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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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progressive scale of income tax increase the ministry of finance has announced details of changes to tax legislation: who will pay more and who will be provided with deductions. additional tasks and responsibilities, another position of assistant to the president alexei dubin has become known. vladimir putin appointed him secretary of the state council. on the path of escalation, warsaw stated that they do not restrict kiev from using polish weapons on russian territory. what other statements are being made? tourist barrier in norway entry ban for citizens came into force russia, against whom is it directed and what exceptions are expected? they called the authorities to account, hundreds of people gathered today in the building of the ministry of internal affairs of armenia, demanding a meeting with the minister, what is the situation at this hour? snow 2 days before summer, a powerful cyclone came to khantamansiysk, surgutka, naked nizhnevartovsk. there was heavy snowfall and what are
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the forecasts? vladimir putin today discussed with the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler the restoration of the region after floods. the head of state asked not to delay the resolution of restoration issues compensation payment infrastructure. the president also drew the governor’s attention to organizing children’s recreation in the region. another important topic of the meeting was economic development. vladimir putin noted the results of the work. governor and supported denis pasler in his plans to participate in the next elections for the post of head of the orenburg region. let's start with the most pressing issue - floods. i know that your work is going on, however, there is one rather pressing issue, really related to children's recreation. one of the most important we still have a task ahead of us, this is the restoration of the camps that were damaged. it is clear that they were all being built. along
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the ural river, today they, well, 24 out of 46 were damaged, of course they need to be restored, it’s a big task, we have already selected new places outside the flood zone, denislavich, don’t delay, only if any additional questions arise at the government level, tell me right away about this, okay, thank you, don’t delay right away, well, summer is about to start . urgently organize all the work, you are right in everything, because of course, water departs, yes, it begins, accordingly , active work on drying, of course, on repairs, people are waiting for money, yes, so yes, if there is any, contact me directly, agreed, agreed, my powers as a five-year governor are ending and with your support , with the support, of course, of the residents of the orenburg region, i am ready to participate.
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factions express their positions, we also managed to collect key points that will be discussed in the state duma as part of the discussion of changes to the tax code. in general, it must be said that the majority the political forces that are represented in the state duma support the current changes. i must say that the request for justice, as the deputies said, was a long time ago, the majority of factions, as i already said, are in favor of a progressive scale, which is especially important, the current changes are also of a social nature, in particular , deductions will be made for.
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the tax service is working, these mechanisms are being worked out to make it as convenient as possible for people, but the 6% rate is practical. it corresponds to the payments of the self-employed, approximately the same, that is quite low rate. but there are indeed discussions about the thresholds of the progressive scale; let me remind you that the proposals of the ministry of finance for incomes over 2,400,000 offer a 15% dfl, from 5 to 20 million rubles. 18%, over 20 and up to 50 - 20% and for income over 50 million rubles. 22%, as noted here, it is important to say that these additional interest will be paid only on the amount that goes above the established threshold, that is, for example, up to 5 million rubles there will be one personal income tax, for an amount over 5 million rubles there will be another,
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with there really are some factions they said that they expected these thresholds to be even higher, speaking about the progressive scale, the ldpr has always emphasized that we need not only... 15% would have been taken a little more, but today it turns out that those who receive more than 2,000 rubles per month will pay not 13, but 15. 2% more, a very good offer for small medium-sized businesses, for income tax, for vat. in general, we believe that this is a fairly balanced and well-thought-out proposal from the ministry of finance. and here they also note that it is important that there are no changes in the self-employment regime
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will not happen, as the government promised, this regime will retain its parameters for the next 10 years, and there will be no such progression in terms of the sale of real estate and deposits. there will be only one threshold from 13 to 15%, that is, everything over 2,400 thousand will be taxed at 15%, below 13%, and these measures, as the deputies noted, will encourage people to save, because now a large number of citizens really save their money specifically in banks. as for business, it is also important that small businesses, as noted deputies had an incentive to grow, therefore, for example, for those who invest in the economy of our country.
