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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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contact with the partisans burned the village of all its inhabitants. an ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be destroyed. why is it important to recognize genocide specifically against the soviet people? because this is a historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of world war ii. russia was the first to convey a resolution on the inadmissibility of the glorification of nazism, abstaining.
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install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. it’s 10:31 in moscow, we’re ending
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the morning news broadcast, here are its results. presidential aide alexei dzyumin has been appointed secretary of the state council. the decree was signed by vladimir putin. this was reported by the kremlin press service. the document comes into force from the date of its signing. the ministry of finance has submitted a proposal to the government to improve the tax system. some of them concern. personal income tax for citizens, they are going to increase it, but only for those who earns more than 200,000 per month, the innovation will affect only about 3% of russians. in the southern donetsk direction, the russian military razed to the ground the fortification of the armed forces of ukraine, and the strong point was hit by the latest heavy flamethrower system tos-2. having completed the task, the crew took the vehicle into cover to avoid a retaliatory strike. modernized military equipment makes it possible. natural
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fires are raging in buryat, six outbreaks have been detected, and almost 300 specialists are involved in extinguishing them. the fire has passed more than 16. by this minute the threat to settlements have been removed, a special fire regime and a ban on visiting forests are in effect in the region. the ban on russian tourists entering norway came into force on may 29 following orders from the country's government, which announced the move last week. transit travel through norway to other european countries, including finland, is also no longer possible. and now i give the floor to my colleague, yuri bogdanov. so, next is the fifth studio. yura, greetings, tell us what we’ll talk about. yes, alexander, good afternoon. today we have an international agenda again, there are quite a lot of events. firstly.
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we will, of course, continue to discuss those statements and the discussion that has unfolded within the european union and nato. this also applies to attempts to legalize the possibility for kiev to strike throughout russia and the discussion around the seizure of frozen russian assets, and we will definitely talk about the situation in georgia, where the ruling party overcame the president’s veto on laws on foreign agents. the topic is also very interesting, very important. i welcome connections. vladimir jabbarov, first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs, vladimir mikhailovich, hello, hello, yes, i would like to start with this topic: vladimir zelensky continues his tour of european countries, concludes a security agreement with states, such a pool of these is already quite impressive countries that concluded this agreement, portugal and belgium joined, how do you comment, what do you think, why is this being done, because this is happening against the backdrop of controversy over whether to invite ukraine in the near future? in nato, in what
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perspective could kiev join the alliance, maybe this is some kind of prologue, well, they say, look how many agreements have already been concluded with almost all members, let’s take us -
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f16 undertakes 30 pieces before the twenty-eighth, if i’m not mistaken, of the year supply all kinds of financial support, military-technical support, etc., etc. well, it’s not because an agreement was concluded, but it was known for a long time about deliveries that nato countries would supply, in particular, the f-16, and belgium has long stated this, as have the netherlands. i think that, frankly speaking, these are all empty numbers of zelensky, they will not give anything. he just wants to make more noise in europe before the conference, which is expected in june in switzerland, to attract more participants, especially since he expects that these will be high-ranking guests, apparently there will of course be a representative of the second, or even third, third levels
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of power from these countries, so i think that this does not mean anything, moreover, well to be honest, i don’t understand very well, i have great respect... in portugal, at one time the portuguese language was spoken, a wonderful country with a wonderful past, but as such a military ally of ukraine, i don’t really imagine what can be done the former such a serious metropolis as portugal was in the middle ages, so i think that this is more a pr move than reality. here you, vladimir mikhalovich, mentioned the swiss summit, indeed vladimir zelensky, among other things, is sending out an invitation to the leader.
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here are other countries, i don’t think that, unlike in the absence of blinken, excuse me, biden , they will want to send top officials, of course, secondary officials will go, but frankly, this will make the summit look simply ridiculous, because firstly, it’s nothing will decide how such fateful issues as the war between russia and ukraine can be resolved in the absence of russia. no, without sending her even a basic invitation, i think that this is exactly the case when the mountain gave birth to a mouse, there is a lot of noise, there will be sewn on the top, in if at this summit a significant number of states sign some kind of resolution or some kind of final document, will
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it have any legal force, will it have some kind of political pressure , including on moscow, you know, this is already discussed ours spoke out... stated that - kiev should be allowed to launch strikes throughout russia, how do you assess this statement and what do you think, can this be the case, but the overtone window, yes, now we see that many leaders of the european union and countries that are included in
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nato, they speak out against, but the discussion has begun, the discussion has begun, some support, some do not support, won’t it turn out that, as was the case with the supply of tanks initially, as... around the issue of long-range missiles, when all this begins from some kind of stuffing, and then turns into a made decision? you know, an absolutely irresponsible decision, or rather a statement.
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they will come running to help, they are mistaken. remember when the second world
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war began in 1939, and how france and great britain guaranteed poland an immediate offensive in the war against germany, if tana goes to poland, they attacked, conquered, and the french and british sat out. the same thing will happen now, if poland counts on the help of its leaders from the ocean, it will wait a long time for this help. so i think other countries. which, in general, belong to the countries of earlier earlier nato countries, which, in general, have long known in nato different periods of our confrontation, it is unlikely that they will go so far as to aggravate relations with our country, retaliatory measures will be inevitable, the information agenda is changing quite rapidly, there are many statements that we constantly discuss on air, i would like to go back a few days, since you mentioned poland, the statement of the minister of foreign affairs of poland regarding the fact that..
