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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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is it a sport to shoot down these drones? the houthis are very successful in shooting down western drones, which is interesting, there is now not only an american mission of their allies, but also a purely european one, which simply failed, which simply failed, there have already been cases when europeans mistakenly fired at american drones, this is exactly normal, tension, but is it possible that we didn’t fire by mistake? tension in this area will only increase, and here they need russia again, which is what i need, of course, why, because, because they do not expect anything good either from the usa or from europe, they understand that the world has long been on a dangerous brink, and they are afraid to balance on this brink, they are waiting for someone to show, well, some... then the leftovers.
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business in the united states of america and so on, but also because he doesn’t want to be a prime minister of war, doesn’t want to be a war prime minister, supposedly there is something that in the fall there won’t be peace conferences, quite the opposite, a surge in tension , but another british political scientist, alester crook, comments that all political scientists are talking about alistair, they cause me internal anxiety, it causes me such internal anxiety. he commented on these
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messages and said that, well, it’s unlikely, this is unlikely to be the reason for early elections in the uk, after all, the main problem there is the economy, but he, being a serious specialist, adds, well, how can we count on the fact that it won’t break out somewhere when there are such leaders in europe and america, that ’s how you can count, and the arabs are telling me the same thing now when they say that they need... russia and they need china, they want at least some kind of reliability in this collapsing world, because there are no guarantees that these stupid, petty politicians in the west can hold this world together and will not do something that will make us all scared, there are no such guarantees, and these guarantees must be with us, they are not only in conversations about peace. and they are in our strength, and
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strength is exactly where you started, including in our nuclear arsenal. it is interesting that another european country was attacked by an elderly guitarist who completely drove him out of his home, they did not allow him to play, so he went on a tour, and the tour of this bloody angel of death is always tragic, so i would advise him to go to hell. mother, in direct communication with the studio , the leader of the moldovan victory bloc, elon shor, and elon is just one of those people who perfectly understands what the horror leads to when blinken took it for some reason, excuse me, to moldova, and here is gadenazh not only did he come, but he also took the place of the republican stadium, now there will be an american embassy there, that is, it’s called yes, that’s where people could play sports study. but no, now
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this old bad guitarist will come there and in his vile voice sing again a song about how everyone around thinks that i am satan, probably for them it is so, so this satan is now... visiting romanian citizen, who for some reason pretends to be the president of moldova, a real patriot of moldova, is not given the opportunity to exist in peace, what is happening in moldova they are trying to destroy, hello, very nice, well, first of all, i want, of course, to say that today, to we clearly understood that we were talking about a vivid example of a captured... state in the literal sense of the word, first, second, we are talking about an example in which you can see all the fakes of the so-called western values. moldova is a country where, over the past year , 13, naturally, opposition
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television channels have been closed. moldova is a country where for the last few years of sandu's rule , removing elections has been a national sport. in the field of energy, well, it’s getting ridiculous, where the opposition has already spent two or three times in prison and so on further and so on, today the west makes it very clear that yes, it was i who did my dirty work. on this country, and i won’t let her go, because well, can you imagine, when tv channels are closed for absolutely no reason 13, the ambassadors of america and the european union absolutely clearly, distinctly say: yes, we, of course, will sort it out, but there we know that i had
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some problems. if we talk about blinken’s visit today, a very simple question is asked: why should the west usurp. little moldova, where in the last year alone the outflow of population was 6%. a very simple answer: the west is preparing another platform for war not with your own hands. in the last six months alone , weapons worth, according to our estimates , approximately 600-700 million dollars were brought into moldova. please tell me, a country in which absolutely, well, let’s say, the majority of the population is.
