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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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convenient for a person, but if suddenly someone does not like using the electronic service, the opportunity to receive a payment by mail, of course, remains. the second connection, i have already mentioned that a number of remote territories and federal highways, both railway and road, need strengthening and higher quality communications; in megacities, 5g is important, fast internet, fast.
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and we would still like to ask you to consider its extension, plus tablets, when an electronic diary, an electronic magazine, it’s great if there is a tablet, in a number of territories we have already equipped the equipment, but help is needed somewhere, as for health, the tablet is primarily needed by the ambulance, for which dispatch, time cannot be wasted, and such practices have also already been used.
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i have prepared proposals for their implementation, all of them found support yesterday, i will voice the most relevant ones. the first task is to form a circular economy. we support the continuation of activities that are being implemented in the ecology national project within the framework of the federal project for an integrated waste management system solid municipal waste, but since now it is necessary to ensure the recovery of at least 25% of all consumer production waste, not only msw, into circulation as secondary raw materials. additional measures are required to
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create sustainable demand for processed products; it is necessary that the environmental fee, which, by the way, has not been recalculated since 2017, and today of course requires updating, is a source of financing for the creation of recycling capacities. also included in the proposals in this part is this request for regulation of the management of construction waste and other waste of the first, third to fifth hazard classes with the definition of a procedure similar to that for msw. the possibility of classifying composting as a regulated activity, expanding the use of recyclable materials for government needs, here we note that all ministries should be involved in the implementation of this indicator, not only specialized ones, the next task is to halve emissions into the atmosphere, we support the extension of the implementation of the fet project clean air, we additionally propose to provide at the legislative level the opportunity for regions that are not included in the implementation of the experiment. on quotas
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to join this experiment, the goal of a comprehensive environmental monitoring system is connected with all the tasks, we really advocated for the appearance of such a fet project, but its...
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investment costs for the population, but we support the position that the regions should be given the right to set a reasonable level payment for housing and communal services in cases of construction and modernization of utility facilities infrastructure, but treatment facilities, in particular, at least to compensate for the increasing costs of their operation. well, the fifth task is to preserve forests and diversity, develop specially protected natural areas, create conditions for eco-tourism. like all the previous ones, she is not. new, together with the tourism commission, we included a proposal for the development of eco-tourism, in particular on the issue of creating a tourist infrastructure to increase the investment attractiveness of the industry, as well as on the issue of eliminating unauthorized dumps in specially protected natural areas and the commission, improvement of waste management in such
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areas. finally, as a cross-cutting proposal for all national projects, which correlates with the goal of a sustainable and dynamic economy, we have formulated several principles of an environmentally responsible economy. in particular, resource efficiency, the production of durable things, the elimination of non-recyclable materials, problems, adaptation programs to climate change and others. we believe that in many national projects indicators should appear that reflect, among other things, the environmental effectiveness of the measures being implemented. thank you for your attention. yes. thanks a lot. so, please, on the issue, without which not a single one can be resolved.
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decision and ask you to support a special procedure for writing off debt for regions with a low rbr of less than 0.65 before equalization, that is, to establish the possibility for them. writing off debt on budget loans according to a separate procedure, subject to the use of the appropriate amount of funds for investment expenses in terms of achieving national development goals. secondly, for regions with a higher rbo, we propose to provide the opportunity to independently determine the directions for using the released funds, since the regions are different, to consolidate the widest possible list of possible types. structural projects and forms of investment support, for example, to infrastructure projects, we
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believe that projects in the housing and communal services sector, including the replacement of elevators, projects to update public transport, projects to develop strongholds and a number of others, should be included in the support investments, the nip mechanism, new investment projects, compensation for lost revenues of regional budgets from the use of investment deductions. support for management companies of special economic zones, tori, industrial parks, technology parks, decapitalization of regional industrial development funds, guarantee and microfinance organizations. and after the discussion at the seminar , we propose to agree with the principle that, based on priority, at least 50% of the funds released from write-offs should be allocated to infrastructure projects in the housing and communal services sector, that is, it may be more according to the decision of the region, and the rest. these are funds for other infrastructure projects and investment support, and the third, in terms of criteria
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for selecting infrastructure projects. we consider it important to avoid red tape, long complex selection and approval of projects. therefore, if a project falls within one of the agreed spending areas, it can be approved by the region. and it is also important that we agreed on a six-year write-off cycle, since most projects are not limited to one year and there will be an opportunity. implement for account of writing means long-term projects. and the next systemic issue is the establishment of parameters for co-financing regional expenses from the federal budget for the next six-year period. primarily for national projects. there were also a lot of discussions, we met at the state council commission and at the government site, and yesterday we discussed it at a seminar. as a result, with colleagues from the ministry of finance, we agreed to maintain the existing approaches that are in effect in this cycle of our implementation. projects, what are we talking about, continue subsidies for national projects as they are now
