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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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with destruction, sacrifices, now have a politicized nature, all these facts of crimes for the sake of worshiping the devil are precisely collected by experts, so that later there will be no doubt about who is the extremist? anastasia ivanova and the black mark. the goals of national projects are not achieved in offices, on the ground, in russian cities and towns, so the results of work should be assessed not by reports, but by improving the quality of life of people. vladimir putin made this appeal today to the participants of the meeting council for strategic development of national projects. the president emphasized that now government officials should follow the example of russian fighters on the line with...
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people's health, increasing the well-being of russian families, new opportunities for each person to maximize their abilities and talents, and of course, among the national goals increasing the sustainability of the economy, achieving qualitatively new dynamics in industries, primarily based on strengthening russia’s technological sovereignty, preparing modern personnel, widespread use of innovative...
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the president also signed the previous decree on development goals immediately after his election, later amendments had to be made due to the pandemic, but plans were already made for 10 years in advance, now the horizon is even further and the model for work is new. i don't want to force anything, but i ask. pay attention, this is what we all understand, in any case, everyone should understand what time we live in and what historical stage russia is going through, and if we understand this, then everyone, everyone should work as if on line front, everyone must feel mobilized, this is the only way we will achieve those... goals that we set for ourselves. in
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modern conditions it is impossible to work differently. it is necessary to establish close cooperation between all government bodies and implementers of national projects. the effectiveness of our work will depend on this; only then will we achieve the goals that we set for ourselves, as i already said, and that the country needs. and this is heard in all branches of government. the strategic development council at one time united several structures at once, and today, at the president’s suggestion , the state council also joined the conversation in order to immediately plan together what the road to the country’s goals in its regions will be, especially since a lot depends on work on the ground. the main thing is that meaningful work...
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of course, not in offices, it takes place on the ground, in the constituent entities of the federation, in our cities and towns, and this means that the decisive role is being played in achieving national goals, the efforts of regional and municipal teams, entrepreneurs, public associations, and initiatives citizens, not least, life will make its own adjustments, this is natural, but now we can say that spending on national projects will become the core of the most. a significant part of the development budget at the federal and regional levels, and therefore a key direction for all levels of government. for each of the current national projects, on behalf of the president, the relevant deputy head of government was personally responsible. each item on the new list will also have its own curator. mikhail mishusin listed everyone today promised the president to meet the development deadlines. within two months , strategic sessions will be held with the participation, of course, of members of the state council, approved
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and, most importantly, funded. the new secretary of the state council was also present in the hall today. the president appointed his assistant, alexei dyumin, who had just left tula after several years of successful work as governor, to this position. first of all, what is venice for yourself? now there will be a more in-depth dive into the heads of subjects who are responsible for those directions that are part of the state council, they will work in more depth and detail at the sites of the federal government. ministers who will oversee certain areas. of course, all problems must be solved while ensuring the country's security. the president stopped at this point twice. after the end, this idea was called the main message of the meeting. right now the army is defending the country, including during fierce battles near kharkov, but
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there is no talk of taking the city yet. there is no such task at the moment, but at the same time, it is very important to secure the territories, our territory, the territory of russia, of course. here this is a question of the sanitary zone, which our president also spoke about, we must correspond to those who are on the front line today, each of us must do the maximum in order to ensure that our area of ​​work is at a high level, and we will definitely do this, understanding the importance of the moment for our country. many in the hall offer their own ideas, the governor of the ivanovo region on behalf of health working group calls for funding for the industry based on geography.
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they are trying to create for us from abroad, and despite the objective difficulties that we are facing, we nevertheless have all the capabilities, resources, personnel to implement our plans. for confident, long-term, comprehensive development of russia, our territories, regions, settlements. at the same time, let me draw your attention again, we will evaluate the results of national projects not by how many events have been carried out or how much funds have been disbursed, and therefore how
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national development goals are achieved, how people’s lives actually change, and of course, how citizens themselves evaluate these changes. there will still be a lot of work, but it has been compiled. in the areas of settlements there is a harvest and guard, in the same sector of the northern military district, units of the russian group of troops vostok have improved their position along the front line, and next door in the zaporozhye region our military are mastering new, very original tactics for neutralizing enemy drones. stanislav vasilchenko saw how this happens. dropping hundreds of rockets a day on the enemy, the artillerymen helped the assault
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groups advance in rabotino, replacing each other with russian hail, destroyed sniper firing points, positions of uav operators, and covered enemy fortifications and equipment with heavy fire. when the enemy begins to snap back after our work, that is, they give us, so to speak, a small answer, we detect their galbits, they have galbits there and three sevens, and there are french caesars, we begin to work closely on them, destroy them, when the equipment is destroyed, we already finish off the enemy’s personal strength. the fighters note that the enemy is weakening both physically and morally; judging by how the fighting in rabotino developed, the ukrainian army simply had no ammunition left, so the enemy even began to snarl much less often. from the radio interception, i can say one thing that i heard how some, so to speak, military personnel in the armed forces of ukraine were gathering before...
