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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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in the yuzhnodonetsk direction, the russian military razed the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces to the ground. the strong point was hit by a new heavy one. tosochka flamethrower system, after completing the task, the crew took the vehicle to cover. the ministry of finance has submitted to the government an initiative to improve the tax system; the ntpl rate is proposed to be different depending on income; the increase will affect only about 3% of working russians, those who receive more than 200 thousand rubles per month. a meeting between vladimir putin and the head of ingushetia, mahmud ali kalimatov, took place in the kremlin. the president emphasized the importance of creating favorable conditions. for business in the region, but in addition,
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the construction of kindergartens was discussed. israeli tanks entered the center of rafah. the international press writes about this. in the united states, they do not believe that tel aviv has launched a full-scale operation in the city. algeria algeria, in turn, intends to propose a ceasefire resolution in rafah to the un security council. in the lugansk people's republic , russian attack aircraft received strong support from tankers and artillery. combat vehicles and artillery batteries with precise volleys destroyed the ukrainian armed forces' fortifications and prevented the enemy from delivering ammunition to the front line. our war correspondent, alexey baranov, saw the combat work. the crew received a combat mission : the t-90 breakthrough is now heading to a closed firing position, which is located just a few kilometers from the front line. this is how combat vehicles move to the firing lines in the dust and over rough terrain. tankers of the central. military district
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today they are working from closed firing positions, the crew commander with the call sign sanya says we need to talk about interaction with the engineers of the ural carriage plant, who developed this machine, they are constantly modernizing it, for this they come straight to the line of combat contact, don’t be afraid, this is the most difficult thing, when we go to work, we have reduced the time as much as possible, thanks to the factory workers who came, they told us, showed us that the computer completely calculates all the work that should have been done here. the driver mechanic with the call sign sten worked on all modern types of russian tanks. he rated the t-90 as a concrete combat situation in the ovdeevsky direction. a completely different job, this is a real machine. we were given the task of escorting equipment, well, infantry. we went to the colonies. we stopped at umansky. have worked, and this
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is the artillery of the central military district, unlike tankers, units working with d-30 howitzers do not approach the line of combat contact, they operate at a considerable distance from the front line, but also support the infantry moving forward, shot, with the help of our mapping officer putting on an assault squad, he flew a quadcopter, i saw that there were some movements near the basement and... came out to us, they were detecting something, the guns were constantly on duty, all this was happening around the clock, shot! alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev, line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, avdeevskoe direction. in the south donetsk direction of the special operation, fighters from the vostok group of troops destroyed a strong point with enemy personnel. scouts using drones and...
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in the belgorod region, they began installing special signs on the roads for residents, they they report which routes are safe, and where the ukrainian armed forces’ attack drone may appear. the russian military is doing everything possible to shoot down enemy drones as they approach the border. most often this is successful. but the militants
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use cheap equipment and launch more and more aircraft with ammunition. our special correspondent, stanislav grigoriev, with details. a black column of smoke over the village of bezy'. it was a car that was on fire, a civilian field was attacked by a ukrainian, the driver, fortunately , was not inside, but the car was destroyed. kamikaze drones the apu is launched dozens of times a day. they hit people indiscriminately on the roads of the belgorod region , and it’s easy to come across burnt equipment. these cars were attacked by drones near the village of shchetinovka. local residents have already learned to identify flying killers. you can hear it very far away, like a mosquito buzzing, then...
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the enemy is testing out new models in belgorod, enemy uavs can now not only fly in a straight line, they circle in search of a target. he's circling in circles over prokhorovka, there he is, he's a freak, he's changed his trajectory, now they're making circles, shooting at him, and shots are raining down. the sky over belgorod is protected by our armed forces and terrestrial defense, but the proximity to the border and the low cost of attack copters give the enemy a chance. they take in quantity, our fighters show the variety of downed drones of the ukrainian armed forces, planted by electronic warfare. poroshenko's charitable foundation, the simpler the cheaper, it consists, you see, of
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a battery, of the drone itself, a receiving antenna, and, as a rule, an explosive element is suspended from it, either a grenade, or... a charge from an rpg-7 . one of these kamikazes attacked a gas station the day before station in shibeikino. i was lucky that i hit the roof. there was no fire. at the exit from shibekin, on the bypass road, which actually runs parallel to the state border, special road signs were installed that warn drivers of the danger of a drone attack. unfortunately, the ukrainian army literally burns civilian cars every day. there are also signs that show it is safe. routes from shebekin to belgorod in the opposite direction, similar road tips will be installed on other regional routes, where for now kamika drones of the armed forces of ukraine can fly. egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, olga kurlaeva, news. the united states and germany oppose accelerating ukraine's entry into nato for
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fear of worsening relations with russia. the telegraph publication reports this with reference to sources. according to their information, the white house is very skeptical about kiev’s desire to join militarily. alliance. it is also known that on the eve of the july nato summit , zelensky was asked not to put pressure on representatives of the bloc. according to sources, the best they can offer ukraine at the moment has a certain long-term route, which should be perceived only as continued support. the satellite states themselves are suffering the most from american sanctions. this is how the russian ambassador to the united states, anatoly antonov, commented on the white house statement about a potential comprehensive trade embargo. on russian goods, the diplomat emphasized: with such a step, the american administration only confirmed its readiness to destroy global economic ties. according to antonov, moscow will use the restriction washington as an impetus for the development of import substitution. vladimir putin held
