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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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there is an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit; all the inhabitants of the village were burned for connection with the partisans.
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a well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. i present to you a new soldier, ribinin nikolai sergeevich, you do you like books? yes, i write books. the classic has arrived, take it. thank you, you helped. i'm not helping you like that, come on guys, let 's put everything in place, call sign passenger, i'll come back for you, do you hear, i'll come back, we're used to watching videos online, it stopped working, install, open, watch, russian
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channels all tv series, movies and cartoons , educational programs and documentaries . we look, look in the application or on the website. hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. scandal in karelia in petrozavodsk, deputy of the karelian legislative assembly vitaly krosulin was detained along with his thirty-six-year-old son, an entrepreneur. both are suspected of giving a large bribe. in parliament, crossolin holds the position of head of the tax budget committee. details of the detention, as well as why local media call krosulin one of the richest deputies in the region in the report by alexander astakhov. petrozavodsk opened the day, operatives in black maneuvering between cars, running to vitaly. sulin, member of the local parliament
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and the businessman is called one of the richest influential people in karelia. at the same minutes , in another place, his son artyom is laid out on the asphalt. both are accused of giving a large bribe. and this is a shot from the court, where a preventive measure was chosen for krosulina. he looked depressed and looked around lost. i’m still not used to the fact that the hands through which all the cash flows in the region passed were handcuffed in parliament and the deputy headed the budget and taxes committee. none. salvation, that money from the budget will be needed, no, more than 20 years in politics, even longer - in business, based on the declaration data, krasulin’s income for 2021 amounted to almost 28 million rubles, and his wife allegedly earned only 3,000, the local prosecutor’s office even had questions about this figure, the document also contains an impressive list of real estate, non-residential premises, land plots, an apartment, a dacha, a car seat and a hotel, the total area is more than half a hectare, they say that...
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petrozavodsk, worth 94 million rubles. we are constantly increasing production; today, approximately 80,000 tons will be produced this year. and this, apparently, is still one source of krosulin's condition. until march of this year , he served as general director of the only enterprise in the world where shungite, a valuable rock, is mined from its own deposit. krasulin’s business empire was not limited to this; he was associated with other companies, but apparently things were not going so smoothly. the politician has recently become nervous and, according to investigators, together with his son he handed over 200,000 rubles to a security official he knew. and later he planned to pay another 4,000 so that if something happened warned him in advance of the danger. if they put him on the wanted list, they will want to detain him. the security officer notified management of the planned corruption crime. subsequently, he took part in
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operational activities, during which the son of a deputy was detained red-handed while handing over a bribe. for this money, the detainees tried to obtain information about the ongoing activities. for elements will appear in russia next year. amendments to the law on enforcement proceedings were signed by president vladimir putin. the list will include citizens who have been brought to administrative or criminal liability, as well as those put on the wanted list. we are talking about child support debtors, incompetent,
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adult children and disabled parents. the federal bailiff service will be responsible for inclusion in the register and exclusion from it. thus, first names, surnames, and dates will be publicly available. investigators organized an investigation into complaints from students about unethical screening before the unified state exam in one of the schools in voronezh. the footage appeared in in social networks. the state duma drew attention to the situation. the chairman of the lower house of parliament, vyacheslav volodin, instructed the education committee to monitor the organization of the unified state exam. tomorrow the head of rosobrnadzor will speak to the deputies. vyacheslav volodin also plans to discuss this scandalous case with mikhail mishustin. we are all parents too. and how does each of you react, if a child is undressed, who will come up with this? whoever has given permission, invite the human rights ombudsman, we
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will appoint one for you, if you don’t have enough tool of influence. we expect from you that the education committee, especially. on the days of exams , i monitored the situation almost around the clock and asked those who allow such excesses? the ministry of education said that the story of the stripping was just rumors, and the girls were examined only by women, but recordings from surveillance cameras at the school show that students lifted their t-shirts even in front of male guards, although there were no official complaints to the regional ministry of education, investigators... in fact, possible the commission of illegal actions in one of the schools in the city of voronezh against students who came to take an exam, the investigative authorities of the investigative committee of russia organized an inspection. investigators
