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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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we don’t abandon our own to help our own, not only at the front, but in his native st. petersburg, georgy decided to go into politics, joined united russia and is now taking part in the primary, preliminary voting for the role of a candidate in the upcoming municipal elections, to further support the decision of our president and so that our country becomes stronger, develops, and we successfully complete the special military. in the primer with united russia, which has already ended in most regions, more than 3 million people took part, over 22 candidates, the average competition is 6 people per seat, only 15% of those nominated for electronic preliminary voting are current deputies, that is, we are facing a serious renewal of the deputy corps at all levels, at the regional and municipal levels.
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the president to attract participants and veterans of the north military district into the political life of the country. as a result, 210 participants in the special military operation this year submitted their application to participate in the electronic preliminary voting. most in the city of heroes of sevastopol - 14 such candidates. in the altai republics - 12, in crimea - 10, in tyva - and eight in the tver region. and for the military, those who completed the svo and returned. home, participation in primaries and then
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elections, an additional opportunity to apply your skills in civilian life. war, it mobilizes a person, a person reveals various talents, including command, yes, let’s say a person has never commanded, here, because of a private, he becomes the commander of a company platoon section, people believe in him, trust him, and he can follow him story, so in the municipality, a person can organize work clearly. military style dmitry akimov and sergey fodeev, news: children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with wow tariffs, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses and...
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get three sber shares as a gift, the deposit is the best percentage, it’s more profitable in sber with prime, badik, go out, go start a business, with sber, our idea will fly, open an account and connect services for online trading from sber for 0 rubles. help at the start from sber experts, all services are yours. internet bank, analytics on your business and transfer of all proceeds without commission. open an account with sberbank and use all the services to develop your business. business is a complete blast. our broadcast will continue with the original program of kirill vyshinsky, typical of novorussia. how it ended academic year in new territories and what to expect? the following, as well as about the secret
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report of british intelligence on ukraine, a hundred years ago, why are western countries trying to hush up its data and what parallels can be drawn with today? hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is the “typical novarosia” program. our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. through a careful look at history. we will try to reveal the uniqueness of her day present, find typical features, recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today. it rings again, the last bell in
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novorossiya schools about what and how is changing in the education system, a conversation with a program expert. horses in the steppe, the oldest. ponezavod in the lugansk republic. the end of may is the time of the last school bells. in donbass and novorossiya, somewhere they have already rung, somewhere they are about to sound. it's time to sum up the results of the school year. according to the ministry of education , 1,300 schools operated in the new regions of russia. the main criterion is safety of the educational process. a particularly difficult situation. i was in donetsk, in the most shelled areas, schoolchildren studied both in person and remotely. in the republic as a whole , almost a third of schools conducted lessons in a remote format. in lugansk, where there are over 500 of them, no more than 10% worked this way. in
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the zaporozhye region, all secondary educational institutions tried to work in person, although replacing glass after shelling in the armed forces of ukraine is a common thing here. for the second year now, all schools in novorosiya have been using russian educational standards. this means that on liberated territories, where until recently children were taught only in ukrainian, work according to special curricula, a smooth transition to teaching in russian. russian has become the main language of instruction in novorossiya. however, the ministry of education has developed a textbook in ukrainian for elementary grades. it is for those who chose the language for optional study, most of those who wanted it were in the kherson region, about 60% of students, in zaporozhye 46. in the republics of donbass, ukrainian is almost not in demand, they study it instead foreign or advanced russian.
