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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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appointed his assistant alexei dyumin as secretary of the state council in his area of ​​responsibility as an assistant on issues of the military-industrial complex, sports and the work of the state council. the russian ministry of finance has submitted to the government a proposal to change the tax system ; personal income tax will be considered in a new way, but not for everyone. what other changes are planned? a ban on the entry of tourists from russia has come into force in norway; transit trips to other european countries are also impossible. how do they react in the russian world? the heat is intensifying in the capital, and there are heavy downpours thunderstorms hit several regions in different parts of the country at once; snow fell in ugra 3 days before the start of summer. in several regions of ukraine, an air raid alert was announced last night and in the morning. sirens sounded in the kiev, cherkasy, chernigov, sumy, poltava, kharkov and... dnepropetrovsk
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regions. the mayor of kharkov announced an explosion in the city. reports of explosions also came from kanotop. information also appeared that in the part of the kherson region controlled by vysy , utility infrastructure was damaged. in telegram channels are disseminating information about a massive attack on the yavorovsky training ground in the lviv region. it is reported that foreign military personnel were killed there, but there is no official confirmation yet. authorities believe that the united states may ask asian countries to host medium- and shorter- range missiles. this was stated today by sergei lavrov at a meeting with the heads of foreign diplomatic missions on the topic of resolving the conflict in ukraine. according to the minister, washington is trying to maintain its hegemony. all the events that we are seeing now, they come from the desire of the united states to lead the collective trap.
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maintaining hegemony using sanctions, blackmail, threats, and armed force is a struggle for the passing era. the united states and germany are against accelerating ukraine’s accession to nato for fear of worsening relations with russia, telegram reports , citing sources. according to their information , the white house is very skeptical about kiev’s desire to join the military alliance. also known. that on the eve of the july
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nato summit zelensky was asked not to put pressure to representatives of the bloc. according to sources, the best that can be offered to ukraine at the moment is a certain long-term route, which should be perceived only as continued support. warsaw does not restrict kiev from using polish weapons on russian territory, the deputy head of the polish ministry of defense reported this. he also called on other countries to lift restrictions on attacks on russian targets. in addition, the forty-fifth military package was announced in warsaw. help for ukraine, so send troops to independent poland, according to the deputy minister there are no plans for defense yet. a ban on the entry of tourists from russia has come into force in norway. as clarified in oslo, the new rules do not apply to those who travel to the country to visit close relatives. the restrictions also will not affect holders of border resident certificates, student and work visas, as well as residence permits in the schengen countries. at the same time, norwegian border guards. may be denied entry
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to russians with multi-year tourist visas previously issued by norway itself or other schengen countries. transit trips via norway and others to other european countries, including finland, are now also impossible. moscow called oslo's actions an unfriendly step and discrimination. mita official representative maria zakharova said that the authorities of the neighboring state are seeking to completely destroy any ties between international russia and norway. to the government. proposals for changes to the tax system, a package of amendments was prepared by the ministry of finance, innovations are planned from the beginning of next year. the state duma can approve them already this spring session. as the department notes, the measures will ensure the implementation of the president’s message on a number of socially significant issues. maria filippova with details. the russian ministry of finance has made a proposal to the government to improve the tax system. when they were developed, the ministry of finance said its head. anton seluanov relied on
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the recommendations of the state duma. the changes will ensure stable and predictable conditions for citizens, businesses and regions for the next 6 years and will provide economic growth well-being of the country. the minister noted. among the main proposed changes to personal income tax, taxation of personal income is planned on a progressive scale. it determines the rate for the working population relative to income level. it looks like this: the current 13% remains with those who receive less than 2.4 million per year or less than 200,000 per month. the percentage increases with income after this point. earnings from 2.4 million to five. year they intend to tax 15%, if the annual income is above 5 million, but within twenty, the monthly rate 18%. 20% will be paid by those who earn from 20 to 50 million per year, and 22% - by those whose income is above 50 million per year. at the same time, the increased tax
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is not paid on the entire amount, only on the part exceeding the threshold, so those earning 250,000 per month under the updated taxation system will pay plus the usual 13%. the ministry of finance emphasizes that the planned tax changes will affect only a little more than 3% of the working population, which is approximately 2 million people out of 64 million. the rate system , from what we hear, will be formed in such a way that the majority of the population is not affected by these changes, probably how these changes will end. that for the majority of the population, as the personal income tax rate was 13%, it will remain at this level, and for wealthier categories of individuals, personal income tax rates will increase. but the rate for low-income families
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raising two or more children will decrease. due to the redistribution of the tax burden, the rate will be 6%. in practice, this will look like cashback, a return of 7% of the thirteen paid. families where the average per capita income per person does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence minimum per month, in 2025, this is about 320,000 rubles per year for one, if this is a family with two children, the total annual income will be no more than 1,300,000 rubles. about half of all families with two or more children will be able to receive tax cashback. additional funds received by the budget after tax changes will be used , among other things, to fulfill social obligations.
