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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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june at 21:20 on the russia channel. by the end of summer, national projects must be drawn up and coordinated with each other. vladimir putin set this task. at a meeting of the council for strategic development of national projects. the president noted that the main, meaningful work to achieve national goals is not carried out in offices, on the ground, in cities and towns. details in the report by alexey konopko. to the dozen and a half national projects that have been operating in the country for several years and are producing real results, five more are now being added. their president named in the message. but simple addition is not enough. in some places, the problems have already been solved; in others, it’s time to distribute resources differently. the number of projects is secondary here.
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russia, training modern personnel, widespread use of innovative digital solutions. we are not talking about projects of individual departments, but about large-scale, interconnected programs that should work to solve common, systemic problems that are important for all citizens of the country. the president also signed the previous decree on development goals immediately after his election. later in the pandemic it was necessary make amendments, but plans were already made for 10 years in advance. now the horizon is even further,
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there is a new model to work with. i don’t want to force anything, but i ask you to pay attention, this is what we all understand, in any case , everyone should understand what time we live in and what historical stage russia is going through. and if we understand this, then everyone, everyone should work as if on the front line. everyone should feel mobilized; this is the only way we will achieve the goals we set for ourselves. in modern conditions there is no other way to work. it is necessary to establish close cooperation between all government bodies and implementers of national projects. the effectiveness of our work will depend on this, only then will we achieve the goals that... we set ourselves, as i already said,
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those that the country needs. and this is heard in all branches of government. in the hall next to the president are the prime ministers, speakers of parliament and heads of regions. of the working meetings, apart from state celebrations and addresses, this meeting is probably the most representative. strategic council development at one time united several structures at once, and today, at the president’s suggestion , the state council also joined the conversation in order for everyone to immediately plan together what the road to the country’s goals will be. in its regions, especially since a lot depends on local work. the main thing is that meaningful work to achieve national goals is carried out, of course, not in offices, it takes place on the ground, in the constituent entities of the federation, in our cities and towns, and this means that the efforts of regional and municipal teams play a decisive role here, entrepreneurs, public associations, and citizens’ initiatives, not least, life will make its own adjustments, this is natural, but... we can already
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say that spending on national projects will become the core of the most significant part of the development budget at the federal and regional levels , and therefore a key direction for all levels of government. on behalf of the president, each of the current national projects was personally responsible for each of the relevant deputy heads of government. each item on the new list will also have its own curator. michael mishusin today listed everyone and promised the president to meet the development deadlines. within two months , strategic sessions will be held with the participation, of course, of members of the state council, governors, by the first of september we will have formed, accordingly, all the main activities for new national projects, and will carry out the corresponding instructions, by december all new national projects must be approved, and most importantly, financing. the new secretary of the state council was present in the hall today and the president appointed his assistant who had just left tula after several years. they will be
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studied in more depth and detail at government sites from federal ministries to deputy chairmen who will oversee certain areas. of course, all tasks must be solved together with ensuring the security of the country, the president dwelled on this twice after the end, this idea was called the main message of the meeting. right now the army is defending the country, including during fierce battles near kharkov. but there is no talk of taking the city yet. such a task at this time the moment is not worthwhile, but at the same time it is worth it. it is very important to secure the territories, our territory, the territory of russia, of course, here this is a question of the sanitary zone, which our president also spoke about, we must correspond to those who are on the front line today, each of us must do the maximum in order to ensure
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this area of ​​our work is at a high level, and we will do this without fail, understanding the importance of the moment for our country. many in the room offer their own ideas. governor of the ivanovo region on behalf of the working group on healthcare, calls for funding the industry based on geography, the government seems to be against it. you propose to distribute resources not only according to population size, but according to the real state of the healthcare system in the region, right? and who will determine this real state? some had more opportunities due to the fact that their budgets were richer, they had the opportunity to direct their financial resources, while others had a low level.
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the government proposes to draw up a digital program for its development, it makes sense to discuss it could be possible to formulate a separate comprehensive state program for sports, which would include infrastructure measures, events for mass sports, including figital, major sports, reserve training, you propose to somehow collect the available resources to collect them in one in one state program, the new minister will do the same he thinks, yes, dear vladimir vladimirovich, this is... history, okay, let’s do it this way. most of the development goals, one way or another , will relate to the social sphere and the well-being of people. the duration will need to be increased life and the number of children in families, modernize infrastructure and do not forget about environmental protection. we have formulated several
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principles of an environmentally responsible economy, in particular resource efficiency in the production of durable things, rejection of non-recyclable materials, and problems of adaptation to change programs. that is, on the contrary, we created a comprehensive program, maximally concentrating all resources in order to obtain the maximum synergistic effect. all new development targets are more complex and higher than previous ones. perhaps this was because in the fight against those who dream of russia’s strategic defeat, the country’s economy has only become stronger.
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despite the objective difficulties that they are trying to create for us from abroad, and despite the current trials that we are facing. nevertheless, we have all the capabilities, resources, and personnel to implement our plans for russia’s confident, long-term, comprehensive development of our territories, regions, and settlements. at the same time, let me draw your attention again, we will evaluate the results of national projects not by how many events are carried out or how much funds are spent, but because of how national development goals are achieved and how things actually change.