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also, which we talked about during parliamentary hearings, is about stimulating those companies, those businesses that invest here, that take on additional social responsibility, that invest in production, amortize production, that introduce innovations in order to so that those who do not export their profits abroad or do not enter them with dividends, and those who invest in production increase additional jobs, intra-gross product, so that there are additional preferences for them, all these issues, like... deputies will be discussed here in the state duma, of course, at the official readings of the bill and also as part of the consultation, but it must be said that a large number of preliminary work was also carried out by the government with deputies who collected the opinions of both the expert community and citizens, business, here, for example,
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meetings were held within the framework of the tax budget committee, large parliamentary hearings, where representatives of absolutely every category could express their opinion, of course there will be some other changes... possible discussions will take place, as the deputies noted, it is necessary to adopt the current changes in the spring session so that citizens and businesses have the opportunity to prepare for them, as expected , changes to the tax code will take effect on january 1 next year. yuri, yes maria, well, we will follow the progress of the discussion, let me remind you that my colleague maria slobodyanskaya works on the willing row. now, according to data from the ministry of defense, the russian military in the donetsk people's republic has improved the tactical situation. at the same time, our soldiers, as reported by the military. when the enemy tried to go on the offensive, five of his counterattacks were repulsed. ukrainian troops lost up to 335 military personnel, as well as vehicles and seven guns, including the american m-3-7 howitzer. serious successes
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were achieved in other areas of the military special operation. russian authorities believe that the united states, following the philippines, may ask other asian countries to host them.
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that is, there must be a legal qualification for what the president spoke about. budapest will not support eu sanctions that could harm relations with minsk. this was announced today in the capital of belarus by the head of the hungarian ministry of foreign affairs, peter szijarta. he took part in a meeting of the intergovernmental belarusian-hungarian commission on economic cooperation. as a result of the meeting, a roadmap for interaction between nuclear power plants of belarus and hungary was signed. and the document defines the main directions of joint work between belarusian and hungarian nuclear scientists for the coming years, including in the field of personnel training.
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vladimir putin thanked the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev for the hospitality shown to him and the russian delegation during the state visit to tashkent. the text of the telegram was published on the official kremlin website. it is said that negotiations between the two leaders will contribute to the further development of russian-uzbek relations, strategic partnership and
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alliance. in addition, the agreements reached following the visit of vladimir putin to tashkent, as well as productive meetings of the council of regions, open up ample opportunities for the implementation of mutually beneficial joint projects in various areas. the appointment of alexei dyumin as secretary of the state council instead of advisor igor levitin is related to the rotation process, as vladimir putin explained his decision. press secretary dmitry peskov. according to him , dyumin will resolve issues of the work of the state council, and levitin is now in charge of the north-south transport corridor. let me remind you that alexey dyumin, who has been in charge since 2016 tula region in mid-may he went to work in the presidential administration, where he took the post of assistant to the head of state. his area of ​​responsibility includes issues of the military-industrial complex, sports and the work of the state council. alexey gennadievich dyumin was born on august 28, 1972 in kursk. in the family of a military medic, received a higher military education, graduated with honors from the russian academy
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of civil service and underwent professional retraining at the military academy of the general staff. in the mid-nineties he served in the federal security service, worked in division that provides communications to top officials of the state. since 2013, dyumin has gone to work at the general staff, where he commands special operations forces. since december 2015 , he held the position of deputy minister of defense, supervising. he ran as a self-nominated candidate and received the support of voters. in may of this year, he went to work in the presidential administration, where he took the post of assistant to the head of state. alexey dyumin was awarded state orders and awards. in nizhnevartovsk, utility services switched to an enhanced operating mode. behind 3 days before summer a snow cyclone came to the region.
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may snowstorms on the wings of antomansiysk, surgut, pytyakh and other cities. zhanna kuzmina has all the details. today in nizhnevartovsk the weather is not at all like may, snowfall, wind speed up to 17-20 m/sec, deteriorating visibility on the roads. during the day the thermometer will not rise above 0°, at night the temperature will be below zero. such weather phenomena, even if they occur in our region, are still rare. forecasters attribute this to the passage and formation of two cyclones in the district at once. one cold the front goes from west to east, the second has already formed here and...