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today there were forceful seizures, arrests, well, in the literal sense of the word, with people, just with simple, ordinary people, this can be seen in the footage, the police simply fought without cynicality, why? because it was very important for may to show that she has everything under control, that she is a quality hired manager, who performs his tasks efficiently. for 4 years of rule by the west, and today if we are talking about... the european regime, then we can very clearly say that the regime has been ruling moldova for 4 years, they have the president in their hands, they have the government, the parliament, the prosecutor's office, the courts in their hands , i’m not just saying that the state has been fully captured, while in four years, a non-ephemeral figure,
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the seasonal price of gas has increased 10 times, the price of electricity has tripled, there is absolutely no export of agricultural products, and moldova - economic state, as you know, today the indexation of pensions in percentage terms is the lowest in the last 30 years of independence, the outflow of the population, as i already said, is 6%, that is, all economic indicators indicate that the country is sliding into poverty, just into total poverty, people really have nothing to eat, while we can very clearly see from the example of moldova... what is the west leading to? a usurped regime, captured, where there is no alternative opinion, alternative position, and most importantly, people live poorly. in nineteen, when sandu came to power, people were shown what, people were told a picture, they were shown a picture
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of germany, these are the roads you will have, you will have pensions, like in germany 5,000 euros, here you will have factories, enterprises, ships everything else, and you will live like uh, let’s say like... the code is near the butter or near the cheese, but it didn’t happen, the opposite happened, people began to live poorly, much worse than they lived before, so, unfortunately, today's visit... blinkina once again proves what the west wants, and people are against this, and i am sure that you and i will be able to see this at the referendum on october 20, but you will not have any referendum, romania said that everything, forget it, this is the last government in moldova, everything we take for ourselves will be annexation, and europe will applaud, they say, let us now take into the european union that part of moldova that is not transnistria, and we don’t care about the gagauzians.
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no west, today moldova, according to my estimates, is 60% of the population who are not ready for any accession to the european union, especially let alone any romania, so yes, we need to understand that we will have to roll up our sleeves to defend ourselves. regarding the entry of troops from romania, of course, we assess that this risk exists, but then either we will defend our country, or they will take it away from us, so i say that this is a decisive year for moldova, and we we have no
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right to lose this battle, because if we lose it, in fact, it will not be us who will lose it, as a political party, a force, it doesn’t matter, it will be the people who will lose it, the people, we will lose ours country, so we will fight for it, and we will not just allow ourselves to be captured, taken away, and so on and so on, although it’s not easy how many criminal cases have been filed against you, after 55 i stopped counting, it became no longer interesting. that is, they demanded that you be extradited from israel, from russia, well, you can present anything to russia, but israel said that you are crazy, that you are completely bullshit, these are not documents, these are not criminal cases, this is a mockery, but europe doesn’t see this, blinkin, who came to talk about democratic moldova, doesn’t sees what the moldovan authorities are doing, because it cannot be called anything other than political terror, your main tragedies.
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our ministers came to report and report to the eu ambassadors from the usa. moreover, i will tell you, for the first time in the history of moldova, the ambassador of the united states, without any hesitation, appeared at a meeting of the supreme council of the magistracy, where he very clearly outlined the position for which judges should be voted for, which ones should not be appointed, then there is, in fact, today. what they call justice reform, this is the establishment of totalitarianism in
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the sphere of justice in the country, they appoint those judges, only those who come to bow to them, who are loyal to them, this is a very big problem today, today the entire state has been captured, including by the justice system, like you you see, without normal justice the state cannot exist, so yes, today we will have a battle, this battle will be decisive, so today we are accumulating all our... name of the people, because today 60% of the country, or even more, do not want european union, they don’t want to, because for 4 years, their life has become many times worse, once again, very clearly, i just want everyone to hear, the european union has always boasted that where it appears, people begin to live well, in moldova, with the naked eye, life has become many times worse , thank you very much,
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may god give you strength and the moldovan people the truth of independence, now, so to speak, ukrainian pilots have learned to fly the f16, now a little more and a little more they will, of course, be used during an armed conflict, well in this they gave us two serious planes side by side long-range detection, which need to be buried right now there in sweden, so to speak , recent exercises in nato countries
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these are only nuclear warheads, but as it turned out, this can be done with the help of hypersonic systems, that is, destroy well-fortified ones, so say facilities where nuclear warheads are stored, and so on and so forth. in other words, in principle, moscow could launch a preventive strike on american bases, on the storage facility for american nuclear warheads on the territory of europe, without resorting.