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you still have to dodge the drones. the enemy does not spare drones. just for one five so -called birds can hunt with a tank at once. but our tankers have an advantage. the combat vehicles they operate are the fastest among the t-80 bv tanks. in fields they can reach speeds of up to 90 km/h. this helps not only to evade drones, but, on the contrary, to act as bait. this is what koba did and lured out the heavy hexocopter baba yaga, which was carrying several mines. two or three shells came out. we shot her, she flew after us, but i didn’t drive fast on purpose, i seemed to
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jump into her hidden position, that’s it, she hesitated, began to look for others, we had the bait, well, naturally she sank to the bait, and there she was already met by a sniper with warm guns, shot down, now the artillerymen and tankmen continue to push the ukrainian armed forces further north, there are enough shells, the soldiers say, and the combat the spirit only grows stronger with each advance; the russian ministry of defense has twice today reported on the intersection of terrorist threats in the belgorod region, where seven grad missiles and three drones of the kiev regime were destroyed. meanwhile on the roads region began to install special signs that mark areas with the likelihood of enemy strike drones appearing. of course, most of them go down while approaching the border, but militants are increasingly relying not on the quality of the devices, but on their quantity. report by our special correspondent egor grigoriev. a black column of smoke over a nameless village,
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a car is on fire, a ukrainian uav attacked a civilian field. the driver, fortunately , was not inside, but the car was destroyed. kamika drones of the armed forces of ukraine are launched dozens of times a day. they beat without when dismantling on the roads of the belgorod region , it is not difficult to come across burnt equipment. these cars were attacked by drones near the village of shchetinovka. local residents have already learned. the armed forces of ukraine are now not only hitting the village with missiles, but also launching attack drones,
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the enemy is testing new models on belgorod residents, enemy missiles can now not only fly in a straight line, they circle in search of a target. the circles are circling over prokhorovka, there he is, he’s a freak, he’s changed his trajectory, now they’re cutting circles, shooting at him, shot is raining down, they’re protecting the sky over belgorod. our armed forces and terrestrial defense, but the proximity to the border and the low cost of attack copters give the enemy a chance to reach them, they take them in numbers. our fighters show the variety of downed landings.
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a dressing station in shebekino, it was lucky that it hit the roof and there was no fire. at the exit from shebekin, on the bypass road, which actually runs parallel to the state border, special road signs were installed that warn drivers of the danger of a drone attack. unfortunately, the ukrainian army literally burns civilians every day cars. signs have also appeared that show safe routes from shebekin to belgorod in the opposite direction. similar road tips will be installed on...
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wants to serve kiev, evgeniya listened to what other testimony is given by those who are no longer petrukhina. nikolai lysenko and his colleagues surrendered in the kharkov region, were surrounded, down to a motorized rifle company, lysenko was in the material support unit, and even there, as he says, there was a shortage of everything, it was difficult, because there was, well, a shortage of material support, anyway. behind after 4 months of training in ukraine, they fired only 15 rounds, says valentin
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matsepura, when they found themselves in the kupinsky direction, they didn’t even know which side the position was against. well, as they say , the command left there, because the arrivals began in my joint venture, and i was crushed a little , well, i made contact, told the commander, explained the situation, well, send people, well , let them help me get out, wait, wait, watch , that’s it, well, then the russian guys came and... pulled me out? yuri vaitovich worked in the housing department, was mobilized on summons, surrendered under work, he says that the vsushniks are purposefully oriented to shoot at russians, and not to take them prisoner, not to take your prisoners, even if they say, they say, if there is a negotiation going on, here it comes, shoot,
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i wanted to hide from the drone, then i hear hands up, two of your guys took me prisoner, although they could have freely shot me, so they brought me in, they cooked me scrambled eggs, the authorities ran out of coffee, the ammunition was running out, the radios were silent , and eight general officers, including the commander, surrendered to...
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and the international committee of the red cross. according to the agreement, on the same day, the ukrainian obbudsman visits our prisoners of war, and i, together with the staff members who are present here today, visited more than 700 ukrainian military personnel. near yar hours, when he was trying to deliver batteries to the front line of the ukrainian armed forces. after the arrival of the uav, stelmashek, as he himself says, got lost, and raising his hands, he went to the positions
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of the russian army. get away from this mobilization, if you are already caught, try to surrender, like this tanker, maxim likhachev, he stole a ukrainian t-64 and went to the positions of the russian army with a raised gun, indicating that he was surrendering. now it is quite possible that he will decide to fight on the side of russia, where for sure. the speaker of the georgian parliament is ready to sign the law on foreign agents instead of the country's president, he said this today when commenting on the situation with the official procedure for the law coming into force. the day before, deputies overcame president zarubishvili’s veto and now she has a few days to put her signature on the documents of support in this matter from the pro-western there is no point in waiting for politics, but the parliamentary majority is determined. on how tbilisi is trying to overcome.
