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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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economic sustainability, achieving qualitatively new dynamics in industries, primarily based on strengthening russia’s technological sovereignty, training modern personnel, and the widespread use of innovative digital solutions. in all these areas , until 2030 and for the future until 2036 , specific task targets have been established, many of which were addressed in the message.
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federal assembly in february this year. i repeat that the main meaningful work to achieve national goals is, of course, not carried out in offices, we are always with you about in this we say, yes, it is happening locally, in the subjects of the federation in our cities and towns, and this means that the decisive role here is played by the efforts of regional and municipal teams, entrepreneurs, public associations, and, not least of all, the initiatives of citizens. .. it is natural that we are holding today’s meeting of the strategic development council jointly with the commissions of the state council, with colleagues from the constituent entities of the federation, i know, in the morning some administration employees and i have already talked about this, i know that yesterday, in the format of round tables, you discussed how to most effectively organize work to achieve national goals, how to establish interaction as clearly and harmoniously as possible. authorities at all
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levels, i hope that regional leaders and chairmen of specialized state council commissions will talk about the results of these discussions and present their recommendations to the government before the final stage of working out all the details of national projects. i ask my colleagues to carefully analyze the proposal of the subject of the federation and, in addition, not formally, but in essence, aim the ministry at active ones. involving regions of civil society and business in the preparation of new national projects. let me repeat, we are not talking about projects of individual departments, but about large-scale, interconnected programs that should work to solve common, systemic problems that are important for all citizens of the country. by the end of summer, national projects must be drawn up and coordinated with each other. you and i know,
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everyone has heard, the main tasks of the country’s future are largely solved on the line combat contact, you should never forget about this, and we are all together, everyone who is sitting here, all your teams in the field, everyone must work exactly the way our guys work on the front line, we must work constantly, understanding at what point in history in russia, we are working with you, and it is from this that we build our goals, objectives, and the very style of work of today. must be, everything must be agreed upon between various departments and levels of government, submitted to the council for strategic development, and of course, it needs to be in detail work through. their financial part, let me remind you
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that for this we have expanded the horizon of financial planning of the state from three to 6 years, yes, in the future, projects, of course, will be supplemented by new initiatives, life will make its own adjustments, this is natural, but now we can say that spending on national projects will become the core of the most significant part of the development budget at the federal and regional levels, and therefore ... a key direction for all levels of government, i am convinced, despite objective difficulties that they are trying to create for us from abroad, and despite the current trials that we are facing, we nevertheless have all the capabilities, resources, personnel to implement our plans, for the confident, long-term comprehensive development of our russia territories, regions, settlements, at the same time... let me draw
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your attention again, we will evaluate the result of national projects not by how many events are carried out or how much funds are spent, but because of how they are achieved... hello, well, let's start with the latest news about the modernization of the tax system, indeed , recently in the government, in the federal assembly
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in the expert community there has been a wide discussion on this matter, what do you agree with, what raises doubts and how do you see the future of the russian tax system? do you agree with the proposals of the ministry of finance on a progressive tax scale published today? hello, well , they really are finally moving on, and what we have been talking about for many, many years, i will remind you that in the program of our party, which was formed in 2006, a rule was written on a mandatory progressive scale of income tax. let me remind you that in the twentieth year, it was finally
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good, the circle of good foundation, yes, the circle of good foundation, because these additional 2%, they went, the circle of good charitable foundation, it was from this fund that 24,500 children , i’ll call a spade a spade, they were simply saved, this is great, now specifically regarding the parameters of the proposed tax system, in general, i think that our faction has not yet met, but i think that our faction will support these proposals, but... firstly, as we proposed, a five-step progression for income for individuals is normal, and those who receive more than 200,000 rubles per month will begin to pay the progression, and at least all the talk about the fact that those
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who could literally receive 80 thousand rubles a month were bypassed, and the ministry of finance here still listened to the voice of reason, this is a progression in principle. we are happy, it’s very good that there will be a tax deduction for families with two or more children, if they have per person less than one and a half regional subsistence level, and for them this rate will be only 6%, the money will not be returned, well , there will be a kind of tax cashback that many are already accustomed to, this is correct, we are impressed by the fact that there will be an increased income tax , we are impressed by what will happen with the simplified taxation system, in a word, we see that it has really been calculated competently, calculated well, at first glance, i do not see any fundamental objections from our faction, fair russia
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for the truth, so i am sure that our faction will support this bill, and sergei mikhailovich, well, it seems to me that it is also important to note that the participants of the svo will not be affected by these tax changes. thank you, thank you, olga, the fact is that there really will be no progression for the participants of the svo, and this is absolutely correct, at parliamentary hearings that took place in the large plenary hall in the state duma, state duma chairman vyacheslavich volodiev directly asked siluanov whether there would be this rule applies to participants in a special military operation, so that there would be no progression for them, he answered in the affirmative, and in the proposed law we see this absolutely.
