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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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bills that the ministry of finance introduced by the government. the changes are designed to make the tax system fairer. it is assumed that people with an annual income of less than 2,400,000 rubles. will continue to pay personal income tax at a rate of 13%. if the amount is more than 5 million, the rate will be 13 15%. for people who earn from 5 to 20 million 18%, from 20 to 50.20, those with higher income will be taxed at a rate of 22%. it is important that people will pay increased tax not on the entire amount, only on the volume exceeding according to the ministry of finance, these innovations will not affect 97% of working russians. at the same time, tax support for large families and families of svo participants will remain. by the way, the changes in the income tax collection system will not affect them. well, i’ll add that... there are no plans
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to increase vat rates, so as not to provoke an increase in inflation. my colleagues from the economic editorial team will tell you about everything in more detail in a few minutes. now to the situation in the nwo zone. in the southern donetsk direction , the russian military destroyed a stronghold and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy fortification was discovered by drone operators and transmitted the coordinates to the command. the crew of the modernized tos flamethrower system received the combat mission - to burn out the target. two. the designers made the car much more efficient, and at the same time reduced the risk of a retaliatory strike. our war correspondent eduard punigov will tell you how we managed to achieve this. this crew of the santsepek heavy flamethrower system is from transbaikalia, working in the coal tar area. in one salvo, the installation destroys entire units of the ukrainian armed forces. as soon as air reconnaissance detects potential targets, the crew immediately strikes. tos-2, or,
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as the military says, tosochka, fires thermoboric shells, it is impossible to hide from them either in a trench or in a dugout. when such a projectile hits a target, a cloud of flammable mixture is formed, it ignites and burns out oxygen, penetrating into all cracks and holes. the previous modification of the sunburner was on a tracked chassis. tosochka is built on the basis of the tornado truck. the advantage is that it drives on the roads.
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approximately 6 km, this means that personal the train needs to get as close as possible to the line of combat contact, in fact, work in the red zone, a modified version is capable of shooting three times further, approximately 20 km, which significantly reduces the risks for personnel. the commander of this combat vehicle worked on both versions of santsepek. you can stand on this one a little longer and try to hit the enemy more accurately than on the first car, the first car is calculated very quickly than the second car. tosochka ammunition.
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goes to the battlefield alone, he is always accompanied by a fire cover group, the immediate task of fire support, reliable security and defense of our combat vehicle, the main threats now are in the air, well, mostly unmanned aerial vehicles, accordingly we have operators who conduct aerial surveillance, in the special operation zone there are spots usually working at the request of assault units, flamethrower systems help to open even the most fortified areas of the enemy’s defense. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, news. south donetsk direction. and now to the news marked urgent. this is a message from the kremlin. vladimir putin appointed presidential aide alexei dyumin as secretary of the state council. and now let’s continue talking about the situation in the northeast military district zone. the russian military there eliminated enemy mortar crews. the task was completed by fighters from the north group. scouts, having inspected the area from the air, spotted the movement of a unit of the ukrainian armed forces' guns. how.
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let the commands come in a comprehensive manner, we combine fire, we cover, that is, they finish with hail and destroy the enemy completely, my battery knows the main guarantee of all artillerymen, this under the artilleryman saves the blood of the infantry, and we always do everything so that our infantry thinks less about enemy artillery, moves forward more and carries out its tasks directly. in the belgorod region , new signs have appeared on the roads; they indicate which routes are safe and where an attack drone of the ukrainian armed forces may appear. the russian military is doing everything it can to shoot down enemy drones, but the ukrainian military is launching more and more cheap aircraft with ammunition.
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our special correspondent yegor grigoriev has all the details. a black column of smoke over a nameless village, a car is on fire, a civilian field was attacked by a ukrainian. fortunately, the uav and the driver were not inside, but the car was destroyed. kamika drones of the armed forces of ukraine are launched dozens of times a day. they hit indiscriminately. on the roads of the belgorod region it is easy to come across burnt equipment. these cars were attacked by drones near the village of shchetinovka. local residents have already learned to identify flying killers. you can hear it very far away, like a mosquito buzzing, or like a bumblebee buzzing, like this you run away right away.