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are carrying out a set of measures aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. the regional prosecutor's office will also conduct an inspection, and deputies announced that they will create a special mailbox for... citizens' complaints about violations during the unified state examination. new details of the murder that happened the day before in one of the apartments on northeast of the capital. let me remind you that there a family drama ended in a bloody massacre, and the criminal used a very exotic weapon - a crossbow. first, the jealous man shot his wife, later he tried to commit suicide, but survived. andrei romanov found out what happened in a seemingly quiet, exemplary family. the story that happened last night in one of the apartments of this high-rise building in the north-east of moscow is recounted by the residents of the building, almost with gusto; they had previously observed such intensity of passions only from tv. the first police car flew up, two policemen, they dressed themselves, so
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this is all a complete ban, we went up the elevator together, i live on the ninth, and they did the same thing, we went higher, the same case when the number is 13, exactly. .. the thirteenth floor became unlucky for a single married couple. a bloody drama took place in one of the apartments behind this door. based on the condition of one of the doors in tambura, it is immediately clear in which apartment the crime took place. investigative actions in the apartment have been completed, the door is sealed, here this is a consequence of a night incident. the police arrived when called, but no one opened the door, so the security forces had to open the door, they cut the door itself with a grinder, after which... apparently they somehow got to the lock and opened the entrance to the apartment. investigators took this photograph in an apartment; computer retouching conceals the body of a woman with a bullet through her head. according to media reports, the victim is a forty-four-year-old owner of a transport company, her fifty-eight-year-old husband, whom neighbors knew
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as a drinker and collector weapons, however, for some time now the man was allegedly deprived of the right to keep firearms, but the reserves apparently remained. it was established that the woman was wounded by her husband, and then caused bodily harm to himself. he has now been taken to the intensive care unit of one of the capital's hospitals. the story seems clear, but there is one strange one. the probable killer tried to commit suicide with a crossbow, allegedly pierced his head with an arrow from temple to temple, and then pulled out the ammunition himself. crossbows and bows are legally classified as sporting weapons, special permits are not required for them, however , criminal cases in which a crossbow appears as a murder weapon are very rare, but there are several points that unite these stories, the fatal shot is always made by a man, and the reason most often is the desire... to take revenge or burning jealousy, as in the case of nikita tankikh, a resident of zelenograd near moscow.
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according to investigators, last year he killed his wife with an arrow to avoid divorce. how many shots were fired at her? one. one. and in what area? another one an exotic story took place in the village of shushinskoye in the krasnoyarsk territory. local craftsman andrei kravchuk designed a crossbow system and built it into the front passenger seat of his car. with the help of this invention, the avenger planned to kill his rival mikhail tregubov, who stole his wife. somewhere in this area the device was located, from here a lever stretched along the seats, i pulled the lever here, the same way you pulled it, like this with your left hand. perhaps the most notorious crime using a crossbow is the massacre of so called the sausage king vladimir morugov. our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program spoke in detail about this story. the crime in... nonsense of 2020 was committed by repeat offender alexander mavridi, shortly before that he
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began to court the wife of a businessman, it is still unclear what caused the fatal shot, mavridi’s selfish interests or his amorous adventures, together with his accomplice, pasha akhmedov, the killer i visited a hunting store and bought a crossbow of arrows. akhmedov later told investigators how they we practiced shooting outside the city for several days, shooting from here to here, at the target here. yes, she pierced it several times, pierced it, these are the marks - this comes from a crossbow, that’s right, having honed his skills , movrede came to marugov’s country house and plunged an arrow into the businessman’s body, after the arrest the killer managed to escape from the investigation, went on a rampage at the trials and feigned madness, but in the end received 20 years in prison; an equally severe punishment could face the crossbowman, who, according to investigators, had dealt with his wife the day before, now investigators... are finding out his motives, andrei romanov, eduard petrov, dmitry malyshev, the duty department is in charge. citizenship
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is inexpensive; in volgograd, a couple of alleged traders with certificates of knowledge of the russian language were detained. one of them worked in a language testing center, the second served as a migrant intermediary, and at the same time as a translator. after all, those who paid the bribes actually couldn’t speak two words in russian. according to investigators, the ladies sold the certificates inexpensively, for 3,500 rubles. they took the document, so to speak. not in size, but number of bribes. by the way, there are more and more cases where the native language is literally sold. all over russia, one after another, police are closing down offices selling such certificates. recently, one of the large groups was exposed in the krasnoyarsk territory. how did employees of one of the country’s leading universities pass tests for foreigners in the russian language, history and legislation, and what to expect from the new migration reform announced by the ministry of internal affairs? - vlada egorova found out.