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what new has the new format brought, how will it affect the relationship between the executive branch of legislators, and how will it affect the solution of pressing problems? exciting, i think that the majority of our citizens, well , indeed, after the amendments to the constitution, in 2020, the state duma acquired new powers, not to agree on members of the government, to appoint by voting. i must say that the candidates both deputy prime ministers and candidates for ministerial positions, but it was clear that they were worried; at meetings in the factions, they understood that the deputies understood the profile of the work of each ministry of each deputy prime minister, and asked professional questions. we can say that on the one hand, the majority faction, of course, confidently
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voted for everyone, but people with ambitions, and deputy prime ministers, and ministers, and for them it was also very important whether everyone would vote unanimously, or whether they would deputies who will either abstain or even voted against, and you know, i would like to give a very interesting example, which concerns the deputy prime minister, who will oversee the construction of... let me remind you that a mortgage is an american model of acquiring real estate through its
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collateral, here is a european one, to be precise , even the german model is a construction savings bank, without going into details for tv viewers of the russia 24 tv channel, i will inform you that the construction savings bank will be about 2 and a half times cheaper for people than a mortgage. and we were worried about the position of the future deputy prime minister. on factions, he answered in the affirmative that he supported. bill, then we agreed right in the plenary hall of the faction that we would publicly ask the same question in front of television cameras, and if the candidate for the post of vice president, deputy prime minister answers in the affirmative, we will support him, he answered in the affirmative, and we with great pleasure and with a pure heart, as they say, they supported it, and i think that such a law will appear in the bright future, here is sergei mikhailovich, continuing this topic, let ’s talk about discussions. which took place in during the approval of the new cabinet of ministers in the duma, a lot of attention was paid to
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demographic projects and problems, various measures were named to support families with children, well, how do you assess the proposed program to stimulate the birth rate, does it need additions, adjustments, and how has the program, the national program, or demographics changed at all? certainly requires additions and further action. on the part of the state, we have already introduced several bills, we are absolutely sure that if we really want to solve this sick demographic problem in the literal sense of the word for our country, it is necessary to make more drastic decisions, but, for example, we believe that there should be a progression in maternal capital, for the second child we should give a larger amount than for the first, for the third even more, because we understand, only the third child in the family... gives an increase not only in the family, because there were two parents, two children, as many as there were, so many became, only the third
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child gives an increase, it is very important that the norm for russia has become a large family as with at least three children, this is the first, second, we are sure that the housing problem needs to be solved, our numerous proposals, well , for example, imagine that a young family just got married, has no children yet, the state issues... an interest-free loan to the court, that is you don’t have to pay any interest, but this is a loan, that is, it is money borrowed, the principle of repayment of this loan is established as follows: at the birth of the first child, 25% of the loan is written off, at the birth of the second child, 50% of the loan is written off, and at the birth of the third child, the state says: thank you, you are addressing the most important state problem, solving a problem, so we write off the loan completely, here is a proposal, well, another one, for example, why not introduce a parental salary? it’s no secret that today benefits are paid to care for