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sweden announced a large package of military aid to ukraine worth a billion euros, including two aircraft, a saab 340 argus reconnaissance aircraft from the nineties. then the swedes made 12 pieces and moved on. but now defense minister jonson reports that thanks to radars, these two aircraft will help ukrainians detect cruise missiles and even drones. another a combative report arrived from neighboring poland. from the deputy head of the defense, who stated that polish weapons can be used in the ssu without restrictions, that is , they can hit the territory of russia, the same permissions to shoot everywhere were given to the ukrainians by great britain, canada, latvia, lithuania, the netherlands and france, the czech republic, estonia and finland, while only great britain and france from the entire list transferred truly long-range stormshadow missiles, another name for scalp, to ukraine. and how did he comment on these geopolitical maneuvers? vladimir putin. in kiev for the second week
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they cannot give an answer to the question in whose hands the legitimate power in ukraine is now, vladimir zelensky is officially no longer president since may 20, on this day, according to the law , a new elected head of state was supposed to take office, but kiev canceled the elections , citing martial law, last year.
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not the only example of the indiscriminate cruelty of conscription activities, details in the material of maria valieva. fist fights in
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dnepropetrovsk of a potential predator women beat back. in the first round , tck won. they were able to get the man onto the bus. in the second, activists pulled him out of the window and helped him pick up his bicycle from the trunk. against the background of tightening mobilization , strong, healthy guys from the shopping center approached. let’s write together with you, we’ll split us up right away,
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i answer, i’ll immediately take your hand with you and let’s go to avdeevka. well, to go to avdeevka, the central committee is in no hurry. brave guys in bulletproof vests are only able to walk the streets accompanied by the police and take away people military registration and enlistment offices. and who will go to the front there, whether a person will even be able to hold a weapon in his hands, they don’t care. petrov, zelensky’s propagandist, said that he is comfortable and he does not want the war to end, he is comfortable seeing how you bury your children and husbands, he is comfortable looking at children’s graves and children’s torn bodies, and he fully reflects zelensky’s opinion. there is no one willing to die for zelensky’s corrupt, bloody regime. people believe that giving their lives for washington's puppet is pointless. com: i bet the question is the legitimacy of the current ukrainian administration, so i am an enemy of everyone who
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questions it, everyone who has a legal education in malomaisky, who understands, understands the processes, then they are enemies of ukraine, really enemies, but the question is which ukraine, what kind of ukraine could be, corrupt? the decisions of the current government in ukraine cause a flurry of indignation among citizens, especially regarding the reduction of the conscription age from 27 to 20.5 years and there are no guarantees that it will not be lowered further to 23, or even to 18 years. maria valieva, yulia tyushevskaya and natalya uvarova, news! for several months, exchanges of captured military personnel have been suspended due to the ukrainian side, as stated by obbudsman tatyana moskalkova. according to her, the kiev regime constantly puts forward new far-fetched demands, and those ukrainians who are captured by our military talk about the lack of training and zero support from the command. details in the material
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by evgenia petrukhina. i went out to the store to buy bread, met farm workers and found myself in a trench. captured military officer. - says valentin matsepura. and when we found ourselves in the kupinsky direction, we didn’t even know which side of the enemy’s position
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was where to shoot? as a result, the wounded matsepur was rescued by russian army soldiers. they brought me to the joint venture position, and then, as they say, the command left there, because the arrivals began in my joint venture, and i was a little crushed, well, i got in touch, told the commander, explained the situation, but these people came, well, let them help me , well, get out, wait, wait, watch, that’s it, then the russian guys came, pulled me out, yuri vaitovich was working in the zhek, mobilized on a summons, surrendered due to...
