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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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the government has made a financial and economic feasibility study and provides more accurate figures , but what is very important here is that these changes in the tax system that are proposed will be in effect for a number of years, until 2030, and maybe even further, on the one hand it ensures reliability. an increase
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in budget revenues, the budget can focus on those very programs of social development, economic, which are counting on several years ahead, on the one hand, on the other hand, business will be confident that taxes will not change much, and he will know, making his plans for the future, investments, and so on, that this stable, reliable tax system will operate throughout...
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set the task in the message about a smooth transition from small to medium-sized businesses large, because we really see that there are cases when large businesses are split into smaller ones in order to fall under a more preferential tax system, in connection with this, the president proposed a smooth transition and...
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of course, the idea is that the spring session, conditionally spring, until the end of july to consider these bills and pass them, why is this so important? because the government proposes that tax laws come into force on january 1 of the next year, for this they must be adopted now, already in the budget for the next three years all these tax changes must be included, accordingly, calculations must be made based on the new taxes, therefore , we are faced with a difficult task, of course we will also be in the open...
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federal project five seas lake baikal, in including the creation of a resort in zaporozhye. and it is vicious to direct at least half of the proceeds from increasing duties on imported wine to us for a tourism project. and a few more messages. vladimir putin instructed to create a unified digital platform in russia in
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the field of tourism with data on hotels, cafes, and transport guides. we are closely monitoring incoming information and will return to this topic later. well now again. in the package of tax bills that the ministry of finance submitted to the government, changes designed to make a fairer tax system. it is assumed that people with an annual income of less than 2,400 rubles. will continue to pay personal income tax at a rate of 13%. if the amount is more than 5 million, the rate will be 15%. for people who receive from 5 to 20 million - 18, from 20 to 50 - 20%. and those who have more income will be charged a supply tax. it is important that people will pay increased taxes not on the entire amount, only on the excess amount. as the ministry of finance calculated, these innovations will not affect 97% of working russians, while taxation will remain the same. support for large families and families of svo participants. by the way, the changes in
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the income tax collection system will not affect them. well, i’ll add that i do not plan to increase mva rates, so as not to provoke an increase in inflation. the issue of tax changes is being discussed today by a state duma deputy. my colleague maria slobodyanskaya worked at the ready, she communicates with experts, with representatives of the legislative branch, and tells all the details, we are waiting for her direct participation. warsaw does not restrict kiev from using polish weapons on russian territory, but this was reported by the deputy head of poland's defense, he also called on other countries to lift restrictions on attacks on russian targets. in addition, the forty-fifth package of military assistance for ukraine was announced in warsaw. but to send troops to independent poland, according to the deputy minister of defense for now...
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american medium- and shorter- range missiles may appear in asian countries. according to the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, sergei lavrov, moscow believes that washington can ask the authorities of the states of the region about this. the minister made this statement at a meeting with the heads of foreign diplomatic missions, which was dedicated to resolving the conflict in ukraine. lavrov believes washington is trying to maintain its hegemony. nato will spread its infrastructure and create alliances in this region.
