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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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in a trench, not in a dugout. when such a projectile hits a target, a cloud of flammable mixture is formed, it ignites and burns out oxygen, penetrating into all cracks and holes. the previous modification of the sunburner was on a tracked chassis. tosochka is built on the basis of the tornado truck. the advantage is that it drives on the roads. it’s difficult to manage the dimensions, well, because it’s big, big. no, it's okay. everything is the same as in a simple urals. but the main thing is, of course, the filling of the combat system. almost all processes here are automated. the computer helps the calculation to accurately strike the enemy as quickly as possible. in the first sunny day it takes us more time, that is, we need to stand in one position, aim at a landmark, find out our place, our standing point, then on the second, in the second melancholy, the machine does everything itself. an ordinary sleeper gun shoots at approximately 6 km, which means that personnel need to get as close as possible to the line of combat contact, essentially working in the red zone. a modified version is capable of shooting three. further, approximately
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20 km, which significantly reduces the risks for personnel. the commander of this combat vehicle worked on both versions of the commando. you can stand on this one a little longer and try to hit the enemy more accurately than on the first car, the first car is calculated very quickly than the second car. the ammunition load of the tosochka is 18 shells, they fly out at great speed in a few seconds. this machine literally just returned from combat work. we had more for the enemy.
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former fighter of the terrorist battalion aidar deserts to the penguins, he called on others to go to the front, he himself equipped an expedition to antarctica with octopus wine worth 11 million dollars, what kind of wild spending is this? every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where to invest the donated money? investing in the future. we agree. but first, let’s open a deposit with interest at sea. with sberbank, everyone can profitably increase their savings. open a best interest brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. at avita work, just
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find your place, dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i won’t be late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, we are seeing new vacancies every day, you will find not just a job, but your place. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. can have an appetite anywhere.
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will help, dad can, only dad will tame, dad will help, dad can, there is a beastly appetite, a snack won't hurt, dad can eat animals and sausages. the deposit is the best interest rate in sberbank with a favorable rate of up to 16% per annum. hurry up to open a brokerage account to receive three sber shares as a gift. deposit is the best percentage. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. near the border of the lugansk people's republic , the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed today, on which russian tank crews, artillery and military personnel worked synchronously. thanks to coordinated combat work, the positions of the ukrainian formations were literally razed to the ground, and the crews of the d-30 howitzers, meanwhile, prevented the enemy from delivering a large load of ammunition to the front line. read more about everything in the report by alexey baranov. the crew received a combat mission: the t-90 breakthrough is now heading
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to a closed firing position, which is located just a few kilometers from the front line. this is how combat vehicles move to the firing lines in the dust and over rough terrain. tanks. the ural carriage works, which developed this car, are constantly modernizing it, for this they come straight to the line of combat contact, don’t be afraid, this is the most difficult thing, when we go to work to reduce the time as much as possible, thanks to the factory workers who came. they told us, showed us that the computer completely calculates all the work that should have been done here. the driver mechanic with the call sign sten worked on all modern types of russian tanks. he assessed the t-90 to the commander in a specific combat situation in the ovdeevsky
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direction. a completely different job, this is a real machine. we were given the task of escorting equipment, well, infantry. we rode in a convoy and arrived at... and came out to us, they were detecting something, guns, constantly on duty, all this was happening around the clock, alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev, line of combat contact in the lugansk people's
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republic, avdeevskoe direction. clear synchronized movements to rhythmic music, thunderous applause and endless joy, this is exactly how penguins are according to ukrainian social networks. antarctica should welcome an expedition from square, but it’s not hard to guess why. the fact is that ukrainian scientists are going to bring to the inhabitants of the south pole, octopus fillets, red caviar, elite wine, pistachios, expensive chocolate and even dartz sets. at least all these points are contained in the estimate of the state scientific center for the study of the antarctic, which plans to spend millions of dollars on food, so it is not surprising that ordinary ukrainians, who, unlike penguins , do not have access to all this. reacted to the estimate with thematic memes, but the personality of the one who came up with the idea of ​​organizing luxury parties under the guise of science adds a special comedy to the situation, this is evgeny dikiy, a former commander of the extremist aidar, who suddenly changed his field of activity, and why he chose antarctica - boris ivanin wondered.