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poroshenko, the simpler the cheaper, it consists, you see, of a battery, of the drone itself, a receiving antenna, and, as
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a rule, an explosive element is suspended from it, either a grenade, or a charge from an rpg7. one of these kamikazes attacked a gas station in shibeikino the day before; it was lucky that it hit the roof and there was no fire. at the exit from shebekin to the bypass road, which actually runs parallel to the state border, special road signs were installed that warn drivers of the danger of attack drones. unfortunately, the ukrainian army literally burns civilian cars every day. signs have also appeared that show a safe route from shebekin to belgorod in the opposite direction. similar road signs will be installed on other regional routes, where kamika drones of the armed forces of ukraine can still fly. egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, olga kurlaeva, news. now to international topics: algeria will circulate
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a draft resolution in the un security council calling for a suppression of hostilities in rafah. more about this later closed meeting of safsecurity, the country's post press reported to journalists during the organization. according to him, the document represents. a short text aimed at suspending military operations in the region. israeli army tanks reached the center of rafah for the first time in 3 weeks after the start of the operation in the city. the international press reports this. according to journalists, armored vehicles were spotted near the al-auda mosque, a local landmark. the army press service declined to comment on the advance of troops into the city center. however, in the usa there is no it is believed that israel has launched a major operation in rafah. the coordinator reported this. white house strategic communications officer john kirby. according to him, if the army begins active hostilities in the city, the states will have to reconsider their decisions to support israel. however, as kirby said, there is no talk of sanctions yet. the official claims that the white house is concerned about
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the possible isolation of the jewish state due to a new wave of hostilities. now let’s move on to advertising, then we’ll talk about improvement. russian tax system. only. at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get super cashback up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed. if you don't have a card, order a free alpha debit card. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. meet the free children's sber card, limited design.
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that's a victory, that's a victory, russia, russia, russia, russia, whether you throw out the trash already or not, so, attention, we have a replacement, a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field, to win. so, the ministry of finance submitted a proposal to the government to change the tax system. the state duma may adopt a package of amendments already during this session, then they will come into force at the beginning of next year. the measures, as noted by the ministry of finance, will make it possible to implement the president’s message on a number of socially significant issues. we’ll find out all the details from maria filippova. she joins me, masha, good morning, tell me, what ideas and proposals can be called key? sasha plans to recalculate
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personal income tax, but i’ll say right away, not for everyone, but for businesses intend to increase income taxes. the russian ministry of finance has made a proposal to the government to improve the tax system. when developing them, the ministry of finance, said its head anton siluanov, relied on the recommendations of the state duma. the changes will ensure stable and predictable business conditions for citizens. on a progressive scale, it determines the rate for the working population relative to the level of income. it looks like this: the current 13% remains with those who receive less than 2.4 million per year or less than 200 thousand per year month. the percentage increases with income after this point. earnings from 2.4 million to 5 million
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per year are going to be taxed at 15%. if the annual income is above 5 million, but within twenty, the monthly rate. 20% will be paid by those who earn from 20 to 50 million per year, and 22% - by those whose income is above 50 million per year. at the same time, the increased tax is not paid on the entire amount, only on the part that exceeds the threshold, so those earning 250 thousand per month under the updated taxation system will pay in addition to the usual 13% thousand rubles. upon income at 4000 there are 400 on top
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. and for wealthier categories of individuals, personal income tax rates will increase. but the rate for low-income families raising two or more children will decrease. due to the redistribution of the tax burden, the rate will be 6%. in practice, this will look like cashback, a return of 7% of what was paid 13. we are talking about a family where the average per capita income per person does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence level. minimum per month in 2025 - this is about 320,000 rubles per year for one, if this is a family with two children, the total annual income will be no more than 1,300,000 rubles. about half of all families with two or more children will be able to receive tax cashback. additional funds received by the budget after tax changes will be used
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, among other things, to fulfill the social obligations of national projects announced in the president’s message. passing the gto standards and undergoing an annual medical examination. dividend income will be taxed at the current rate of 13% up to the amount of rub 2.4 million. anything higher increases the rate to 15%. same mechanism also applies when calculating ndf interest income from deposits and when selling real estate. a new approach to taxation
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is also provided for business. small medium-sized businesses will be able to use the simplified system longer. it is planned to increase the thresholds for income to 450 million rubles and fixed assets to 200 million rubles. in 2023, the limit for the use of special tax liability insurance was almost 251.5 million rubles. an obligation to pay vat is also introduced for incomes above 60 million, with the waiver of increased rates of 8% for income and 20% for income (minus expenses). 7% of entrepreneurs on osn have revenue of up to 60 million rubles, which means the measure to introduce vat will not affect the vast majority of taxpayers. the income tax will increase from 20% to 25; the decision, the ministry of finance emphasizes, is becoming relevant against the background of the growing number of profitable organizations. many industries have moved from the category of stably unprofitable to
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profitable. the measure will allow us to abandon the use of exchange rate export duties, the ministry clarifies. will be a fairer alternative. a number of stimulating measures are provided for investing companies. we follow the general trend of increasing income tax rates. at the same time , i would not see anything particularly dramatic here, because the increase in the tax rate is accompanied by the appearance of additional benefits. and the state stimulates our business so that there is more investment in...
