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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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the implementation of political technology fell on him, and so it turned out that evgeniy dikiy, who calls for tough mobilization, the most severe, so that it all happens, he turns out to care about penguins, and he has a fund to help penguins, and you find out that penguins drink wildly because there. the list of what the wild one needed, it’s fantastic, which means the penguins smoke cuban cigars, drink dry wine, that is, well, life is hard, remember the old classic soviet film, this déjà vu, there too, yes, they drove on the ice vodka, but it dried up, disappeared somewhere, that either or as you write in a classic film, they were thrown into the abyss. our task was
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to take a stone, in the morning we were attacked, well , i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, she says, it ’s just my mother, she says, she will be very worried, she says, now, she arrived early in the morning and i immediately cried, well, it’s like a department for me...
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russia, russia, russia, russia 24. and who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here? and space pirates. i i love the children, they will meet again. i wanted to offer you my hand and my heart. an interesting proposal, but...
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they are going to study penguins using the scientific oceanographic vessel neosphere, for them they will order 28 kg of octopuses, 118 kg of salmon fillet, 140 kg of salmon steak, 5,000 chicken eggs, 168 bottles of red, 112 bottles of white and 4 kg of caviar
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on my own, some kind of generator of random phrases, because, watching this
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degradation of zelensky, you know, i noticed, from one interview to another, his contradictions are becoming more and more numerous, he contradicts himself within the framework of one. he was counting on something completely different, he was counting on biden coming, supporting him, the british there, i don’t know, the europeans, everyone would send status delegations, as we said, they would take a family photo, everything would be beautiful and we we will present everything to russia, but now it turns out
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that there is no peaceful plan on the table, they are discussing that there are three points, an exchange of all for all, there is nuclear safety and some other thing, but that’s it, let everyone will they give away what's left? whether he will go or not, whether he will take part there or not, nato, i mean, no, it’s in america, that is, well, well , i don’t know, he will not take part there , i don’t know, because a person, a person is completely immersed, a person is completely immersed in his election campaign, of course, ukraine has become a factor in domestic
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politics, whether we like it, the united states of america, whether we like it or not, and biden somehow can’t ignore it, i completely agree with... if it depended only on him, you remember poroshenko, how he wanted to introduce this martial law in order to prolong himself, yes, but the verkhovna rada was different, now stefanchuk’s responsibility for everything that happened to ukraine after may 21
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should be even much higher than the responsibility of someone who wants to usurp zelensky’s power, in this matter, precisely in this matter, in the issue of war, of course, it should be zelensky’s responsibility, by the way, i...
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that means, well, as always, she’s on the team zelensky, how is she, she interviews him constantly, and there she supports this regime, she invited one patriot, a businessman, and outright for...
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they generally became insolent, they work for their own pocket, just for themselves personally, they had all
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of us, the whole country, and you ’ll get to the bottom of them, that the tax sites have disappeared, that getmantsev is fighting something there, are you serious, how will it be, that’s the answer to all the questions, senior ancestor, well done, works well for us, i just understand, ukrainians should really see all this, because the authorities...
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something for the audience, throughout this evening, that i ask, so i just have to explain , dear presenter vladimir losforovich is paying special attention to me, yes, they say that the only one who is not corrupt, that’s why, i just recently it was my birthday and vladimirevich congratulated me in this way, so by the way, by the way, you didn’t cover the clearing, but before you brought a kiev cake.
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to spoil things a little bit, he also gave an interview in ukraine and said that putin is inadequate, if only he were adequate, then it would be like this, this, that is, he worked part-time, yes, he shared, as they say, information, and now zelensky expects that there will be a tandem next, that is, he came to organize the summit, and biden says, i won’t go, he says, wait, old man, stop, stop, i helped you, i helped, and here you are, this is what you’re doing, i didn’t understand, i didn’t understand. exactly 100%, yes, that’s how it works, but in fact, seriously,
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zelensky is already in portugal, that is , in 2 days he visited spain, belgium, now in portugal, kings accept him , as they say in ukraine, prime ministers vouch for signing some agreements, but i really asked myself this question, okay zelensky, he is illegitimate, that’s understandable, he is illegal, but these people, prime minister of spain, prime minister of belgium, they sign documents with whom? after some time , there will still be a new government in ukraine, if ukraine survives, of course, and the person, that’s how it is, that’s the way it works in ukraine, the person who will become the leader will come to spain, he’ll say, what did you sign with him? agreement, who is he anyway? now you don’t need to demand anything from me, this is the first, second, i’m quite seriously immersed in the information policy of ukraine, directly, there are a lot of people who are wondering: wait, wait, if zelensky is illegitimate as a president, but he is legitimate as the supreme commander in chief , and he has the right to give commands to the generals, and
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so on, you understand, that is, that is, this topic is slowly with a creak, but it is going on inside ukraine, which means that at least part of... in my opinion, but the doctor of sciences, stefanchuk, what did you graduate from or what, what sciences did he read, no, he just really exists, he is a doctor, what sciences did he cure, doctor, doctor, about all kinds, about every possible way, yes, in my opinion, philosophical, it’s true that you are a nobel prize laureate, yes, in what area, vinny, so, now probably someone from his circle, and you know, this is such a golichansky, western thing,
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it’s suitable to him, he says, you feel what putin said about you, have great respect, i’m with you hello.