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nominative, educational, uh-huh, further, significant, the man assured that his knowledge was enough to obtain a certificate, but the police think differently: the migrant will have to testify in a criminal case about the illegal trade of certificates for foreigners. since february of this year, employees of the main department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia in the krasnoyarsk territory have already made several arrests in the framework of this case. according to
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the investigation, specially trained people helped foreigners obtain certificates of knowledge of the russian language. history and russian legislation, but in fact exams the emigrants themselves did not pass the tests, employees of one of the country’s leading universities and several commercial organizations did it for them, they filled out the required text by the teachers themselves, allegedly making these mistakes, then corrected them themselves; according to the investigation , the criminal group included employees of the st. petersburg state university, this university has opened language testing centers in at least five cities of russia.
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i was expecting no knowledge, i was just a dummy, after the initiation of a criminal case the doors of the center were closed, exams are no longer here accepted. the criminal activity was carried out from october twenty-two until february 14 , twenty-four; during this period they earned about 30 million rubles. all profits were received by the axiom account and then distributed among the participants in the criminal scheme. by the way, it also included so -called intermediaries who looked for the right clients, mainly migrants from weak backgrounds. russian. of course, there are organizers, who are the heads of the language testing center of the state university st. petersburg and the leaders of the joint-stock company axioma. currently, 11 sheets are brought to justice. in the course of working with the detainees, we identified the second part of the participants
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of this criminal group, who were already living outside. krasnoyarsk territory, on the territory of the moscow region, the city of st. petersburg. the director of axiom was detained at one of the moscow train stations, and one of the university methodologists was already in the northern capital. only our film crew managed to talk to the latter after detention. pyotr efremov admitted, personally corrected the immigrants’ incorrect answers, and taught them to speak russian with memorized phrases. a translator-linguist who speaks three languages ​​worked at the murmansk representative office of axiom for about 4 years. the fear that people will come to you, there won’t be... you’ll get some, i don’t know, 10 thousand rubles , it’s not worth it to end up behind bars here in the end. criminal schemes for the illegal issuance of certificates of knowledge of the russian language have also been uncovered in irkutsk, st. petersburg and moscow. employees of organizations that helped migrants register and obtain work patents were detained. in the capital, by the way, even employees of the
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pushkin state institute of russian language were caught illegally issuing certificates. in the near future, large-scale migration reform will be carried out in russia. this was discussed at a recent council meeting. the migration sphere is regulated, it is worth reconsidering, because they simply do not meet the requirements of today. intensified raids to identify illegal migrants are now passing through many large cities of the country. in krasnoyarsk, after the police visited the market , 60 people were taken to the department, one of them will be sent home, four were brought in as witnesses in a criminal case about organizing illegal migration. vlada egorova, alexey gorshkov,
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dmitry timofeev, lead: duty unit. and now the operational news that our editorial team receives directly from the land information agent, you can also see it on your... screen. so, in nizhny novgorod employees control and audit chamber of the region are accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. this was reported by the official telegram channel of the regional investigative department of the investigative committee of russia. according to investigators, the auditor and four inspectors received 1,400 rubles from the owner of the construction company. in return, they allegedly turned a blind eye to
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violations during the construction of the school. by the way, this is a crime, it was discovered by fsb officers together with regional police officers. fluffy smuggling in lipetsk, city workers the zoo was suspected of trading, and... and simply giving officials rare breed animals confiscated at local customs. in this case, we are talking about two very expensive savannah kittens, which were seized from a traveler, allegedly because he was smuggling them illegally. but when the misunderstandings with the documents were settled, the owner decided to return the animals, but it turned out that one kitten was in very poor condition, and the other allegedly died. true, there is no evidence of this. what could have happened? i figured out the complicated story alina skachkova. this is what the beginning of a big cat scandal looked like: a meowing cargo ended up on the table of vnukovo’s customs officers.