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the number of places in kindergartens, if this is the number of visits to clinics, so
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i understand that one of the most pressing issues is more than 40 kindergartens for 3.5 -4 years have been put into operation, uh-huh, new ones, uh, for us, now there are only a few left, only 3,000, somewhere there is only - how to introduce it, besides, we have renovated 20. three more schools, kindergartens, outpatient clinics, i see your industrial production is growing, due to what? i myself head the investment council, and well, i can tell you that there are 40 portfolios, the last time we looked at seven packages of portfolios, and an investor came to us to build a vital gas plant. the united states and germany oppose accelerating ukraine's entry into nato for fear of worsening relations with russia. the telegraph publication reports this with reference to sources. according to their information, the white house
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is very skeptical about kiev’s desire to join the military alliance. it is also known that on the eve of the july nato summit , zelensky was asked not to put pressure on representatives of the bloc. according to sources, the best that can be offered to ukraine at the moment is some kind of long-term route, which... should only be perceived as continued support. in june, tens of thousands of ammunition will be sent to ukraine at the initiative of the czech republic. more than one and a half billion euros were collected for the military needs of kiev. russia has repeatedly noted that arms supplies are playing with fire and directly involve nato countries in the conflict. the topic will be continued by victoria koroleva. the ssu has repeatedly used western weapons to strike russian territory. kiev is experiencing the most difficult time since the beginning of the conflict in
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ukraine. under international law, ukraine can defend itself, and self-defense includes the legal right to strike military targets outside ukraine. words stoltenberg is echoed by the french president. emmanuel macron said in an interview with cnn: ukraine can be those targets in russia from where shelling is being carried out. macron is convinced that western supplies of long-range weapons to kiev will not lead to escalation; justifying endless military tranches with international law is a new trend in european politics. german chancellor olaf scholz insists these measures help strengthen defense. the only question is whose? we want to provide billions of euros in funding to ukraine so that it can guarantee its defense and thus increase the security of the whole of europe. still, most eu countries speak cautiously about the legitimacy of attacks on russia. after the meeting of defense ministers, the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, noted that
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not everyone shares this policy. member countries have different approaches. i know that there are those who are categorically against it, and there are those who are definitely for it. i can't say who will be in the majority. no one can stop a member state from supplying weapons to ukraine and allowing ukrainians to use those weapons to carry out attacks on... the possible use of american weapons for attacks on russia has not changed, the state department does not encourage justification for strikes, the white house noted that they do not want the situation to escalate. i will say that there are no changes in our approach; at the moment we do not encourage or facilitate the use of weapons provided by the united states. for strikes inside russia, however, nato, writes the washington post, is putting pressure on the united states. the alliance requires states to approve ukrainian attacks. apparently, joe biden himself wanted to talk about this again.
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zelensky. at... the so-called peace summit, it will be held in june, but that’s not the task, the american president plans to skip the meeting, instead he will go to hollywood to raise funds for his presidential campaign. while biden is engrossed in the election race, american military analysts are calling on him to finally enter into direct dialogue with the russian president. until biden talks directly with putin and starts a dialogue, our lives are in great danger. well , the american leader apparently has other priorities. victoria koroleva. lead. in in yerevan at these moments a large-scale new protest action is gaining momentum, its numerous participants went to the ministry of internal affairs. they demand a meeting with the minister. as the organizers stated, they want to understand whether the head of the department himself gives orders for the harsh dispersal of rallies, or whether they are imposed on him from above. all this is connected with the agreement on the delimitation of the border between azerbaijan and armenia. in fact, official yerevan
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agreed to transfer baku. in tbilis, a rally of opponents of the law on foreign agents ended only around midnight, rustavelli avenue was finally unblocked, workers spent the whole night dismantling the stage and putting things in order. let me remind you that another campaign has begun. simultaneously with the meeting of the georgian parliament. there, deputies approved the scandalous document, overcoming the president's veto. neither the threat of western sanctions nor street protests prevented this. the law was supported by a majority of votes and will now be sent to the president for signature. if she does not sign the document, the head of parliament will do so, after which the law will come into force. all npos that are funded from abroad will contribute special register. the opposition said it does not
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intend to give up. the leader promises to continue the protest at the protests until the parliamentary elections on october 26, and the president of the country also calls for this. general elections will be held today in yur, based on their results, a new composition of the national assembly of the local parliament will be formed. 52 parties are participating in the elections. according to polls , the ruling faction, the african national congress, should receive a majority of votes. this victory will allow its leader and current president of south africa, cyril romaphosa. hold the post of head of state for the next 5 years. another newest f-35 fighter jet crashed in the us state of new mexico. the plane crashed during takeoff from the factory airfield to its place of duty. just the day before, the pentagon accepted fighter jets into service. however, according to local media, it was an experimental model of the f-35. it is known that the pilot managed to eject. he is now in the hospital. but the dprk authorities
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sent 150 balloons with garbage and manure to south korea, it was reported yonhab agency with reference to the joint chiefs of staff of seoul. according to the south korean military, the balloons began crossing the border in the evening, and according to local media, their appearance provoked the collapse of the air defense system in the country. now let's switch to a short advertisement.
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you will die, but i’m like, he says, who will protect you if not me. many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school. he took a roundabout route to serve the volunteers. i found out what it’s like to actually be in a war.


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