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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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historical identity, because it is the basis of any national statehood, it is important that all those involved without humane treatment of people are established, even if these criminals are already dead. i present to you a new soldier, ribinin nikolai sergeevich. do you like books? yes, i write books. the classic has arrived, take it. thank you, if you could help, i don’t help like that.
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come on guys, let's get everything out of the way, calling passenger, i'll come back for you, do you hear, i 'll come back, we're used to watching videos online, it stopped working, install it, open it, we watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. let's see. we look in the application. i once again return to what i said, you and i do not differ in our opinions regarding the use of long-range weapons.
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europe in these relationships, when europe was actually in a state of favorable coexistence, cheap electricity, cheap gas.
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states, russia is a completely self-sufficient country. even if we imagine that russia tomorrow will be completely isolated from everything she can do. continue to exist peacefully, not a single european country can do this, and of course, the policy that is being pursued in europe today in relation to russia, it is aimed precisely at eliminating this injustice from their point of view, it must be taken away from russia has the opportunity
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to completely dispose of what it has, that’s why attempts to drag russia into further wars, that’s why attempts to fragment russia along national lines, that’s why these cries about: let’s save europe, because that in reality this unity of europe does not exist, shout, don’t shout, europe is moving towards its completion, towards its end. even look at today’s speech: italy, miloni, she is categorically against some, orban is categorically against others, and the fact that scholz was there with macron, well, only a person who does not understand today’s situation can say that they love each other, there is even the germans wrote that there was no male friendship between them, well, of course. why male friendship did not happen between them, so this current european situation, it absolutely clearly shows that the european union, as many today's experts say, if it lives for 10 years, then it can be a very good long term, they are in a hurry to change this situation,
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extend this period, allow europe to live and develop further, here today such an interesting event happened, in the morning you and i talked about... the statements of the pope have already forced him to apologize, the pope has already been forced to apologize, he was against accepting gays, yes, moreover, the conversation took place at the bishops' conference in rome, which was closed , where, in principle, the conversation was about how the pope could apologize, i mean, well, he, that is, he... to whom can he apologize, he, no, well, not he, of course, apologized, but they have already written today on the pages of the vatican , an explanation has already appeared that they cited excerpts only from his speech, in fact, he wrote that there is a place for everyone in the church, he said that there is a place for everyone in the church, this is of course , but
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the lord said differently, in different languages, apparently, i still understand, so here it is fragmentation, of course, this is... you just know, this is such an indicative moment, there is absolutely no unity, i think that there will be none, dad never intended to offend, expressed in homophobic terms, apologize to those who felt offended, we use the term front to others, bruni, read the bible, the bible clearly says, it says it’s offensive for them, which means that regarding our disagreements with you, we, dear friend, the fact is that you are a russian person, soviet, that’s why you treat sacred to memory.
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because we are humanists and we say that the soviet soldier, when he fulfilled his sacred duty, he saved cities, saved peaceful people. they don’t understand us, because these people, like you very accurately said, that every german people believe that they have the right to dictate morality to us, because they still believe, consider themselves a school teacher who has the right to dictate, elders, yes, so do the french , they believe that they are above us, and can teach us lessons, this is exactly what they could not survive, that we told them they said, and what did you decide that you are our teachers, you know, also on the issue of dresdon, i completely agree with you, because we always say that...
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a ghost is wandering around europe, or rather, rushing about, not
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of communism, but delays, it’s easy to find zelensky by the rotten smell, where to go, he went to belgium, signed a security certificate for filkin, begged for weapons, and at the same time the question is simple, some dekre signed with him, with a big question, with whom did he sign, that is, well...
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i would really like it personally president biden was present, i know that america supports the summit, but you and i don’t know at what level. i think that this is not a very strong decision, with all due respect to every us citizen, they help us a lot, but now it will be very simple, there will be a peace summit. world and is needed by other leaders who are watching i believe that president biden needs the summit to the us reaction, his absence will be personally applauded. of course he’s completely dumbfounded, that is, he’s already jumping on people, that is, they fed him, they fed him from his hand
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a little pig, so time passed and the pig grew, and what grew, what grew, grew, as it was said in the wonderful soviet film circus, the pig grew, the pig, and the pig is illegitimate, so the bloody dwarf can grunt, grunt, ukrainian authorities , it is really necessary to carry out such a serious, in-depth analysis,
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but the first thing i will bring up and what my colleagues report to me is this: the constitution of ukraine provides for the extension of powers, but they are only happy, and the extension of the powers of the president in constitution.
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that there is a contradiction between the constitution, which only talks about the extension of the powers of the rada in conditions of martial law, the law that i just talked about, the law from, in my opinion, 1900 2016, which determines the legal status of martial
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law, there, as i already said , i repeat.
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i think this is no longer connected in any way with the constitution, that maybe the idea of ​​the owners, today’s owners of ukraine, they are overseas, is to entrust the executive power to the current executive power the time when all unpopular decisions were made,
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including the adoption of another decision to demote, further demote, demote...
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this is the fundamental difference between putin and zelensky, putin is a lawyer, and read the constitution of ukraine, but zelensky did not read, and at the same time...
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well the last time such command of troops was on the part of adolf loizovich, he also swore at his generals for leaving the territory there, shouted
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to hold on to the last, well, even though he was a freighter, even though he served in the army, it’s true the result, you remember how it ended, i want to say again, there must be competent leadership, this starts with this, you need to understand the strategy, how the war is waged, tactics, understand that you understand less than your generals. you like them, you don't like them, but they are professional. if you don't trust professionals, why do you think you'll be a better leader? why do you think so? you don’t like the way a doctor or surgeon works, so you’ll take a scalpel and start performing operations instead? but when they warned you that you were choosing a clown, who does not know how to lead the government , they still said, it ’s okay, well, here you go, now the clown is overdue.
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changed the structure of this constitution, but ultimately came to the conclusion that this is a parliamentary-presidential republic, the constitution is written exactly like that, what
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is the essence, why the extension of the verkhovna rada under martial law was written into the constitution, but there is no president, well, because that this has its own logic, the president issues a decree only he on the introduction of martial law, accordingly, well, well... this nonsense, if the president has the opportunity to carry out martial law whenever he wants, and at the same time never hold elections himself, well, that is, that’s it, you carried out a decree, it doesn’t matter if there is a war, no war, that is, how long will zelensky have this military the situation will last, someone will tell him, yes, someone will explain, we remember how zelensky accused petro poroshenko of trying to introduce martial law in several regions in order to postpone or... cancel the presidential elections in ukraine, well, here's zelensky now is doing what he accused his predecessor of, and accordingly, the constitution provides that you can introduce
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martial law, which is not from me.
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yes, the constitutional court is insignificant, well, that is , the decision of the constitutional court is recognized as insignificant, period, yes, that is, this, here, here is all the understanding of zelensky with a diploma, he needs to catch it while there is still an opportunity, there is a table, while there is a chair, ink , to write, i consider the decision of the last court to be insignificant, yes, to appear at the horror with it, to say, i have everything written down, that is, in principle, everything is logical, and indeed, putin has laid it out neatly.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. changing entire locations in pursuit of views is easy to do.
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we have an understanding of who should now represent the legitimate government in ukraine, if if they are for it, well, again, they can change it there, but then change it, but for now it’s a boar, and in place of the boar poroshenko negotiations, we noticed how yulia vladimirovna again look good, well, yulia vladimirovna always feeds on blood.


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