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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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here all senses are heightened to the limit. happiness resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger. i'll come back for you, do you hear? this is a big information evening.
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sweden supports zelensky so much that it will transfer all its flying radars to the mtr. wait, weren’t they prepared to be written off? former terrorist battle fighter aidar desserts to the penguins? he encouraged others to go to the front, and he himself equipped an expedition to antarctica with octopus wine worth 11 million dollars. what kind of wild spending is this? put an end to devil worshipers? in russia wants to recognize the movement of satanists as an extremist organization, what are the chances? he warmly thanked the prime minister and the head of the belgian ministry of defense, and at the same time posed against the backdrop of fighter jets, looking as if he was ready to immediately take the helm; all this is footage of zelensky’s visit. to an airfield in
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the vicinity of brussels, where the notorious f-16 is now based, which they promise to deliver to the kiev regime very soon, at least this is the version of ukrainian propaganda, although the belgians themselves have already clarified that we are talking about thirty units per the deadline is until 2028, and only a part will probably be sent before 2025, but that’s not the point, especially since the highlight of the program was not so much the planes themselves, but those who... seem to have to fly them, in fact, these are the characters in black sweaters, as stated by pilots undergoing training from nato instructors, and the pride in them among the gang with the jar is apparently so great that all five were deliberately appointed heroes and decided to put them on public display, without even hiding their faces. what is quite likely the fatal mistake of the junta, anton potkovenko will confirm. anton, hello, so now our specialists know who they need to hunt? well, yes, the goals
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are highlighted very clearly. not just an inflated ego for show. zelensky naturally set up his own military pilots, who are taught to fly nato fighters. in belgium they came to him without helmets. here in the hangar, against the backdrop of the f-16, they are posing, as if at an exhibition, the press, photos, zelensky is holding out everyone’s hand. i wish you health. how are you guys? vladimir zelensky knows how to promote himself, many thanks to him on behalf of the foreign service russian intelligence and gru for showing us all the faces of the pilots, significantly reducing the work. zelensky was given a chevron at the meeting, but he is a famous pilot, he flies around the eu countries, trying to give himself the illusion of legitimacy, and the ukrainian pilots reported to the belgian minister of defense as if they were one of their own. the personnel are motivated,
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and i hope to return home as soon as possible to begin carrying out combat missions. the only question is how they will now carry out these tasks. coming for military pilots constant hunting, surveillance, including information and, above all, intelligence services. if the identity of the pilot is known, he can, for example, be recruited. he is also a valuable prisoner for interrogation and exchange. always would.
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ukrainian flyers are like that, well then in their own zone they have no chance at all, even if they put on a helmet. anton potkovenko and exposed pilots. the united states reserves the right for ukraine to decide how to use western weapons. this was stated by the united states permanent representative to nato, as part of
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a discussion about whether it is possible to give kiev the freedom and allow strikes on russia outside the special operation zone. the secretary general of the alliance and a number of european hawks insist on this. evasive position. washington ukrainian however, no matter what the eu decision is in the end, the authorities interpret it as tacit consent, but do not forget that now all military handouts to kiev are served by western specialists, they also work as gunners, the topic will be continued by elizaita kharmtsova, from plaintive attempts to get curators permission to hit russian territory, kiev moved to a sincere confession, now on air american tv channel ukrainian military tells, with the permission of london armed forces of ukraine.
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italy, germany and spain, france propose to hit only military targets in russia; voices from canada, the czech republic, the netherlands and the usa are already heard in the chorus of those who support the escalation of the conflict. washington uses language in the style: “in general , we do not approve of strikes against russia, but in general, why not? we did not encourage or authorize strikes outside of ukraine, but ukraine, as i already said, must make its own decision on how better protect ourselves, we will make sure they have the necessary equipment. sweden announced the allocation of more than a billion dollars to kiev to strengthen air defense, armored vehicles and two long-range radar reconnaissance aircraft. flying radars can be integrated with f-16 aircraft, which will greatly improve their combat capabilities. by allowing kiev to use its weapons to strike different regions of russia. poland said that other sponsors of the regime should do the same. ukrainians can fight like they want. and i think that
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this is a very important aspect of this donation. if we decided, and we as a country decided to help ukraine in this conflict, then ukraine has the right to defend itself, has the right to defend itself as it sees fit. i believe that western countries should also remove such restrictions. at the level of the entire european union, through the mouth of joseppe barel, it was said the day before. ukraine’s strikes against russia are legal, as long as they do not go beyond proportionality. apparently forgetting that he works as head of diplomacy for the economic union, josep barel said today: brussels will create a network of defense agreements with third countries around the world. two documents have already been signed with states located as close as possible to russia. we must expand our system of cooperation by creating new defense and security partnerships. i just signed two new ones with moldova and norway. we are preparing six more. and i invite everyone who is interested in developing defense cooperation with us, as we want to create a network of defense
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partnerships around the world. and the united states has even more global plans for redividing the world, after after the pentagon announced its intention to deploy medium-range missiles in the philippines, moscow formed an opinion. western expansion in the pacific region will only continue, nato will spread its infrastructure, will create alliances, in this.
