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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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speaking about attacks on russia, nato representatives must be aware of what they are playing with, constant escalation.
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negotiations, you need to understand who has the right , because in order to talk about potential representatives of kiev under the constitution of ukraine, this person is the speaker of parliament, but for now those who call themselves the authorities are fulfilling their final one.
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the time for the current executive branch to make all unpopular decisions, including making another decision overseas, is to assign further reductions called-up age, now it was 27, now 25, the next stage could be 23 or immediately 18 years old, and after making this or other unpopular decisions... acting today as if representatives of the executive branch, i think they will be replaced by people on the shoulders , which will not be which will not have this responsibility for decisions made that are unpopular among the people. and against this background , the voices of western politicians almost merge into a chorus, who now begin to say that they have the right to decide what to do with the weapons received from their partners, which means they are free to choose.
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any targets on russian territory, not only in its new regions, and at the same time nato countries will supposedly remain aloof from the conflict, but here it is obvious, the russian president emphasizes, kiev’s support is not limited to the transfer of arsenals; long -range precision weapons cannot be used without space reconnaissance means, first, second, and the final choice of target and the so-called flight mission.
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remember that this is, as a rule, a state with a small territory, with a very dense population and this factor that they must keep in mind, before talking about striking deep into russian territory, they must be aware of what they are playing with, the russian president noted about representatives of the nato countries, now that the russian armed forces are demonstrating success near kharkov, it is worth remembering the events it was the state that provoked it on the approaches to the city. north atlantic alliance, because our military is now working to ensure the security of belgorod. everything is now going on around the event, on the outskirts of kharkov, so it was they who provoked these events in this direction. six months ago, i think, i publicly said that if they continue to strike residential areas, we will then be forced to create a security zone. nobody talks about the shelling of belgorod and other surrounding areas. everyone
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is only talking about the fact that russia has opened a new front, is attacking kharkov, not a word about what caused this, they did it with their own hands, well, they are reaping. then the fruits of their creativity, and in general this constant escalation can lead to serious consequences if these serious consequences will advance in europe, how will the united states behave, bearing in mind our priority in the field of strategic weapons? it’s hard to say, they want a global conflict, it seems to me that they wanted to negotiate in the field of strategic weapons, but for some reason we don’t see a great, great desire to do this.
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countries along with the poles, others will leave, the poles will never, this is an obvious thing, under the guise of liberating, liberating some units of ukraine standing along the border, releasing them in order to send them to the battlefield, and keep along the borders to ensure their safety, nonsense and nonsense, that’s all,
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another step towards a serious conflict in europe and a global conflict. the united states does not forget about russia’s friends in central asia; officials at various levels are actively visiting.
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many do not want to be an empire and carry such an imperial burden and responsibility, they do not want and do not want to expose their country to any dangers and drive them into some difficulties. extermination to find a way out of the conflict, the west is trying to draw a conference on ukraine, which in 2 weeks it will take place in switzerland and a certain consolidated position of the world community, vladimir putin believes, the west is only naming its wishes. they say: we are not ready now.
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they will offer us at some other stages, we don’t know, so i don’t have an answer on this matter, but i always look with surprise at some kind of gestures on the part of our western friends and partners who say that russia refuses negotiations, said a thousand times, as if there are no ears, they want to draw something, create the appearance of global support.
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the united states is under pressure from its allies in europe and the nato secretary general so that washington allows kiev to strike ukraine with american weapons. this paradoxical theory is presented by the washington post, and at the same time the publication blames the double game of the british, since in words the head of mid-cameron gave ukraine the green light during a recent visit there. at the same time, in reality, london did not allow kiev to use british weapons for attacks on russia, the washington post claims.