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he encouraged others to go to the front, and he himself was going to antarctica. but the expedition to the penguins turned out to be too expensive, which caused a scandal in science. did not break out long before departure, outrage was caused by the cost of the trip, of course, it is not a billion, as the kiev media write, but still not modest, more than 11 million dollars, despite the fact that there is no money for the armed forces of ukraine enough, and those in the know began to salivate when the menu of ukrainian polar explorers became known. in the purchasing documents, the assortment is like in a chic restaurant, salmon fillet 118 kg, here salmon jake is already 140 kg, squid, carcasses and separately breaded rings, and whole... 28 kg, and also red and white wine, more than 100 bottles of each, sparkling there was also caviar for a snack; experienced expedition participants laughed at all this. i think this will not affect the scientific results, this
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result will not be outstanding, if they have red fish there, they will choose from what kind of wine should we drink, as they say, we had that. at the institute of the arctic and antarctic, department of polar medicine, everything was medical, as they say, the amount of stale drinks was legalized, even. there was a big battle for beer, because at one time they banned us from bringing beer to antarctica. in general , the ukrainian polar station academician vernatsky is only formal, named after the soviet academician, it belonged to great britain for almost half a century, only in 1996 it was sold to kiev for just one pound sterling, as virtually abandoned, so that with expeditions to paint the earth, kiev is developing not so much antarctica as western grants from the budget.
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you wrote off, that's who got involved in polar contracts: ukrainian neo-nazi evgeniy dykiy, a former fighter of the terrorist battalion aidar, who marauded in the luhansk region, massacred prisoners there, terrorized the civilian population worse than the nazis, since 2018, the wild one suddenly became the head of the antarctic scientific center of ukraine. the scandal surrounding his wild spending, he is now explains by the machinations of muscovites. according to him, the expedition is purchasing food in chile, where the ship will depart from, and the fact that octopus and squid are a delicacy for ukrainians is supposedly commonplace there in south america. well,
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ukrainian polar explorers will celebrate the new year in antarctica, as if there were no playfulness here. from a scientific point of view, the station is of little interest, ordinary meteorological research is carried out there, so having purchased caviar steaks, the wild one may have simply decided to arrange a warm place for himself, there, in the eternal world, everything is better than in a trench. those who want to steer away from the ukrainian topic, of course, there is a cart and a small cart, there are many and you are fighters...
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a brothel, not a station. the only thing missing is a disco, but users on the internet have fixed that. funny videos of how a ukrainian expedition is greeted in antarctica. so, even for notorious neo-nazis, penguins
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turned out to be more valuable than the criminal ideals of the kiev regime. in new york today they are entering the home stretch of the trial against donald trump, who, let me remind you, is accused of allegedly harassing an actress in films for adults in her subsequent bribery for silence. at the moment, the matter has already reached a closed jury discussion, well, the ex-president of the united states himself is optimistic in any case. despite the fact that celebrities from hollywood have already put pressure on him. about the atmosphere at the courthouse, our correspondent in the united states, valentin bogdanov. the closer the elections, the darker the pr, and the darker the pr, the lower the genre. it seems that big stars cannot participate in this, but robert denira is his voice-over, he made an exception for joe biden, because of donald trump, whom he hates with all his heart. he runs again, threatening to become a dictator. i'm joe biden and i endorse this
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message. biden not only approves, but also asks for more pressure. that’s why denirova, in the company of two police officers who guarded the capitol during the storming on january 6, goes to court on the last day of trump’s trial in new york. new york, like all of america, if a republican is not convicted and elected, will be finished, i am sure that he has become too accustomed to the role of an actor. if trump returns to the white house, you can say goodbye to your freedoms.
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appreciated the idea of ​​the trump campaign to drag denir to court. robert deniro convinced a total of zero people to vote for biden today. the fact that denir was kicked out of his own press conference is epic. trump responded naturally. i never thought how tiny robert deniro would be, both mentally and physically. his films and legacy fell in value after he entered the political arena at the request of crooked joe. trump wrote posts on his social network during the longest hearing on the case. stormy daniels, most often commenting on what is happening with the words prolongation of boredom. prosecutor steinglass, to whom trump had his back the entire time, spent a full 5 hours sorting out the words of the witnesses, even showing pictures. the republican candidate
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is accused of falsifying documents, based on the testimony of his former lawyer.
