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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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additional adjustments to the tax system, the ministry of finance has made a proposal to the government, we will tell you what the main changes will be and who they will affect. our artillerymen are helping the strikers in rabotino, as progress is being made in the zaporozhye region. israeli tanks in the center of rafah, near a local landmark, the al-auda mosque. they consider it a major operation. from saransk to turkish resorts. after large-scale modernization , the international airport terminal opened in mordovia. russian goalkeeper in one of the most titled clubs in europe, matvey safonov moved to psg eight matches for the national team, he did not miss a single goal. the main parameters for improving the tax system have become known. in
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russia. the ministry of finance has already submitted a package of documents to the government. the changes should make taxation fairer. the rate increase may affect only about 3% of russians. people with an annual income of less than 2,400 thousand rubles. this is 200,000 per month, they will continue to pay personal income tax at the rate of 13%. at the other end of the scale are russians with earnings above 50 million rubles. per year, their personal income tax can be 22%. tax support for large families and
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manage to avoid becoming a target for drones themselves, our military correspondent stanislav vasilchenko will tell you. dropping hundreds of rockets a day on the enemy, the artillerymen helped the assault groups advance in rabotino, replacing each other with russian hail, destroyed sniper firing points, positions of uav operators, and covered enemy fortifications and equipment with heavy fire. when the enemy starts to snap back after our work. that is, they give us, so to speak, a small answer, we detect their galbits, they have galbitians there and three sevens, and there are french caesars, we begin to work hard on them, we destroy them, when the equipment is destroyed, we already finish off the enemy’s personal strength, the fighters note that the enemy is weakening both physically and morally, judging by how the combat developed action in rabotino, the ukrainian army simply had no ammunition left, so even the enemy began to snap back... much less often, from
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the radio interception i can say one thing that i heard how some, so to speak, military personnel in the armed forces of ukraine were going to surrender in captivity, they see no point in fighting for that state, for this zelensky regime, and they make the right choice. after fleeing from work to the armed forces of ukraine , the northern villages were entrenched in the forest plantations, but russian tank crews do not allow them to hold these positions; they strike from afar and from different firing points in order to disorient the enemy. previously, we worked more. direct fire, everything has changed, they have a lot of kamis drones, so to save the crews we are working on hidden positions towards it at a distance of 7-8 km, we still have to dodge the drones, the enemy does not spare drones, just one tank can be hunted by five so-called birds at once, but our tankers have an advantage: the combat vehicles they operate are the fastest among the t-80 bv model tanks, they can reach speed across the fields up to 90 km/h, it helps not only
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to evade drones, but, on the contrary , to act as bait, which is what koba did, luring out the heavy hexocopter babaega, which was carrying several mines. drove out, fired off two or three shells, she flew after us, but i deliberately didn’t drive fast, it seemed to i jumped into my hidden position, that’s it, she hesitated, began to look for others, we had a lure of bait, well, naturally she went down to the bait, and there she was already met by a sniper with warmers and shot down. now the artillerymen and tankers continue to push the ukrainian armed forces further north. there are enough shells, the fighters say, and the fighting spirit only gets stronger with each advance. stanislav vasilchenko, sergey eliseev, khalit tankiev. news: southern sector of military special operation. in the kokhovsky direction of the special operation, russian fighters destroyed the control center enemy drones. copter operators discovered an enemy object on the right bank of the dnieper. the fpv lifted the air and the drones were directed to the target. operator assistant. at maximum
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altitudes, that is, above 600 m and there beyond 100 m and above, in order for the camera to cover the maximum, well, observation territory to detect enemy landings or enemy movements, in order to report further accordingly. on the initiative of the czech republic , more than one and a half billion euros were collected for kiev, with these funds until the end... they will purchase and about 5,000 artillery shells will be transferred to the fsu. the first tens of thousands of ammunition will be sent to ukraine in june. victoria koroleva will tell you how else western sponsors are fueling the conflict. the ssu has repeatedly used western weapons to strike russian territory, writes
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the french press agency. nato justifies the choice of such targets by the right to self-defense. en stoltenberg admitted that now is the most difficult time for kiev since the beginning of the conflict in ukraine. according to international law, ukraine can defend itself, and self-defense includes the right to strike targets outside ukraine, including legitimate military targets in russia. stoltenberg’s words are repeated by the french president. emmanuel macron said in an interview with cnn: ukraine can strike those targets in russia from where the shelling is coming. macron is convinced that western supplies of long-range weapons to kiev will not lead to escalation. justify endless military tranches internationally. right new trend in european politics, german chancellor olaf scholz insists these measures help strengthen defense, the question only whose. we want to provide ukraine with billions of euros in funding so that it can guarantee its defense and thus improve the security of the whole of europe. and
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yet, most eu countries speak cautiously about the legitimacy of strikes against russia. after the meeting of defense ministers, the head of european diplomacy, josep barel, noted that this policy is shared. weapons for attacks on russia have not changed, the state department does not encourage justifying strikes, the white house noted that they do not want the situation to escalate. i will say that the changes in our no approach, at the moment we do not encourage or facilitate the use of