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meanwhile, french president macron during visit to germany tried to push through chancellor scholz, who is actively against it. in a new speech , macron proposed a softened version of the initiative; he called for permission for ukraine to fire western weapons at those russian military installations from which attacks on the armed forces of ukraine are being carried out. however, western curators, of course, are lying. the kiev regime has long been using nato weapons to attack russian territory. here is a recent example, reported. from the ministry of defense. on tuesday evening, russian air defense shot down a guided bomb over the belgorod region
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hammer made in france. also, the belgorod region was repeatedly attacked using the czech vampire multiple launch rocket system. and now in usa they want to attack belgorod and other russian regions with longer-range weapons, such as the same anglo-french stormshadow missiles, they were previously launched towards crimea, the british seemed to turn a blind eye to this. the publication claims that kiev received angry calls from berlin and washington threatening to stop supplying missiles if this happens again. during the day units of the central, southern and eastern groupings of our armed forces again occupied more advantageous positions. ran in all directions of the northern military district in the donetsk people's republic and collectively destroyed more than
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1,200 ukrainian militants, in battles on the territory of the kharkov region, the hottest area remains the city of volchansk, where the film crew of evgeniy poddubny and alexander pushin were one of the first russian journalists to get there. this is how we try to fly into volchansk on a bug under the cover of an electronic warfare station. they are knocking out the enemy, our film crew entered bolchansk, we are in the northern part
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of the city, the northern part is under the control of a unit of the russian army, these are the volchanskaya ruins, there have been fierce battles here for more than a week, the city is virtually destroyed, i remind you that the enemy used volchansk earlier, in order to carry out terrorist attacks on the cities of the belgorod region, multiple launch rocket systems were hidden in volchansk, ammunition was hidden, from here the rszzo moved to firing positions in order to hit purposefully in residential areas of belgorod and other cities in the belgorod region, now our fighters are pushing back the enemy. the battles
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are primarily due to the fact that the military theater is fierce, heavy fighting, in fact, the action is saturated with artillery and fp drones. the scout, his call sign is a specialist, a volunteer, he has been fighting for a long time, he says that the nature of the war has changed dramatically in recent months, and the battle is for the volchans. the first such battle in the new stage, you need to constantly be on fox, constantly monitor the sky, the road, movements, who is where, what... now the war is completely different, now it’s practically a war of drones, so to speak, drones, they hang 20 almost 24 hours a day, and they work if a bird, the bird’s battery runs out, another one flies up, it is replaced at the same moment, which runs out of battery flies away, and so they constantly
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fly up, another one flies away, so they constantly monitor and understand what is happening. interaction we try to drive further down the street, then an explosion occurs. the result of remote mining of the enemy. the formation of the kyiv regime is delivered anti-personnel mines using uavs, our specialists do the same. a mine just went off under our car, we lost a wheel, but we can’t stop. the guys control the sky, during the explosion our operator alexander pushin is injured, shrapnel hit sasha in the leg, the bugs are damaged, but he’s lucky, alexander vladimirovich is engaged in self-help, puts on a tourniquet so as not to distract the group and not slow down, in general the situation is as follows: i’m in the back
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cameraman sasha pushin was driving in the car. available reserves. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news from volchansk. let me add that the operator of our film crew, alexander pushin, is now in the hospital. his life is not in danger. we, of course, wish him a speedy recovery. president of belarus alexander lukashenko signed a law
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suspending the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe. that's it. let me remind you. russia withdrew from the agreement six months earlier, also in response to the unfriendly actions of the western participants in this agreement. agreement limiting the western and eastern blocs in the number of tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and combat aircraft was concluded in 1990, in the hope of ending the cold war forever, but as stated in moscow, the expansion of nato to the east created an imbalance of power, which was aggravated by the admission of finland to the alliance and. after the czech republic and poland, and then other nato members, openly refused to fulfill their obligations towards minsk, the belarusian parliament adopted a law on the suspension of dovse on may 6, 2024. called it political terrorism alexei lungu, leader of the opposition moldovan party chance, was detained at the chisinau airport.
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they kept him checking his luggage for almost 3 hours, but nothing suspicious was found. let go. according to the politician himself, such steps by the moldovan authorities indicate their fear of the opposition. long was previously informed about the detention by the russian-language media of the republic and his wife. according to them, this happened after alungu returned from moscow, where he took part in the brix international financial and economic forum. opposition rally ended in tbilisi against the law on foreign agents. this time everything went peacefully. according to local media reports, rustavel avenue. reopened for traffic, the next action, let me remind you, began simultaneously with a meeting of parliament, which on tuesday, despite protests, western pressure and even a presidential veto, nevertheless approved the sensational bill. the controversy surrounding him did not subside for more than a year. for some reason, the pro-western opposition calls the document pro-russian, although in fact it is copied almost word for word from american law. after the decision
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parliament west reacted with lightning speed. the us state debt stated that the law would allegedly interfere. european integration, a step back, was also called by the head of the european council, charles michel, but georgian prime minister irakli kabakhidze declared the inadmissibility of political blackmail on this topic and warned against a possible repetition of the ukrainian scenario. israel declared its non-involvement in the attacks on the almawasi humanitarian zone. it is located west of rafah. this is stated in a statement by the defense army of the jewish state. representative. sahal claims that when the strikes involved two small rounds of 17 kg of explosives each. on the evening of may 26 , israeli army airstrikes hit residential buildings. where the refugees were taking refuge, a large fire broke out. at least 45 people died. israel said the attack targeted two hamas commanders who were holed up near