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a meeting in the kremlin with the head of ingushetia, mahmud ali kalimatov. the president emphasized how important it is to create favorable conditions for business in the region. also in the spotlight was the issue of building kindergartens. your life expectancy is higher than in other regions of the country in general, and the population is growing, growing, yes, but from here questions arise, this is the number of places in kindergartens, if, this is the number of visits to clinics, like this i understand that these are some of the most pressing issues. more than 40 kindergartens were put into operation in 3.5-4 years, yeah, new ones, we now have a little left, only 3.00 somewhere left just to be introduced, in addition, we have renovated 23 more schools, kindergartens,
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outpatient clinics, i see industrial production is growing, due to which i myself head the investment council and well... i can tell you that there are 40 portfolios, the last time we looked at seven packages of portfolios, and an investor came in. the russian ministry of finance made a proposal to the government to improve the tax system, when developing them, the ministry of finance, said its head anton siluanov, relied on the recommendations of the state duma, changes will ensure. stable and predictable conditions for citizens of business and regions for the next 6 years and will increase the economic
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well-being of the country, the minister noted. regarding the personal income tax, personal income tax, they are going to leave it unchanged at 13% for those who earn less than 200,000 rubles per month or 2,400,000 per year. if this threshold is exceeded, the rate will be 15%, over 5 million - 18%, up to 50 million - it is important to note that the progressive scale is proposed to be applied only to that part of the income that exceeds the basic 2000 rubles per month, moreover , such a measure will affect only a small part of citizens, a little more than 3% of the working population . the betting system, from what we hear, will be formed in such a way that the majority of the population will not be affected by these changes. probably, these changes will end with the fact that for the majority of the population, just as personal income tax was at a rate of 13%, so it
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will remain at this level, and for wealthier categories of individuals, personal income tax rates will increase. in addition to personal income tax, changes are also envisaged in terms of income tax, this is for companies. i’ll tell you about this in our next issue, but for now on to other news. fuel prices in russia. segments remain stable, there is no shortage, this was stated at a meeting of the headquarters on the situation in the domestic petroleum products market, which was chaired by deputy prime minister alexander novyk. according to the ministry of energy, fuel reserves in the country are at a high level, rail transportation is on schedule. the domestic market is fully supplied with gasoline and diesel. alexander novyk instructed to prevent the gray export of petroleum products, including through the territory of the ias, and to separately ensure that a number of eastern regions of russia and crimea are completely ... sintered with fuel. the discount on eurol oil by the end of may was $16
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per barrel. this was reported by the gazprom bank price index center. the discount for the russian export variety consists of three parts. the largest of them, more than 11 dollars per barrel, falls on maritime logistics, which takes into account some of the sanctions risks. the trade restrictions themselves are only more than three dollars per barrel and another dollar and a half adjustment for quality. bank experts. emphasize that 80% of the discount dynamics are determined by logistics, and not by sanctions as such. barral jurs before loading at the port of primorsk in may cost almost $70, which is significantly higher than the notorious ceiling invented by western countries. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 88 rubles 43 kopecks, euro 96 rubles 23 kopecks. roman, thank you, now to the latest messages. on the importance of creating favorable conditions for business in ingush. and vladimir putin spoke with the head of the republic, mahmud ali kalimatov. the meeting took place in the kremlin, in addition, they discussed
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the pressing issue for the region about the construction of kindergartens and schools. the ministry of finance has submitted a proposal to the government to improve the tax system, some of which relate to the personal income tax of citizens. they are going to increase it, but only for those who earn more than 200 thousand rubles per month. month. the innovation will affect just over 3% of russians. the president of belarus signed a law suspending the treaty. on conventional armed forces in europe, this is minsk’s response to the refusal of nato member countries to fulfill their obligations under the document. previously, russia also withdrew from the treaty. the georgian opposition said it would continue its rallies against the law on new agents. the day before, parliament overcame the president's authority and approved the document. neither western threats nor street protests prevented this. israeli army tanks reached center of araffah. about the situation in the region in a couple of minutes. every wedding ends
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an adult approach. let's get back to the news: aljil circulated a draft resolution in the un security council calling for a suppression of hostilities in rafah. more about this later of the closed meeting of the security council, journalists were informed by the country's post during the organization. according to him, the document is a short text aimed at suspending military operations in the region. israeli army tanks, meanwhile, reached rafah centers for the first time in 3 weeks after the start of the operation in the city. the international press reports this. according to journalists, armored vehicles were spotted near the al-auda mosque, local landmarks. the army press service declined to comment on the advance of troops into the city center. at the same time, in the us does not believe israel has launched a major operation in arafah. this was announced by white house strategic communications coordinator john kirby. according to him, if
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the army begins active hostilities in the city, the states will have to reconsider their decisions to support israel. however , as kirby said, there is no talk of sanctions yet. the official claims that the white house is concerned about the possible isolation of the jewish state due to a new wave of hostilities. in tbilis , a rally of opponents of the law on foreign agents. rustavelli avenue has finally been unblocked. workers spent the entire night dismantling the stage to restore order. let me remind you that the next action began simultaneously with the parliament meeting, at which the deputies approved the scandalous document, overcoming it.
