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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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the ukrainian armed forces' fortifications leveled with the ground, the new tosochka heavy flamethrower system hit the strong point, and after completing the task, the crew took the vehicle into cover. the ministry of finance has submitted to the government an initiative to improve the tax system; the personal income tax rate is proposed to be different depending on income. the increase will affect only about 3% of working russians, those who receive more than 200,000 rubles per month. vladimir putin met with the head of ingushetia in the kremlin. headquarters operation in the city. algeria, in turn , intends to propose to the un security council a resolution on ceasefire in rafak. russian flamethrowers in the southern donetsk direction. to
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strengthen the armed forces of ukraine, the enemy stronghold was identified by reconnaissance using drones, and the modernized tos-2 system worked at these coordinates. the designers made the car much more efficient, and at the same time reduced the risk of a retaliatory strike. our war correspondent, eduard punigov, will tell you how this was achieved. this crew of the santsepek heavy flamethrower system is from transbaikalia, working in the coal tar area. in one salvo... destroys entire units of the ukrainian armed forces; as soon as aerial reconnaissance detects potential targets, the crew immediately strikes. tos-2, or, as the military says, tosochka, fires thermoboric shells, it is impossible to hide from them either in a trench or in a dugout. when such a projectile hits a target, a cloud of flammable mixture is formed, it ignites and burns out oxygen, penetrating into all cracks and holes. the sunburner was on
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a tracked chassis, the tosochka was built on the basis of the tornado truck, the advantage is that it drives on roads, it’s difficult to control the dimensions, well, because it’s big, big, no, everything is fine, everything is the same as in a simple plow, but the main thing is, of course, the filling of the combat system, almost all the processes here are automated, the computer helps the calculation to accurately apply as quickly as possible strike the enemy, at the first sunny day it takes us longer, that is, we need to take one position. standing, then on the second, on the second longing the machine does everything itself. an ordinary sontsepok shoots at about 6 km, which means that the personnel need to get close as close as possible to the line of combat contact, in fact, operating in the red zone, a modified version is capable of firing three times further, at about 20 km, which significantly reduces the risks to personnel . the commander of this combat vehicle worked on both versions of the sanitary unit. you can stand on this one a little longer and try to be more precise. hit the enemy than the first
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car, the first car is very quickly calculated than the second car, the ammunition load is 18 shells, they fly out at great speed in a few seconds, this car literally i just returned from combat work, we were more than 15 km from the enemy, as if the crew worked quickly, accurately, what target they hit, and the enemy manpower and support bullets, the main danger for the tosoks are enemy fpv drones, of which there are a lot here , therefore, during breaks between combat work, the installations are always hidden in a forest belt. sunpie never goes to the battlefield alone; he is always accompanied by a group of fire coverings. the immediate task of fire support, reliable security and defense of our combat vehicle. the main threats now are in the air, well, mostly unmanned aerial vehicles, so we have operators who conduct aerial surveillance. in a special operation zone, tosochki usually work on request. units, flamethrower systems
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help to open even the most fortified areas of the enemy’s defense. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. in the special operation zone, fighters from the seiver group of troops destroyed mortar crews of the ukrainian armed forces. scouts with help drones detected the movement of enemy troops and guns. the coordinates were immediately transferred to the crews of the geocent b howitzers, which always successfully resist enemy artillery. russian.