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the kiev regime has decided not to even come to the so-called peace conference on ukraine, which will gather in switzerland in the middle of the month. biden will not be at the meeting. berliner zeitung calls it a diplomatic disaster that the us president chose to the appointed date to communicate with julia roberts and george clooney, and not with zelensky and kuleba.
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to begin a case about the attempts of a russian serviceman in ukrainian captivity, the events in the current realities are almost incredible, but a document from strasbourg, which was provided by donetsk human rights activist irina vikhoreva, speaks for itself: the defenders of donetsk miner and svo volunteer denis reznikov managed to break through the western information blockade, that he was in captivity became known in march, that’s when the daughters of the military man began to come creepy photographs and videos with an exhausted father, for the fact that in order for the bullying to stop, the ukrainian special services demanded payment, in particular, that the schoolgirl send them
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photographs of russian military facilities. after the blackmail failed, the connection stopped and thanks to the intervention of the echr , the miner’s family now has at least some chance to find out about his fate and maybe even achieve justice, because the ukrainian punishers, over the years of bullying the donbass, are accustomed to remaining unpunished for any crimes. however, as part of denazification, many of them have already suffered retribution. today, for example, the prepared ones at the disposal of the kiev regime have a wolf on their chevrons. in recent days, a couple of sworn brothers have been missing,
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for example, denis bey. some analysts suggest that special forces north of kharkov are now actually being used in the role of assault infantry. the fact that they have now been transferred to the kharkov direction of podovolchansk indicates that the enemy now has very serious problems there, and officers and personnel are needed. they are seriously prepared, that’s why they are there now. the second is konstantin mikhalchuk. an ideological nationalist who has been fighting in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine since 2014. the liquidated one joined the regiment in 2015, he began as a scout when the unit was actively operating against the inhabitants of south-eastern ukraine; nato forces then involved those who were especially active in their various operations, choosing from the regiment’s personnel. all these years he took part in various operations, including in the territory african states, its officers were in
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afghanistan, the regiment is mainly intended for... reconnaissance, carrying out sabotage reconnaissance missions, has serious training and has taken part in virtually all western military exercises since the early 2000s. according to available data, saboteurs of the eighth regiment were involved in many terrorist attacks, those that claimed the lives of the legendary donbass commanders in giva and motorola, as the detainees told the special services. militants were detained by the special services and now the regiment is being transferred to hold the line front. it is possible to create a certain tension and pressure on the enemy, and he is in a hurry forced to transfer and find reserves in order to plug the gaps formed at the front. the eliminated mikhalchuk was one of the first to undergo a special training course developed by colonel mark
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laroche, deputy commander of american special operations forces in europe. in the photo, laroche with ukrainian special forces. 14th year, they are the most nationalistically prepared, purposeful, apparently, the regime zelensky is using all available reserves to try to stop the advance of russian troops in the kharkov direction. the reason, of course, is the lack of ukrainian forces in this area: rugged fighters,
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sharpened for sabotage and reconnaissance tactics, eh? nato, the fact that we were able to destroy representatives of this regiment. this is good. it is possible, experts say, that this may be connected with the upcoming forum in switzerland, where the bank made a bet that fewer and fewer people want to go there. and so this is a desperate desire to hold volchansk and other populated areas until mid-june. on their chevrons, these fighters depict a wolf, and under it the semblance of a broken
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trident, as if at this rate other teeth with fangs from gray mouths would not be knocked out. areas of the svo. the latest reports in the material of denis alekseev. one of the russian air defense crews reported another mik-29 fighter shot down. the aircraft fleet of the ukrainian air force is rapidly dwindling, and kiev still relies on the supply of f-16 aircraft. and the waiting the number of nato aircraft is so active that they even created a pilot training center and
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command post at the yavorovsky training ground in the lviv region. they practiced air missile launches against russian targets there. only now they themselves have been hit with a hypersonic dagger, while, according to unofficial data , western instructors have been liquidated, here’s more about high-precision strikes in a day : operational-tactical aviation pilots and our missilemen had a good walk through the rear storage facilities, on the list of liquidated warehouses for unmanned boats, a fuel warehouse for western equipment, and also a uav assembly shop. on the dnieper, our military disrupted the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine on the islands in the river delta, and was eliminated by strikes from the left bank. a platoon of militants, a little more than 10 people at a time, and it would seem that this is not that much, but this is a permanent story, ukrainian commanders in this area regularly send their soldiers to slaughter, undertaking what not...