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here is the footage coming back now from the presidential press service. denislavich, good afternoon, let’s start with the most pressing issue with the floods, i know that you are working on it, however, there is one quite pressing issue, indeed, related to children’s recreation, many institutions, health-improving children's camps, that's what we plan to do in this regard, dear. the work is being carried out, at the meeting you drew attention to a number of points, accordingly, on which i
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am now ready to report, if we go straight to - health-improving recreation, we plan to send 5,500 children, and the first two trains, respectively, have already sent the railway ones, the children are already resting, by the end of the month, we will send two trains accordingly. here are the children, accordingly, it is planned that we will have a rest all summer, all the instructions that were issued together with tatyana alekseevna and her colleagues, we are working accordingly at the ministry, we don’t see any risks here, the work is being carried out, yes, but you correctly noticed that this year we will solve the problem of children’s holidays at sea, but one of the most important tasks is still what is worth it for us is the restoration of the camps that suffered, it is clear that they were all being built. along the ural river, today 24 out of 46 of them
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were damaged, of course they need to be restored, a big task, we have already selected new places outside the flood zone, and here of course there will be we need your help, and i wrote a corresponding appeal addressed to you so that you could help us, and we, of course, could get started as soon as possible. the next time, when you held a meeting, and the residents turned to you, to us, we,
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accordingly, conveyed the corresponding requests, saw the instructions, which, accordingly, you signed, we, of course, informed them before, after that i already met with the residents twice, with the initiative group, they, firstly, conveyed huge words of gratitude to you for accordingly, those decisions were made, today i want to say that the ministries and... through and construction have developed decrees of the government of the russian federation, we also agreed on them, we really hope that these decisions will be made in the near future, because well, such moments , how - the start of payments from april 1 or with the current rate, the question is, yes, we have prepared a resolution together with the ministry from april 1, well, because it seems to me that this is fair, but i would like the following decisions to be made from this date. otherwise people will not be eligible for payments, well, those are the ones we talked about, and of course the
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indexation that in previous years was not indexed for several years, yes, everything has been signed, everything is there, the resolutions have been sent, they are in the ministry of finance in the government, we hope so that ethologists will be accepted both in terms of timing and indexation, and we, for our part , are carrying out the work, in the materials that you also have, we have almost 90%, accordingly, they have already been considered, the money has been transferred, more than 7 billion rubles, this work we continue. yes, accordingly, active work begins on drying out, of course, on repairs,
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people are waiting for money, yes, therefore, yes, if you have any comments, please contact us directly, we agreed, we agreed on how the situation in general was, i was preparing for the report, and to be honest, i prepared this material and started flipping through it, in fact, all the points that were included here, they generally correspond to the tasks, the first ones that you formed and set for me in the nineteenth year, well, on one slide you can see, accordingly, that here... it entered very actively, accordingly, such donors to the regions, today are already in ninth place in the country in terms of the volume of taxes transferred, respectively, to the federal budget, and of course we contribute quite a significant role in the country’s economy, you talked about restarting bankrupt enterprises, because the east of the region, that’s how it is times
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where, unfortunately, a flood occurred in our country, well, probably 70% of enterprises... points that i would like to note are that a special economic zone was signed for 560 hectares in the twenty-first year, here we are just recently we sent a new application for another 380 hectares, because 90% of the site is already investors, accordingly they are distributed in different degrees , they are found, they are already building here, they are still designing here, but in general we see generally high
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investment activity, which is shown by that dynamics , because of course - if at one time there in the nineteenth... uh 200 billion was the maximum figure for investments, today it is already 300, in general the economy is developing and of course this is a lot of work that all orenburg residents do, of course all enterprises, for which i am, of course , grateful to all of them, one of the points that you also noted is wages, these are wage arrears, i want to say that wage arrears have been going on since 1919. reduced by 21 times, that is, in fact, it remained at the level of 15 million rubles for the entire region, yeah, this is the work that we are doing together with the commission that was formed at the regional level, i head it, but nevertheless this moment accordingly, we believe that wages are decided on such constant monitoring wages during this time increased by 78%, there is also
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room for growth, of course, but nevertheless there is dynamics, the number of self-employed increased by 81%. here is 45% of housing, the same growth, the number of self-employed continues to grow accordingly, more than 40%, so the work is being carried out, one
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point too, which you also paid attention to, is the debt load. our ratio in 1919 to our own income was 50% and today it is already 17, that is, despite all the investments that we are making and the implementation of all orders, national projects, accordingly, we still manage to reduce the corresponding load for a long time, but for now in the region 40% live in rural areas, this is also a very important area,
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work is carried out in accordance with the schedule that was signed, well, here is the throughput, respectively - has already increased, respectively, three times over these years, and over the last 2 years by... 72%, the work is not finished, but the agreement that was signed is being implemented, and of course, accordingly, the dynamics are obvious, resettlement
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housing, an increase of three times during this time, we completed all the programs, accordingly, ahead of schedule, but now we have submitted another, accordingly, from period to period for another 20,000, respectively, we have submitted, those that people live in are recognized. are being carried out in full, we have begun construction of a new airport terminal, we plan to commission it next year, yeah, the work is progressing according to schedule, it will be new, modern. well, from above it will look like our downy scarf from the airplane, with space it will be quite good, so light, beautiful, recognizable, so
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next year we plan to complete this work, the quality of life of the ehrenburg residents, the points that you constantly pay attention to, well, then they formed in the nineteenth year, well, our unemployment is at a record low level, the number of large families families have grown by 10% over the past 4.5 years, we still have... such families, we have 12 regional programs that are working, and accordingly, we see that there is a certain result, the poverty level has decreased by 2.8%, social spending has increased over the years by 78%, there are some questions for me, the first question is that i would like them to support us a... ae for the construction and restoration of camps, a huge request from everyone, how much is the amount of funding, what billions,
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yeah, yeah, we sent letters, is it possible to consider this story accordingly, well, for the second point, accordingly, a lot of work has been done in the part we adopted before today we actively began to implement programs both for the repair of schools and gardens, these programs at the regional level, yeah.
