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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
to say that denmark knows who sabotaged nord stream ii, he replies, yes, denmark knows who sabotaged nord stream ii, who is it? well, judging by the number of russian ships that were at sea at that time, this is russia. here it is for me.
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humane treatment of people was established, even if these criminals were already dead. i present to you a new soldier, ribinin nikolai sergeevich, do you like books? the classic has arrived, take it, thank you, if you could help me, i don’t help my son like that, come on guys, let's put everything in place! call sign passenger, i
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'll come back for you, do you hear, i'll come back, are you used to watching videos online? stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application, you see, here’s a long, long, long material that ends with exactly this, well, today’s big there was information, they can’t be like that, of course they can be, they can be, yes, well, of course, well, what questions, of course, they can maybe they are like that because they consider their readers. for idiots, listen,
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excuse me, it means that i have a solo broadcast on fm this morning, and the deputy of the local assembly, i think from hamburg, olga, who left for russia from the alternative for germany, she also thinks that i speak in -german, that is, i had to say that well, in general , many people think so, i want to say, germany is so sure, very many people are so sure of this.
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they didn’t finish the bottle, they didn’t finish the game, yes, goncharenko left it, he always litters, by the way, yes, it will be necessary to propose a ukrainian fool, they found incriminating evidence on one of the deputies of the alternative for germany party, who knows, they found incriminating evidence that he allegedly received money for his participation in one platform, an internet platform, which, according to the czechs, is in the czech republic it was, as the czechs claim, as they claim.
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which broadcast a lot to russia, this employee, who was now taken over by special agencies for certain places, and he allegedly received money from someone from russia or from one of the russian oligarchs there, and somehow he brought this money to the czech republic, and he gave it in cash, including to a deputy, there is such a moment, i told dima during a pause, it is simply colossal, which means that they were either photographed, or a film was made, when they were sitting. in some car and he was counting out this money in cash and it would be, of course, it would be interesting to understand what kind of money, who took it out, what they were talking about, it was written on it that it was russian, russian, nothing was written there, there there is european money, there is a euro, this one here is a man, he is accused of
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being a spy, that he was a spy, but here, volodya, this is simply colossal, it turns out, firstly, he has not worked for this deputy for a long time, he works for a french deputy, and yet no less, they remembered that he... once worked for this one, which means that there is already a russian trace here, and he also gave money to another deputy, yes, to another deputy, and moreover, he once helped some pole get an id with which he could enter the european parliament, that’s what he helped him to get this certificate, this is a russian trace, volodya, this is a russian trace, we need a minute now, but where is the famous german logic, that is, well, it’s not only here?
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one bundeswehr officer, who allegedly handed over some spy documents to russia of his own free will, well, firstly, they didn’t find any spy documents, and secondly, he himself admitted everything, in the end he served a year and a half, he’s 3, they gave him 5 years, he immediately walked out of the courtroom to freedom, but he didn’t admit to anything, he admitted that he had called to the russian embassy and offered his services, he was the one who worked for russia, they told russia, you’re crazy, yes, well, i’m not a judge.
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our task was to take the stone, but in the morning we were attacked. i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, she says, my mother just says she’ll be very worried, i say, now, she arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well, i was covered like a department, well, no it was clear that there was no leg, and nothing could be changed here, what happened, happened, well, nothing, most the main thing is alive, you can go with such people once... and you will return immediately with such, well, zelensky
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is of course panicking, because the eternal question: do you love me, addressed to biden, has found its clear answer, and who are you? the delay is no longer of interest to anyone, his slight stink got to everyone, and biden thought,
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he treated the americans so well as it is impossible to imagine, that is, they managed to lose a source of highly qualified labor, colossal resources, a transport route from china to europe , potential enemy, even scary to say, geopolitical china, they traded all this for nothing. in the center of europe with conditional access to the black sea, with a corrupt government,
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they pumped billions there, as a result of which they lost trillions, they believe that, oh, they managed to lose russia in order to gain ukraine, which, that’s what we see now, a country that could become the largest in europe, but you need to understand that in europe it’s not difficult to be big, so... it’s just that maybe not all of our viewers realize our enormity, but france fits into the krasnoyarsk territory four times, so any large european country, by and large, is very small, according to our understanding, the whole of europe, not much land, quite densely populated, which creates problems for them, as vladimir vladimirovich putin hinted at , so when... now the americans say: ha, finland is with us, ha, sweden is with us,
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guys, thanks to your idiotic efforts, you got sweden and finland, the population there is how many, millions together 25, less, well, finland 5.5 , well, there are five and there are 10-15, an army that does not exist at all, in return for this you brought us closer to iran in a colossal way 80%. than the combined population of sweden and finland, with china's population of one and a half billion, that is, biden achieved this with his scam, all the european idiots who give permission to use their weapons deep into russian territory, of course you ask me, what weapons do the tribaltic emirates have, what do they will there be us? throw sprats and riga balsam, that is, what kind of weapons do they have, an atv, well, these
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pathetic idiots, where with buoys, well buoys, on their buoys we will respond, as usual in such cases, but this is real idiocy and biden , of course, is beginning to understand this, so everyone is shouting that they are ready to give weapons to carry, from the clintonoids there too screams, realizing that his end is inevitable, just like victoria.
