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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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i’ll die like, well, he says, who will protect you if not me? donetsk residents went to
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the front almost immediately after graduating from school, went in a roundabout way to serve as volunteers, learned what it was like to actually be in vienna, exactly on the front line, the youngest, also a brother, 17 years old, siryosha, also wants to do the same, i understood, that i can’t sit anymore, i have something to learn from the young guys.
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now is the time for economic news: the tax package of the ministry of finance will bring more than 2.5 trillion rubles to the budget next year, this is stated in the explanatory note to the project. more than half of this amount - trillion 600 billion - will be ensured by an increase in corporate income tax to 25%. the second largest personal income tax income is over half a trillion rubles. in third place are changes. in a simplified taxation system, they will bring 473 billion to the treasury. the european union will be able to completely abandon russian energy resources by 2030. this is stated in the report of the international monetary fund. as an example, the imf cites germany, which replaced russian gas with norwegian gas in 2 years. the current share of our country in european gas imports is only 15%. in the twenty-first year it was at the level of forty-one. in fondes. believes that
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europe will buy more fossil fuels from the us, and higher prices will push the eu to increase its own production, which will reduce its dependence on imports. indian reality entered into an annual contract with rosneft to purchase 3 million barrels of oil per month for rubles. reuters reports this citing sources. the agency notes that the transition to ruble payments followed president vladimir putin’s call to find alternatives to the western financial system india is the third largest importer and consumer of oil in the world. now the country is the main buyer of russian hydrocarbons. belarus and hungary agreed on cooperation in the field of nuclear energy. the road map was signed for the next few years. specialists from the two countries will share their experience in operating equipment and training personnel. in addition, the hungarian paks-2 nuclear power plant may attract belarusian builders to work on the site. let us remind you that last year in... the region
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completed the construction of the first nuclear power plant, now the authorities are studying the possible construction of a second. it was economic news. short. next is a special report by maria kudryavtseva. artificial intelligence and digital technologies are changing the entire homebuilding industry for the better. what unique services are already working for people and businesses? why new design processes will be introduced everywhere this summer. and how will all this help make the market more transparent and housing more affordable? watch it now. increase housing affordability - one of the national goals outlined by president vladimir putin. digitalization helps solve the housing problem faster, easier and at the same time safely. the house of the russian federation has created a whole ecosystem of services for this. and...
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one of the main digital events of the year is an international conference where high-tech it solutions are sought for all sectors of industry and the economy, including in the construction sector, and the forum participants have already brought to the site... thousands of houses, more than 400 developers , everything in real time in various reports, people can see, created in order to minimize and eradicate possible fraud, and this is only part of a large ecosystem, at the exhibition of the digital industry of russian industry, domrf presented more than twenty unique services in the housing sector, they work on the basis of a unified housing construction information system.
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during this time, the amount of funds allocated for the development of it infrastructure increased by a third, and one and a half trillion, for implementation. future homes from over a thousand verified
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contractors, in a few clicks you can start the construction of a private house and select a convenient mortgage program. mortgage, by the way, is also actively moving to digital, domrf bank. offers all procedures for obtaining housing loans in electronic format, and speaking of digital projects of the state company, this is not only a huge amount of data, but also the connection to the work of artificial intelligence. well, for example, ours is the most like this, probably, this is an indicative case when we scan the entire unified state exam database every day and identify at an early stage those projects that could potentially fail to complete construction on time or go bankrupt altogether. and we highlight it in advance. it’s up to the developer and the regulatory body to take some proactive action. here, in nizhny novgorod, domrf presented an open register of technological solutions based on artificial intelligence. the scope of application in the construction industry ranges from working with a digital twin of a building to intelligent
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processing of a huge number of documents. to do this, they are actively working with ministries and departments, making the solution more effective complex tasks. for example, they created an electron system with rosreestr. mortgage mortgages, the main challenge today is working with huge amounts of data. for their processing , the house of the russian federation has two data centers, the speed of their work is growing as the it infrastructure of state-owned companies develops. you can simply, with the help of very simple changes to the source code of your systems, deploy the gis geographic information system, use all the options and cartographic layers, create any custom scripts, and so on. no need. but digitalization of the housing sector - this is not only new services, but also technology development. the next digital stage for the market will begin in july. all new projects in multi-apartment housing construction will have to be built using
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information modeling technologies. each object will have a three-dimensional model. why is this important to us because if we don't pass the milestone of increasing cultural maturity. so that each developer builds an object based on the flow of data, on the formation of the image of this object, then in the future it will be much easier to operate this object heavier, customized models reduce the cost of construction at the design and construction stage, but most importantly, if a good versioned model, it significantly reduces the cost of operating the facility, and this is 30, 50, 100 years of savings, the implementation of tim will reduce design errors. by 80%, and the accuracy of calculations will increase by almost 50, the processing time for documents will be sharply reduced, and mountains of paperwork will be a thing of the past. for such a transition , the domrf has developed a package of products, including digital construction control, this a platform based on system.dom.rf allows you
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to create a unified it environment for managing housing construction projects, relying on information modeling technologies. information modeling technologies. strategic history of the digitalization of the industry, yes, they did it, created a product, gave it to the regions for free, the regions tested it, returned it with feedback, because it was like one. the function of the development institute is to really help the industry. since july 1 of this year, construction has become a topic, transparency appears, deadlines appear, efficiency. any technologies and services are developed and managed by people, and such specialists are now in short supply. to support the industry, the house of the russian federation has a digital academy where they teach how to use artificial intelligence, green standards and tim. there are already about 12,000 graduates, the demand for...