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in the belgorod region , special signs are installed on the roads for residents; they inform which roads are safe, and where? a ukrainian armed forces strike drone may appear. the russian military is doing everything possible to shoot down enemy drones as they approach the border. most often this is successful. but the militants, using cheap technology, launch everything more aircraft with ammunition. our special correspondent egor grigoriev provides details. a black column of smoke over the village of bezymenno, a car is on fire, a civilian vehicle was attacked by a ukrainian uav. the driver, fortunately , was not inside, but the car was destroyed. drone and comedian. the apu is launched dozens of times a day. they hit people indiscriminately on the roads of the belgorod region and it’s easy to come across burnt equipment. these cars were attacked by drones near the village of shchetinovka. local residents have already learned to identify flying killers. can be heard very far away
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you can hear it buzzing like a mosquito, or like a bumblebee buzzing, and you run away right away. a pensioner complains that no one in the village can cut the grass, the sound of lawn mowers. at the target, circling in circles over prokhorovka, there he is, he’s a freak, he’s changed his trajectory, now they’re cutting circles, shooting at him, shot is raining down, the sky over belgorod is protected by our armed forces and missile defense, but the proximity to the border and
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the cheapness of attack copters give the enemy a chance to fly, they take quantity, our fighters show the variety of downed drones planted by electronic warfare means apu. poroshenko's charitable foundation, the simpler it is, the cheaper it is, you see, it consists of a battery, the drone itself, a receiving antenna, and, as a rule, an explosive element is suspended from it, either a grenade, or a charge from the rpr7, one of those similar to kamikaze the day before attacked a gas station in shibeikino, but it hit the roof and there was no fire. at the exit from shibekin to the bypass road, which runs virtually parallel to the state border, special road signs were installed that warn drivers about dangers of drone attacks. unfortunately, the ukrainian army literally burns civilian cars every day. signs have also appeared
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that show safe routes from shebekin to belgorod in the opposite direction. similar road signs will be installed on other regional routes, where for now... the united states and germany are against accelerating ukraine’s entry into nato for fear of aggravating relations with russia, the telegraph publication writes about this, citing sources. according to their information, the white house is very skeptical about kiev’s desire to join into a military alliance. it is also known that on the eve of the july summit, nato lensky was asked not to put pressure on the representative. tv block, according to sources, the best they can offer ukraine at the moment is a certain long-term route, which should be perceived only as continued support. vladimir putin held a meeting in the kremlin with the head of ingushetia, mahmud ali kalimatov, the president emphasized how
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important it is to create favorable conditions for business in the region. also in the spotlight was the issue of building kindergartens and schools. lifespan. higher than in other regions of the country as a whole, and the population is growing, growing, yes, but from here questions arise, this is the number of places in kindergartens, if, this is the number of visits to clinics, so i understand that some of the most acute issues, more than 40 kindergartens were introduced in 3.5-4 years. into operation, uh, new ones, uh, for us, now there’s only a little bit left, only 3,000, somewhere all that’s left is to, as it were, introduce, besides, we ’ve renovated 23 more schools, kindergartens, outpatient clinics, i see yours is growing
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industrial production, due to what? i myself head the investment council, and i can tell you that 40 portfolios were reviewed last time. seven packages of portfolios and an investor came to us to build a vital gas plant. general elections will be held today in south africa; based on their results, a new composition of the national assembly of the local parliament will be formed. 52 parties are participating in the elections. according to the polls , the ruling faction, the african national congress, should receive a majority of votes. this victory will allow its leader and current president, jur cyril romafosi, retain the post of head of state for the next 5 years. now footage from the us in new mexico has crashed. another newest f-35 fighter, here are literally the first frames after the crash on your screens, now
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look, there is also a video of the first seconds, the fire is still burning, as soon as the f35 fell, the plane crashed during takeoff, the board crashed near the albuquerque airport , as reported by local media, the pilot managed to eject, he is now in the hospital, now there is economic news, he joins me. good morning, tax office the system in russia is facing large-scale transformations. roman, good morning - one of the main points in changing the calculation of personal income tax. now i’ll tell you who this will affect. the russian ministry of finance submitted to the government a proposal to improve the tax system; when they were developed by the ministry of finance, its head anton siluanov said, it was based on the recommendations of the state duma. the changes will ensure stable and predictable conditions for citizens, businesses and regions for the next 6 years, and will increase economic well-being. countries, the minister noted. regarding personal income tax (ndfl), they are going to leave it unchanged at
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13% for those who earn less than 200,000 rubles per month or 2,400,000 per year. if this threshold is exceeded, the rate will be 15%. over 5 million - 18%, up to 50 million - 20, everything after that will be subject to personal income tax at 22%. it is important to note that the progressive scale is proposed to be applied only to that part of the income. which exceeds the basic 200,000 rubles per month, besides, such a measure will affect only a small part of citizens, a little more than 3% of the working population population. the rate system, from what we hear, it will be formed in such a way that the majority of the population will not be affected by these changes; probably, these changes will end up with the fact that for the majority of the population, personal income tax was at a rate of 13%. how it will remain at this level, and for wealthier categories of individuals,
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personal income tax rates will increase. in addition to personal income tax, changes are also envisaged in terms of income tax, this is for companies. i’ll tell you about this in our next issue, but for now on to others news. fuel prices in russia in the wholesale and retail segments remain stable, there is no shortage. this was announced at a meeting of the headquarters on the situation in the domestic market. oil products, which was held by deputy prime minister alexander novak. according to the ministry of energy, fuel reserves in the country are at a high level, rail transportation is on schedule. the domestic market is fully supplied with both gasoline and diesel. alexander novyk instructed to prevent the gray export of petroleum products, including through the territory of the eurasian economic union. and also make sure that the fuel a number of eastern regions of russia and crimea were fully provided. cooperation within the framework of the eurasian economic union ensures.
