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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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life there is really starting to turn into some kind of phantasmogoria, when faced with the realities, when the border guard is ready to simply lead these draft dodgers for money, there are many of them, they want it, and he wants it, when criminal groups simply understand that this is now, probably even this story is more serious than drugs, yes, because there are fewer consumers, people are sitting at home, afraid of everything, and this is a business that is now simply the drug business has already been divided between. behind the teams,
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well, this is new, a new space has opened, like a casino, that is, purely criminal showdowns, and for a joint you have to send it to the public, at this moment the person who, in theory , sort of arranged this whole story, he creates a parallel reality, and, by the way, it won’t be enough, he’ll still need to warm up kotor residents, well, if there are serious men there, and where you were sitting, you know worse who you were handling, of course.
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understanding, that’s why they’ve already pulled everyone there to volchansk, whoever they can, yes, they’ve already thrown the marines out of the window, there’s now another bakhmutov meat grinder there, so what’s scary to imagine, right now footage started to appear on the shelves, well, in ukraine they probably don’t show them, because the basements are filled with the corpses of ukrainian marines, well, this is terrible, i really can’t imagine what will happen... when that’s all this will end when the people understand what the authorities have brought them to, and they were killed completely in vain, for what? for the sake of donbass, who hate the ukrainian government, this is the goal zelensky is pursuing, anyone can understand, stay in power, war is the only source that gives him the opportunity to stay in this power, and the ukrainian people, that the ukrainian people must die because the residents of donbass want to live on their land, now.
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western ukraine during the great patriotic war, it did not go through mobilization, so now for many it is. not just a shock, but for them life has ended, they have no historical experience, they need to think, look at vasil, why is he standing so sad, and khrusin has never been touched like that before, yes, please, no, well, yes, probably , yours they said that after this territory was annexed to the soviet union, they understood that the degree of trustworthiness was in doubt, plus the war started and there was no such head conscription there, i really didn’t understand how it was before lisbon, but the lions would not enter , that is, some kind of enclave. it
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will be, yes, no, that’s not the point, we are not going to conquer, but we have to go through it, no, no, well, no, we will liberate, we will liberate, but we will not conquer, i understand, yes, i you know, today it is all. what does this mean, why am i looking at events in georgia, and there is now the former ambassador of france to georgia, now the president, president, president of georgia, zurabishvili proposed to hold a referendum based on emotions, whether you want a european future or russian slavery, i, you know, propose in fact. i was not a georgian, i propose that the parliament agree to just slightly adjust the wording: do you want a european future like in ukraine? and then everything will immediately sparkle with completely new colors, because it’s beautiful
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european, the european future, which was so quickly achieved by ukraine following the results of the maidan, but this still needs to be managed, given that ukraine has a common border with the european union, well, sort of. regarding the fact that we will allow ukraine to strike deep into russia, we will not allow it, as if in fact, no one knows what is really happening, the minister’s advisor isak on bloomberg speaks for an hour and says: no, well, we are actually british gave the go-ahead, we already beat stormshadow without any problems, so they what were they beating about with petrit? but now you know, we need to organize a beautiful discussion, macron actually shows a map there, look, how can this be, well, russian missiles are flying from these territories, which means they
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need to be suppressed, which means ukraine has every right to suppress them, well, it’s gorgeous, so let’s show the map france, absolutely true, but by this logic we now have to show the map. where do the threats to the russian army come from, where do the deliveries of those weapons that then hit the russian army come from, according to macron’s logic, again, russia has every right to hit these targets, i say again, it was not we who proposed this, the president of france, when they are now discussing there at the same time, allowing the shooting down of russian missiles from the territory of poland and romania, first rasmusen proposed, then zelensky supported it.
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here, like this, i don’t know, a revolutionary idea, what am i talking about, you see, it’s already better, to the fact that zelensky is now traveling around europe again, they are asking for new types of weapons, a wonderful report appeared, the old one has already been sold, so , now i’m talking about the old one i want to say, cnn sent its film crew to the units where these same abrams tanks are being repaired, the unfortunate ones and they said this, how the ukrainians curse these abrams, how they say that... they show that they are unusable, look, i just arrived from poland , it is no longer suitable, yes, they are complaining about the interior of the tent and so on, i can imagine how the abrams manufacturers are now sitting in horror, reading all this and thinking how sales will fall and all this,
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all this junk in other parts of the world, and imagine what will happen when f16 arrives, we understand how ukrainians will again thank manufacturers for low-quality aircraft and so on. that is, no matter what they give to ukraine, no matter what types of equipment and weapons they give, gratitude will always be the same, in this regard, it’s probably no coincidence that now, according to the telegraph, ukraine was given a slap on the wrist immediately in advance, no under no circumstances should you interfere with your ideas about ukraine joining nato, but they won’t listen, until this anniversary nato summit, yes, that is, they were simply forbidden to talk about the fact that ukraine must.