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nuclear warheads, and we are talking not only about the united states, but also about its allies, primarily in the person of france. well, the americans, however, not so long ago placed lower-power warheads on trident-type missile systems for use in local conflicts, but this too little, this is firstly, and secondly, the use of such systems could become a trigger for the exchange of strategic nuclear strikes, which... of course, absolutely no one in washington wants, here i am, i believe that this on this issue, we can really talk about the unity of the american ruling circles, uh, and from here, so to speak, i understand, in general, the president’s rather calm reaction, at yesterday’s press conference,
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when he answered these questions regarding the threats, uh, so to speak,
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these are already ukrainian weapons, these conversations do not affect him, he perfectly understands, so to speak, who really controls all these long-range nato systems like storm shadow and there , so to speak, we will, so to speak, to test nuclear weapons only if they test them, for now, it seems to me, this is a completely adequate position, russia has
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enough strength to fight back, so to speak, without resorting to any extremes, and i must also emphasize that in general- then even the use of nuclear weapons on the battlefield is unlikely to bring any stunning results, russia already has weapons that are not nuclear, but nevertheless very high... to use systems, but a different area of ​​​​application, because then we are all -we still say 20 plus maximum if we are talking about
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third tose, and not strategic nuclear weapons, here we can shoot much further, that is, here not only do we have for 150 there 152 caliber there for 200, but we have everything that needs to fly and deliver, yeah. nuclear weapons at airfields, because then it’s definitely, you know, restoring the runway, in fact, these are not difficult tasks, they can be solved quite quickly, but tactical nuclear weapons greatly complicate this problem, we worked hard on rapid restoration, and i want to, of course , this is known, and i want recall that tactical nuclear weapons.
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for at least one reason, since the unification of germany, france is the only victorious country that has a common border with germany, well, while there was still the gdr, one could talk about such
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indirect, indirect contact with the soviet union, now it’s really just such contact has always existed; for germany it was very important to maintain some kind of relationship with france, starting with disputed territories that still remain, ending with very difficult ones...
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yes, the pastor’s daughter was a lighter, yes, then there was aland, who, together with merkel , tightened up all these minsk negotiations, well , then there was francois, francois, emman, emmanuel macron, who three times, just francois, or rather, three times met with scholz, he every he comes to germany every year, every year he talks with scholz, but this time his colleague is absolutely right, nothing worked out for them, no male friendship, no female friendship, nothing worked out, moreover... when that is bromance, as they say americans, it didn’t work out, yes, when francois was going up the stairs to the plane, he turns to his wife and says: i don’t like this scholz, he’s kind of slippery, he’s kind of incomprehensible, well, in general, he’s a romanian in one word, she says, so he’s german, he says , yes, they don’t care, so in general, in this regard, yes, yes, yes, yes, but... well, really, but i can’t
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get away from it, and, you know, they seriously think that we and we're about to start shooting at each other, and they don't understand that we're having a dispute, which on western television is absolutely is impossible, it is excluded, in our country such disputes sometimes reach the point of some serious things, but at the same time we each express our opinion, yesterday there was a very important topic that you, on which you and i spoke, is belgorod on the shelling.
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everything, dima, is correct, but the context there is such that you still need to understand it so that you know, but if you read it, everything will be absolutely clear, belgrade is being shelled, and this, of course, is russia, the readers generally decided that this is ukraine, well, what are we talking about, yes, yes, yes, this is exactly what is suggested absolutely clearly, that this is ukraine, but here, in parallel with this , two more topics that have arisen, which very clearly show how this perversion is going in this direction, the presentation of all this information, nord stream 2, a big
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interview. danish specialist, as he was designated, a danish specialist in special operations and special services, i don’t remember his last name, an interview with him appeared on german television, on german channels, i listened to his entire interview, in which he talks for quite a long time about the fact that the danes clearly they know, they know very well, who blew up, who carried out the explosions on nord stream 2, well, this is a situation that affects their national interest.
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time says 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this shot hole. for contacting the partisans, all the inhabitants of the village were burned. an ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be exterminated. why is it important to recognize the genocide against the soviet people, because this is a historical fact, this is work.


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