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watch the full interview with the president of kyrgyzstan on our broadcast today after 11 o’clock. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 88 rubles 43 kopecks, the euro is 96 rubles 23 kopecks. novel. thank you, now to the latest messages. vladimir putin spoke with the head of the republic, mahmud ali kalimatov, about the importance of creating favorable conditions for business in ingushetia. the meeting took place in the kremlin. in addition, we discussed acute for the regions. the question of the construction of kindergartens and schools. the ministry of finance has made a proposal to the government to
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improve the tax system, some of them relate to the personal income tax, personal income tax, they are going to increase it, but only for those who earn more than 200,000 rubles per month. the innovation will affect only about 3% of russians. the president of belarus signed a law suspending the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe. this is minsk’s response to the refusal of nato member countries to fulfill theirs. obligations under the document. previously, russia also withdrew from the treaty. the goalkeeper of the russian national football team, matvey safonov, in the latest european media moved to the french psg, the most titled club in the country. previously , messi, neymar and mbappe performed simultaneously. in the national team, safonov played 13 matches, keeping a clean sheet in eight of them. media and naagent radio liberty has essentially turned into a western spy. editorial staff use footage of russian air defense systems to calculate their location, that is , to provide information to the ukrainian armed forces militants who
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can direct drones to bypass our anti-aircraft installations. this is the result of intelligence activities, there is no other way to say it, it doesn’t even masquerade as the media, a farm with fakes and rabid anti-russian rhetoric broadcasts this: they found an air defense system position that shot down an alleged ukrainian drone, there is a satellite photo attached, which we will not show of course, to reveal, finding air defense is working for the enemy, direct, undisguised, public, arrogant, the handwriting of a foreign agent of radio liberty. media or, at a minimum, an organization that calls itself a mass media does not , of course, fall under any definitions, freedom of dissemination of information, independence of journalism,
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objectivity of all the other things that have long since been thrown into the trash, they actually perform. the united states carefully, purposefully, deliberately studies satellite images, so they themselves write about it, examine it, compare maps, calculate where our air defense systems might be , post everything in messengers, this is no longer the media, and such a media espionage project for...
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here is also something to think about, in fact , the radio liberty agent has been engaged in anti-russian intelligence activities for several years now, and in 2023, satellite images of military factories under construction in russia were published, also a tip on strategic objects, as now on air defense. this whole story, when they start drawing some maps there, mapping out some goals, this just tells us once again about who we are dealing with, radio liberty is... dealing with carrying out special information and psychological sabotage operations, disclosing information about the locations of our air defense systems, that is, this is direct assistance to our enemy. and no matter how accurate these homemade maps are, it is clearly clear that radio liberty is no longer just a foreign agent, not just an information weapon, a generator
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of anti-russian propaganda, it is a direct intelligence tool for the enemy, and we do not stand on ceremony with spies. now sports news is in danila makhalin's studio. good morning. football club rubin signed a new contract with head coach rashid rakhimov. until what year is the agreement valid? good morning, the team from kazan has extended the contract with rakhimov until 2026. cska moscow , meanwhile, strengthened its lead in the final series of the vtb united basketball league. the army team won a second consecutive away victory over unix. 94-83. csk took the series lead 2:0. the kazan team failed the first quarter, losing at 8:23. throughout the match they tried to reduce the gap, but the most they could do was managed to get within six points. csk removed all questions about the winner in the middle of the final ten minutes, the guests managed a powerful breakthrough, they brought their advantage to +18, there was no intriguing ending,
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a confident victory for cska, the army team is the best visiting team of the current playoffs, the red and blue won five victories on the road in six matches, and now the series moves to moscow. the goalkeeper of the russian national football team, matvey safonov, according to information from a famous italian magazine. and insider fabrizio romano officially moved to the psg club. it is reported that the transfer amount was 20 million euros, the agreement with matvey is valid until 2029. safonov is 25 years old, he is a graduate of krasnodar and began playing for the 2019 team. during this time, he played 175 matches in various tournaments, including 53:0. sofonov has 13 games for the russian national team and eight of them have been clean. psg is. the most titled club in france, 15 victories in the national cup, 12 in the championship and super cup. russian tennis player mira andreeva reached the second
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round of the french open, beating american emina bektas 6-2-6-3. the next world opponent will be belarusian victoria azarenka. three more russians successfully completed the first round: russia's first racket, daria kosatkina, was stronger than poland's magdalena frenk 75-61 and... blinkova will play each other in the second round. russian forward artemy ponarin scored two assists in the stanley cup semifinal match against florida. for thirty-two-year-old panarin, this program became the fortieth in a row. playoff career. which helped him take eleventh place among russian hockey players in the list of the best assists in the history of the stanley cup, he caught up with evgeny kuznetsov, it is noteworthy that