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us-provided weapons for strikes inside russia. however, nato, writes the washington post, is putting pressure on the united states. the alliance requires states to approve ukrainian attacks. apparently, zelensky himself would like to talk about this with joe biden once again at the so-called peace summit, it will be held in june, but that’s not the task, the american president plans to skip the meeting, instead he will go to hollywood to raise funds for his presidential campaign. while biden is engrossed in the election race, american military analysts are calling on him to finally enter into direct dialogue with the russian president. until then, experts warn, human lives will remain at risk. victoria koroleva, vesti. now the footage. usa, a powerful explosion rocked a bank building in ohio. he was caught on surveillance cameras. let me show you the moment of the explosion again, so you can understand how powerful it was, look. the preliminary cause of the emergency is an underground gas leak. on the spot
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the operational services are working, and now this is also footage on your screens. i’ll show you a few more photos; according to media reports, there may still be people under the rubble; at least two people are known to be missing. unknown , look, another angle, there is information about the families of the victims, one of them is in critical condition, in tbilis only around midnight the rally of opponents of the law on foreign agents ended, rustaveli avenue was finally unblocked, workers dismantled the stage all night and restored order. let me remind you that the next action began simultaneously with the meeting of the georgian parliament, at which the deputies approved the scandalous document, overcoming. president, neither western sanctions threats nor street protests prevented it. the law was supported by a majority vote, now it will again be sent to the president for signature, and if salame zorabishvili does not sign the document, the head of parliament will do so, after which the law will come into force. all npos that are funded from abroad
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will be entered into a special register. the opposition said it does not intend to give up, the leaders they promise to continue protests until the parliamentary elections on october 26. the president also calls for this. countries. belarus has suspended participation in the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe. the corresponding law was signed by president alexander lukashenko. six months earlier, russia took the same step . a response to the unfriendly actions of the western parties to the agreement. let me remind you that it was concluded in 1990 in the hope of ending the cold war forever. the document limited the western and eastern blocs to the number of tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, and combat aircraft. moscow has repeatedly stated that nato's expansion to the east has led to an imbalance of power, and the admission of finland and sweden to the alliance has aggravated the situation. well, after the czech republic and poland, and then other nato members, openly refused to fulfill their obligations. in relation to minsk, the belarusian parliament adopted a law suspending participation in davas. vladimir putin
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held a meeting in the kremlin with the head of ingushetia, mahmud ali kalimatov. the president emphasized how important it is to create the region has favorable conditions for business. also in the spotlight was the issue of building kindergartens and schools. your life expectancy is higher than in other regions of the country as a whole, and the population is growing. growing up, yes, but from here questions arise, this is the number of places in kindergartens, if, this is the number of visits to clinics, so i understand that some of the most pressing issues, more than 40 kindergartens in 3.5-4 years were introduced into build, yeah, new ones, uh, we have a little left now. only 3,000 left somewhere how to introduce, in addition, we
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have renovated 23 more schools, kindergartens, outpatient clinics, i see your industrial production is growing, due to what? i myself head the investment council, and well , i can tell you that there are 40 portfolios, the last time we considered seven packages of portfolios, and we have a covenant... in the un security covenant, a draft resolution calling for a suppression of hostilities in
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rafah, about this after a closed meeting the security council was informed by the country's permanent representative to the organization. according to him, the document is a short text aimed at stopping the military operation in the region. israeli army tanks, meanwhile, reached the center of rafah for the first time in 3 weeks after the start of the operation in the city, the international press reported. according to journalists, armored vehicles were spotted near the mosque. isolation of the jewish state due to a new wave of hostilities. now
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economic news, maria filippova joins me. mash, good morning, changes are planned in the russian tax system. roman, good morning, one of the main points changes in the calculation of personal income tax. now i’ll tell you who this will affect. the russian ministry of finance has submitted a proposal to the government to improve the tax system. when developing them, the ministry of finance, said its head anton silunov, relied on the recommendations of the state duma. changes will allow. to provide stable and predictable conditions for citizens of business and regions for the next 6 years and will increase the economic well-being of the country, the minister noted. regarding the personal income tax (ndfl), it is going to remain unchanged for level of 13%, for those who earn less than 200,000 rubles per month or 2,400,000 per year. if this threshold is exceeded, the rate will be 15%, over 5 million - 18%, up to 50 million - 20, everything... will be subject to personal income tax of 22%. it is important to note that the progressive scale is proposed
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to be applied only to that part of the income that exceeds the basic 2,000 rubles per month; it will not apply to svo participants, for them the rate will remain the same 13%. the progressive scale as a whole will affect only a small part of citizens, a little over 3% of the working population. betting system from from what we hear, it will be shaped in such a way that the majority of the population. will not remain, and for wealthier categories of individuals, personal income tax rates will increase. fuel prices in russia in the wholesale and retail segments remain stable and there is no shortage. this was announced at a meeting of the headquarters on the situation in the domestic petroleum products market, which was chaired by deputy prime minister alexander novak.