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belarus has suspended participation in the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe. the corresponding law was signed by president alexander lukashenko. six months earlier , russia took the same step, also in response to the unfriendly actions of the western parties to the agreement. let me remind you that it was concluded in 1990 in hopes of ending the cold war forever. the document limited the western and eastern blocs in the number of tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and combat aircraft. moscow has repeatedly stated that nato's expansion to... the east has led to an imbalance of power, and the admission of finland and sweden to the alliance has aggravated the situation. after the czech republic and poland, and then other nato members, openly refused to fulfill their obligations towards minsk, parliament. on may 6, belarus adopted a law suspending participation in davas. called it political terrorism alexei
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longo was detained at the chisinau airport. this is the leader of the opposition moldovan party chance. they kept him checking his luggage for almost 3 hours, but nothing suspicious was found. i had to let go. longu accuses border guards of exceeding their authority and plans to sue. at the same time, the politician is confident that such steps by the moldovan authorities indicate their fear of the opposition. gusts of wind, meanwhile, reach enormous values, tear off roofs from houses, uproot trees, now i’ll show you a few more
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personnel, more than 100 million people are in danger, there is a partial lack of electricity and cellular communications. after a large-scale modernization , an international terminal opened at the saransk airport and was built. the fifa world cup 6 years ago, but then it worked on a temporary basis, now it has received permanent status with immediate plans to open new destinations and even receive part of the tourist flow from neighboring regions, opportunities allow, ivan feskov appreciated the advantages of the new terminal. during the football championship of the eighteenth year the international terminal operated under a temporary scheme for crossing the state border; in order to obtain permanent status, significant work had to be done. approximately 500 million was invested in the reconstruction from the owner of saransk air transport airport and approximately the same amount was allocated from the federal budget. we are present at a historical event and
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symbolically on the day of the border guard on may 28 , a customs border post is opened. for our part, we promise that customs control will be invisible to citizens. but at the same time effective for violators now the terminal operates according to standard standards through the waiting room , check-in counter, girls get ready for a solo flight at night, we have 88 passengers for departure , the terminal is equipped with seven passport control cabins, four for arrival and three for departure, capacity 140 passengers per hour, crew schedule.
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we have the right to create tour packages to antalya. the peak in demand is traditionally expected in august, when the sea and fruits warm up to their maximum. are maturing. and, of course, the main question that worries future tourists is the cost. tours so far the agency says that prices start at 130 thousand for two, but with the onset of the season, of course, the cost will rise. departure from saransk is at 2:45 a.m. on weekdays or at 4:35 a.m. on weekends, time in the air is approximately 4.5 hours. ivan feskov, evgeny sadkov, news of mordovia. now there is sports news in the studio danila makhalin, good morning, the final of the conference league will take place this evening, who is playing. good morning,
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greek olympiacos will meet. in athens. cska moscow, meanwhile, strengthened its lead in the final series of the vtb united league in basketball. the army team won a second consecutive away victory over unix 94:83. cska took the series lead 2:0. the kazan team failed the first quarter, devastatingly, losing 8:23. throughout the match, they tried to reduce the gap, but the most they managed was to get within six points. all questions about victory. csk withdrew in the middle of the final ten minutes, the guests managed a powerful breakthrough, they brought their advantage to +18, there was no intriguing ending, a confident victory for cska, cska are the best away team the red-blue team of the current playoffs won five victories in six matches on the road and now the series moves to moscow. the goalkeeper of the russian national football team, matvey safonov, according to information from the famous italian journalist
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and insider fabrizio romano, is officially. it is reported that the transfer amount was 20 million euros, the agreement with matvey is valid until 2029. safonov is 25 years old, he is a graduate of krasnodar and began playing for the team in 2019, during which time he played 175 matches in various tournaments, 53 of them on 0. for the national team russia sofonov has 13 games and eight of them are clean. psg is the most titled.
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in the other pair, a little later tula arsenal will be in the lower one, and already at the end of the week on the first day of summer, on saturday, june 1 at 15:00 zhigulevsky akron will host the ural, at 18:00 arsenal in tula will have a meeting with the paris nizhny novgorod team. that's all about sports for now, see you in the next hour.
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our task was to take a stone, in the morning we were attacked, well, i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, he says, just my mother says, she will be very worried, i say, now, she arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well, i was covered with a blanket, well, it was not visible that... there was no leg, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is alive, you can find reconnaissance with such people, you will return from reconnaissance with such people, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia, russia, russia. russia 24. who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here? and space pirates, me i love children, they will meet again, i wanted to propose my hand and heart to you, interesting.


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