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goalkeeper sergei bobrovsky made another assist in this meeting, although for the opposing team, for florida, which in the end , she won this match 3:2 and evened the series score 2:2. today the first play-off matches for the right to get into or... stay in the russian football premier league between teams from rpl and first league. ural and okron will play at 17:00 moscow time in yekaterinburg, in another pair a little later on rn hello in nizhny novgorod tulsk arsenal. the return matches will take place on saturday, june 1, in zhigulevsky akron will host ural, and arsenal in tula will have a meeting with the paris nizhny novgorod team. that's all about sports for now, word from the studio. thank you now. let's return to one of the main topics: the main parameters for improving the tax system in russia have become known, a package of documents has already been submitted by the ministry of finance to the government, proposed
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the changes should make taxation fairer for russians. details from dmitry morocco. the ministry of finance has launched the process of changes in the tax sphere. the bills he developed are already in the government. the discussion in the cabinet of ministers will take place on thursday. according to finance minister anton siluanov, the adoption of the proposed changes will allow. provide stable and predictable conditions for citizens of business and regions for the next 6 years and will increase the economic well-being of the country, this also means that up to in the thirtieth year, tax conditions will no longer change. russian society has long had a strong demand for social justice, including a progressive taxation scale. the bottom line is that the more earnings, the higher the tax. as it became known from published documents of the ministry of finance, it is proposed to maintain the existing rate of 13% for those who '. per month, everyone whose salary is more than this amount, but less than 5 million will pay 15%. for those who receive from 5 to
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20 million, the rate will be 18 to 50 million 20%, over 50 - 22. if we take a specific example, a person earning 250 rubles per month will pay only 1 ruble. additionally, exactly the usual 13% from 200,000. and another 15 from the remaining 50. it is necessary to emphasize that the vast majority of citizens will not be affected by the tax changes; according to the ministry of finance, now 64 million people work in russia, 2 million russians earn more than 2,400 thousand rubles, this is only 3%. it is worth mentioning separately about the category of self-employed; the self-employment regime is preserved, the rates for it remain at the same level. also, the increase will not affect income from the sale of real estate. property. about
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half will be able to use it. of the total number of all families with two or more children in the country, the increase in the rate will essentially affect a minority of taxpayers for the remaining 96-plus percent, this is either an improvement if the household has children, or the conditions remain unchanged, there will be categories of households that these changes will feel, and once again , positive changes - this is primarily for families with children with not the highest incomes; according to preliminary calculations, they will pay less, additional income the budget, which will be obtained through tax changes, will be used to support the social sphere, healthcare, housing construction and infrastructure, and funds will also be used to develop projects of technological sovereignty, the production of aircraft, ships, medicines, and microelectronics. the additional revenues generated by the state due to the introduction of new tax rates for individuals will be used to resolve social issues, to support families, to develop infrastructure
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for... other areas of similar spending kind, an important issue is also the issue of social justice in general, the fairness of the taxation system. we should not forget that the concept of justice is relevant not only for citizens, but also for business. it is proposed to increase the income tax for euro individuals from 20 to 25%. but this will not affect those companies that operate under agreements on the protection of investment capital, special investment contracts in special economic zones. special conditions are also provided for the it sector. increasing the rate for income tax paid company, this is also a return to a certain extent to what already existed. there was an era of lowering income tax rates, it was global, and russia also reduced its rate. now it turns out that our income tax rate is one of the lowest in the world among industrial countries,
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so we follow the general rule. small businesses will also be mentioned in the documents of the ministry of finance. if previously companies with revenues of 250 million rubles were included in this category, now the parameters will be different, from 60 to 450 million. in russia, more than 96% of enterprises earn less the lower limit, that is, for the majority nothing will change. others are expected to be disciplined when paying vat, because in fact many large companies did not pay this tax, but preferred to do so. to beat businesses into several small ones; for those who have been caught in such practices, starting from the twenty-second year, it is proposed to introduce a tax amnesty, which will create conditions for businesses to come out of the shadows. taking into account the recommendations of the state duma received by the government, tax amendments must be adopted in the spring session for the changes to come into force on 1 january twenty-fifth.
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why is it important to recognize the genocide specifically against the soviet people, because it is a historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to convey a resolution on the inadmissibility of nazism. mostly europeans abstained. united states.
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voted against, in a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical identity, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. i present to you a new soldier, ribinin nikolai sergeevich. do you like books? yes, i write books. classic. i’ve arrived, take it, thank you, if you could help me, i won’t help you like that , come on, guys, let’s put it all together, call sign passenger, i’ll come back for you, do you hear, i’ll come back, you’re used to watching videos online, it stopped working?


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