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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to do, change the voice.
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the course is to escalate: nato countries are supplying kiev with new huge quantities of weapons, they are increasingly talking about ukraine’s use of western missiles to attack russian territory, and in general, the rhetoric of the west is becoming more and more aggressive and irreconcilable, the largest ever party of military assistance to the kiev regime has announced sweden, a country that, let me remind you, recently joined nato, now sweden is going to transfer to ukraine a huge amount of artillery ammunition, as well as dozens of its btr-302 armored personnel carriers. these are machines, even though they are old in the swedish army, they have long been scrapped, but for the ukrainians, they apparently decided that it would do, but there are high-precision weapons, for example, rb-99 air-to-air missiles with radar guidance, but most importantly - the ac 890 control reconnaissance aircraft , which is said to be. from swedes. quote: will give
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ukraine a completely new potential for radar reconnaissance and combat control against targets in the air and at sea. yes , today poland, one of the main sponsors of the kiev regime in eastern europe and one of the most russophobic, russophobic countries, has joined the list of countries that are no longer embarrassed to openly say that ukraine can use their weapons to attack russian territory. previously, besides, earlier, besides. the czechs, the netherlands, latvia, lithuania, estonia, canada, sweden, finland, as well as the president of france and the head of the uk foreign office called for the same. the germans, for example, the italians, are still being cautious are categorically against, they believe that this is a path to escalation of the conflict with unpredictable consequences. in principle, vladimir putin uttered the same words the day before, and i quote, speaking about strikes against russia, nato representatives must give back. “be
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aware of what they are playing with, this could lead to a global conflict,” said the russian president. by the way, ukraine is also already using nato weapons to strike russian regions; they are trying to hit crimea with franco-british stormshadow. french shells and czech mlrs were used for shelling of the belgorod region. there are some disagreements, they are intensifying, because basically this decision is supported. countries that simply don’t understand what they are saying, well, i mean the baltic countries, because the noughties and the entire baltic army, excuse the indiscretion, fits in one barracks, and what they will supply and what they will fight with is also not very good it's clear. poland, yes, there are serious armed forces there, but i think that poland is counting on its own forces, and if it is counting on helping the americans, what they, like an older brother, will come running to help, they are mistaken. well, all this
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fits well into the long-term western strategy, the weakening and then the collapse of russia, and ukraine in this case is just a tool, as the famous american economist jeffrey sachs believes, he gave an interview to journalist tucker carlson, most of this interview was about the situation in ukraine, hostile to russia, us and nato policies. this also includes, for example, the destruction by the americans of the nord stream pipelines and... according to sachs, the biden administration is almost deliberately prolonging the ukrainian conflict, refusing dialogue with russia, the bet is on the military victory of ukraine, and this was stated by an american economist, which is precisely the mistake of the white house, which, however, does not mean that washington i’m ready to admit it, the plans still remain in force. american senators were in kiev and told the demonstrators, we are with you 100%. victoria was handing out cookies. but in reality there was
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much, much more than cookies. the us colluded with ukrainian rights to overthrow of yanukovych. this happened by force in february 2014. then this war began. it has begun. not in 2022, but in 2014, when the president of ukraine, who strived for neutrality, was overthrown, this is how the cia carries out its regime change operations. and also the attempts of the united states to encircle russia for the purpose of supposed containment. russian authorities believe that the united states may ask asian countries to host intermediate- and shorter-range missiles. sergei lavrov announced this today at a meeting with foreign heads.