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in fact, from enterprises people teach how our teachers at this site, well, in the future, of course, they bring in specialists who they themselves have trained, so here is a request for support for this school, to include the number 12 so that we continue somewhere in the phased development of educational history, two points also, please, and uh, in the eleventh year you held a reception in renburg, yeah, one of the moments, i’m just...
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from the orenburg region, here i met us, we’ll implement it together in an interesting way, secondly, it will be implemented there too we her the construction,
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the only one in the world, has almost been completed. jasper from the room, this is exactly what it looks like, we also have a presentation, this is what it already looks like, this is our orsk jasper, the penultimate one, this, by the way, is also yours, you released it, they live there on the horse, these little horses live, vein, yeah , yes, well , how beautiful, it is made entirely from our jasper, collected, respectively, by all the craftsmen who worked there, it is, of course, in every sense of the word, firstly, it is the only one in the world, and of course, it is unique, the region 90 years, uh, the province is 280 years old this year, vladimirovich, here are all the objects, they are, firstly, interesting, secondly, iconic,
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thirdly... you have a direct connection with them, of course we invite you , thank you very much and we would like , of course, for you to come and see, open, look, accordingly , well, rejoice together with the people of arimburg, okay, thank you very much , my powers as governor, five years, are ending, and with your support, support, of course residents of the orenburg region, is ready to participate in elections, well, keep working if you’re not getting fat, sergeevich. you have done a lot in previous years, and i see that you are committed to the same active work, you understand what needs to be done, what is a priority in order for the standard of living, the quality of life of people to improve, so that the economy becomes even more sustainable, so i
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only wish you success, of course. everything will depend on the voter, on the resident, thank you, all the best, good luck. these were shots from the kremlin, the president met with the head of the orenburg areas. vladimir putin appointed his assistant alexei dyumin secretary of the state council. the presidential decree published on the official kremlin website comes into force from the date of signing. alexey dyumin, who has headed the tula region since 2016, went to work in the presidential administration in mid-may, where he took up the post of assistant to the head of state. in his area of ​​responsibility. issues of the military-industrial complex, sports and the work of the state council. alexey gennadievich dyumin was born on august 28, 1972 in kursk, in the family of a military medic, received a higher military education, graduated with honors from the russian academy of civil service and underwent professional retraining at the military academy of the general staff. in the mid-nineties, he served in the federal security service, worked in a unit that provides communications
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to top officials of the state. in 1999, dyumin went to work at the general staff, where he commanded special operations forces. since december 2015 , he held the position of deputy minister of defense, overseeing the departments of construction, housing, property relations, expert, and medical direction. in september 2016 , alexey dzyumin won the direct elections for governor of the tula region. he ran as a self-nominated candidate and received the support of voters. i transferred in may of this year. to work in the presidential administration, where he took the post of assistant to the head of state. alexey dyumin was awarded state orders and awards.
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you’ll die, i’m like, well, he says, who will protect you if not me, many donetsk residents went to
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the front almost immediately. after graduation .


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