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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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she arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well , i was covered with a blanket, well , it was not visible that my leg was not this and nothing can be changed here, what happened, what happened, well , nothing, the most important thing is that he’s alive, with such people you can find intelligence , and you will return from reconnaissance with the following: russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here? and space pirates. i i love the children, they will meet again. i wanted to offer you with my hand and my heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe it’s possible in some other way, any intervention in time can bring him ready, 100 years in the future, news in the middle of the hour is short: the ministry of finance has introduced an initiative to the government to improve the tax system. it is proposed
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to make the personal income tax rate different, depending on income; the increase will affect only about 3% of working russians, those who receive more than 200,000 rubles per month. vladimir met in the kremlin putin with the head of ingushetia mahmud ali kalimatov. the president emphasized the importance of creating favorable conditions for business in the region, and the construction of kindergartens and schools was also discussed. israeli tanks entered the center of rafah, the international press writes about this, in the united states. do not believe that tel aviv has launched a full-scale operation in the city, algeria, in turn, intends to offer sabez a ceasefire resolution in rafat. the georgian opposition said it would continue its rallies against the law on foreign agents. the day before, parliament overcame the president’s authority and approved the document. neither western threats nor street protests prevented this. with technology news, philip trofimov, host of the program. hello, the famous open
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ai, the developer chad g5t is now creating a security committee, what risks are we talking about in relation to its networks. good afternoon, but there are quite a lot of risks, and the most diverse ones in general include a significant number of scientists, primarily neural network developers, who believe that this technology is developing too quickly, a story actually happened in open worthy of becoming the basis of an action-packed film. but more details a little later, let's start with russian neuronews. sbir updated its kandinsky generative neural network, or rather, opened free access to kandinsky video version 1.1. it was announced a month and a half ago with the last kandinsky update to version 3.1, but it became possible to see how it works only now. so, at the output you can get a video with a resolution of up to 512 or 640 pixels over a long country at 30 frames per second, from the stated changes in the comparison since the previous version, the maximum duration of the resulting video has decreased by a quarter to 6 seconds, but...
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the generation process has accelerated, and, as they say, the quality of the resulting video has been doubled by reworking the algorithm and reducing the number of artifacts. however, as for the final result, a lot depends on the quality of the product, that is , the text request from which the video is created. for example, this is how kandinsky’s video imagines a russian processor in a domestic cellular base station, not exactly photorealistic, but very good. but the attempt to create a video... about a yandex drone driving past the arc de triomphe was not very successful, just like just an unmanned taxi, while if you leave the prompt proposed by the system itself about just a car on the road, then it is not without flaws, but it works. probably a lot depends on how well the promt corresponds to the dataset on which the model was trained. the fact is that to train image generative networks , millions of pairs of description images are needed. pictures from
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while there are still detailed captions on the internet, there are, as they say, very few detailed descriptions for the videos. as a result, sberbank selected videos for datasat, and then generated a description for them, again with the help of nerosey... that’s what they trained, in general, this is a global problem, the sora project, the famous open ai, was called a real breakthrough, it was presented in february this year and became the first neural network capable of generating very high-quality high-resolution videos up to a minute long, they can contain several characters, different in the complexity of the movement of objects, and at the same time amazing detail, before that, google lumier was considered one of the most promising projects, the videos there are short, but very realistic. google came up with the idea of ​​teaching a model not just to draw individual frames, but to understand how objects are located in space and how something changes over time. but the kandinsky video is available for free, and as for longer videos and cinematic quality, how is it that the developers in their article on habré
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called it their next goal: well, probably and from yandex masterpiece we should also expect an update to the video generation capabilities that appeared almost a year ago. on the other hand, open air has just announced that it is starting training of its next-generation gpt model, however, the main news from the company is of a slightly different nature: open ai is creating a safety committee whose task is to make recommendations to the board of directors when making decisions related to , well, actually for safety, as stated in the company’s statement, this is done on against the backdrop of further steps towards the creation of so -called strong artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence. general-purpose, meaning, a neural network, which theoretically can reach a new level, and, as some investigators believe, will acquire the ability to self-learn a certain degree of self-awareness, so in creating a security committee on this path, there is a nuance: openai
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recently liquidated a similar structure, it was headed by the co-founder of the company, chief of science ilya sutskever, he was one of open ai employees who believed that the development and commercialization of artificial intelligence is proceeding faster than the creation and implementation of protection mechanisms against threats associated with neural networks. the discussion on this topic at some point reached the point of a natural revolution; the head of the company, altman himself , was dismissed with the wording due to a loss of trust. then, however, several hundred employees wrote a statement behind him; probably, the investors who had invested tens of billions of dollars in the project also returned the altmans. skever, who at first he supported the rebels, then he changed his mind, on the contrary, he left the project, and his neurosecurity team was disbanded, and now a new one has been created, headed by sam altman. this is the kind of neuronity we have. roman, philip, thank you, we continue the new
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flash mob for the song mother earth is gaining millions of views, more on that in a couple of minutes. padik, come out, come out and start a business with sber, our idea will fly, open an account and connect services for online trading from sber for 0 rubles. help at the start from sber experts, all services are yours internet banking, analytics on your business and transfer of all proceeds without commission, open an account in sberbank and. use all services to develop your business. business is a blast! every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where to invest the donated money? investing in the future.