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a displaced persons camp. idf representatives said they were investigating the reasons that led to the tragedy. but let’s return to the presidential agenda: after his visit to uzbekistan, vladimir putin spent meeting with the head of ingushetia mahmud ali kalimatov. during the conversation, the president. pointed out the importance of creating favorable conditions for business in the region, in addition, the focus was on the construction of kindergartens and schools last time, but before that, your life expectancy is higher than in other regions of the country in general, and the population is growing , is growing up, but from here questions arise, this is the number of places in kindergartens in... if, this is the number of visits to clinics, that’s how i understand it, that some of the most pressing issues, more than 40 kindergartens were put into
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operation in 3.5-4 years, uh, new ones, we now have a little left, only 3,000, somewhere it remains only to be introduced, in addition, we have 23 more we renovated schools, kindergartens, outpatient clinics, i see that industrial production is growing due to which i myself head the investment council and well, i can tell you that 40 portfolios, the last time we looked at seven packages of portfolios, yes, an investor came to us to build a vital gas plant. russia and magathe may further discuss the restart of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was announced... by the head of the international atomic energy agency, rafael grosse, following negotiations with the head of rosatom, alexei likhachev. they took place in kaliningrad on the territory of khrabrova airport. grossi
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noted that it is now impossible to restart zas, but diplomatically kept silent about the reasons for this decision. alexey likhachev had to be reminded about them, the point is the constant provocations of ukraine, including drone attacks. but the state of the station itself , according to rosatom specialists, is quite meets safety requirements. we assess the current state, technical condition, state related to personnel at the zaporos nuclear power plant as absolutely safe, this allows us to make not only the assessments of our specialists, but also the opinion of rostechnadzor, all necessary procedures are carried out, both from the point of view of the physical protection of the plant, additional methods of protection. storage of spent nuclear fuel, physical protection systems, means of combating unmanned aerial vehicles, so from the point of view of comfortable activities at the station directly
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from the personnel, we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website, what do you remember about this day in history? we'll tell you right now. hello. on may 29, 1606, a new tsar appeared in russia. vasily shuisky, the last of the rurik family on the throne. he was an influential and treacherous boyar, experienced in intrigue and conspiracies, who wrote his page in the history of troubled times. he served three tsars: ivan the terrible, fyodor ioannovich, boris godunov. and when the throne fyodor godunov took over, betrayed him and went over to false dmitry i. he, too, from... organized a rebellion in moscow, false dmitry was killed by the money changer, but was forgiven and even elevated, and then shuisky was proclaimed tsar on that day, but his position remained shaky:
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first it was necessary to suppress the peasant uprising of ivan bolotnikov, then a new impostor appeared, false dmitry ii, who was supported by the poles. shuisky entered into an alliance with the swedes, but this only prolonged the agony; the people did not like him. historian vasily klyuchevsky wrote, quote. main reasons there were discontent. an incorrect path to the throne and his dependence on the circle of boyars who elected him and played with him like a child. shuisky was overthrown in 1610; he died in polish captivity; power in russia passed into the hands of seven boyars, seven noble boyar families. on may 29, 1895 , the first british edition of h. g. wells's novel the time machine was published. 3 weeks before this, the americans published it, but in an abbreviated form. and the british version is considered classic. the famous writer 10 years before einstein, put forward the idea of ​​a four-dimensional world, added to spatial dimensions. the fourth is extension in time and laid the foundations
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of the whole. direction in science fiction, but the time machine is also a philosophical work, a vivid example of the dystopian genre. wells painted a picture of the degradation of humanity in the future, as a result of deep social antagonisms, the time traveler finds himself in a society where the eloi live, these are the idle nobility and the morlocks, the working people who have gone underground, both of which are examples of degeneration. the eloi are helpless and fall prey to the morlocks. moving forward by billions of years, wells's hero... observes a dying earth, where there are no more people, only giant jointed legs, and then they disappear. this is also a novel of warning, imbued with eschatological motives. it was republished many times, including in our country, and filmed more than once. on may 29 , 1918, the state commission of soviet russia for education decided to
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create an institute of physical culture. the country was experiencing a crisis, famine, devastation, civil war, but the concern for physical education was considered a priority with the idea the institute was addressed by vera bonchebruevich, the wife of one of the most influential people in the state, lenin’s closest assistant, vladimir bonchebruevich. she emphasized that the training of physical education teachers and instructors should be put on a scientific basis, therefore, from the very beginning, the educational process was combined with research in the field of sports pedagogy. this was necessary for mass development. physical education of sports in the twenties and thirties, during the war years the institute of physical education trained nurses and orderlies, ski fighters, they trained here hand-to-hand combat, overcoming obstacles, throwing grenades, teachers and students worked in hospitals, many went to the front, today it is a russian university of sports, there are 39 departments, four faculties, the central olympic academy , the research institute of sports sports medicine. may 1990 boris elson
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became chairman of the supreme council of russia of the then rsfsr soviet socialist republic. this event became one of the turning points in the bitter struggle for power between him and the head of the ussr, mikhail gorbachev. in at the end of eighty-seven, yeltsin found himself in decline, but under the conditions of perestroika he managed to advance again, leading the russian democratic movement in defiance of the allied center. and he was elected chairman at the first congress of russian na...
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developed progressively, yeltsin finally took over after an unsuccessful coup attempt in august 1991, and in december 1991 he signed the belovesh agreements on the liquidation of the soviet union. this is what this day in history was like. and you're not at all are you changing? did you miss me, baby? the fate of the milky way planet and thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies is in our hands, 100 years ago, it turns out that time heals, 512
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people, including 91 children. introduced a resolution on the inadmissibility of the deralization of nazism. mostly europeans abstained. the united states voted against it. in a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved inhumane treatment.


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