like to make it irremovable, but again they tell hungary.
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very possible, but while they really want to put the germans in their place, naturally, it is necessary to say that they achieved an equal position with the germans and the french in this weimar triangle, relying precisely on their closest allies, the only closest allies for the poles are the united states, these are the americans. under these conditions, of course, here you can agree or disagree. but in my opinion, biden still realized that he was losing, it seems that it dawned on him, or he was informed about this, because not yet, he even seemed to understand that, to whom, they showed him that trump was winning there and quite serious, so actions are being taken, actions that are, well, strange to say the least, when he is now unsealing 1 million barrels from the northeast reservoir reserve. which are intended for gasoline,
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naturally, only for emergency situations, but i understand that biden is an emergency in itself, but nevertheless it still seems to... causes a rather serious complication, the second step that he takes, he again claims that he will write off debt, student loans, student loans - this is 1.7 trillion dollars, he is not all, he is not all, he only announced on april 9, on april 9 that he would not, not all, but it is clear, yes, that in july of last year, on june 30 of last year, the supreme court recognized this measure as unconstitutional.
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yes, i’ll try to look at this whole thing from a slightly different perspective, so, i’ll say this, different, well, firstly, of course, humanity had a lot of things that were invented that were never used, in connection with this i always have chinese there is an example before your eyes that it was china that invented
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a fork and unscrew it, so to speak, it’s clear how tasteless it is, but secondly, what’s the problem for the united states to lose in ukraine, well, that’s where the united states won in the world? they gained much more than anything, yes, and at the same time it allowed them, now they say that on the quiet they got rid of the gold standard, although in reality it was, of course, no gold standard ever existed anywhere in life, so after the spanish and spanish gold inflation, but nevertheless, the financial system was redesigned for itself
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and not bad, so to speak, they didn’t really win the korean war, so to speak, well, although formally these were un troops from afghanistan, so they withdrew troops from afghanistan, i understand that. now trump, that now many other people in congress are saying that look like in afghanistan, here they are, who remembers it now, already now, now the twenty-fourth year was withdrawn in the twenty-first, no one remembers this now, if they didn’t have a systemic problem that they weren’t willing to take the entire world order and simply give it there ukraine, or vice versa, to take ukraine, there are conditions, no, no, no, no, well, no, because they won’t be able to. well, dim, well, yours is yours, i will say one phrase, i won’t do it again, but logic, forgive me, i have to interfere, you say, if i had to interfere with my logic, you’re like biden, i should interfere with you, you claim this, you now this was stated, not by me, you say, if there was a need to manage the entire world order, they would
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have measured themselves, i said so, that they would undoubtedly have measured themselves, if they had not pinned this particular administration on the collapse of the american-led liberal world order.
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he said, since he didn’t say that it needs to be replaced, he says, i was wrong, mia kulpa, it’s like my fault, i thought that everything would go badly, but it’s like with trump, but with trump everything it’s going well, we’re doing poorly, and it doesn’t matter. the article ends with the words, apparently, nothing will change the situation, well , the next move, as if something needs to be done, whistle everyone up to the moon, the next edition of the politician, which cites , as always, anonymous sources, some not anonymous, but they seem to not belong to their party, some kind of consultants, advisors, but in general they say that all the democrats who publicly say that biden is a flint, that he is the father of american democracy, yes, a firm handshake, we need this urgently.
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something in this sense about him, about biden, just about this administration, i sometimes have a conspiracy thought that is unusual for me, maybe biden was just nominated, there were other candidates, they were nominated just so that on blame it all on him, considering that the grandfather is on batteries, it’s enough to just stop giving all the pills, and the administration has been changed, that’s why i think there’s no respect for old age, i think, i think, by the way, this is not...
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so to speak , translated into german by zeiton veanda, of course, i have terrible pronunciation, but it’s the same, that means,
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yes, the same, that’s all, since i said macron, it means they definitely came up with it at the rockefeller foundation, now for me this riddle seems to have been solved, since nothing, not a teacher this, not panin, no one else, it’s as if there is nothing in macron except the rockefeller foundation, he is directly connected to it, when he was elected president the first time, his team spoke english, so when they were caught, here we are we don’t disagree, yes, yes, yes, well, that’s why this is all.