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quite neat, you can also get tax deductions upon delivery gto standards and undergoing annual medical examination. dividend income will be taxed at the current rate of 13% up to the amount of rub 2.4 million. anything higher increases the rate to 15%. the same mechanism applies when calculating personal income tax on interest income from deposits and when selling real estate. a new approach to taxation is also provided for business. small medium entrepreneur. will be able to use a simplified taxation system for longer, which reduces a number of tax contributions. income thresholds are expected to increase up to 450 million rubles. and fixed assets up to 200 million rubles. in 2023, the limit for the use of special tax liability insurance was almost 251.5 million rubles.
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an obligation to pay vat is also introduced for incomes above 60 million, with the waiver of increased rates of 8% for income and 20%. for income minus expenses. almost 97% of entrepreneurs on osn have revenue of up to 60 million rubles. this means that the measure to introduce vat will not affect the vast majority of taxpayers. the income tax will increase from 20% to 25. the decision emphasizes the ministry of finance becomes relevant against the background of the growing number of profitable organizations. many industries have moved from the category of stably unprofitable to profitable. the measure will allow you to stop using it.
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there has been more investment in new technologies, and those who do so will also notice less of an increase in income taxes. the bill also introduces the concept. business, when a large company on paper is turned into several small ones in order to obtain the right to use a simplified taxation system. for those who are ready to give up their schemes to come out of the shadows, an amnesty is provided, and unpaid white taxes will not be collected. the proposals of the ministry of finance will be studied in detail in the state duma, they will be discussed with business, expert and public associations. the lower house believes that tax changes are aimed at ensuring.
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years in kursk in the family of a military medic, received a higher military education, graduated with honors from the russian academy
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of civil service and underwent professional retraining at the military academy of the general staff. in the mid-nineties he served in the federal security service, worked in division that provides communications to top officials of the state. since 2013, dyumin has gone to work at the general staff, where he commands special operations forces. since december 2015 , he served as deputy minister of defense. supervised the departments of construction, housing, property relations, expert, and medical areas. in september 2016 , alexey dzyumin won the direct elections for governor of the tula region. he ran as a self-promoted candidate and received the support of voters. in may this years, he went to work in the presidential administration, where he took the post of assistant to the head of state. alexey dyumin was awarded state orders and awards. how to improve the culture of public safety is being discussed today in moscow at
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the social advertising forum. the russian ministry of emergency situations invited experts in the field of social advertising and communication, psychologists, journalists and business representatives. in the creative zone, in parallel with discussions and presentations, there is a creative studio. there , students of different specialties can create effective advertising solutions on the topic of fire safety. today we have gathered experts in the field of communication, psychology and social advertising, representatives of the organization of advertising distributors, and of course, creative people to discuss approaches and tools for promoting a safety culture. public safety is a state task, and it cannot be solved within the framework of one department, so we need your knowledge, skills, creativity, and fresh perspective. pairs of roman burger and roman burger
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with chicken at a bargain price in italian delicious and full stop, come out, come out and start a business, with sber our idea will fly, open an account and connect services for online trading from sber for. 0 rub. help at the start from sber experts. all services in your internet bank. analytics for your business and transfer of all proceeds without commission. open an account with sberbank and use all the services to develop your business. business is awesome! the grader is new in weed control. protection for 3 years destroys any vegetation. grader - and nothing grows. it's hard not to notice the legendary credit card
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for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. boldly face your expenses, with yota your money will not fly away, gigs and minutes remain, we return rubles for them every month, you can iota, we found out that the phone works even with zero, with zero account, with beeline you are safe even with zero account, calls, messengers and cards work, connect support with zero in the application. dangerous operator, meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication free payment sticker, a children's sber card - an adult approach, meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month connections
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free payment sticker, children's savings card in an adult approach. now about the weather in in the khantemansi district, 2 days before summer , restrictions were introduced on leaving populated areas due to snowfalls. at the same time , drivers in south siberia are asked to be careful because heavy rains are forecast on the black sea coast due to trees falling under the pressure of the wind. we'll talk about everything in more detail with tatyana belova. hello tatiana. and in the region the first +30 are not excluded. residents of barnaul could feel like mary poppins this morning; the wind accelerated to 18 m per second. because of anina , one of the city parks was closed novosibirsk. at least 14 trees fell overnight in stormy weather. some of