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another digital collaboration with the center of biometric technologies, the prospect of developing mortgages based on biometrics, because the goal of the transition to the cycle is to make all processes more convenient and simpler for both business and people. in the republic of dagestan, applications are being accepted from potential residents of the caspian coastal cluster. a year-round resort will be built near derbent by 2030 as part of the national project “five seas” of lake baikal. about the potential of the tourism industry.
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tell me, at what stage is the project currently being created and what has already been done and what remains to be done? the caspian cluster that we are talking about today is a continuation of our history, which we reported to vladimir vladimirovich putin at one of the sites of the eastern economic forum in 2022, but then we we considered another point of application for the development of our coastal tourist cluster, which in the future. again, thanks to consultations, we came to the conclusion that today it is more expedient
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to move this closer to the city of derbent to use the infrastructure opportunities that exist in the derbensky district today. to date, all preliminary directions have been worked out, which relate to the development of infrastructure and the creation of a regulatory framework. dagestan recently announced it was accepting applications from potential residents, how active is it? will become winners, they will also be quite possible, that those residents who attract foreign partners, it is important that today we can indeed choose among the residents those who really consider the development of gold... in the complex - starting from the creation - modern ones of different levels hotels,
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which could, among other things, allow the most budget category of citizens to live and relax in them, and at the same time they are built on the represented areas of the site, which can provide year-round recreation, we we set one of the conditions for the development of not only the coast, but also the waters of the caspian sea itself, in terms of creating marinas; many of the residents today pay attention to sports facilities on the territory of their future vacation spots. remind us again about the conditions and preferences that are offered to future residents? well, the main preference that is currently offered to future residents is the creation of a special economic zone on the territory of the caspian cluster. these are big tax breaks.
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water supply facilities, including the construction of treatment facilities, which is very important for us, because well, these are problems for dagestan today, there is a section of the caspian... what is the potential now and what are the prospects , what is now attracting tourists to the republic and the development of the tourism industry? however, with
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the launch of the cluster, every year we see an unprecedented number of tourists. who come to us not only in the warm summer months, but at other times of the year, because, probably, today the potential of dagestan, as a tourist region that has both resort potential and seaside potential, the potential of tourist places where people are attracted by the historical values ​​that dagestan has, is becoming increasingly in demand, the resort cluster is an absolute link. a whole link in the chain, and here the development of the republic is inevitable, this is the socio-economic effect you are waiting for, this is the driver of our economy, therefore , along with the things that we are doing today, this is also the reconstruction of the federal the p-217 highway, better known in everyday life as rostov-baku, which connects or runs throughout dagestan along the coast, is the creation or
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, today, the search for opportunities in... an education system that will train specialists in the field of tourism. you probably noticed, having visited dagestan, that reconstruction of our main airport gates is actively underway. and for this purpose , the runway is being reconstructed today . in the near future we will begin designing and reconstructing terminals for so that they are truly modern and responsive in all areas. from safety to comfort, even if we are talking about construction, it is very important that in this direction, we have great opportunities, what a shame, to bring some of the people who today are engaged in hospitality out of the gray zone, creating conditions for good , stable
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earnings, respectively, to improve the socio-economic condition. there is no need to wait for the full implementation of our invitation to dagestan for everyone project, because the doors to dagestan are always open, the main wealth of our region is our people, and if we create more conditions for these people to comfortably receive guests, that will also be very successful, very good. sergey alimovich, thank you, thank you.