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by the way, if we now consider him a legitimate president, well , an acting president, then the goal is of course much easier for us, well, in general, to miss such a carcass, i am very worried about the state of his health, something might happen to him, he is already making excuses , he already explains, they read the wrong article, i’m not the president, don’t bother me, he said it cunningly, in fact, he said, putin is referring to the constitution.
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evgeniy, you and i argue all the time about sociology, but he tells me without any irony, in fact, if you look, traditional sociological methods fundamentally cannot work in a military situation, well, just sociology in general, this is such a separate topic, because collecting data is not enough, that is , the formulation of the question, there is information processing and interpretation, but here we are dealing with people who are. all the time in a state, well, emotionally unstable, that’s why both the way you ask them and the way
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you answer, that’s why sometimes sociology begins to work at the level of action, that is, not so it’s even important what they say, how important it is what they do, what it leads to, because you often give answers, trying to guess so that you don’t get it, that’s what you do, so it’s no coincidence, but in the beginning they believed in victory, they broke everything. like now a second-hand store, at the initial moment they rushed to the military registration and enlistment offices, evgen daardovich already fists once, naturally, this is evgenia just thinking, now we see de facto sociology with our feet, when they are all running away from, it’s not true, you know, you did a lot such a beautiful sociological passage, this is also without irony, you know, for some reason i know this, if you understand what we are talking about, you can do this, there is such a concept as extreme sociology, i even somehow perked up like this with...
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well, well, plus there are a number of such secrets not because just so as not to overload this, it’s not in terms of something so prohibitive, so i want to say that this is sociology, which we see now, it gives the result, first, look, what i found out when i analyze it based on indirect signs situation in ukraine, you correctly said that direct uncomfortable questions, will ukraine win or lose in the war, well, of course, the scale of falsity will be high for you, here’s the second question, you just gave me a great eyeliner, look, you analyze ukrainian...
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this is 20%, that is, more people who they believe that a compromise is possible, you know, in western ukraine, this figure was even higher than 80%, who considered a compromise impossible, now this figure is slightly more than 50%, minus 26%, here is the picture in your face, that is, here too they are very checked many such interesting moments, the following, which can work, remember, you and i have talked more than once in the studio about who could be a potential successor , and how much they talked about zaluzhny, i say, the time factor in such conditions, if it doesn’t
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work within a month or two, the name is forgotten, you can put it on the agenda or make a lot of effort, but these are only specialists of your level, well, let’s be so frank, and people who will still be working as a group, then something can be pulled out, but it doesn’t live like that, that is, a person cannot bring to the surface, now the next point, which again works because of sociology, well, let’s say, i also say, remember on one of the broadcasts i say: the question is a parliamentary-presidential republic, look, this is not because i’m smart there or there are a lot of people they don’t understand, well, they imprisoned stefanchuk, but excuse me, he has a slightly low rating, that is, look at the level... but this is also not critical, but again there is a factor of responsibility, a factor of support, and i believe that this is what is happening here now based on this sociology, which receive and do it systematically, i think they pull information from the following order, in my opinion, i only emphasize what lies on the surface, the first is that, let’s say, rotation, that is, zelensky’s rating
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is really falling, this has become an internal problem ukraine, because not only you are talking about this, they are talking about it there, and we even... in this agenda, there is a variation here, but here you need to think, vladimirevich, these are subtle matters, this can be worked, this information can be in good hands have great value in fact, why do americans use it, because they cannot breathe without sociology, this is their culture, that’s the next point, and what ’s new has appeared, so i and kirill just talked about life some time ago, i tell him that it has appeared such
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an interesting social stratum, here are the draft dodgers, the uhilians, this is a large social group that we do not understand its factor...