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a child up to one and a half years old, but at one and a half years the child is either not ready yet, or there are no places, and women, as a rule, sit until at least 3 years old, these one and a half no one pays anything for a year, and if one of the parents, at the discretion of the family, someone raises, stays with the child, someone works, pay parental wages, for example, at least in the amount of the subsistence level, so... all these steps will certainly help solve this demographic problem, and we, of course, will insist on our proposals. spend on a young family, for example, to buy a home, or what are the faction’s proposals? well, in fact, if we talk about macerina’s capital, it clearly shows that it’s either for housing, or for the pension of one of the parents, or for education, we they repeatedly suggested that they could use
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this money, for example, to purchase a domestic car, or to renovate their apartment. or home renovation, and you think that these opportunities will expand, and if we are talking about an interest-free loan, then this is only for the purchase of housing, here, of course, this money can only be spent either on building a house, if we are talking about rural areas, or to purchase an apartment in the city. well, yes, it really seems to me that young families will stimulate that the birth rate in the country. here is sergei mikhailovich, there are issues that find universal support in the state duma. but there are issues that deputies are discussing, in particular, the state duma recently rejected your faction’s bill on restrictions on the use of migrant labor both in the economy as a whole and in certain industries, how will this affect your position, what is your plan for further action? this will not affect our position in any way, we will insist on
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this measure, so i will now give a very interesting example, but it is no secret that majority in the state. regions of russia have adopted regional laws that restrict the work of migrants in certain areas, somewhere it’s a taxi, somewhere it’s the education sector, somewhere it’s the healthcare sector, somewhere else some other areas, and i say, colleagues , please note, if this has become a regional law, the majority in regional parliaments, regional legislative assemblies of which, of course, belongs to united russia, which means your regional colleagues support this, just recently the kurdish region banned the use of labor migrants in a taxi, i remember the tragedy in my hometown of st. petersburg, when a citizen of russia, who came from one of the central asian republics, does not know the russian language, there is a separate question, but how did he
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become a citizen of russia, did not manage the administration, and people died there, in this regard... for example, to ban the use of migrant labor in public transport, for example, in my hometown, st. petersburg, i would consider absolutely correct, so yes, serious measures are needed, and i am sure that those proposals, and even here is a rejected bill, it will still make its way for one simple reason: the regions do it because they, well, what’s on earth, they feel right at their fingertips what the problem is, all the talk about supposedly... without them the economy will collapse and will not exist, which means there is a huge number of unfilled vacancies, this is all nonsense, pay normal money, and people will work and we don’t need any migrants, our citizens will calmly fill all the vacancies, well, in continuation of personnel, labor policy, and recently the head of the ministry of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev noted that
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the situation with the staff shortage is worsening; the department literally lacks 152 jobs. i would look carefully to see if they are, so to speak, distributed correctly in terms of performing their function. let me remind you that back in 2016 we introduced a law on municipal police to the state duma. what is the essence of our proposal? we suggested that there should be a federal police that investigates crimes, that
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deals with such serious issues, and maintaining public order in populated areas. let it be transferred to the municipal police, the head of which, by the way, should be elected by the population and be responsible to them, then i think that we could solve this problem. in any case, i agree that salaries need to be increased, and it was no coincidence that i gave the example of doctors, but by the way, as for our teachers, this is the same story, and in general all salaries must be increased, this must be done by the way, the president - in his... in his decree on strategic planning, he sets such a task, but if we talk about the employees of the ministry of internal affairs, here , along with the need, i absolutely agree, to increase salaries, but...