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becomes a legitimate target, i believe that we should politely announce that yes, no, i really liked the idea that i read from one of our funny telegram channels, let's invite the houthis to crimea, they will shoot down all drones, and for this we will send them back to yemen, i think it’s a great idea, the guys there have failed another one, that is, everything is fun there, big, big, big. what should zelensky do, where should he go, he understands everything, he understands, there are no legal grounds for being in power, he is a usurper, he is overdue, then it turns out that vladimir vladimirovich is absolutely right, that is , the task is simple, attribute all the negativity to him, i won’t be surprised, because what they said
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before, yes, when these russians invaded, the russians didn’t want to, we told them: “russian ivan, give up, come over to our side, we are europe, the country of light, ukraine, this is good, now there are a thousand people, volunteers go out every day, sign a contract with the red army, in ukraine you will take away eighteen-year-olds, already an unhappy teacher, a school director in kiev she committed suicide when her son was mobilized, they were already killing the itzikashniks with might and main. they already refuse to take a sip of the motherfucker when the clergy says that i’m sorry, but for your sins, you can’t make up for it, that’s all it’s about, that’s all it’s about, well, you can give as many weapons as you like, just who they will have to fight if ukraine doesn’t want to, there are no people left in ukraine, that’s what
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jeffrey sachs says in an interview with tucker carlson. this is terribly tragic: 500,000 ukrainians died for nothing. do you think this is a number? i think most likely yes, this is the largest number i know. but one of the most shocking things, if you ask any of the senators who voted to continue this war, at the expense of our taxes, how many of your beloved ukrainians were killed? they have no idea, they don't care to know, they don't care at all. worries, and sometimes they say that...
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we haven’t started yet, but if necessary, we will start and it won’t seem enough to anyone, please,
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so you asked what seems to me, of course, a rhetorical question, do people in ukraine know the truth , is there actually media there, freedom of speech and so on, i kind of know the answer, there is nothing there yet and there wasn’t even at the moment when i was arrested, i was in prison, but when i left prisons. it seems to me that i thought that this would happen quickly enough, but these were such naive ideas, now i see that this is happening, it is happening gradually, gradually, but nevertheless, probably
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the main impetus that will give this, so to speak, what event will give this main impetus, is of course mobilization, because i just see some amazing things , well, 3 days ago i read a message, it means with a loud headline, well, really, it was already for... what kind of fight? this means that two draft dodgers who were going to the other side to romania, it means they ran into a border guard, the border guard pulled out a pistol, shot, they they took his gun away, shot at him, in general, they still fought their way to the other side in romania, well, such a dramatic scene, yes, but like any person.
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uhilants, uhilants, the second story that i read, i understand that the absurdity just snowballs there, it’s like a snowball,
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which means that in kiev, one of the worthy ukrainian publications writes that a meeting of thieves took place in kiev, they resolved the conflict, because one the group was engaged in supplying the colonists with fake documents, the second group collected money from the suklonists for in order to supply them with... fake documents, but they cheated on them, didn’t supply them with fake documents, they are immediately losing social security, of course, they are having a serious dispute with each other, involving, therefore , serious authoritative people, which means how to resolve this conflict, and i just understand what scale is involved, or rather what scale this phenomenon is turning into, so to speak, serious people, i just understand what serious people are starting to talk about such things, it turns out that...
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you know, there is such a car enthusiast has an expression: he doesn’t feel the dimensions, yes, but he simply no longer understands where reality is and where it is not, i’m just now, as they say, they apparently decided, in defiance of vladimir vladimirovich’s visit to uzbekistan, to hold a press conference for journalists from central asia, which means , and zelensky, that means, with sore eyes, they do it in kharkov, that means, in the building, the printing house, and zelensky, with sore eyes , begins to tell what you will tell your people there. well, like a left-hander in his time, they don’t clean a gun with a brick, but he says: it means that putin will eat you all, to which the journalist says: listen, well , of course yes, but you understand, we are part of the csto.
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“we enter the eurogas station, we enter the customs, and somehow, somehow, well, somehow we feel more or less normal, then he says, well, okay, here’s china, china, it ’s like, it’s in its own way time promised and supported ukraine, during the implementation of the budapest memorandum, china promised to guarantee ukraine’s independence and the integrity of its borders, i’m scared, i sort of worked with a journalist, did stories about it, that’s all happened, well, literally." as they say before my eyes, i remember that the budapest memorandum was signed by britain, america, russia, russia, everything, by the way, ukraine did not ratify it, i rush when china appeared there, when it signed it , i don’t find it, and i understand that this person, well, just, uh, i don’t know what broke him, may 21 or something else, but he’s just somewhere in the empire
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of everyone, so what’s complicated? i see again, nikolaevna moskalyakova writes: we are trying to offer repeatedly, we are sending lists, in response we get some excuses and don’t understand what’s going on at all.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. easy to do.
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i look at it and understand that there really is life there. begins to turn into some kind of phantasmogoria, now faced with the realities, when the border guard is ready to simply lead these draft dodgers for money, there are many of them, they want it, and he wants it, when criminal groups simply understand that this is now probably even more serious, than drugs this story, yes, because there are fewer consumers, people are sitting at home, afraid of everything, and this is a business that is now simply the drug business has already been divided between.


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