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in the forehead, so the question is, what is the next step? then the comrades who are measuring the situation, well, measuring it, looking to see if ukraine is ready for protracted war, this is where questions arise from those who moderate these processes, you see, i’ve only gone over the top for you, here you can screw it up, but there won’t be enough air, and are they ready or not, i think not, today, because there’s no such a scenario is going on, because the first thing they would say is sociology with its feet, i confirm to you, my ending of my speech, let’s say, will be like this: yes, this is the brightest sociology, when millions of people become opponents of this process. the question is, how do you manage this? resource? this is the second question, because this resource exists. so that's probably my answer. and how does it affect the mood inside ukraine that more and more ukrainians are going to fight against ukraine? that is, having been
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captured by us, they make a request, they go and fight valiantly. that is, at the same time they are fighting. the ukrainian authorities, they are coping with it so far, while this agenda is moderated by the guys who, well, do sociology in the west, they understand, they keep their hands on poland, they are very competent specialists, but i don’t know how competent they are specialists, because so far i see failure after failure, because they did not retain the emotional component, they could not win back the failure of the counter-offensive, they could not
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sell the idea of ​​​​mobilization, or everyone go fight. therefore, what is happening now is their ukrainian reserves are burning, they are being destroyed by our fearless guys there, they were late with mobilization, well, i still have time to drive people there, a lot of things will change, what can i say, the question, you said the key phrase, this is also sociology you give, to drive , the question is not even well, how to accept it, well, it had to be building a company, and that has always been zelensky’s strong point. he lost it, they stopped trusting him, he did not make serving the ukrainian army a feeling of fashionable, necessary, healthy, no, what is told about the ukrainian army inside ukraine is torture, extortion, lardomania, drug addiction, no rotation, you will not be at home, you got there,
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this whole road is one way, when you come back, everyone will be on their knees to greet you, one more short note, look, literally two phrases, you understand, there’s one too expert sociology, that is, part of the ukrainian expert community of the political community, which is not supporters,
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the founder of the hudson institute, conducted a study, said: what about the cold war with the soviet union, what are the stages of this ladder, escalation, he came out with difficulty about the escalation in 1965, in which he defined 44 stages, steps, how one can rise from friendship to global nuclear war, well, in his understanding , we are now somewhere between 14 and 15 point, between the declaration of a limited nuclear war, almost a nuclear war, when they accidentally used... ryshkin, who said that nato is ready to fight with russia under two conditions: first, if it is profitable for them, and
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we see that this is very profitable, especially before this, we said that we are not dealing with the west, but with countries controlled by western military-industrial capital, and we see how they are now feverishly looking for opportunities to make money, something old, to push new contracts onto ukraine. germans as prime ministers we planned 100 billion for the re-equipment of the bundesfer before the thirtieth year, and the money has already run out, let’s also, in general, everyone likes everything, the second point, if they feel that it is safe for them, there is a nuance here, because we see such a race of cries and slogans, mainly from european countries, who will bite the hardest, well, starting there from the estonian statements, which means the military, that they will destroy the... but in fact, we see that
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a number of countries are taking real actions to push the zelensky regime , v these are mainly britain and france now. the french are shouting, you already said today, they are waving flags, cards, there is permission, use, and we see that the french are already, macron noticed the substitution that happened yesterday. warned that instead of macronika, he had been living with panin for a long time. and i decided to check, i noticed, yes, i imagine macron saying to panin: rudolf gave you away, you don’t have to wear porix anymore, the british are already, let’s say, getting information that stormshadow is used and so on, in some part this maybe fit.
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related to missile defense, raids on our long-range detection radars, attacks on strategic locations, which means our missile carriers, here
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the question immediately arises: at whose expense was this done? here british white explosives immediately pop up, by the way, the icons, when they were imported, there were also british explosives, naval drones, the british, here for some reason all this goes in that direction, wants to ask, why do they need it, what in which -degree americans, having gone into domestic politics agenda, by the way, they have not yet made a decision related to weapons, and you noted this today, so the british have dispersed and are actually starting to push others. because, no matter what happens in ukraine, the americans will continue to exist as a large state and will really dominate in some areas of the world, but for the british there is a problem, because the world is shrinking, the island is small, but realistically if you look at the economic position, if remove this veil of neo-colonial rent from them, problems arise, how to make money, they really have a recession on all counts there without already taking armed forces, so the outbreak of a conflict on
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the european continent... very much meets their political, and most importantly economic interests, they do not hesitate to voice this and act further, but in this part is important what our president said, warning that a small country with a dense population, but there was still something there, this is such a direct hint, it is important that he also said the second thing that we and the americans, relatively speaking, are in a position that if we stay with the americans, “we will remain within the framework of our nuclear parity in strategic means, that is, the era is coming, well, what kissenger said in his writings is a limited nuclear war on the european continent, and he understood that it would not will develop into strikes on countries
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with strategic weapons, because all this will be..."
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at the airfield in the north under the f-16 and there this fork will strike, the russians will strike, the rums will rise, for them an unenviable fate is being prepared , not the romanians will not enter if the russians strike hit, then the rooms will immediately be aine, aine-ne-ne, we don’t need to come here, we see the scandinavians holding out their hands and saying, ready to get out of their leather shorts, saying that we are ready to leave us, swedes, finns, now there are exercises in finland , and there is baur, the head of the military committee.
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