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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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for you, we are currently conducting a pilot project for the face-to-face identification of citizens to obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature, and this can be done in some mfcs and branches of partner banks; to issue an electronic signature certificate in person at the mfc or a branch of a partner bank, it is enough to have a passport and a mobile phone . you can get more detailed information. on the state key website, there is also a special interactive map, on it you can see where such multifunctional centers and branches are located banks. how to use an electronic signature? the mechanism is as follows: first, the legal entity that provides the service draws up an agreement in electronic form and signs it on its part. after this, the document is sent to you for signature, also in electronic form. you receive a notification in your personal account on public services, the contract is automatically loaded into the
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gosklyuch application, all you have to do is certify it with your electronic signature. the company that sent the contract will immediately receive notification of signing. with the help of state key you can already get more than 150 government commercial services, more than 160 organizations are already connected to the state key, and probably the most popular of government services is a subscription to tax notifications. it should be remembered that electronic signature certificates in the state key are valid for 1 year, a reminder of the expiration of the period will come 30 calendar days in the form of a push notification if they are included in... days for government services in 7
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days in the state key application, if you want to continue with them use, you will need to obtain a signature again. come on, let's let’s repeat the most important thing: the state key is a free electronic signature right on your smartphone. the application generates two types of electronic signatures: unqualified and qualified. cap is equivalent to a signature on paper; in order to receive it, you need to confirm your identity. now you can do this not only remotely with the help. biometrics, but in person at a number of mfcs and bank branches. certificates from gosklyuch are valid for 1 year. if you have any questions, if you want to know about other digitalization opportunities that you can use in everyday life, please knock to our telegram channel, ask, and we will definitely tell you about everything in our next issue of the instructions program.
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brokerage account and receive three sberbank shares in gift, savings are more profitable with prime. these narrow streets are more than one and a half thousand years old, the area with stone walls and ancient wooden forged doors is called magal, this is the oldest part of one of the oldest cities in the world, derbent. people come here to feel the spirit of eternity, see the 6th century citadel, the fortress on
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the market, learn its history, take spectacular photographs. the republic of dagestan is becoming a magnet for tourists. this destination has the fastest growing tourist flow among all. russia only visited the republic last year more than 1.700 thousand people. all types of tourism are represented in dagestan: historical and cultural, sports, gastronomic, ethnographic. not far from makhachkala, the deepest canyon in europe, sulaksky, almost 2 km. nearby is one of the largest sand dunes in the world - sarykum. on the southern border lies the samur relict forest, where there are about twenty species of endemics, red-listed plants and unusual neighborhoods. liany is here. poplars, oaks and hawthorns are entangled. many attractions attract tourists even in cloudy weather, which is not quite typical for dagestan.
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said has been leading tours for over 5 years. weed believes that the most interesting thing in the republic is located... in the mountain peaks. in dagestan, there are about 40 ghost villages that have not yet been visited by humans; a crowd of people come every year and make, so to speak, such a small walking trip, yes, in order to see the authenticity of all the traditions with the foundations of the peoples of dagestan. therefore, one of the most promising areas is, of course, the northeastern part, namely mountainous dagestan. immersion in culture comes at the expense of history that is provided throughout. route, as well as due to authentic places, authentic settlements not only in their beauty and customs, but in their craftsmen. dagestan carpets that have not been demolished for centuries, ceramics with unique paintings, interior items, like works of art from different parts of the republic, are collected in the center of folk
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arts and crafts in makhachkala. silver jewelry with shimmering robed patterns can only be made by residents of one single village - kubachi. the main ones are handmade, that’s what’s unique, here are two fugeres, for example, there are ornaments here, like this, look like they’re the same, but each pattern is different. even here, because it wins by hand, that’s what’s unique, one pattern is not repeated, nariman khurdaev has been engaged in this craft since he was 6 years old, he says they come from all over russia to buy jewelry and dishes from kubachi craftsmen, such exhibits are kept in the leading museums of the world, these many people try to imitate the notch curls, says nariman, but even the most there are no skilled craftsmen, if he is not from kubochin, in the sixteenth, seventeenth year i was in siberia, there too...