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this is becoming increasingly difficult to do, more and more difficult, if not impossible, when powerful economic giants rise, primarily on the eurasian continent, but also in africa, in latin america, this is the struggle for hegemony, for maintaining hegemony using sanctions, blackmail , threats of armed force,
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cold comes from the arctic, to the west , on the contrary, heat from the mediterranean. a characteristic sign of the arrival of heat in the capitals is the appearance of watering machines on the roads, using irrigation to reduce the temperature of the asphalt surface. at the capital's stations because of the heat, foggers were turned on, as in the height of summer, and free water was distributed to passengers on trains, buses and subways. the temperature in moscow, according to the latest data, is +2. at the same time, in the north-west and south-east of the european part of russia, thermometer columns have already surpassed the thirty-degree mark. it was +30.1 at 15 o’clock in pskov
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; the air warmed up to +31-32 in some areas of stavropol, kalmykia and the astrakhan region. at the same time, in the north-west in the leningrad and pskov regions it is hot today. in diameter, it's pouring today in the northeast, gram peals were heard in kirov, it was not possible to cross the road after a downpour without getting your feet wet at some intersections, it’s hard to believe, but this is the perm territory bordering the kirov region, it’s raining in the west of the region today. fell mixed with snow, according to local meteorologists, the last time snow was seen here at the end of spring was 6 years ago, at the end of may 2018, in ugra they made snowmen, in yamal they drove snow removal
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equipment onto the road, in norilsk they noticed, even for a while exits from the city were closed, as if in the depths of winter, winter returned to the north of the tomsk region, to strezhevo. in 2 days, it’s the beginning of june, this is the weather in western siberia, it’s crazy, what’s going on, when will it be warm here? but in the coming days siberians can’t hope for warmth. tomorrow , the extensive cyclone will continue to pump towards the shores of the ob and yenisei, along with clouds and precipitation of the air mass from the kara sea. but in most of the russian plain the solar anticyclone will still dominate, only in the extreme north-west, in the south of the middle volga, the frontal section will again be able to destabilize the atmosphere, provoking the development of hotbeds. a lot of rain clouds, nevertheless, the air on the russian plain will continue to warm up well,
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as a result, during the day in the north-west and in the center of the region, the thermometers will reach +25-30, it will be moderately hot at midday in the southern regions of the country, at the epicenter of the heat there will be the lower reaches of the volga and don, here in the afternoon +28:33, for example, even in cairo today it was a little cooler. due to intense heating of the earth's surface in the atmosphere there will be powerful updrafts will form, as a result, in some areas cumulonimbus clouds will be able to break through to the lower stratosphere. in such a situation, they can easily provoke thunderstorms, hail and squally winds. in a special risk zone tomorrow are the northwestern russian plain, the middle volga and the south of the urals, as well as the southern regions of the country. it must be said that thunderstorm centers will be mosaic in nature, and, for example, in volgograd, showers with
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thunderstorms will only occur on sunday and therefore it will become a little cooler, on the rest days, the prevailing daytime temperature is +30-32, instead of the usual +25, the first thunderclouds will begin to appear over moscow on friday evening, in the following days showers with thunderstorms will become daily. phenomenon in the capital. at the end of the working week in the megalopolis , extreme heat will still remain in the afternoon +29:30, but then the sultry anomaly will decrease slightly and the temperature maximum will be +2628. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create. here in the apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers on
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several months, exchanges of captured military personnel have been suspended due to the ukrainian country, stated ombutzman tatyana moskalkova. all details at evgenia petrukhina. i went out to the store to buy bread, met some thugs and found myself in a trench. the captured vsu officer says that he didn’t even know in which locality he was fighting. this is personnel training. they brought me to the gym, i don’t know what it’s like, it’s been there for three days.
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there is still a shortage. during 4 months of training in ukraine, they fired only 15 rounds, says valentin matsepura. and when we found ourselves in the kupinsky direction, we didn’t even know which side of the enemy’s position was or where to shoot. as a result, the wounded matsepur i was rescued by soldiers of the russian army, brought to the joint venture position, and there, as they say, i left the command, because the arrivals began according to my osp, and i was crushed a little. well, i made contact, told the commander, explained the situation, well, these people came, well , let them help me, well, get out, wait, wait, watch, that’s it, well, then the russian guys came and pulled me out. yuri vaitovich worked in the zhek, was mobilized on a subpoena, surrendered to work, says that the vsushnikov are purposefully oriented
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to shoot at russians, and not to take them prisoner, prisoners from i won’t take yours, even if he says, they say there is... he’s going to negotiate, so he’s coming, shoot, the drone wanted to hide, then i hear hands up, two of your guys, they took me prisoner, although they could have freely shot me, that’s... and they cooked me scrambled eggs there, served me coffee, the ammunition was running out, the radios were silent, and eight soldiers, including the commander, surrendered to the fighters of the north group, we kind of told them, no one did anything, there was no help, and we decided
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to surrender in captivity, but will he take the privates? soldier from captivity on the ukrainian side, exchanges have been suspended for several months, as... tatyana moskalkova said due to the far-fetched demands of ukraine. unfortunately, for several months, due to ukraine, which constantly puts forward new far-fetched demands, exchanges have been suspended, we are in dialogue with the ukrainian obbudsman and the international committee of the red cross. according to the mirror agreement, we visit ukrainians every day. ombudsman of our prisoners of war, and i, together with the staff of the apparatus, who are here today present, ukrainian military personnel, visited more than 700 citizens from both sides, and also agreed on mirror transfers from home, things, letters, notes from children.