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for the trump company $250,000; as an experienced businessman, muayadi invested in rival niki haley. the day before, the ex -president prion landed in an israeli hole, not at all a dove of peace. in lebanese border, haley uses a marker on a 155mm shell, writes finish them off and draws a heart between the words america and israel. if i had
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a gbu-39 aerial bomb at hand, i would write on it. exactly. used during the recent parafahu strike, which killed 40 people. on site, cnn analysts saw the characteristic tail of such a bomb. the number of civilians who are now dying in gas is a serious problem. if you continue to deprive these people of food aid, it will only strengthen the terrorists' position. that is the pressure on biden because of his support for israel is becoming even stronger than it is unclear, but the washington post is doing its best. he often speaks out about foreign policy at events, for example, at one speech he suggested that he would strike moscow and beijing if russia attacked ukraine or if china attacked taiwan. it was supposedly at a meeting with potential donors, the newspaper did not provide any quotes or notes,
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you can write about trump, after all, it’s not like that. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and evgeny samsonov, news from new york. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. put an end to devil worshipers. in russia they want to recognize the movement of satanists as an extremist organization. what are the chances?
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he admitted his inclinations on his own, by posting on the network an archived video with the symbols of the cult with himself in the leading role. here, as they say, there is a full set, not only satanism, but also nazism and, of course, the final message from the heart to the sun. now it is clearer what kind of rabble moved to ukraine to join... the terrorists carrying out raids in the belgorod region. in russia, kanakhin, by the way, faces life imprisonment for treason; on the territory of independence, he has complete freedom, including in matters of propaganda of the occult, which are very welcome among the ukrainian ultra-right. so, it is quite natural that in russian society the question of the status of devil worshipers is increasingly arising; the expert community is already exploring the possibility of recognizing satanism as an extremist movement. anastasia ivanova got acquainted with the arguments. worship of the enemy of the human race, does n’t the philosophy of satanism itself speak of recognizing him as extremist, our interlocutors say, we need legal
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facts, and also... to accumulate in the evidence base the general signs of certain crimes of lucifer fans. they, to there is a word. the accumulated material is enough to convince the members of the supreme court that it is necessary to ban any organization, but the movement as a whole, because all directions of satanists have common characteristics, it doesn’t matter whether they are luciferians, business-worshippers, theistic satanists, and they have common signs, and accordingly, we expect that
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, no, three of my acquaintances, the meat was removed from their bodies and fried at the stake, tryugumenko was sentenced to life. it prohibits certain criminal groups of sectarians, but this does not solve the problem is complex - say the authors of the initiative about recognizing sectarians as extremists. now satanists can be brought in only when the fact of a crime is recorded, but if the movement is recognized as extremist, its fanatical followers can be held accountable to the point of murder or violence. there should be enough, as it were... a serious evidence base, after that contact the prosecutor general's office, the prosecutor general's office, the supreme court, and the supreme court can make a decision recognizing it as an extremist movement with all the ensuing consequences, because when, if this is recognized, it is clear that automatically all public organizations and individuals, that is , children who admit or are either fans
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of satanism, they will fall under serious... including criminal liability. in the meantime, such attributes are freely sold on marketplaces, the so -called black icons with inverted crosses and baphamets. even children can easily buy it. they wrote to the vice speaker about this state duma, concerned parents. anna kuznetsova has already contacted the prosecutor general's office with a request to check the legality of the promotion of all these products. and here are the clear consequences of such recruiting satanist movements. kareli police detained a fifteen-year-old fan of satanism for... cut two girls with a knife, and what will happen to him next? the victim, as it were, according to satanists, gives away his energy, prolongs life, endows him with occult abilities, so of course, people who profess such things, who believe in such people profess hateful ideas and attitudes, of course, they are extremists in their purest form, and many of them are simply terrorists, satanism today is spreading under a variety of masks,
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that is, in... on the territory of a temple or burning down a relay cabinet, this following ukrainian terrorists is also perceived as a sacrifice, some satanist groups are under the influence of ukrainian satanists, for example, there is a large satanist group in dnepr and ivanofrankovsky, which actually recruited our satanists and are deporting them instructions, and accordingly certain actions related to destruction,
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sacrifices, now have... all these facts of crimes for the sake of worshiping the devil are collected by experts, so that later there will be no doubt about who is the extremist? by the end of summer, national projects must be drawn up and coordinated with each other, such...


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