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at the same time, partly, as everyone noted there in general principle, for example, in defense one i read, they tried to calculate how many shells, galubis there are actually, for this it turns out that they are not there, so, how will they make up for this, i immediately said, as soon as they accepted this beat, with long-range weapons, which means this is marketing preparation for exactly this, macron’s tactical task. the people who gave the tasks, most likely, but this is really special and unimportant, but they were simply given the task, these are managers who
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are working out this function, in my opinion, just as europe was not preparing for any war, and is still not preparing , firstly, there is nothing, secondly, secondly, there is no, so to speak, mass so to speak, a rise, well, at least the borders were closed, in the end, mobilization will have to be announced, well, at least there is a bomb shelter, i don’t know, but alexander, there is one in europe, well, okay, there were bombs in the seventies. so from here, from here, strictly speaking, this hysteria, which in general shows one simple thing: something needs to be done to cover up, strictly speaking, the collapse of the ukrainian front, we need to cover up the defeat of the united west in this indirect war.
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that they have already robbed europe, there in general already there is no further talk, if less sane people come, that is , if they push through, so to speak, the postponement of biden to 2025, at least feet first, at any rate, they will be left with non-nuclear weapons, they will be inferior to us in nuclear weapons by twenty in the fifth year in the twenty-seventh most likely the same, the only thing in which it is fundamentally superior is the dollar economy,
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so in the twenty-fifth year to pull the dollar out from under china and under russia, this is a weapon of mass destruction in which they have an advantage. i’m used to it, unfortunately, it’s a terrible tragedy, but if people don’t want, don’t want to remember the tragedies that happened to him, then they want them, as they said, destroyed, built during the war - this is amazing, of course, someone wrote the text, at the same time, it should be noted that this was one of the most outrageous bombings of the second world war, while it was completely unfounded, strong to
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tokyo, the strongest, and absolutely unfounded, but please, well, i want to say that... in the east events are happening now not less interesting, no less important, not less, i would say even instructive, than in america and europe. i mean first of all the new aggravation of the situation around taiwan. on may 20, the inauguration of a new president took place, a man absolutely pro-american, a man who, immediately when he came to power, right now, he immediately began making statements that, well...
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he went to china and was released along with his wife, whom he took it from an orphanage - chankashi, because we must admit that
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they are going to remove everything connected with china, they have no relationship in this regard and gamindan and chiang kai-shek until the last, so to speak, stood for the unity of china, another thing is that they fought the communists there and there were their own, so to speak, problems, but they ...
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did not go from south korea to china, but accordingly from china to south korea. this is where we can draw the following conclusion: the situation as a whole in this region is heating up, quite obviously, because...
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who, in general, have nothing, well, about drezzdan, i would say that there is no need to joke here guys, but we are not joking, well, i understand that they are not joking, but they want to beat our deep territories, what jokes, this is too serious an issue to make a joke out of it, what jokes, they hit the kremlin, remind me, they flew in without a hitch, what did you say, that they are used to bombing druzden, this is not acceptable, they are used to , i want to remind you when it was who they were, how who, well, who they were, i can say very precisely, the german authorities.
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make your government think 100 times before sending weapons to ukraine, but i have no desire to argue on this topic, so today i i’m closing my speech, that’s it, well, let’s better discuss another topic, let’s have another, yes, that is, what we mean is that we understand this part, our differences, now our differences, they are cardinal and they will never agree, this is a tragedy, because now there is one scholz who has been suspended because now steinmeier has appeared. in general , think about the design that is being proposed, the frenchman, who was told that the president and the president would bring this, yes, but the frenchman, who was told in the kremlin in the year twenty-two, you understand that this will lead to a war with russia, in dressden he says that it is normal to give a long-range weapon to a weapon in dresden, which has already
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suffered from what it was in... it will convey the opinion that time heals, 512 people, including 91 the child was found by searchers when they came across this shot hole. in contact with the partisans , they burned down the village of all the inhabitants. a plan was developed for the ost, according to which it was to be destroyed.


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