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raised the salaries of doctors, maybe with an additional presidential payment, do the security forces seriously need the same measure? well, i can’t help but say that when they made this decision about additional payments, they forgot about those who are literally on the front line saving people’s lives, about doctors and ambulance attendants. camp with the inspection of schoolgirls in voronezh, but a very unpleasant story, it’s all clear, yes, please, also give this an assessment, but in general, i know that you are a critic of the unified
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state exam, but again, perhaps the system itself is imperfect, but how, in what way, to give the opportunity to people, schoolchildren from the outback to enter the capital's universities, universities large cities, what alternative is there, then what do you suggest, how to objectively evaluate their knowledge, artyom? we have specific proposals, but from the point of view of the objectivity of knowledge, i believe that in general final exams in school are not needed, any teacher of any subject very clearly knows what grade any student from his class knows this subject, from the point of view of admission, we propose, let’s imagine, in any city where there is at least one higher education institution, any educational institution, an independent commission of teachers is formed. higher educational institutions, where any applicant, any schoolchild, can take exams, here is a commission that, say, for a whole month or even a month and a half, takes an exam in russian, a commission takes
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an exam in mathematics, here in physics, here in chemistry, here in history there are societies there, you can continue further, where the certificate is issued, that he received such and such an assessment, where he will send these certificates, no one knows, there are alternatives,
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he makes good money, i’m not even talking about tutors, it’s a huge machine that prepares these the testing and measuring materials that all this is printed, distributed, and here someone is making very good money, but there is no need to torture our children, moreover, we understand that they are training to pass the unified state exam to the detriment of many other subjects, and moreover, even when they are trained, it turns out that the questions themselves in the unified state exam are often much broader than the school curriculum; nothing could be done without tutors, and if there are tutors, then social stratification immediately occurs; if the family has money for
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a tutor, then probably their child will pass successfully, and if not, he won’t pass, this is about the question that any child from distant corners can easily get in, this is not so, and here, of course, you need to make a serious decision, the president clearly said, you need to leave balloon system, thank god, is coming back... you need to say and not be afraid to say b, and eliminate the unified state exam, there is an alternative, that’s one of the options, i said, there are others, i just won’t list them, there are alternatives that are sound, normal from the point of view of assessing graduates, but the most important thing, it’s no secret that now in many universities they conduct additional interviews, because the first semester of poor students... they are taught to study, they cannot perceive, they sit in lectures with crazy eyes, because they were trained, yes, they do not can such the amount of knowledge to acquire in a couple, in two. 45
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minutes, in this regard, this is a very serious problem that needs to be solved according to the state, and in the end we need to feel sorry for our children and the health of our children, that is, traditional exams could become a real replacement for this testing system, of course, of course, well let's now move on to another topic, but large-scale fires have been reported in a number of regions, we know the most fire-dangerous summer season is ahead, what should the state do to strengthen security? we need to return it the owner into the forest, and the owner is a forester. 15 years ago, the forestry code was adopted, and almost all forestry went under the knife. we now have the smallest number of foresters in our forests and the number of thousands of hectares per forester; it cannot be compared with any other country in the world. and in
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this regard, when... in our country, if tv viewers of russia 24 don’t know, i’ll tell you , for example, a fire broke out in some region, but firstly, there is such an absolutely wrong rule if it burns far from populated areas, you don’t have to extinguish the fire at all, but we are realists, we understand that sooner or later it will come to populated areas, and this is already huge, several hundred thousand hectares are already burning there, and we need to extinguish it there, but who can extinguish it, let’s say, involve the ministry of emergency situations. this is if the region has money, because nothing is paid for from federal money, in this regard, here we really need to return the forester owner to the forest, we need to review the entire fire extinguishing system, i am sure that our ministry of emergency situations is better, no one has ever done that won't do it, but it won't it should be at the discretion of either the presence or absence of money in the regional budget, because this is a serious threat.
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a threat to our forests and sooner or later all the so-called remote fires, which are controlled but not extinguished, they come to populated areas with all the ongoing consequences, we just need to put things in order, including changing the norms of the forest code, which were erroneous, ours, by the way, the party voted categorically against it, warning about exactly what is happening now, yes, well, there should be some ways to warn the population about such a fire-dangerous period, and somehow...
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by a project and a commission of the state council. the president put forward the idea of ​​holding such a meeting in march, proposing to discuss at this meeting how each region should solve the problems outlined in the message to the federal assembly. well, let me remind you that the council for strategic development of national projects is an advisory body under the president, it was created to coordinate federal and regional authorities, public scientific organizations. and the state council is already constitutional structure that determines
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the main directions of domestic foreign policy. at the meeting that took place yesterday at vdnkh, ideas were discussed that were already voiced at the meeting today. for example, the state council commission on social policy came to the conclusion that all national projects need to be directly linked to the goals of demographic policy in order to create comfortable living conditions and the development of large families.


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