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i returned to the store and then i also found myself in an awkward situation: i threw away your orange and came to apologize, how much was it from me, the orange is not a problem, the problem is that you took away the future of our children. apparently, the owner of the fruit shop meant that after the adoption of the controversial law, georgia’s path to europe is now definitely closed. this is exactly the thesis that the georgian opposition has been rocking for 2 months now, which is actively helping with this west. co-chairman of the european council on foreign relations, carl bilt, for example, is a category. with the ruling party in parliament overcoming the president’s vet on the russian law, georgia’s path to the eu is now complete, tragic, but it’s true.
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president of the european council charles michel throws up his hands in disappointment and wipes away a stingy male tear. in december, the european council decided to grant candidate status to georgia on the understanding that georgia would take the appropriate steps and necessary democratic reforms. adoption the law on foreign agents in parliament is a step backwards and takes georgia even further away from the path to the eu. the people have clearly chosen a future in the eu, and we will do everything to support their ambitions. tears across europe were wiped away yesterday by those who came to protest against this law at the parliament building. here are the shots. but why such sacrifices? the georgian authorities have repeatedly stated that the adoption of the law on foreign agents in no way abolishes georgia’s european integration, but only makes the funding of political parties transparent. mass media, but in the west the adoption of this law was perceived as disobedience to georgia and was promised. by passing this law, the ruling georgian dream party further steered the country away from the path of european integration and ignored the euro-atlantic
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aspirations of the georgian people. the visa restriction policy we announced on thursday is not the only thing we have made clear could change as a result of georgia's actions; as the secretary of state announced on thursday, we are undertaking a comprehensive review of the relationship between the us and georgia, but despite unprecedented pressure from... outside in georgia on the issue of the law of transparency of foreign influence, it seems that they have already put an end to it, but the opposition is clearly not going to give up, georgian president salame zorabeshvili is becoming, apparently, the only leader of the opposition forces will try to strengthen themselves as high as possible to the top of the georgian political olympus. she led the opposition, led this protest movement, what happened for a month on rustavelli avenue, that is...
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now we are waiting for a signature, it is clear that with a high degree of probability she will not sign it, accordingly, i will sign this law. i. meanwhile, surabishvili yesterday called on the residents of the republic, who are already preparing today for the parliamentary elections, which will be held at the end of october this year, and to oppose the government party “georgian dream”. stanislav bernwald, news. a branch of the tretyakov gallery has opened in samara ; museum staff are waiting for visitors to attend the first exhibition tomorrow. they brought almost from the funds a hundred paintings, including famous hunters at rest. the main museum of national art of russia plans to continue expanding into the regions. the opening of branches is expected. kaliningrad and vladevostok will each create their own collections from works by local artists. well , veronika tivikova has already seen what will be shown in samara. in
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detailed illumination it gives us great lighting. the opportunity to understand that this, for example, is not late autumn, the famous hunters at a halt ended up in the tretyukov branch in samara immediately after a long restoration, such a picture many saw it for the first time. those who saw her before, she was so much darker, now a lot of layers of old varnish have been removed from her , she just became so much lighter, somehow festive. the theme of the first ever exhibition on taste and color, images of food in russian art, 92 masterpieces from the collections of the gallery and private colleagues were delivered from moscow to samara under armed guard. another recognizable picture of a tea party in mytishchi near moscow. vasily perov was commissioned by officials and local authorities, but when they saw the work, they immediately abandoned it. perov wrote it in his accusatory, acutely social style. the decision to create a branch of tretyukovka in samara, of which there are currently three planned in the country, was made in 2018. the restoration of the legendary kitchen factory began the following year. her story is given
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a separate section. this is our very long-awaited child, our long-awaited home, we are glad that it turned out to be so beautiful that , it seems to us, it should not disappoint the residents of samara who love this building. i today, on behalf of governor dmitry igorvich azarov, who was also at the origins of this project, i want to thank everyone who was involved in this matter, public activists, architects, builders, and museum workers. administrators, deputies. the dilapidated building hid many secrets and required special reconstruction techniques. the best engineers puzzled over how to preserve the fragile legacy of the era of constructivism. the work took almost 5 years. modern equipment was used here in terms of compliance with temperature and humidity regime in terms of ensuring the safety of all cultural property that will be exhibited here. next to the classics in thick frames, works from the early 20th century.
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the second russian avant-garde after. military unofficial art, as well as paintings by artists of the last 25 years. on average, two to three times a year they will be brought to exhibitions. initially, we agreed with the big tretyakov that all world tours and tretyakov tours begin or end in samara. residents of samara will see masterpieces of the tretik art on may 30. tickets are reserved several months in advance. veronika tivikova, mikhail vodovozov, host samara.
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