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a fresh cover has even managed to form, with details andrey malanov. winter in the tomsk region is struggling with summer with the last of its strength . almost all the main regional public pages came out today under the same or similar headlines, and although there was no snow today in the regional center itself, in the northern regions there was more than enough of it. for the snowy road to the regional center of kalpashko, the white streets of the city of kidrovy, snow there... you won’t surprise anyone, but near sibirskaya the weather seems to have worked out, now in the north of the tomsk region, weather forecasters record cold temperatures down to -1°, in the coming days it will snow and rain there, despite the expected warming, then +8. tomsk is also not advised to relax, we have a storm warning in force here, so snow is very likely,
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at least this night, and we shouldn’t forget that we live on the outskirts of the biggest one. the deputy corps expects united russia based on the results of the electronic preliminary voting. this was stated by the secretary of the general council of the party andrei turchak. on more than 22,000 candidates registered for the preliminary vote. the final results will be known on may 30 at a meeting of the presidium of the general council. report by dmitry akimov. i decided for myself that i needed
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to go help our army and volunteered. kuravlev went to the northern military district in april 22 and stayed there for more than six months. we built a house and rebuilt almost everything myself. the guys helped. during the battles near kremennaya he was seriously wounded, returned home, but did not abandon his family. and now he is collecting another batch of humanitarian aid. trench candles that schoolchildren made bulletproof vests, helmets, all this will work. to the front line, come back alive, come to the church of the most holy theotokos, we don’t abandon our own to help our own not only at the front, but in his native st. petersburg, georgy decided to go into politics, joined united russia and is now taking part in the primaries, preliminary voting for the role of the candidate in the upcoming municipal elections. continue
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to support the decision of our president and so. our country became stronger, developed, and we successfully completed a special military operation. in the primary with united russia, which has already ended in most regions, was attended by more than 3 million people, over 22 candidates. average competition, six people per place. only 15% of those nominated for electronic preliminary voting are sitting mps. that is, a serious update awaits us. of the deputy corps at all levels, regional, municipal. of course, there were also active politicians among the candidates, for example, ivan rysev from bataysk, now he serves in khersonskaya. direction, but at the same time does not forget about his voters, i constantly keep in touch with my voters, and the issues and problems that exist in the city
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are all familiar to me, and there is a clear understanding of the path we will take to solve them. united russia, the first of the political parties, responded to the president’s call to attract participants and veterans of the northern military district into the political life of the country. eventually.
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intends to conduct on-site inspections more often. at a joint meeting of state duma committees, where the results of last year’s work were summed up, she told how things turned out visit to the komi countryside. local residents said that it was impossible to live in their houses. arriving at the locality, the obbudsman’s employees discovered that the building was truly in disrepair. as a result, people were reportedly paid compensation to buy new homes. moskalkova also said that one of the main directions of her work is the return of russian military personnel from captivity of the ukrainian armed forces. we work very closely with the ministry of defense and i would like to say special thanks to them for the great work they have done to return people from captivity, unfortunately,
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for several months, due to ukraine, which constantly puts forward new far-fetched demands, exchanges have been suspended, and we feel the excitement, tension of people and are doing everything possible to bring information to their attention. activities from the state. in chisinau, harsh detentions of protesters who oppose the visit of the us secretary of state began. the demonstration took place along the route of anthony blinkin. those gathered demanded to stop interfering in the internal affairs of moldova and to stop escalate the situation in the region. another protest took place at the us embassy; participants called for moldova not to be drawn into military conflicts. let me remind you that as part of his one-day visit, blinken will meet with the country's top officials. because of his arrival , the moldovan authorities restricted flights over the republic. another newest f-35 fighter jet crashed in the us state of new mexico. the plane crashed during takeoff
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from the factory airfield. as local media clarify, we are talking about the crash of a newly assembled experimental modification of a combat vehicle, which the pentagon adopted into service literally the day before. it is known that the pilot managed to eject. he is now in the hospital. despite the incident, plans to deliver no less to partners. washington is not refusing planes. i will add that not long ago a report by the us accounts chamber stated that less than a third of f-35 fighters can be used in combat conditions, the rest are constantly under repair. north korean authorities sent balloons filled with garbage and manure to south korea. this was reported by the yonhab agency with reference to joint chiefs of staff siula. according to the south korean military, balloons began crossing the border in the evening. in total, they counted 260 flying objects, and, as local media write, the appearance of the balloons provoked the collapse of the air defense system in the country. this is explained by the fact that
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phinyang, during its action, interfered with the reception of gps signals in the border areas of the yellow sea. scientists from the brix countries are most interested in solving global problems, these are climate change and the fight against infections, as well as food security and energy supply against the backdrop of increasing needs. and
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which also has common borders and also has big problems that can only be solved together. a presentation of sports games that will be held as part of the st. petersburg international economic forum took place in moscow. athletes from eleven countries will take part in competitions in eighteen sports. the traditional mass race expects 1,500 participants. there will also be competitions in boxing, dudo, sailing, cycling, hockey and other sports. new.
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public safety is a state task, and it cannot be solved within the framework of one department, so we need your knowledge, skills, creativity, and fresh perspective.
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a zip fair.


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