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in the past academic year , about 2 million textbooks and fiction books in russian were specially printed for schools in new russia. the most exciting thing at the end of the school year is exams. based on the characteristics of the educational process in the new regions , certain changes were made to the assessment of schoolchildren. ninth grade students in novorossiya are tested in the format of a state final exam, in russian language and mathematics, or according to annual grades. for eleventh grade students classes of passing the unified state examination is not mandatory, but voluntary. for the transition period until 2026, they can receive a certificate of education without writing a final essay only based on the results of annual assessments, then upon entering the university they will have to take entrance exams, or they can take the unified state exam and participate in
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a general competition. about how the next school year ends in novorossiya in the story of anna efimova. this call is like an invisible boundary between childhood and adulthood, behind are long hours of algebra, geometry, literature and physics, ahead is the most the important period of entering universities and colleges, a very important stage of my life has already come to an end, and this is a sign to start something new, in schools in new regions, passing the unified state exam is not yet mandatory, this is done solely at the request of schoolchildren. such a measure is provided for during the transition period; if children do not feel confident that they can pass the exam on an equal basis with schoolchildren from other unshelled regions of russia, they can always opt for an internal exam, such are the majority so far, but there are still brave souls. i am taking the unified
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state exam, i believe that this is a very good opportunity to apply to more prestigious universities in russia, and secondly, to test my own. knowledge that is important along with the guys from russia. lyceum number 12 in the center of donetsk. this year two classes graduate from here. for many months, due to shelling, children were forced to study online. and yet, throughout the last year they worked, giving their all, studying the same manuals as their peers at big earth. you know, well, the difficulties are associated not so much with the transition to russian standards, but with the situation in which we find ourselves, and i mean distance learning. it’s very difficult to teach a subject, especially mathematics, when you don’t see the children’s faces and sparkling eyes. however, the results speak for themselves. this year , 14 high school students graduated. lyceum with gold and silver medals. people here are used to overcoming difficulties. in difficult
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conditions, the school managed to organize its own media laboratory and even won international grant for the creation of a school family theater. and this is only part of the achievements. our entry into the educational space of the russian federation has given us very great opportunities, and these opportunities are associated with unified educational programs with the possibility of advanced training for the best. they help to improve us in subjects, i went to khedi akhmedovna in
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the tenth grade, she recommended several universities to me, i studied them and realized that i wanted to apply to the stavropol project, which is important, in which polina became a participant charitable, this is an initiative of ordinary caring people, tutors, who in 2022 united to help children improve their studies free of charge in regions where... there is constant shelling, if last year 1,500 students participated in the project, then this year there are twice as many. in the second year of the project’s existence, we invited children from the zaporozhye and kherson regions, most recently we offered our help to the children of the shelled border area, all those children who studied last year and did not drop out of classes, but successfully passed the exams, someone took the university entrance exam. i entered donetsk and lugansk universities with a high score, some passed the unified state exam with 80 plus points. the shortage
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of teachers remains one of the most acute problems for donbass; due to the lack of personnel , many teachers have to take on the additional burden of combining teaching several subjects at once. this is especially true for small settlements; supporting teachers and giving them the opportunity to grow professionally is a task of national importance. we are now launching a competition program. and the zemstvo teacher, which allows you to receive a one-time payment for teachers who will work in a population center of less than 50 thousand, respectively, this year it will be for the first time, and teachers can take part, submit an application, however, if the lpr and dpr have begun to switch to the russian educational system even before the official annexation to russia, and therefore it is easier for them to integrate, then in the kherson and zaporozhye regions the gap is much more noticeable, especially when it comes to knowledge of the great and powerful. despite the fact that for many it is dear, it is the exam in russian that causes the greatest concern among today's
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graduates. i taught him in the elementary grades, but even after the fourth grade they changed him. there is still excitement, because i am not confident in my knowledge; after all, the russian language, like mathematics and social studies, which i will take, is harder than what i studied. you know, when i went out, i talked to the teachers myself, and the teachers, philologists, they just... talked about how they needed help somewhere, and more intensive help, despite the fact that it would seem that there is someone who thinks that maybe language is easier to cope with than some other subjects; in fact, this is a very serious question, despite all the difficulties, there are more than enough success stories that have already taken place. alexey kucheruk is a first-year student at lugansk medical university. now it’s a busy time for him to prepare for the session, to be purposeful. the student has no shortage of things to do last year, he graduated from the lugansk medical and biological lyceum with a gold medal and even managed
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to attend the legendary scarlet alumni ball sails in st. petersburg. russia, it was an unforgettable experience, a ship with scarlet sails sailing past brought a sea of ​​emotions, we all stood and cried with happiness when we saw this, because not everyone can get this. the main goal is to have as many stories like this as possible. we need to ensure that all the children have confidence, i ’m not even talking about whether they will take the unified state exam or not, but that their knowledge of... the unified state exam is just an assessment. now raise your hand, who got the a's? dozing in the forest. foxy foxes. those who have left their school desks forever today have a worthy replacement growing up, and i would like to believe that their education will mark not only
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the end of the transition period, but the end of hostilities. anna efimova, valery savelyev, anastasia popova. typical new russia. what has changed in the schools of new russia over the last academic year. we will talk about expectations and realities with our regular expert, historian, and political scientist alexander vasiliev. sasha, good afternoon. hello. sasha, the second academic year has ended in schools of novorossiya, which returned to the russian federation. how is it different from the previous one? the picture is a little different everywhere. and if we talk first of all about where, where the situation was most, well, dynamic and acute, i would say, of course, zaporozhye, kherson region, because, well, for example, the parallel ukrainian education system actually continued to exist due to distance education, yes, which