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days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit card is the best in the country, if you apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. we continue the release, a new flash mob has swept across russia, all these millions of views already, residents of different regions declare their love for our country. this was inspired by the song mother earth. it was especially loved by the soldiers in the special operation zone. about real patriotism, which is not in fashion, in heart anastasia ivanova. i don’t even want to use the word “viral” to describe a common unified impulse, as is usually the case with popular songs and dances on the internet, because this is a sincere love for one’s own homeland. just a new way to express it? mother earth,
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the white birch tree, is bright for me, if in winter there was a trend for fur hats and fur coats, now russian women put on blankets or kakoshniks wear bright lipstick, record videos to a patriotic hit, such videos are especially popular... then adds during recording the video, the words themselves, the songs give me goosebumps, the make-up artist sasha anasanova created an equally vivid and original image, writes by nationality buryat has always considered and still considers russia her homeland, but how could it be otherwise, this is how dagestan joined the flash mob, a beautiful girl against the backdrop of a familiar mountain for this chelle.
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after all, it was from him that the idea of ​​a flash mob came, from a laconic image in a light dress, the girl
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dresses in bright traditional costumes that show the multinationality of our country. trends in the flash mob itself by the way gradually change, but interest in the song remains. parents send me videos with their children, where the children sing songs and dance to the song, i want to say that it’s all very touching, well, as far as i can grasp it, i watch everything, repost it, here. literally the day before yesterday there was a concert in kazan, so i didn’t have time to leave the stage when a lot of children with their parents began to come up to me and take pictures, it was the children who said that they really liked the song, so... well, perhaps it’s worth going back to ethereal version of clothing, which is familiar to our viewers and tell about those for whom the song really hit home. in the roulette chat, as soon as some svidomo ukrainians or vsushniki hear these matzivs, they try to interrupt the performer, book as soon as they can, but really don’t shout out, this is understood by adequate residents of ukraine, who simply throw away blue
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passports from the footage showing which side is the truth. what can we say about our military, who defend this truth on the front line, and destroy it. systems, when the guys here perform daily feats, inspiring musicians and singers for creativity, and musicians and singers, inspired by the children’s feats, create works that cannot leave indifferent people who love russia, devotion to their country, it gives birth to hits, inspires artists. the exploits of our soldiers, as an example of the song russian tank alyosha, another large-scale flash mob. artists should still look for a response in people, and don’t look, listen, how beautiful i am, how well i sing, i’m glad that the song has appeared in my repertoire forever, well, at least as long as i i’ll live, i’ll sing as long as i can, this is a russian
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tank alyosha, 90 million views, i didn’t guess or think at all, believe me, i just didn’t do anything for this. very strong songs, about love for one’s country, i think, the same candidates for becoming big hits, we are preparing them now for release, we are preparing new songs not for trends, for centuries, because about russia, thank you anastasia, good material, we continue, in ulanud we have opened the production
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of clothing for soldiers who are undergoing treatment, in particular they offer covers for equipment elizarov, as well as... special ammunition that can protect the wound from dust and dirt. the products of volunteers from buryatia have already been evaluated at the moscow hospital, and a large order has been placed. the topic will be continued by yuri otanov. here it is also fixed that is already worn. usually langetka, unfortunately, does not solve such problems. this studio has already donated more than 2,000 units of its products to wounded soldiers. the assortment is wide - 16 items. and for wounded soldiers undergoing such rehabilitation. clothes are simply necessary, now you just need to help, and we help, look, they are happy to wear these things of ours, they like the fact that, as they say, uh, after the operation, even if you go outside, you can’t find clothes, here’s ours, you can put on shorts and pants, you can calmly go, besides
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aesthetically pleasing, such clothing also protects the wound area from dust and dirt. and other environmental influences, treatment for more complex operations requires restoration with the help of an external fixation apparatus, this is the alizarov apparatus, with plaster, with various splints, with threads, with special knitting needles, and such clothes are not widely available, you need special adaptive ones, the main difficulty is that each product is made individually, and fighters who are seriously hospitalized... lose weight when they are recovering, on the contrary, they gain, everything individually, each product had its own pattern, drawing, everything was measured according to standards, even the equipment was specially measured so that it would be comfortable, having assessed the quality of sewn clothes, the products of a small atelier of a charitable organization, the power of their native land became interested in moscow, in
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vishnevsky hospital, orders also began to come from there, and now we have started making them. there are already more of these on both sides of the zipper and they are fixed in the same way, this is especially useful for dressings. shorts, summer trousers, covers take into account the nuances of the fixing apparatus; they are equipped with the necessary zippers, laces and velcro. according to activists of the public organization, in the current situation they simply could not stand aside from the forces of their native land. yuri otanov, oleg anosov, lead buryatia. the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations in moscow warns of extreme heat in capital today is thursday friday. the ministry of emergency situations asks muscovites to avoid overheating the sun and wear light-colored clothing. pants and hats, drink more water, this message just came through the news agency channels, more detailed forecast after the advertisement, what we bring from traveling with