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why there was no help, and we decided to surrender. the only question is whether the ukrainian side will take ordinary soldiers from captivity. exchanges have been suspended for several months, as tatyana moskalkova said, due to far-fetched demands from ukraine. unfortunately, for several months, due to ukraine, which constantly puts forward new home
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demands, exchanges have been suspended. we are in dialogue with the ukrainian obbudsman and... the international committee of the red cross. according to the agreement, the mirror day on day, the ukrainian obbudsman is visiting our prisoners of war, and i, together with the staff members who are present here today, are visiting ukrainian military personnel. more than 700 citizens from both sides visited, and also agreed on mirror broadcasts. from home, things, letters, notes from children. vladimir stelmashik was captured near the yar clock when he tried to deliver batteries to the front line of the ukrainian armed forces. after the arrival of the uav, stelmashek, as he himself says, got lost, and raising his hands, he went to the positions of the russian army. get away from this mobilization, if you have already been captured, try to surrender,
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like this tanker, maxim likhachev, he stole a ukrainian t-64 and went to the positions of the russian army with... a raised gun, indicating that he was surrendering, now it is quite possible that he will decide to fight on side of russia, where they certainly don’t abandon their own people. evgenia petrukhina, yulia tyushevskaya, news. harvey weinstein is being tried again for rape, after the previous verdict was overturned, and in the same new york court as donald trump, on the same day, although the ex-president and ex-producer are actually from different political camps, their cases are similar in their absurdity. sexual. as the provision of legal services, and in einstein they intend to re-trial for alleged violence against two women due to an error by the trial judge, as a result of which it was not
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possible to send him to prison for 23 years. despite all the political statements , there are more and more football players from russia in the top championships. the goalkeeper of krasnodar and our national team, matvey safonov, is moving to the french paris saint-germain. according to information. media transfer amount was 20 million euros. safonov will have to compete for the place of the main goalkeeper with the main goalkeeper of the italian national team, gianluigi danaruma. all the details are in the material by stas redikultsev. the goalkeeper of the russian national team of the krasnodar football club, matvey safonov, takes paris. the matter is almost decided. the distillation is discussed by the press of france, russia and numerous insiders. one of the most influential football journalists in europe, fabrizio romano, wrote at all. the contract was signed, however, neither paris saint-germain nor krasnodar officially until it was confirmed that the goalkeeper himself, touchingly thanking the stands of his native stadium after the first
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silver in the history of krasnodar in the russian championship, it all looked like farewell. i can neither confirm nor deny, i think that as soon as you need to know something, suddenly, you will definitely find out. in winter, safonov extended his contract with the bulls for 6 years; according to unconfirmed information, psg is signing the russian. summer 2029. transaction amount - 20 million euros, a record sale of krasnodar and third place among the most expensive russian football players. only cska, alexander golovin in monaco, and yuri zhirkov in chelsea sold more expensively. the transfer of the first number of the russian national team to the top club in europe, in conditions when the national team plays only friendly matches, our clubs are suspended from european competition, looks like a breakthrough. even take a reservist for that kind of money. anyway , this is a lot, it seems that matvey is hired so that he not only strengthens the competition, but so that he can become a full-fledged
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number two, not a competitor, but a substitute. the most interesting thing is that the transfer is like this took place, many european agents from italy and france are looking with interest towards the premier league, realizing that our players can be acquired. the parisians offer the twenty-five-year-old goalkeeper a long-term deal. where psg made an offer to you, wanted to buy you, but what else can we talk about? in the just completed russian championship, where krasnodar won silver for the first time in history, matvey safonov played all 30
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matches, keeping 11 clean sheets, but it seems that the bulls may lose only the goalkeeper, but also other team leaders, but the club is not going to retain the russian football stars who grew up in krasnodar. i would like matvey or edik to leave even for the top team, of course i wouldn’t, these are our leaders, these are... we would like to try to leave, i think the club will treat them with respect, because they play with all their might soul, heart and leave themselves on the field, so let's wait a little, of course i am against the departure of any of them, but we'll see how it goes, not everything depends on us, who is matvey safonov, french sports publications ask, but that’s it for now. it is quite possible that the french super cup on august 11 will be a duel between two russians, monaco midfielder alexander golovin and psg goalkeeper matvey safonov, and despite all
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the political statements , there are more russian football players in the top championships. following arsen zakharyan, who left for the spanish realcidat from dynamo, and daler kuzyaev, who went to the french gavor from zenit, matvey safonov is also leaving to conquer europe, to one of the biggest clubs in the world. left wait. official confirmation. stas ridikultsev, alexander stalmashevsky, lead. masterpieces from the third edition can now be seen not only in moscow, but at foreign exhibitions. the legendary museum, which houses one of the world's largest collections of russian fine art, has opened its first regional branch in samara. kaliningrad and vladivostok are next in line. tickets sold out several months in advance. veronika tivikova found out what paintings were brought and what else was prepared for the first guests.
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but many saw it for the first time, those who saw it before that, it was so dark, now a lot of layers of old varnish have been removed from it and it just became lighter, somehow festive, the theme of the first ever exhibition on the taste and color of the image of food in russian art, from moscow to samara 92 masterpieces from the gallery’s funds and private collections were delivered under armed guard. another recognizable picture of a tea party in mytishchi near moscow. vasily perov was commissioned to write a work on a topic that was fashionable for the mid-19th century.
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legacy of the era of constructivism. work was underway almost 5 years. modern equipment was used here to comply with temperature and humidity conditions in order to ensure the safety of all cultural values ​​that will be exhibited here. next to the classics in thick frames are works from the early 20th century. the second russian avant-garde, post-war unofficial art, as well as paintings by artists of the last 25 years, are widely represented. on average, they will be delivered two to three times a year.
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exhibition, initially we agreed with the big tretyakov that all world tours, tretyakov tours begin or end with samara, tretyakov masterpieces, residents of samara will see on may 30, tickets are available for several months in advance, veronika tivikova, mikhail vodovozov, lead samara.
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field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that all those involved in inhumane treatment of people are identified, even if these criminals are already dead. i present to you a new soldier, ribinin nikolai sergeevich. do you like books? yes, i write books. the classic has arrived, take it. thank you, if you could help, i don’t help like that.
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ah... come on guys, let's get everyone to their places, call sign passenger, i'll come back for you, do you hear, i'll come back, we're used to watching videos online, it stopped working, we install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies... and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. it will add to the southern hospitality.


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