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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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if there is now a mechanism being set up there that will work against us, the main task is to build a system in such a way that it will compress us for a long time, no matter the active stage or something else, they will not retreat, of course we should pour sand into this mechanism , we will already be accused and accused.
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our task was to take a stone, we were attacked, well, i open my eyes, but i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, he says, it’s just my mother, she says, she will be very worried, she says now. "she arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well i was covered like a department, well , it was not clear that there was no leg, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is alive, you can go on reconnaissance with such people, and you will return from reconnaissance with such people, russia , russia, russia". russia,
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russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. who is this? my name is alisa, guests from the future, guest from past, how could i even end up here, space pirates, i love children, they... will meet again, i wanted
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offer you with my hand and heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe it can be done in some other way, anyone can intervene and that time can lead to this, 100 years in the future, but i think that they simply don’t understand the russian bear, they don’t understand , and then...
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as businessmen already say, 20% more, the accusation was directly made by the defense ministers, all of them, that they were corrupt officials, here in russia we really have processes going on, a purge is underway, the court will sort it out there, but in any case case, regardless of names, titles and even merits, in ukraine there is at least something similar there is, unfortunately there is no, and i think that there will not be, because of this corruption scheme.
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we supply at what prices, although i think we buy these and where we do it all, in fact , the operations that they carry out, under the auspices of the fact that the enemy should not find out that we are where corruption scandals will continue in the ministry of defense and in other government bodies , it feels like you know, as they say, at least six pieces of glass from a black sheep, now it seems to me that this period of understanding has come that this power will not last long, you need everything you can get, everything is to the maximum, everything is simple...
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i consider him the best sociologist, at least in ukraine, well, not so much of modern times, but for the sake of objectivity, his company was the best in ukraine, for me here, for me there’s nothing to argue about here , that’s all it says.
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he was afraid, he was afraid that the bet might not be on zelensky, he was very afraid, and he understood, unlike, perhaps, everyone standing in this studio, how this whole thing works, how from a person whom no one knows, you can make the president of the country, and how and a person whom everyone knows can be buried in 2-3 months, well, remember from trascan, for example, well, one time a maid came in by chance, that’s all, and there is no president of france, that’s all. dates, what’s the problem, well, in russia, it’s not a reproach for a young man, well, here, here, here everything could have been completely different, but i think that the external factor, the external control factor, is key, i would of course also agree, why were the troscans persecuted,
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if he had ended up with a man, then it would have been normal, but yes, although not later they, you know, vladimirovich, i assure you, if he had ended up with a man, the result would have been the same, well, just the same.
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so you know, somehow i’m waiting with internal anxiety for these months until the end of this year, i think this is generally an extremely dangerous period, well, are you talking about a nuclear war, or what? no, i’m talking about i and not only about the war, when we talk, you know, they raise the stakes, well, you can raise the stakes, but you can’t wait for the result, you know what’s the matter, yes, well, someone thinks that they are actually excluded option of nuclear strikes or so, well, they
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at first, when information is given by the ukrainian media that there is a confrontation, a tough
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confrontation, the russians are attacking, especially if you read syrsky, yes, they are pressing, they are pressing, but we are counterattacking, we are not losing, we are managing the situation, then little by little, little by little it seeps in, here are the russian armed forces entered the territory there in the helson region, entered the territory of several settlements in the donetsk region, in the dpr, entered the territory of the zaporozhye region, and the fact that...
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i say again, i tried, i write somehow your contacts, nothing, but nothing
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happened, like nothing happened, and how many instructors were there that night, 380 or 410, and how many of them remained alive, and how many were wounded, and how many people were taken in ambulance to lvov, how many were brought by helicopter to the territory of poland, what officer ranks were the people who were there, what happened, this is what happened. you get it and russia doesn’t ask, they just took it and did it, why don’t they talk about this in ukraine, because wait, so this is what it turns out, where are we going, where are we going, in what corner do we want russia to go, where do we want to go, where?
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the ministry of finance has submitted to the government a proposal to improve the tax system, as the head of the department anton siluanov said, the changes will ensure stable and predictable conditions for citizens of business and regions for the next 6 years. among the main changes to personal income tax, the ministry of finance
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proposes five steps in the scale of rates, for example, to keep 13% for those who receive less than 2 million rubles per year, everyone whose salary more than this amount, but less than 5 million, will have to give 15%, then a gradual increase, those who receive over 50 million will give 22%, however, according to the department’s estimates, the changes will affect only 3% of the working population of the country, this is actually very necessary and a timely measure, taking into account that this will affect only 64 million, only 2 million, with an income above 2.4 per year, but the most interesting thing is that thanks to this measure, people with low incomes and receive tax cashback, 18 million people benefit , these are families with children who have more two children. russia, if the new progression scale is adopted, will become 104 in terms of the tax
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ceiling; the highest income taxes in the world are paid by residents of the cat divoar 60%. a little bit more. a modest percentage of 55 can be found in austria, finland, sweden and japan. further , the income tax for companies applying the general rate is proposed to be increased from the current 20 to 25%. the exception is those who work under an agreement on the protection and promotion of capital investments under special investment contracts in special economic zones. these changes should fulfill a stimulating task for investing companies, the state is taking a number of additional measures, in particular. the rate increase is planned to be balanced by deductions, the main one being a new type of federal cashback for investments; the ministry of finance has not yet disclosed its specific parameters. an increase in this rate will have little or no significance at all for companies that are actively investing in modernization, infrastructure development, and social
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projects; this increase in the rate will have a destructive, disincentive effect on that... business that, by and large, is focused exclusively on pumping funds out of the company, those who do not invest in the russian economy, again, turning to world experience, in australia and mexico the corporate income tax is 30%, in argentina, the netherlands and spain, the minimum rate is 25%. many people are concerned about whether increasing rates will lead to higher prices. experts explain that a fair tax system creates factors that, on the contrary, stimulate a reduction in inflation. stands in place not only us, but in other countries, tax rates, in particular for corporate income tax, have changed significantly in the world over the past few years, there is an average rate
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of slightly more than 21%, there are countries where the rate is higher significantly, well, from large economies, for example , this is germany 30%, the highest in malta - 35. the tax package of the ministry of finance will provide over 2.5 trillion rubles to the budget system next year, more than half of this amount will be provided by an increase in corporate income tax.