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the ministry of finance has launched the process of changes in the tax sphere. the bills he developed are already in the government. the discussion in the cabinet of ministers will take place on thursday. according to finance minister anton siluanov, the adoption of the proposed changes will provide stable and predictable conditions for business citizens and regions for the next 6 years and will increase the economic well-being of the country. this includes. that the more earnings, the higher the tax, as it became known from published documents of the ministry of finance, they propose to maintain the existing rate of 13% for those who receive less than 2,400,000 rubles. per
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year, or more than 200,000 per month. everyone whose salary is more than this amount, but less than 5 million will pay 15%. for those who receive from 5 to 20 million, the rate will be 18, up to 50 million 20%, over 50 - 22. if we take: a specific example, a person earning 250,000 rubles per month will pay only a thousand rubles extra, exactly the usual 13% from 200,000 and another 15 from the remaining 50. it is necessary to emphasize that the vast majority of citizens will not be affected by the tax changes. according to ministry of finance estimates, now 64 million people work in russia, more than 2,400,000 rubles. 2 million russians earn, this is only 3%. it’s worth mentioning separately about the category. for the self-employed, the self-employment regime is maintained, and rates remain at the same level. also, the increase will not affect income from the sale of real estate, dividends, income from deposits, and
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securities. families with children who receive low income will benefit from tax payments; the rate for them will actually be 6%. about half will be able to use it of the total number of all families with two or more children in the country. by increasing the rate, they will essentially affect a smaller portion of the taxpayer. for the remaining 96 percent or more, this is either an improvement, if the household has children, or unchanged conditions, there will be categories of households that will feel these changes, and once again positive changes - this is primarily for families with children with not the highest incomes, they according to preliminary calculations , they will pay less, additional budget revenues that will be received due to tax changes will go to support the social sphere, healthcare, housing construction and infrastructure, as well as funds for...
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the issue of social justice in general , the fairness of the tax system. do not forget that the concept of justice is relevant not only for citizens, but also for business. it is proposed to increase the income tax for legal entities from 20 to 25%. but this will not affect those companies that operate under agreements on the protection of investment capital, special investment contracts in special economic zones. special conditions are also provided for the it sector. increasing the rate for the income tax paid by companies is also a return to a certain extent to what already happened, there was an era of lowering
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income tax rates, it was worldwide, and russia also reduced its rate, now it turns out that our rate income tax, it is one of the lowest in the world among industrial countries, so we follow the general trend of increasing income tax rates. small businesses are also mentioned in the ministry of finance documents. if previously this category included companies with revenue from 250 million rubles. now the parameters will be different, from 60 to 450 million. in russia , more than 96% of enterprises earn less than the lower limit, that is, for the majority nothing will change. the rest are expected to be disciplined when paying vat, because in fact many large companies did not pay this tax, but preferred to split up their business. for several small ones, for those who were noticed in such practices, starting from the twenty-second year, it is proposed to introduce a tax amnesty, which will create conditions for business to come out of the shadows. taking into account the recommendations of the state duma,
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received by the government, tax amendments must be adopted in the spring session so that the changes come into force on january 1, 2020. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. look, look, in the app or on the website, stand, who are they, new guys, this is with me, passenger, reporter, director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you can sing somehow, i shave, quickly, we don’t need names, she doesn’t trosh, or what, not a trosh, not yours, you little crumb. god's light, homer to the bullet gun, no, what to do, commander, what to do, that's it, that's it, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign.
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i suggest you change the passenger to rebin’s call sign, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure.
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you will die, i’m like us, he says, who will protect you if not me, many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduation. school, went in a roundabout way to serve as volunteers, learned what it was like to be on the front line in a war, my younger brother, also 17 years old, seryozha, also wants to go the same way, i realized that i can’t sit anymore, there is something to learn from the young guys.
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when talking about strikes against russia, nato representatives must be aware of what they are playing with. in uzbekistan, the president spoke about the legitimacy of the kiev regime, foreign mercenaries in ukraine, as well as the situation in the kharkov region. all the main statements of the country's leader are from elizaveta khramtsova. vladimir putin's state visit to uzbekistan lasted even longer than originally planned.


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