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vladimir stelmashek was captured near the yar clock when he tried to deliver batteries to the front line of the ukrainian armed forces, after. after the arrival of the uav, stelmashek, as he himself says, got lost, and raising his hands, went to the positions of the russian army. get away from this mobilization, if you have already been caught, try to surrender. like this tanker, maxim likhachev, he stole a ukrainian t-64 and went to the positions russian army with a raised cannon, indicating that it is surrendering. now it is quite possible that he will decide to fight on the side of russia, where they certainly do not abandon their own people. evgenia petrukhina, yulia tyushevskaya, news. the speaker of the georgian parliament said that he himself would sign the law on foreign agents if president zurabishvili refuses to do so. previously, she imposed a bet on the document, but it was overruled by parliament. meanwhile, the usa. the european union is threatening georgia with sanctions for adopting a law on foreign influence. considering that similar laws exist in america and europe, the british magazine spectator called what was happening hypocrisy.
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stanislav bernwald is following developments . a heartbreaking meeting in raised voices between a deputy from the ruling party, viktor japaridza, and one of the protesters. the latter, after the final adoption of the law on foreign influence, called the deputy russian. here the hot caucasian blood boiled, after cooling down a little, the deputy decided to pay for the orange, which he used as a projectile against his opponent, returned to the store, and then he also got into an awkward situation situation, i threw your orange and came to apologize, how much is it from me, the orange is not a problem, the problem is that you took away the future of our children, apparently the owner of the fruit shop meant that after the adoption of the controversial law, georgia’s path to europe is now definitely ordered, exactly like this... the georgian opposition has been rocking it for 2 months now, which the west is actively helping in this. co-chairman of the european council on foreign relations carl bilt, for example, is categorical. by overcoming the ruling
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party in parliament from the presidential veterinary russian law, georgia’s path to the eu is now complete. tragic, but it's true. president of the european council charles michel throws up his hands in disappointment and wipes away a stingy male tear. in december, the european council decided to grant georgia status. candidate on the understanding that georgia will take appropriate steps and necessary democratic reforms. the adoption of the law on foreign agents in parliament is a step backward and takes georgia even further away from the path to the eu. the georgian people have clearly chosen future in the eu and we will do everything to support its ambitions. tears across europe were wiped away yesterday by those who came to protest against this law at the parliament building. here are the shots. but why such sacrifices? the georgian authorities have repeatedly stated that the adoption of the law on foreign agents in no way cancels the european law.
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usa and georgia. but despite unprecedented pressure from the outside, in georgia it seems that the issue of the law on transparency of foreign influence has already been reached. but the opposition is clearly not going to give up. president of georgia salame zorobishvili appears to be becoming the sole leader of the opposition forces. and he will try to strengthen himself as high as possible to the top of the georgian political olympus. yes.