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the operations of the troops through active actions improved the tactical position, were defeated by the formation of the 47th mechanized, the fifty-ninth hundredth motorized infantry brigades
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of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of evgenivka, novoalleksandrovka and selidov repelled five counterattacks by assault groups, the twenty-fourth mechanized, 144, 143, 142 infantry and twenty-fifth airborne brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. enemy losses amounted to 335 military personnel. three pickups: 155mm howitzer m777, 152mm howitzer mstab, 152mm howitzer d-20 and 422mm howitzer d-30. but fresh footage from the kharkov region from the north, the artillery of the group of the same name is covering infantry and assault groups in the area of ​​volchanskaya and leptsov, fierce battles continue there; a strategically important river crossing was destroyed from the south in the kupinsky direction. the all-ears wanted to transport personnel and equipment from one bank to the other, but it didn’t work out. after the arrival, such a column of smoke and dust rose that you couldn’t even see the consequences. denis alekseev, lead. spotted
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on radars under the call sign forte 13, only 37.5 km from sochi, and not far from novorossiysk. like this, studying popular service for tracking aircraft, some russian enthusiasts detected an american drone approaching our regions. hawk. it, as it is not difficult to guess, looks for potential targets for strikes, regardless of whether they relate to military or civilian infrastructure, while at the same time flying beyond the border of the internal waters of the black sea, that is, where, as its operators are sure, a drone will be shot down not a threat. although, nato members still shouldn’t count on complete impunity, as another alliance country seems to be at risk of realizing. adopted there quite recently, namely sweden. let me remind you that she intends to transfer at least a couple of long-range systems to the kiev regime.
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for the russian army. the kiev regime will still be given aviation. sweden was the first to surrender under the pressure of zelensky and kuleba. not surprising, to be honest. they have a long-standing business relationship with the nazis. hitler was sold iron ore, and his modern followers have already received 16 packages of military aid. they give us missiles, bombs, tanks, and now saab-340 planes. this is not an attack aircraft, but a flying radar. on the miniplaner fuselage is equipped with an impulse one. doppler radar, tailored for the detection of other aircraft, missiles, sea ground targets at a distance of up to 450 km, a good means of aviation reconnaissance for
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a terrorist state, sweden’s statement on the transfer of two radar detection control aircraft to ukraine, the saab-340 is such a beautiful marketing advertising ploy . the swedes want to prove themselves... ukraine, as a new nato member, wants to advertise, now all the world's largest newspapers will tell that the swedes have such an aircraft, and he is ready to end up in ukraine. let’s immediately close the topic of swedish generosity; they don’t take planes from the heart. according to some sources, there were very few working sab-340s with the ari radar at the disposal of the swedish army, and they were being trained. to be replaced with a newer global eye model. this, of course, does not mean that old decommissioned saabs will not be useful to the zelensky regime; they can still do something. of course he is. the aircraft
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will be a priority target, because its main task is not even to conduct reconnaissance, but to record drone flights, cruise missiles from our aviation with the goal of either shooting them down or delivering some kind of counter strikes. but the question of the effectiveness of swedish aircraft hangs in the air. the fact is that as targets for our air defense, they are very simple. large, unmaneuverable,... vulnerable , and the only chance to protect them from russian missiles would be to not launch subs into ukrainian airspace at all. in all likelihood, kiev will own airplanes, but nato members will fly them, because it takes too long to train ukrainians, airfields will also be used nato, and this will significantly reduce the functionality of radars, they will be able to see, at best, the lower reaches of the dnieper and certain regions of crimea. this is a low maneuverable
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target, in principle, right? it is highly detectable, the emitting object is large, at which, of course, the corresponding missiles, guided missiles, and the corresponding air defense systems can be aimed, if at these distances of 200-250 km it is located in the ssu from the line of contact of our armed forces, then at high altitudes he himself will practically appear, well an accessible target for our long-range aviation fighters, yes... that is, long -range, well, and systems that will detect them and put up rybov’s countermeasures if they work on the border with ukraine and poland, for example, with ukraine and romania, you know, that efficiency is lost significantly there. however , there is an opinion that the transfer of subs is not about reconnaissance and combat effectiveness at all, that
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if it is only about... nato members want to see how the ukrainians will use aviation, serve and protect against air defense. a kind of test for kiev before the transfer of the notorious f-16 attack aircraft, which the west is also writing off, but hopes that before being destroyed it will at least somehow harm russia. it is also, by the way, the swedish grippin fighters - this is another brainchild of saab, which stockholm promised to transfer to ukraine, but after the f-16.
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could have been forced by the americans, who conduct aerial reconnaissance in the interests of the armed forces of the armed forces. things are not going well for them now, rippers are falling from the sky, and not only over the black sea, but also over distant eemen. maybe they're tired lose their scouts, they want to expose someone else to attack. i repeat, this is just a theory, here is a fact: swedish aircraft will not have any impact on the course of the air defense system. evgeniy deshkovets decommissioned swedish aircraft. rosfinitoring today updated its list of extremists and terrorists, which from now on still includes a non- foreign agent, alexey panin, a once quite popular actor, and now an american homeless person, he is also a fan of relieving himself in public places, he is also a bride from los angeles. let me remind you that i was previously arrested in absentia for public calls for terrorist activity and for its justification, since he welcomed the strikes of the ukrainian armed forces on civilian targets in russia. well, in addition to panin , anna loika was included in a similar list, she is an employee of the sota publication, recognized
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as an undesirable organization. former fighter of the terrorist battalion aidar desserts with a penguin, called others to go to the front, he himself equipped an expedition to antarctica with octopus wine worth 11 million dollars, what kind of wild spending is this? our task was to take the stone, in the morning on us attacked, i open my eyes, but i’m alive. i look
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at the leg...


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