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the artisans of the village of unskul possess wood and metal. the ornament arises from a thousand movements of the chisel and hammer blows. the thinnest silver and cupronickel plates are driven into the hard surface of dogwood, hawthorn and apricot. in fact, the same type, repetitive, simple movements, he just has perseverance and love for this work. this is a long process, it takes about six months to produce the wooden part itself, that is drying, turning the vessel, then not about... inlays, that is, the person who saw the end result, he has no
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idea that it is wood, because many people think that it was painted, walking along the streets, buying unique souvenirs, a tourist will definitely go to one of the restaurants, where he will definitely try the national dish. and here dagestan is famous not only for barbecue. arhan, who has been cooking for tourists for more than 10 years, shows a master class on making a closed pie from thin dough, a miracle. this our national dish, in our cuisine there are more than 30-40 types of miracle. there are different fillings, today we chose greens. yes, it is easier to prepare and more convenient. the chef says all dishes come from one. easy to prepare, even offers to help, on the other hand, the main ingredient
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is the atmosphere of the mountains, ancient cities and love for your land, you must eat the dish right away, while still hot and not be afraid of burning your fingers, just like a miracle for an inexperienced person, you must definitely eat with your hands , how do you like it without comment, it’s delicious, but how could it be otherwise, i didn’t know that, i over-salted everything a little. it means you fell in love with dagestan, but the caspian remains one of the most popular in dagestan: every third tourist who comes here on vacation always stops at the sea. near the tourist attraction points, literally 100 km from makhachkala with the canyon and the dune, 4 km from the ancient derbent, more are growing... the caspian cluster, to look at it from the outside,
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we go to the sea. the embankment of the future seaside resort, 6.5 km long. now it is practically a deserted coast, but by 2030, a hotel and all the infrastructure will appear here. the city will develop from the derbent side and the place is wonderful, because it is 4 km from the city of derbent, where there is an established tourist flow, where there is a whole boom and a rush of tourists. in the office of the designer of the caucasus of the russian federation, you can see in miniature what will appear on the shores of the caspian sea. the main focus of the resort is guests. sanatoriums of different star categories, there is, for example, a shopping center,
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a water park, swimming pools, a lot of greenery, a lot of sidewalks and walking paths, 42 km, in sea ​​small harbors for yachts, the concept of a free area for recreation, where hotels are not surrounded by fences, will create a single space, for us the opportunity to build a beach resort here is a very big challenge, i think it will... make a difference not only for the economy of dagestan, but also for the economy of the entire north caucasus, and will become a landmark place. this is an opportunity to combine different types of recreation, it’s not just a beach vacation. well, this is ethnic recreation, educational, historical, sports recreation, perhaps business, insofar as it is located on some main routes for the movement of tourists and passengers, vladimir putin discussed the potential of russian resorts on march 28 at a meeting via videoconference with the heads of regions. today, taking into account
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the priorities outlined in the message, we will discuss specific decisions that should form the basis of the... and hospitality industry by 2030. according to the updated national tourism project , our country should have 10 unique resorts, among which the caspian coastal cluster. to date, all preliminary work has been completed. areas that relate to the development of infrastructure, the creation of a regulatory framework, the caucasus of the russian federation provided us with great help in this, we have about twenty residents, we are pleased that we will be able to consider applications, including on a competitive basis among large
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resident investors, such like tricoholding, such as azimuth, such... as - cosmos hotel group, that is, these are actually serious operators who work in the field of both hotel and tourism business in our country. a special place in the cluster is occupied by the plan for the all-russian children's center dagestan. the camp will be a logical continuation of this project and will occupy more than 60 hectares. almost half of the entire area is green park area. the center will operate all year round and will also be able to accommodate holidaymakers. the first 400 placements are planned to be organized by 2027 . the ministry of tourism identifies folk arts and crafts of the republic of dagestan as socially significant for the region. in my opinion, a project that has the opportunity to become not just an all-russian children's center, but an international one. we will be able,
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i think, to attract our guests, children from our friendly ones. states that are our neighbors in the caspian sea. one of the already existing projects on the shores of the caspian cluster is a potential resident, the golden sands hotel, where tourists have been coming for several years. now they are preparing another building for commissioning and expanding the infrastructure. this territory has an area of ​​3 hectares, later we will have a total territory of 7 hectares, we are building a water park there, in this this year we hope that we will launch the first phase with children's. pool, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. natalya, the general director of the holiday home, says she plans to organize a sanatorium and resort cluster, where you can relax and improve your health all year round, including on an all-inclusive basis. focuses mainly on families with children. the hotel has four stars, the average cost of a room is 10,000 rubles. this is a kind of price
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standard that potential residents adhere to when planning hotels at the caspian resort. here already an energy saving system has been implemented, this is when we take out the card, the power supply to the entire room is turned off, only the refrigerator remains, there are no radiators, and the heating and cooling are all completely air-based, pre-purified air with two degrees of purification comes here, this device either cools or warms up the room, thus the biggest savings are the colossal area of ​​the entire... future resort is more than 200 hectares and the anchor investors here are already called the trika holding group of companies. the potential resident is going to invest in the implementation almost a third of the project, thereby covering half of the need for quality accommodation. at the moment, the situation is such that there are very few so-called certified classified placements, high-quality, good ones, that is
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, to understand, we carried out an analysis of all classified placements in...