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more profitable in sber with prime. a year-round resort will appear on the shores of the caspian sea in dagestan, not far from derbent. he will become part of the five seas project lake baikal. hotel complex with recreation areas, all necessary infrastructure. an all-russian children's center will appear on the seashore, about what holidays in dagestan will look like by 2030, about the potential of the tourism industry in the region vera moros. all the necessary modern infrastructure will be added to southern hospitality; everything that dagestan now lacks will appear by 2030. the new seaside resort will become another point of attraction for tourists; it will be located in the republic on the coast of the caspian sea, near derbent. one of the oldest cities. world with the 6th century citadel of the narenkala fortress, literally 4 km away, 100 km away from makhachkala, with the deepest canyon in europe, sulak and the highest dune,
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sarykum. from the dagestan lights railway station it is no more than half an hour, and from the caucasus federal highway 15 minutes. the area of ​​the resort is more than 200 hectares. the main focus here is on hotels and resorts of different star categories. shopping center, water park, swimming pools, a lot. many sidewalks and walking paths, 42 km, small waters in the sea marina, golden sand beach and 6.5 km of coastline. the concept is a free area for recreation, where hotels are not surrounded by fences, creating a single space. a special place in the cluster is occupied by the plan for the all-russian children's center dagestan. the camp will be a logical continuation of this project and will occupy more than 60 hectares. almost half of the entire area.
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we are pleased that we will be able to consider applications, including on a competitive basis, among large investors, residents, such as tricoholding, such as azimut, such as cosmos hotel group, that is, these are actually serious operators who work in the field of both the hotel and tourism business in our country, and at the same time, that means we... seem to set one of the conditions for the development of not only the coast, but also the waters of the caspian sea in terms of creating marinas, in terms of creating various
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kinds of facilities. which could allow the use of the water surface, and what is especially important, many of the residents today pay attention to sports facilities on the territory of their future vacation spots, 70 billion of private investments are supported by the conditions of the special economic zone where the caspian cluster is located, and these are tax preferences and free connection to engineering infrastructure. the creation of such a base took itself... the designer caucasus of the russian federation will invest more than 12 billion in electricity and gas supply, water disposal and sewerage, landscaping, including landscaping and beach cleaning. it seems to me that the task of the state, yes, first of all , is to create some kind of base so that it is easier for the investor, yes, easier in difficult times in today’s times, it’s still possible to get a return on investment, and what we’re talking about
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is that for every... in general, about 70 billion rubles of private investment is a lot , and that’s why it seems to me that we are creating the basis, the investor comes in, the investor receives quick returns and reinvest the funds that they receive in the development of scaling, so to speak, both this object and their own... came to rest on the caspian sea. the republic is famous for the fact that it has the maximum concentration of all types of tourism, historical and cultural, sports, gastronomic, ethnographic; with the creation of a caspian resort in dagestan they plan to blur the concept of seasonality of recreation.
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but the most important thing here, in my opinion, is not the quantitative history, but the history associated with the quality of services, because this will, in my opinion, be a very high-quality, planned resort that will create a certain balance in the number of hotels, five five stars, four stars, three stars, based on the availability of all other infrastructure, entertainment, cognitive, they will develop not only
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the territory of the caspian class. but also the roads leading to the resort. we are talking about the reconstruction and construction of roads, including the repair of a section of the caucasus federal highway and the renovation of makhachkala airport and runway terminals. it is planned that by 2030 the resort of the caspian cluster will attract not only more tourists, but also private investment. new jobs will appear in the region . major construction should begin next year, by 2027... main infrastructure, hotels and places for entertainment, then the first tourists will be able to come to the resort. additional tasks and responsibilities,
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another position became known... on the path of escalation in warsaw, they announced that they were limiting kiev in the use of polish weapons on russian territory, what other statements are being made? the tourist barrier in norway has entered into force a ban on the entry of russian citizens, who is it aimed at and what exceptions are expected? they called the authorities to account. hundreds of people gathered today at building of the ministry of internal affairs of armenia and demand a meeting with the minister. what is the situation at this moment? vladimir putin discussed this with the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler today.


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