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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. entire locations are changed in pursuit of views; it’s easy to make a deepfake.
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finally it has come, spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, the best
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alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. receive a supercake in rubles for all purchases and withdraw cash for free. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. the online trading sector in russia has grown fivefold over 5 years, the minister said. industry and trade anton alekhanov at a meeting with major retailers. according to the ministry's estimates, the industry covered almost 15% of retail; last year's turnover amounted to 6 from half to 8 trillion rubles. among other topics that were discussed during the week of russian retail is the growth of retail trade. this year it amounted to 8%, as well as an increase in the share of russian goods in the domestic market. our two leading sites sazon, this is more than 4 trillion rubles in turnover, that is, we...
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have registered the rights of partners, sellers, owners of order delivery points, and i would like to separately note the need to include this segment in the system of protection against counterfeit goods and counterfeits. we are currently working on this bill together with deputies. the state duma with senators, the first anti-russian sanctions pushed us to the point that we switched to balanced protectionism in relation primarily to food producers, as a result of which the share of domestic food products in our retail chains in general, in principle, in the domestic market has increased significantly from 65 to 80%. in fact, now is the time for economic news: the tax package of the ministry of finance will bring more than 2.5 trillion
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rubles to the budget next year. this is stated in the explanatory note to the project. more than half of this amount - trillion 600 billion, will ensure an increase in corporate income tax to 25%. second. in third place are changes to the simplified taxation system; they will bring 473 billion to the treasury. the american company cleveland clives is discussing the purchase of the assets of the novolipetsk metallurgical plant in the united states. we are talking, in particular, about steel mills in indiana and pennsylvania, bloomberg reports. according to the agency, the assets could be valued at more than half a billion dollars. negotiations between the companies may still be postponed or fail, some sources of the publication believe. the bank of russia is creating a financial monitoring and currency control service. it will operate on the basis of the department of the same name, which it plans to abolish at the end of the year. this is stated on the central bank website.
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the reorganization will improve the efficiency of work in these areas. the head of the service will be bogdan shablya, who currently heads the department. and peace. may face a shortage of orange juice, the reason is a crop failure in brazil, which leads the orange export market. the financial times writes about this. against this backdrop , concentrated orange juice futures soared to nearly $5 a pound, double the price of last year. as an alternative, juice producers plan to use tangerines. it was economic news. short. in the belgorod region, new signs have appeared on the roads, they tell you which ones. the routes are safe, but where might the ukrainian armed forces strike drone appear? the russian military is doing everything possible to shoot down enemy drones, but the ukrainian military is launching more and more cheap aircraft with ammunition. our special correspondent egor grigoriev provides details. a black column of smoke over the village of
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bezymenno, a car is on fire. a ukrainian uav attacked a civilian field. the driver, fortunately , was not inside, but the car was destroyed. kamikaze drones in the ssu are launched dozens of times a day. they hit indiscriminately. on the roads of the belgorod region it is easy to come across burnt equipment. these cars were attacked by drones near the village of shchetinovka. local residents have already learned to identify flying killers. you can hear it, you can hear it very far away, like a mosquito buzzing, or like a bumblebee buzzing, and you run away right away. a pensioner complains that no one in the village can cut the grass, the sound of lawn mowers is too similar to a flying drone. losmodel pluk, the anti-drone beeped, detected a uav, house, house, house, go into the house, the device beeps, shows that an fpv drone is flying and circling, that is, not only with missiles, now they are hitting the village, but they are launching attack
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drones, the enemy is testing belgorod residents and new samples, the enemy’s beula is now they can not only fly in a straight line, they circle in search of a target, circle in circles on...
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on the bypass road, which runs virtually parallel to the state border, special road signs have been installed that warn drivers about the danger of an attack by drones, unfortunately, the ukrainian army literally. .. daily burns civilian cars, signs have also appeared that show safe routes from shebekin to belgorod in the opposite direction, similar road tips will be installed on other regional routes where they can fly kamika drones to ssu. egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, olga kurlaeva, news! only at alfabank. spin the reel in
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in the republic of dagestan, applications are being accepted from potential residents of the caspian coastal cluster. a year-round resort will be built near derbent by 2030 as part of the five-sea lake baikal national project. about the potential of the tourism industry in the region and what socio-economic transformations await dagestan with the start of work.