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was actually tested during covid, from that side it is urgent for parents. yes, they recommended that we not send children to school, here are your classes, some teachers left, that means they, who didn’t go there somehow, in general, it was very serious, that is, it was necessary, among other things work with parents, there was intimidation on that side, the mental picture changed very much after the failure of this counter-offensive, yes, just some kind of switch inside switched, that ukraine will not return, yes, yes, because before that there was such an experience kherson. like abandonment, here he is too pressed psychologically and ukraine very actively used this in its propaganda, here everything seemed to be let go in this regard, and this year was already, in a very large sense , focused on the material base, on the material base, yes, we were talking about millions of books that were printed and books, textbooks were brought, but it’s all clear that it was impossible for the first year, so you need to take stock of everything,
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projects, it’s all like, well, in russia they take this seriously, so to speak , the documentation there may take longer to prepare. how the renovation itself is underway, now there is such a total, i would say, general, complete renewal of this material base, this is another difference between the past year and sasha, let’s turn to our western non-partners, british official structures, especially meath, are pedaling the topic and regularly announce threats to ukrainian identity in new territories, and most often they nod or refer to the sphere of education, how realistic are these? the first world war, germany then, after the treaty of bresse, occupied, therefore, the territory on which was claimed by the upr, yes, that is , little russia and novorossiya, british intelligence
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was interested in whether it was possible to raise an uprising against the germans there, yes, because, as it were, because russia dropped out of the war. anyway, this eastern front must somehow be supported, and there was a special report on how much ukrainian nationalists can be used to influence the masses, the answer from british intelligence a hundred years ago was purely negative, that among the intelligentsia in the cities, yes there is ukrainian nationalists, in the network in the main agricultural sector, then it’s like local peasants, yes they can call themselves russians there, but that’s it. somehow, through the education system, it’s specially eradicated, which means russia, and, in fact, having compared these two documents, well, everything seems to become clear, but where did it come from, and this, by the way, against the backdrop of a fairly large number in zaporozhye and kherson
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areas of people who want their children to study the ukrainian language optionally, we will talk about this too, we will talk about this too, yes, never... no one administratively struggled with the ukrainian language, why? because this is not necessary, because there is no unique, so to speak, ukrainian identity, because really , for some reason, no international organizations notice the simple fact: with the total russian-speaking of this region, and people at home speak russian with children, children during recess they speak russian, enter the classroom and speak a different language, in what other region of the world does this happen... in general, this is a total violation of rights people, this is what was there in ukraine, now people are simply given this opportunity to choose, and as i already said, for example, yes, it very clearly correlates with... for example, the number of parents there who want their children to learn the ukrainian language, the successes of the ukrainian counter-offensive, this is how it failed, the number of statements, what real problems in schools, new problems in
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the education system can be talked about today, i will just focus on two points, yes, in fact there are probably many more of them, what is already mentioned there it is said firstly, this is a question of the content of humanities education, that is, this was a sphere that... was cleaned, cleaned, cleaned, filled with ideologically proven personnel, and for this region they created that same narrative, yes, in which it was important, this means that there are endless, so to speak, repressions there from russia, endless suffering of the local population of novorussia, yes, that very word should be crossed out, that is, this is how teachers were trained there, and in fact, in soviet times it was when historians from western ukraine were sent there on industrial. to create a scientific school in the donbass, the second, of course, is a general one, this is a personnel story, yes, this is a personnel shortage that is really acutely felt,
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they even told me again in berdyansk, and how some kind of russian literature teacher so to speak, an elderly woman, yes, she just returned to school, because she stopped teaching in ukrainian times, yes, but they simply destroyed the subject matter itself, transferred it to those who with this, i kind of
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greet you, good afternoon, and well we have just made changes, but of course, some opinions are already being expressed in the state duma and factions, i would like to talk with you, but the first question is, is it expected that the progressive scale of personal income tax will start with income from 200,000 rubles per month, in general why, in your opinion, was this amount chosen? why were further thresholds set at 5 million, 20 million? well, in general, we discussed these issues in some detail at parliamentary hearings;
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only 3% of the total working population of russia will pay more as a percentage of their own income, that is , for the vast majority of the population this will not affect people, but let’s say this amount is accepted at 200,000, which is approximately three times the average salary in russia. of course, uh, russia is large, the average salary in different regions differs quite a lot, but, according to estimates, this
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size will affect a small number of the population, that is, almost all low-income people of generally average income will not be affected, especially since uh the bill also provides for very significant... deductions for families with children, and families with two more children, who have a relatively small income per capita in the family, a deduction will be made for them, they will pay not 13, but 6%, this is exactly what i wanted to ask about, why this particular rate was chosen and how this will work, this has already been called such a cashback, how will families be able to receive it, well, in fact, this money has actually been paid. the tax is 13%, part of 7% will be returned to the family, now all the mechanisms of the simplified system have already been sufficiently worked out.
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when the issue was discussed in the state duma and the government expressed the opinion that it is still necessary to stimulate the savings of citizens, so what are savings for, so that this money can be used for investments and so on, so it was decided
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that... rates citizens' deposits and citizens' savings were not taxed, that is, interest on them was not charged higher. much has been said about what the additional taxes that will be collected will be used for, it is important that citizens see where these funds are going, how is it for your look, can it be organized and are there already any specific directions where this money is known to be directed? of course, we will see specifically when amendments to the budget arrive, it will be specific.
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the economic justification also provides more accurate figures, but what is very important here is that these changes in the tax system that are proposed will be in effect for a number of years, until 2030, and maybe even further. on the one hand, it provides reliability.


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