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supply and gas supply, this is very important for this region and also access roads, tax breaks, tax breaks, this applies to property tax,
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corporate income tax, land lease and vat, then eating it helps a lot. the designer undertook the creation of such a base; he will invest more than 12 million in electricity and gas supply, water disposal and sewerage, landscaping - this is the very same landscaping and beach cleaning. we understand that it is not enough. to build all this, all these public places , they need to be managed, they need to be maintained, and the state also takes it upon itself, and in this regard we are ready to accompany our residents, to help them in a good way, to prepare documents that we, in general, then we do, and actually bring them to ours already it is beneficial for the established state support systems, instruments, and investors; a separate part of the project is the construction and reconstruction of transport infrastructure, about 85 km, of the caucasus federal highway, access roads to the resort, it will be convenient to get there by train by car. there are plans to launch high-speed trains from the airport.
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the makhachkala airport itself is being transformed, starting from the runway, which will accept all types of aircraft without restrictions, to the terminals. international will be expanded, the internal one will be built from scratch by 2027 . across russia there are 21 domestic russian and 10 international destinations. international flights are somewhere around 300,000. the number of passengers who arrived is 2.5 million - this is the passenger flow specifically on domestic routes in russia. we were allocated more than 13 billion rubles for the construction of essentially a new runway; in parallel, we, in turn, took upon ourselves to build terminals at our own expense, a new domestic terminal for future terminals and another international one, we plan to spend more than 5 billion. tourists come mainly from moscow and the st. petersburg region and the neighboring chechen republic, the ministry of tourism notes. but the geography is expanding, last year’s figure for domestic destinations was 22, this year has already exceeded 30. now the airport is ready to accept flights from
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saransk, ivanovo, novo-kuznetsk, cherepovets, regular flights from minsk have appeared for the first time, uzbek airlines are already planning to enter, they are interested in dagestan and other countries in the middle east region, e.g. kazakhstan. along with high-quality infrastructure, there is a demand for qualified jobs in the region. the minister of tourism and folk arts of the republic of dagestan, emin mirdanov , says that the tourism industry is facing a professional reboot. recently, literally, yes, it’s already been 2 years since we have been conducting mandatory certification of tour guides, but in july of this year, and... we should have supervisory powers from executive authorities in the regions to supervise the activities of, let’s say, tour guides tour guides, this is extremely important, why
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because through guides, tour guides, the tourist receives information, he must receive reliable information; in addition, there are problems with the legal activities of hoteliers, there have been a lot of tour operators lately. opportunities, well, let’s be honest , we have large sections of people who are engaged in hospitality today in this direction. from the gray zone by creating conditions for good, stable earnings, for building debt businesses and
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in order to... this is the conclusion from these gray schemes, among other things, had the opposite effect on increasing the tax potential of the republic and , accordingly, improving the socio-economic condition of dagestan in other areas, so this means a lot of work that needs to be carried out now at the still preparatory preliminary stage during the development of our resort clusters and the most the main thing in the future is in the course of implementing the tasks that we have set for ourselves today until the thirtieth year. estimated volume of private investment in the caspian coastal cluster by 2030 will amount to 70 billion rubles. the resort will employ about 8.00 people, most of whom are residents of the region. forecasts for tourists in this location alone are at least 700,000; in total for the region, this figure can easily exceed 2 million, minturi is confident.
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large resort construction will begin next year. a landscaped location with landscaping, promenades, an equipped beach and a number of hotels and entertainment venues will appear by 2027. then the caspian resort city will be able to come and first. tourists.
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you will die, and i’m like us, he says, who will protect you if not me. many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after finishing school. he took a roundabout route
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to serve the volunteers. i learned what it’s like to actually be in a war, right on the front line, my younger brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go in the same way, i realized that i can’t sit anymore, there’s something to learn from young guys.
12:00 am
by the end of summer, national projects must be drawn up and coordinated with each other. vladimir putin set this task at the meeting. council for strategic development of national projects, the president noted that the main substantive work to achieve national goals is not carried out in offices, on the ground, in cities and towns. anastasia efemova has details. saving the people, increasing the sustainability of the economy, the well-being of russian families, long-term priorities that vladimir putin recalled today, opening the meeting of the strategic council.


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