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the owner dmitry gulyaev was traveling abroad with exotic pets of the savannah breed, but at the airport they suspected that it was smuggling, that suddenly, under the guise of those very harmless shrouds, the traveler was trying to bring out the red book serval cats. just in case, the animals were seized for examination and temporarily locked in a cage at one of the capital's zoos. but as soon as night fell, from under the nose of the owner they were suddenly transported to another region, for as much as 400 km. a month and a half later, gulyaev was informed that he was not a smuggler, and his cat was an ordinary savannah, he could pick them up from the zoo. i came there to pick up a kitten. you have two cats. one died in the lipetsk zoo. the second kitten is not doing very well either. he has a spinal fracture and a dislocated shoulder blade. he has open wounds on his body, that is, these are rotting bedsores, these are heartbreaking shots, a surviving kitten squeaks in a cramped enclosure, he can’t even
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stand up on his own, his limbs have given out, the owner is sure these are zoo workers, they brought animal half to death. if you believe the documents, the second kitten died, however, not everything is so simple here. this photo was taken a few days before the death of the animal. an employee of rosprirodnadzor is holding a meeting. a completely healthy animal in our arms, according to the official version, then the animal suddenly died, and he was immediately cremated, we took him to the examination, where the concealment protocol took place, tests were taken and where the diagnosis was made in the concealment protocol that he had polycystic kidney disease, the same protocol on the autopsy of the body, the document seems to have been drawn up in knee, an amazing thing , a veterinarian examined the reproductive system of the animal, diagnosed kidney disease, but for some reason confused the gender... examined a male, the documents indicate a female, the question arises, was there an autopsy at all, because the owner is convinced that he the pet died only on paper, a precious cat
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worth about 2 million rubles could supposedly become a gift to some official, or it was simply secretly sold to someone, some people have already said that they constantly send wild animals to lipetsk zoo, where they either keep these animals for themselves in the future... for the birthday of the manager or give it to someone else to the top officials, the director of the ordinary zoo, alexander osipov, is called the richest state employee in lipetsk, at first he didn’t even want to give away the second kitten, that a buyer had been found for him. no one has ever returned it to anyone, it has always been like this. how animals are treated behind the closed doors of some zoos, statistics say, recently in moscow in a private menagerie from hunger a monkey and two storks died in evpator. due to faulty wiring , more than 200 animals were burned alive in locked cages, which is like a silent cry for help. the police are now looking into the suspicious story of the death of the savannah kitten.
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during the inspection , the circumstances and causes that led to the death of the animal will be established, as well as a legal assessment of the actions of the persons responsible for their maintenance will be given. dmitry gulyaev, having lost his beloved pet for no reason, does not intend to retreat. he treats the second cat at his own expense, and says that if he survives, it will be a miracle. alena skachkova, lead. duty department. well, in the end, a list of the best books according to russian prisoners. yes, now he is famous. the irkutsk department of the federal penitentiary service has published the top 10 most popular novels that are most often borrowed from prison libraries. so, among the most widely read are russian foreign classics, for example, dostoevsky’s crime and punishment, pushkin’s captain’s daughter and hugo’s outcast. there was also a place for science fiction, mainly combat, in this genre preference is given to maria's novel. semyonova or konstantin muravyov, but the undisputed winner in popularity among all library books was mikhail bulgakov’s immortal novel,
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the master and margarita. well, for those who want to always read the latest news, i advise you to subscribe to our telegram channels vesti dezhurnaya part and an honest detective. and for now that’s all, tatyana petrova was with you, see you at 21:30. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha. will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. get started cool career at alfa bank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. i didn’t sign up for this, but i did sign up for the gazprom bonus. every day with me, ski bonuses. at
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this is russia 24, the “facts” program is on air. people. saving increasing well-being people is a priority of russian policy. vladimir putin stated this today at a meeting of the council for strategic development of national projects and the state council commission on social and economic development. well, among other tasks, the president named the stability of the economy, qualitatively new dynamics of industries, personnel training and the widespread use of new technologies.


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