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move it closer to the city of derbent and use the infrastructure opportunities that exist in the derbensky district today. to date, all have been worked out preliminary
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who will become winners, they will also attract foreign partners. it is important that today we can indeed choose among residents those who really consider the development of golden sands in a complex, starting from the creation of modern hotels of different levels, which could, among other things, allow the most budget category of citizens to live and relax in them, and at the same time develop . on the presented areas of the site, which can provide year-round recreation, we we set one of the conditions for the development of not only the coast, but also the waters of the caspian sea itself in terms of creating marinas; many of the residents today pay attention to sports facilities on the territory of their future vacation spots. remind us again
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about the conditions and preferences that are offered to future residents? resources, i mean, first of all , energy, such as gas supply, reliable infrastructure base in terms of supply , construction and development of water supply facilities, including construction treatment facilities, which is very important for us, because well, this is a problem for dagestan
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today, there is a section of the caspian coast that we offer today, but it is simply perfectly clean. you have repeatedly mentioned that it is in the republic of dagestan that all types of tourism are concentrated, but tell us what now attracts tourists to the republic and what is the potential now and what are the prospects for the development of the tourism industry , just with the launch of the cluster, every year we see an unprecedented number of tourists , who come to us not only in the warm summer months, but also... at other times of the year, because, probably, today the potential of dagestan as a tourist region, which has both resort potential and seaside potential, the potential of tourist places where it attracts people, the historical values ​​that dagestan has are becoming more and more in demand,
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the resort cluster is a link, and this is a link in a whole chain, and here the development of the republic is inevitable. sufficiently complete, we will soon let's start designing and reconstructing terminals so that they are truly modern and meet
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all areas, from safety to comfort, even if we are talking about construction, it is very important that we have great opportunities in this direction, so what? let’s be honest, according to the conclusion of some people who today are... engaged in hospitality from the gray zone, creating conditions for good, stable earnings, and, accordingly, to improve the socio-economic condition dagestan in other areas, so this is a lot of work that needs to be done in the course of implementing the tasks that we have set for ourselves today until the thirtieth year. concluding our conversation, he invited everyone to dagestan. there is no need to wait for the full implementation of our project, because the doors to dagestan are always open, the main wealth of our region is our people,
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and if we create conditions for these people to comfortably receive guests, this will also be very successful, very good. sergey alimovich, thank you, thank you. well, now ver moroz will talk about what holidays in dagestan will look like by 2030 and the potential of the tourism industry in the region. all the necessary modern infrastructure will be added to southern hospitality; everything that dagestan now lacks will appear by 2030. the new seaside resort will become another point of attraction for tourists; it will be located in the republic on the coast of the caspian sea, next to derbent, one of the oldest cities in the world. citadel of the 6th century, narenkala fortress, literally 4 km, 100 km makhachkala, the deepest sulak canyon in europe and the highest barkhan,
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saryk. from the dagestan lights railway station it is no more than half an hour, and from the caucasus federal highway 15 minutes. the area of ​​the resort is more than 200 hectares. the main focus here is on hotels and resorts of different star categories, a shopping center, a water park, swimming pools, a lot of greenery, sidewalks and walking paths (42 km) in the sea, small harbors for yachts, a beach with golden sands and 6.5 km of coastline. the concept of a free area for recreation, where hotels are not surrounded by fences, creating a single space. a special place in the cluster is occupied by the plan for the all-russian children's center dagestan. the camp will be a logical continuation of this project and will occupy more than 60 hectares. almost half of the entire area is green. park area. the center will operate all year round and will be able to accommodate 1,500 children at the same time. the first 400 placements are planned to be organized in 2027. the in-depth
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study of the project arouses great interest among investors. the republic of dagestan announced the recruitment of potential residents now also carefully, like the project itself, considers candidates. to date, we have about 20 residents who have signed up, which makes us happy. that we will be able to consider applications, including on a competitive basis among large resident investors, such as tricoholding, such as azimut, such as cosmos hotel group, that is, these are actually serious operators who work in the field of both hotel and tourism business in our country, at the same time, it means that we... seem to be setting one of the conditions for the development of not only the coast, but also the very waters of the caspian sea the sea in terms of creating marinas in terms of creating
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various kinds of facilities that could allow the use of the water surface, and what is especially important is that many of the residents today are paying attention to sports facilities on the territory of their future vacation spots. investments are supported by the conditions of the special economic zone where the caspian cluster is located, and these are tax preferences and free connection to engineering infrastructure. the designer caucasus of the russian federation took it upon himself to create such a base; more than 12 billion will be invested in electrical and gas supply, water disposal and sewerage, landscaping - this includes landscaping and beach cleaning. it seems to me that the task of the state is, first of all, to create some kind of base. in order to make it easier for the investor, yes, easier in today’s difficult times, to still get a return on the invested funds, and we are talking about the fact that at each
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state. this is the essence of faster growth. for several years in a row, dagestan has become a leader in the growth of tourist flows. last year this is 1 million 700,000 tourists. every third person came to relax on the caspian sea. the republic is famous for having the maximum concentration of all types of tourism. historical, cultural, sports, gastronomic, ethnographic, with the creation of a caspian resort in dagestan they plan to blur the concept of seasonality of recreation. the resort
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is year-round. of course, well, firstly, the republic of dagestan has the largest number of sunny days of all regions of the russian federation, this is our southernmost region of russia, and well, at least durbent, we are not here we hold a lot of events during the season, if you are in quantitative terms, then i think we will be able to exceed this level of 2 million and above, but... the most important thing here, in my opinion, is not a quantitative story, but a story related to the quality of services , because it will be, in my opinion, a very high-quality, planned resort that will create a certain balance in the number of hotels, five stars, four stars, three stars, in the presence of all other infrastructure, entertainment, educational, it will develop not only
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the very territory of the caspian cluster, but also... the access roads to the resort. we are talking about the reconstruction and construction of roads, including the repair of a section of the caucasus federal highway and the renovation of makhachkala airport and runway terminals. it is planned that by 2030 the resort of the caspian cluster will attract not only more tourists, but also private investment. new jobs will appear in the region . major construction should begin next year and will be completed by 2027. basic infrastructure, hotels and places for entertainment, then the first tourists will be able to come to the resort.
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information picture of the day in facts is russia 24. in the studio artyom yamshakov and olga armyakova. so, vladimir putin today discussed with the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler the restoration of the region after the floods. the president asked not to delay the elimination of the consequences by paying compensation, and also drew attention to the organization of children's recreation in the region. another important topic of the meeting is economic development.


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