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them were on the fence and a car, one blocked the road. fortunately, there were no casualties. the strong wind was replaced by a downpour, the lowlands and the street, where there are problems with lemnyovka, predictably floated. a rain cloud covered omsk, although it did not bring much precipitation. earlier, in the shusha district of the krasnoyarsk territory, the sky darkened like night, a dust storm blew in, the locals had never seen anything like this. people were hiding from looming darkness behind fences and buildings, the local weather station recorded gusts of up to 25 m/s. the wind raised dust and sand from the fields. roads and streets were littered with fallen trees, many settlements were left without electricity. and in november it’s in yamali. today we closed the exit from the city and it was snowy. this is usually done in the depths of winter. most drivers are already on summer tires, so every trip becomes extreme. owners of some all-wheel drive vehicles tow the owners of regular cars. looks like the picture was in today
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yugra in the north of the tomsk region. in strizhevoy. no, well, i couldn’t help but film it. the blizzard and the fountains work, well, this is generally, so to speak, a reminder of summer. the weather beyond the urals is now determined by an extensive cyclonic system with centers in western siberia and the kara sea. the cyclones are sandwiched between two vast anticyclones. as a result of this interaction , arctic air continues to flow into the urals and western siberia. anticyclone, which dominates russian. now it is oriented north to south, and cyclones are also circling around the western periphery. gormovye the peals kept residents of both the northern and southern regions of russia awake at night for more than 2 hours. in arkhangelsk, and oliven did not run away until the morning. during this time , 17 mm of rain fell on the city, which is the norm for one ten-day period in may. in the evening, a thunderstorm flooded southern anapa. thunderstorms thundered in sochi. sochi
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remains under the influence of the atmospheric front; the maximum intensity of the shower was reached in the middle of the day. in the second half, precipitation will noticeably weaken and stop completely by the evening. but by the end of the day, 22 mm will fall in the city moisture, this is almost a quarter of the monthly norm. here 's how... the situation by the weekend, the anticyclone will shift south, displace rain from the black sea region, atlantic cyclones will break through to the north, the middle zone will be in the path of warm southwestern winds, but with them more will come, more humid will come air. let's go back to today's cold weather in siberia, in kemerovo it rained during the day, the wind accelerated to 16 m/s. the thermometer columns balanced at +7. the rain has stopped, the wind will subside later, at the same time... the temperature will drop to +2, slight warming is predicted only closer to the weekend, in moscow it is already sunny +27, in the afternoon +29, by friday the heat
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will intensify even more, according to forecasts in the afternoon about +30. on saturday there will be refreshing thunder showers, on sunday the clouds will decrease again and it will become hot again. these are the forecasts. the deposit is the best interest rate in sberbank with a favorable rate of up to 16% per annum. hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sber shares as a gift. deposit is the best interest. in savings are more profitable with prime. catching a firebird feather is not easy. but anyone can get a rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on this have not happened before. russian cold: 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass! try the real russian cold ice cream, great, incredible
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the megamarket is just growing with. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit sbercard is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. our task was to take the stone, in the morning on us they attacked, well, i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i look, blood is spattering from my leg, nothing happened, he says, just my mother says, she will be very worried, she says now. she
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arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well, i was covered with adil, well, it was not visible that my leg was gone, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is that you’re alive, you can walk with people like that reconnaissance, you will return from reconnaissance with the following, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here? and space pirates. i love children, they will meet again. i wanted to offer you my hand and heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe it’s possible in some other way, any interference in time could lead him to this, 100 years from now, united russia, based on the results of electronic preliminary voting, will face
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a significant update. deputy corps, this was stated by the secretary of the general council parties andrey turchak. more than 22,000 candidates have registered for the preliminary vote; the final results will be announced at a meeting of the presidium and the general council on may 30. report by dmitry akimov. i decided for myself that i needed to go help our army. and he volunteered. georgy zhuravlev went to the northern military district in april 22 and stayed there for more than six months. we built a house - almost everything. i built it myself, the guys helped me, during the battles near kremennaya i was seriously wounded, i returned home, but i don’t leave my people, now is collecting another batch of humanitarian aid, trench candles made by schoolchildren, body armor, helmets, all this will go to the front line, come back alive, come to the church of the blessed virgin mary, we don’t abandon our own to
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help our own... not only at the front, but in our homeland petersburg, georgy decided to go into politics, joined united russia and is now taking part in the primaries, preliminary voting for the role of a candidate in the upcoming municipal elections. continue to support the decision of our president, and so that our country becomes stronger, developed and we successfully completed a special military operation.


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