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online trading from sber for 0 rubles. help at the start from sber experts, all services in your internet bank. analytics for your business and transfer of all proceeds without commission. open an account with sberbank and use all the services to develop your business. business is a complete blast. what can alice do with the yandex gpt neural network? imagine, dozens of experts helping you come up with ideas, write texts, and gain knowledge. alice of the new generation can do this a lot of. who knew, smiled, it means real, they recognize, hmm,
8:54 am
love, remember, appreciate, truly, bsb, a bank for the present, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will come. to the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us, catching the firebird is not easy, but everyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum , open a deposit on! shower thunderstorms in the northwest, and also in the south. frontal sections attack the domain of a hot anticyclone, but will they be able to displace subtropical heat from the russian plain? this is the weather, a joint
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project of the russia 24 tv channel and the fubus center. i'm olga mikhailova. hello. thunderstorms will bring down the heat in the south, but the central region will continue to melt from the heat. the day before, the air in the capital warmed up to +26. this is 2° higher than the july figures. we tried to spend more time in air-conditioned buildings, and preferred ice cream instead of coffee. it is very hot throughout the russian plain. apparently, this is connected with the present invasion of midges in many regions. moose began to emerge from the forest into open spaces to escape insect bites. for this reason, rospotrebnadzor of the leningrad region asked drivers to reduce speed on country roads. the sun is now making the earth so hot that dust tornadoes are spinning over certain parts of it. over the past 24 hours, these vortices have been observed in tula, ostashkovo and samara. however, the power of a hot anticyclone is not undivided. yesterday
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it broke through in st. petersburg. atmospheric front, it was marked by short but very intense showers, on some streets were flooded with roadways, and before that there was a large hail storm in dagestan. the main character in the atmospheric processes of european russia is the anticyclone that captured the center and north-west of the region and the black sea depression. just today, a new frontal wave from europe will flow into the area of ​​this vortex, so that it will become more active and the rainfall in its area will intensify; over 20-30 mm of flags may fall within 24 hours on the coast of the caucasus, in the crimea and the lower dnieper. nenastya enters the zone from sochi. thunderstorms in the resort capital russia began at night, they will reach their peak closer to noon. according to model estimates, the intensity of the storm will be up to 10 mm in 3 hours. in the second half of wednesday, precipitation will noticeably weaken and will stop completely in the evening. during this
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time, 22 mm of moisture will fall in the city. almost a quarter of the entire monthly amount. rain clouds will have a decisive influence on the temperature regime, due to a reduction in the influx of solar heat, daytime temperatures in the black sea region will drop to +17-22, in the rest of the russian plain, even in the north-west, it will be cloudy subtropical summer. at midday the air will warm up to 25-30. in the lower reaches of the volga , the thermometers will rise even higher by a couple of degrees. the situation in the atmosphere over the russian plain will begin to change only at the end of the week. the fact is that the anticyclone will begin to drift south and its crest will finally displace the rain clouds from the black sea region. but in such a situation, the middle zone will be affected by fields of frontal clouds, although with showers and thunderstorms they will still carry very warm air masses, so the region will simply be transferred from dry subtropics to humid ones. as i mentioned,
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frontal sections began in st. petersburg. to stabilize the atmosphere the day before, until the end of the week, masses of heaping rain clouds will form over the neva, while the abnormal heat will continue, at midday in the city it will be +27-28, this is only a couple of degrees below the absolute records of maximum temperature. in moscow in the coming days it will be sunny and up to +29. by friday the heat will increase even more in the afternoon around +30. on saturday at the metropolis will rustle with refreshing freight traffic. rain, but on sunday there will be fewer clouds in central russia, so extreme heat will return. that's all for me, goodbye.
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is waiting for the next delivery of military aid. russia has noted more than once that this directly involves nato countries in the conflict. all the details are in our material. thunderstorms occurred in several regions at once, and the heat is intensifying in the capital. our meteorologists will give their weather forecast. let's start with the package of tax bills that the ministry of finance
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introduced. government. changes are called for make the tax system fairer. it is assumed that people with an annual income of less than 2,400,000 rubles. will continue to pay personal income tax at a rate of 13%. if the amount is more than 5 million, the rate will be 13 15%. for people who receive from 5 to 20 million 18%. from 20 to 50 - 20. and from those who have more. income will be taxed at a rate of 22%. it is important that people will pay increased taxes not on the entire amount, only on the excess amount. according to the ministry of finance, these innovations will not affect 97% of working russians. wherein tax support for large families and families of svo participants will continue. by the way, they themselves will not be affected by changes in the income tax collection system. well, i’ll add that the ministry of finance.


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