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to provide, based on the 95x5 principle, outside of national projects from the 70x30 principle, and at the same time for the resettlement of emergency housing, the program for modernizing utility infrastructure, these areas in the new cycle will be included in national projects, maintain a separate procedure for co-financing, maratovichyanovich also said about this now, calculation of levels co-financing for national projects, make it according to the current rbo, fix it for 3 years, and accordingly, fix a new one after 3 years. and finally, about the distribution of additional volumes of infrastructure budget loans for the twenty -fifths to thirties, as well as the reinvestment of ibc repaid by the regions for previous years, also in accordance with your decision, for this decision, also vladimirovich, we thank you very much, this is an important financial resource to achieve. national goals, here primarily in terms of distribution of volumes and bc, we propose
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to define limits for the regions for 6 years, so that the regions can plan expenses, make design estimates, and further as these projects are protected by the current procedure for disbursing funds. we talked about keeping the volume of funds within the limits within 50-70% of the total volume, and the rest is a competition or yours directly. say, speak out, press the button, please name it, can i chibes, yes, i ask
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you, yes, dear vladimir vladimirovich, i would like to highlight, perhaps aggravate, the topic of the arctic territories, uh, these are the national development goals, in order to ensure them, to achieve the preservation of the population in our regions, and its increase, of course, taking into account the deterioration of the infrastructure, the cost of repairs and construction, they require, in our opinion, such prioritization within the framework of national projects. i reported to you, for the first time in 33 years in the mormon region, we managed to achieve that more people came to us than left, last year, we reduced the pace seven times,
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just within the framework of national development goals are provided, including through master plans recorded in master plans, they must have certain limits , priority funding, this also applies topics of healthcare, emergency housing, major repairs taking into account the infrastructure that we have, well, frankly speaking, in many settlements it’s simply ruined, the second topic that i would like to highlight, it was not mentioned here, but my colleagues are working on it, but it’s very important , so that... the theme of the northern sea route is fixed as such a clear core priority in terms of transport infrastructure, everything related to its development, including a strategically important project, you support it, this is the murmon transport hub and other transport infrastructure that is necessary for the development of the northern sea route. and the third topic that i
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would like to ask you to pay attention to, tatyana alekseevna said absolutely the right things about... monitoring the decree on large families, but due to a number of sanction issues, for example, we have a decline there, i also reported to you, according to taxes for the first quarter, for example, in order to fulfill it, we also want to fully implement all the measures in the decree, but this is an additional 700 million rubles, and we have a fall already almost 5 billion, only over the past months, would also ask here for appropriate support so that we, our large families, who live and their number is growing, but live in very...
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accordingly, in accordance with the presidential decree on national goals development, this work has been organized, we have identified curators of national projects, and now i would just like to name them, this is still a project, but it is already, let’s say, filling up, we have 2 months before the formation of relevant events, before carrying out statistical session, but today it looks like this: first, a long active life.
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on may 30, we will approve the schedule for our strategic sessions to prepare national projects. i would like to take this opportunity to invite all participants of the state council to these strategic sessions. all information will be presented to you in the near future, after which, by september 1, we will develop and send for consideration at the council under the president of russia on
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the strategic development of the national project, projects and passports of national projects included in their composition is federal. programs and further, accordingly, already in the budget cycle all the necessary limits of budget obligations will be provided; in november-december we will provide project passports in accordance with the federal law on the budget for the next financial planning period and in december we will finally approve national projects at a meeting of the presidium of the council. thank you. thanks a lot. dear colleagues, first of all i want to thank you for the work you have done. for these detailed reports, and i ask the government to record the initiatives, which were made today by regional leaders, chairmen of specialized commissions, the state council, as well as those proposals that were prepared the day before during the seminar,
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it is necessary, as i already said in my opening speech, to take them into account when preparing national projects during the summer. to do this , i propose to slightly adjust the work of the state council commission, namely to expand the powers of their chairmen who will be included in the project. this is important, of course, we all understand this, so that the subjects of the federation can launch our budget cycle earlier, make the necessary plans, by september 1 we
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must have national projects fully agreed upon with the regions and the state council, which will then be submitted for consideration to the strategic development council. what do i want. it is very important that this will work to the advantage of our manufacturer, industry, construction sector, and other industries; it will become a powerful incentive for them for long-term development, and i have spoken about this more than once, i want to repeat it, and especially i ask the government, all departments should pay the most serious, closest attention to this, and of course, in the course of national projects, it is necessary
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to actively support structural changes in all areas, for example, they also talked about this now and plan a major overhaul of schools so that a new learning environment, a new the appearance of the equipment of the classrooms, served to improve the quality of education, allowed...
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i thank you all again for the work done, i hope that it is in this mode that we will work in all the coming months and subsequent years. thanks a lot. so, the meeting of the council for strategic development of national projects and
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the state council commission for social and economic development has ended in the kremlin. well, now let’s take a break for a short advertisement, then watch the program vesta the duty department. alfabank is the best bank. for business, send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account with alfabank, teeknos spark 20 pro smartphone with a 15% discount. and a lex washer-dryer with a 20% discount. on yandex market. stay in cean for a daily stay. catch. firebird pyro is not easy, anyone can get a rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on
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