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according to the ministry of energy, fuel reserves in the country are at a high level, rail transportation is on schedule. domestic market fully supplied with both gasoline and diesel. alexander novyk instructed to prevent the gray export of petroleum products, including through the territory of the ias, and to separately ensure that a number of eastern regions of russia and crimea are fully provided with fuel. the discount on eurols oil by the end of may was $16 per barrel. this was reported by the gazprombank price index center. the discount for the russian export variety consists of three parts. the largest of them are more than 11 dollars per. barrel falls on maritime logistics, which takes into account part sanctions risks. the trade restrictions themselves are only more than three dollars per barrel, with another dollar and a half adjustment for quality. bank experts emphasize that 80% of the discount dynamics are determined by logistics, and not by sanctions as such. a barrel of eurorals before loading at the port of primorsk in may cost almost
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$70, which is significantly higher than the notorious ceiling invented by western countries. in conclusion, the dollar exchange rate today. they hit people indiscriminately on the roads of the belgorod
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region, and it’s not difficult to come across burnt equipment. these cars were attacked by drones shchetinovka village. local residents. that is, not only are they now hitting the village with missiles, but they are launching attack drones, the enemy is testing out new models on belgorod, the enemy’s bombs can now not only fly in a straight line, they are circling in search of a target, circling in circles over prokhorovka, he’s a freak, trajectory changed, now
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he cuts circles, shoots at him, shot falls, the sky is above... attack copters give the enemy a chance to fly, they take in numbers, our fighters show the variety of downed drones planted by electronic warfare apu. poroshenko’s charitable foundation, the simpler it is, the cheaper it is, it consists, you see, of a battery, of the drone itself, and a receiving antenna. as a rule, an explosive element, either a grenade or a charge from an rpg-7, is suspended from it. one of these kamikazes attacked a gas station in shibeikino the day before; it was lucky that it hit the roof and there was no fire. at the exit from shibekin to the bypass road, which runs virtually parallel to the state border, special road
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signs were installed that warn drivers about dangers of drone attacks. unfortunately, the ukrainian army literally burns civilian cars every day, and signs have appeared that show safe routes from shebekin to belgorod in the opposite direction; similar road tips will be installed on other regional routes, where kamisaz drones of the ukrainian armed forces can still fly. egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, olga kurlaeva, news. after a large-scale modernization, an international terminal opened at the saransk airport; it was built for the fifa world cup 6 years ago, but then the terminal worked according to a temporary scheme, now it has received permanent status. there are immediate plans to open new destinations and even receive part of the tourist flow from neighboring regions. ivan feskov appreciated the advantage of the new terminal. during
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the 1918 football championship, the international terminal operated under a temporary border crossing scheme. to obtain permanent status, significant modernization had to be carried out. approximately 500 million was invested in the reconstruction from the owner of the saransk air transport airport and more approximately the same amount was allocated from the federal budget. we are present at the historical event symbolically on the day of the border guard on may 28 , the customs border post is opened. for our part, we promise that customs control will be invisible to citizens, but at the same time effective for violators. now the terminal operates according to standard standards, through the waiting room and the check-in desk. we've prepared for today's flight, we'll have 88 passengers tonight, that's right, the terminal is equipped with seven
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passport control booths, four for arrivals and three outbound, capacity 140 passengers per hour, schedule has been drawn up, international flights will fly from may 28 to october 23, the carrier has set the route between saransk and antalya. you can make flights daily, international flights, nothing interferes, the terminal is completely ready, this capacity is only 140 passengers per hour, it is acceptable and corresponds to daily flights to antalya, this is a good prospect for the saransk international terminal, now communication with turkey occurs once every 10 days, mordovia is planning to transfer itself part of the tourist passenger traffic from neighboring regions already. we have a fairly convenient connection by electric trains between penza and saransk, residents of penza can already come here to fly away, if they go on foot, if in their cars, we have