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on the other hand, business will be sure that taxes will not change much; there are separate changes in the documents for mining companies; taxes for them will be raised slightly. they will tie the mineral extraction tax to the level of world prices, cancel exchange rate export duties, and as a result, the burden for them should not increase much. the ministry of finance proposes to change the principles of the simplified taxation system. it is proposed, firstly, to expand the threshold of the regime to 450 million rubles, to introduce vat for businesses with incomes of 60 million rubles. at the same time , companies that previously used the common system had incomes of over 200 million rubles. they will be able to switch to a simplified version. changes in taxation are due. since january 1 next year, no sudden or urgent decisions are expected; businesses will have the opportunity to prepare.
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we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look, look. in the application or on the website. sbir updated his generative kandinsky neural network, or rather , opened free access to kandinsky video version 1.1. it was announced a month and a half ago with the previous kandensky update to version 3.1, but see how it is works, it has only become possible now. so, at the output you can get a video with a resolution of up to 512 or 640 pixels over a long country, at 30 frames per second. from the stated changes in comparison with the previous version, the maximum duration of the resulting video has decreased by a quarter to 6 seconds, but the generation process itself has accelerated. in addition, as they say, they doubled the quality of the resulting video, for which... the algorithm worked and reduced the number of artifacts. however, as for the final result, a lot depends on the quality of the product, that is, the text request based on which the video is created.
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for example, this is how kandinsky’s video imagines a russian processor in a domestic cellular base station, not exactly photorealistic, but very good. but an attempt to create a video about a yandex drone driving past the arc de triomphe was not as successful as just an unmanned taxi. at the same time, if you leave the product proposed by the system itself about just a car on the road, then it is not without flaws, but it works. probably a lot depends on how well the industrial value corresponds to the dataset on which the model was trained. the fact is that to train visual generative networks , millions of pairs of image descriptions are needed, and if there are still pictures with detailed captions on the network, then there are, as they say, very few detailed descriptions for videos. as a result, sberbank selected videos for... the dataset, and then generated a description for them, again using neural networks, and trained them on that. in general, this problem is global, and the sora project was called a real breakthrough,
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the famous open ai, it was introduced in february of this year and became the first neural network capable of generating very high-quality high-resolution videos with a duration of up to a minute. they can have several characters, different complexity of object movement and at the same time amazing detail. before that, one of the most promising. projects was considered google lumiere, the videos there are short but very realistic, google came up with the idea of ​​teaching a model not just to draw individual frames, but to understand how objects are located in space and how something changes over time. but content video is available for free, and as for longer cinematic-quality videos, the developers in their article on habré named this as their next goal, and probably we should also expect updates to the generation capabilities from yandex-masterpiece. from
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the company of a slightly different nature: open ai is creating a security committee, whose task is to make recommendations to the board of directors when making decisions related to, well, security itself, as stated in the company’s statement, this is done on against the background of the next steps towards the creation of the so-called strong artificial intelligence or general-purpose artificial intelligence, this refers to a neural network, which theoretically can reach a new level, and, as some investigators believe, will gain the ability to self-learn.
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he was dismissed with the wording due to loss of trust, then, however, several employees wrote a statement after him, probably the investors who invested tens of billions of dollars in the project also had their say, the altmans were returned, the court skever, who initially supported the rebels, then changed his mind, on the contrary, left the project, and his team of neurosecurity workers was disbanded, and now a new one has been created, led by sam...
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you will die, and i, like us, he says, who will protect you if not me, many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after finishing school, and went
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to serve as volunteers in a roundabout way. i found out what it’s like to actually be in a war, right on the front line, my youngest brother is also 17 years old, seryosha, he also wants to go the same way, i realized that i can’t sit anymore, i have a lot to learn from the young guys.
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by the end of summer, national projects must be drawn up and coordinated with each other, such a task. putin put national projects at a meeting of the council for strategic development. the president noted that the main, meaningful work to achieve national goals is not carried out in offices, on the ground, in cities and towns. details in the report by alexey konopko. to the dozen and a half national projects that have been operating in the country for several years and are producing real results, now they are adding five more. the president named them in his message, but simple addition is not enough. in some places the problems have already been solved, in others there are resources.


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