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chairman of the georgian parliament shalva papuashvili said on wednesday that he himself would sign the adopted law, since the country’s president is zarubeshvili. is unlikely to do this. now we are waiting for a signature, it is clear that with a high degree of probability she will not sign it, accordingly, i will sign this law. meanwhile, zurabishvili yesterday called on residents the republic is already preparing for parliamentary elections, which will be held at the end of october this year, and to oppose the government party "georgian dream". stanislav bernvad, news. russia calls on israel to stop the military. against the palestinians, this was stated by deputy permanent representative of russia prion anna evstegneeva at a meeting of the un security council. according to her, the situation in the enclave is getting worse,
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civilians and united nations employees are dying. so on monday night, as a result of an air raid on tent camp in rafah, according to palestinian data, 40 people were killed. in turn, we also condemn the airstrike on the idp camp in rafah. and call on west jerusalem to put an end to these war crimes against the palestinian people. we demand from israel strict compliance with the provisions of international humanitarian law. attacks on un personnel and humanitarian workers on the ground are unacceptable. the goalkeeper of the krasnodar football club and the russian national team matvey safonov has completed a transfer to the french paris saint-germain. according to information mass media. the amount was about 20 million euros. with details stas ridikultsev. the goalkeeper of the russian national team and the krasnodar football club , matvey safonov, takes paris, the matter is almost
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decided. the distillation is discussed by the press of france, russia and numerous insiders. one of the most influential football journalists in europe, fabrizio romano, wrote that the contract was signed. true, neither paris saint-germain nor krasnodar have officially confirmed this yet, as the goalkeeper himself, touchingly thanking the stands of his native stadium, after the first in the history of krasnodar silver in the russian championship. it all felt like goodbye. i can neither confirm nor deny, i think that as soon as you need. suddenly know something? are you sure you'll find out? in winter, safonov extended his contract with the bulls for 6 years; according to unconfirmed information, psg is signing the russian until the summer of 2029. the transaction amount is 20 million euros. record sale of krasnodar and third place among the most expensive russian football players. only cska sold more expensively alexander golovin in monaco, yuri zhirkov in chelsea. transfer of the first russian number national team to the top club in europe in conditions where
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the national team is playing. only friendly matches, our clubs are suspended from european competitions, it looks like a breakthrough. taking a reservist for that kind of money, even for psg, is still a lot. i think that matvey is being hired so that he not only strengthens the competition, but so that he can become a full-fledged second number, not a competitor, but a substitute. the most interesting thing is that such a transfer took place, many european agents from italy, from france. they look with interest towards the premier league, i understand that our players can be purchased. the parisians offer the twenty-five-year-old goalkeeper a long-term contract and make it clear that they are seriously counting on matvey safonov, especially after the departure of the most experienced keylor navas from psg, but it will not be easy for the krasnodar graduate to oust the italian superstar gian luigi don narum from the gate right away. here you shouldn’t think at all about whether he’s ready or not, if there are all the proposals, as if everything suits everyone,
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then you definitely need to move on. "well damn, well , you have one career and a chance to go to psg, well this is about what you will tell your grandchildren, regardless of whether you played there or not, that is, you were at the level where psg made you an offer, wanted to buy you, but what else can you talk about in the just ended championship of russia, where krasnodar won silver for the first time in history, matvey safonov played all 30 matches, kept 11 clean sheets, but it seems that the bulls this off-season may lose not only the goalkeeper, but also other team leaders, but retain those who grew up in krasnodar. or edik i wouldn’t even want to join the top team, of course, these are our leaders, these are our players, i would like the whole team to be built around them, but this is football, if there is a very good offer, and edu and matvey will say, we would like to try to leave, i think that the club will treat them with respect, because they play with all their soul, heart and put themselves on the field, so let's
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wait a little, of course i am against... leaving any of them, but let's see how it goes, not everything depends on us, who is matvey safonov, ask french sports publications, but that’s it for now. it is quite possible that the french super cup on august 11 will be a duel between two russians, monaco midfielder alexander golovin and psg goalkeeper safonov. and, despite all the political statements , there are more russian football players in the top championships. following arsen zakharyan, who left for the spanish real madrid from dynamo, and daler kuzyay.
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aggravated to the limit, happiness resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i ’ll come back for you, do you hear, this is a big information evening, that’s what we will tell you in the next hour. they met zelensky without a helmet. the faces of ukrainian military pilots were visible at the meeting in belgium. what awaits them now? the elite of the ukrainian special forces are dying in the kharkov direction. two militants from the eighth special operations forces regiment were eliminated. why is kiev transferring its best forces across the border? ukrainian radio is ready to sacrifice its own defense capability.


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