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a specialized parking lot here that allows us to fit 200 cars there quietly, to work all year round, the terminal will have to open new destinations, for example, to egypt; now almost all travel agencies in saransk offer residents tours to turkey on 10 days. a unique opportunity, probably from saransk. fly out on vacation to our beloved turkey. the tour operator that supplied easy tur flights, we are accredited, and we can, have the right to create tour packages to antalya. peak demand is traditionally expected in august, when the sea is warmest and the fruits are ripe. and, of course, the main question that concerns future tourists is the cost of tours, while agencies say that prices start at 130 for two, but with the onset of the season, of course, the cost will increase, departure from saransk is at 2:45 minutes in the morning, v weekdays or 4:35 a.m. on weekends, with
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approximately 4.5 hours in the air. ivan feskov, evgeny sadkov, news of mordovia. there is an opinion that... the time of speech, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit, for communication with the partisans they burned the village of all the inhabitants, a plan was developed according to which at least 30 million slavs. why is it important to recognize the genocide specifically against the soviet people, because it is a historical fact. this work is extremely is important, especially today, when...
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we watch, to spend time with children, russian cartoons and children's programs, we watch, on the application or on the website. now
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sports news is in danila makhalin's studio. good morning. the president of the paris football club psg refuses to pay the ibp star player a salary. the mortgage amount is almost 100 million euros. good morning. yes, the whole point is that ibp, a world-class star, will one of these days officially announce his departure to real madrid, which greatly angers the leaders of the paris club. but psg bosses can focus on the adaptation of the russian national football team goalkeeper matvey safonov, who, according to information. the famous italian journalist and insider fabrizio ramana officially signed a contract with this club. it is reported that the transfer amount was 20 million euros, the agreement with matvey is valid until the twenty-ninth year. safonov is 25 years old, he is a graduate of krasnodar and began playing for the team in 2019. during this time, he played 175 matches in various tournaments, of which 53:0. safonov has 13 caps for the russian national team
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and eight of them are dry. psg is the most titled club in france. 15 victories in the national cup, 12 championships and super cups. cska moscow strengthened its lead in the final series of the vtb united basketball league. the army team won a second consecutive away victory over unix 94:83. cska took the series lead 2:0. the kazan team failed the first quarter , losing 8:23. throughout the match they tried. reduce the gap, but at most they managed to get within six points. csk removed all questions about the winner in the middle of the final ten minutes, the guests made a powerful breakthrough, they brought their advantage to +18. there was no intriguing ending, a confident victory for cska, cska is the best visiting team in the current playoffs, they managed to win five wins in six matches on the road, and now the series moves to moscow. russian tennis player
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mira andreeva reached the second round of the french open, beating american imina biktas 62-63. the next world opponent will be belarusian victoria azarenka. successfully three more russians passed the first round, the first russian racket daria kasatkina was stronger. frank from poland 7.5 6:1 hit the american stearns. our other two tennis players, anna blinkova and ilina avanesyan, made their way further, breaking the resistance of the romanian kirsty. and the chinese julen, now avanesyan and blinkova will play each other in the second round. russian rangers forward artemi panarin scored two assists in the stanley cup semi-final against florida. for thirty-two-year-old panarin, this program became the fortieth in a row. career in the nhl playoffs, which helped him tie with evgeny kuznetsov for eleventh place among russians in the list
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of the best cup assistants. it is noteworthy that goalkeeper sergei bobrovsky made another assist, although for the opposing team, for florida, which eventually won the match 3:2 and evened the series score 2:2. that's all about sports for now, see you in the next hour. our task was to take the stone, in the morning we were attacked, i open my eyes, but i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, he says, it’s just my mother, she says, she will be very worried, i say, now, she
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arrived early in the morning and immediately... cried, well, i was covered like a department, well, it was not clear that my leg was gone, and so you can’t change anything here , what happened, happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is alive, you can find a branch like this, and you’ll come back right away with these, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.


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