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this is a rather interesting statement; here a question arises related to the fact that if now, for example, germany can
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and does, apparently, yes, in the supply of the same taurus missiles, if such . the structure will be created, do you think, will individual members of the alliance be able to say, no, we don’t want to supply this or that weapon, but why not, because at one time france even suspended participation in the nato military structure, they can, one of the countries let's say, which does not agree with... well , let's say, hungary or slovakia, they can say no and not participate, it will be very difficult to force them, but i think that europe is beginning to understand that the americans are trying to blame the entire ukrainian problem on them, on europeans, they themselves begin to distance themselves from this war, and the more they begin to understand this, the less it seems to me that they will have the desire to continue to deepen the confrontation with our country, this is fraught with heavy losses in essence. they haven’t arrived, what
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assets, as i understand it, something has stalled there, they still have a common opinion and the use of frozen russian forecasts, how events may develop and how we will respond, yes, our assets are frozen, we know this, they are trying to use accrued interest, in particular the americans allowed this, but... it won’t, but another thing is money that has specific owners, behind which there are specific firms, companies, i think that this is a very dangerous process, dangerous on both sides, i hope it won’t come to that, of course, if you don’t let me god, a big world conflict will begin, there will be no time for that, but in this situation, pay attention, the latest news is that many western
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companies that announced that they were leaving the russian market said that no, we changed our minds, we are staying, i think , that...
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the country, now they say, has been let down student audience, young people took to the streets, but young people are not the same, not the same society that solves all global issues, they sometimes don’t even understand what they are shaking, well, they should have before their eyes the sad experience of the youth movement in china square, when students came out with demands for a change of course, in general the world ended up harsh, it was cut through and china moved on to normal.
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the steam has been let off, as you correctly noted, the protests are over, the next protest is scheduled for june 2, but nevertheless, it means everything has been postponed until the elections, until the october elections, the fact is that plan b is now in use, it has finally become clear why zurabishvili has not yet pardoned saakashvili, in whom she sees a competitor, she led
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the opposition, led this protest movement, and after that as... and acts as a united front under her leadership, collects half a million signatures, she provides, undertakes to provide assistance from the west and in the future, and also half a million more votes from the diaspora, so these will be inferior elections, that is, instead after the october parliamentary elections, we get a february revolution, like in russia, this is the analogy, will it be a referendum,
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which one does georgia choose, or a bright european future or a dark russian one? the future, that is, as part of the russian federation, as it presents, and what, and what alignment in society, how do you assess, because, in fact, yes, there is a split, we are seeing it, 80 to 20, the georgian people are happy, it is not said that yesterday you overcame this, and this elected parliament chooses the coalition the government is dissolving all institutions of power, can you imagine what this is, what it threatens, a civil war will begin in a year. extraordinary elections are being held once again; in fact, a clash will begin here, following the example of the well-known sad pili wars, the national one.
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by virtue of falling under its influence, you understand that yes, this is international transparency, the soros foundation, point, wave, they are created like mushrooms after rain, i can list the name for a long time, but they don’t tell russian listeners and viewers anything yours, the fact is that in total there are about 40,000 non-governmental organizations in georgia, more than half of them are involved in either nothing at all, the receipt of grants, or good deeds, such as...
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these are foreign grants in the interests of pursuing the interests of foreign power. foreign grants come mainly from which countries? united states, great britain and a small part from
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the european union. these are state funds. yes, arno albertovich, what reaction are you expecting from the west now? we see that there are quite serious threats from a variety of politicians at different levels, what do you think they will do? you know that if the goal of the us was the european union.
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georgia has already responded to this first promise, to this prank, which means that representatives of the authorities, whose children are studying with some in american and european institutions, have canceled their visas to the usa, they said, somehow we’ll tolerate it, we don’t need you, the main thing for us is georgia, well, the children understand the politicians, but how do the citizens feel, as far as i understand, such a fairly serious instrument in the public consciousness, positively applies because there are no economic sanctions that we were hit with. there as laundresses and nurses
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in unskilled jobs, they left a long time ago, the formula is simple, 20 thousand dollars, you need to pay an intermediary to the american embassy to leave here, that’s all who wanted, they have already done it, now the majority of the population of georgia does not have that kind of money, about what states, what kind of trips, what kind of visas are we talking about, there is no such desire, you understand? yes, arnovich, yes, thank you for your comment, very interesting, two words, free.
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direct flights have been restored for a long time. arno alberich, thank you for your detailed comments, we will closely monitor the processes in georgia, i will remind you that there were connections with respected experts, vladimir dzhabarov, arno khidereshvili, this was the fifth studio program, we are closely monitoring the developments. the legend returns, the same one... brewed from 100% malt, the same taste that the whole country loved, baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste, a smile will make everyone brighter, a smile in the sky will wake up the rainbow,
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11:00 am
vladimir putin appointed his assistant alexei dyumin secretary of the state council. the presidential decree is published on the official website of the kremlin and comes into force from the date of signing. alexey dyumin, who has headed tula since 2016. region in mid-may he went to work in the presidential administration, where he took the post of assistant to the head of state. his area of ​​responsibility includes issues of the military-industrial complex, sports and the work of the state council. in buryatia, a group of rescuers is being strengthened to fight natural fires. to date , six outbreaks have been identified in the republic, and almost 300 specialists are involved in extinguishing them. the fire covered more than 16,000 hectares.


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