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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the strategic development council at one time united several structures at once, and today, at the president’s suggestion , the state council also joined the conversation so that everyone could come together at once. plan what the road to the country’s goals will be in its regions, especially since a lot depends on local work. the main thing is that meaningful work to achieve national goals is carried out, of course, not in offices, it takes place on the ground, in the subjects of the federation in our cities and towns, and this means that the determining role this is where the efforts of regional and municipal teams, entrepreneurs, public associations, and citizen initiatives come into play. this is natural, but we can already
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say that spending on national projects will become the core of the most significant part of the development budget at the federal and regional levels, and therefore a key direction for all levels of government. for each of the current national projects, on behalf of the president , the relevant deputy head of government was personally responsible. each item on the new list will also have its own curator. michael mishusin listed everything today. promised the president to meet the development deadlines. over the course of two months , strategic sessions will be held with the participation, of course, of members of the state council and governors; by september 1 , we will have formed, accordingly, all the main activities for the new national projects, and will carry out the corresponding instructions. by december, all new national projects must be approved, and most importantly, financing. the new secretary of the state council was also present in the hall today. the president appointed him to this position. his assistant, just
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alexei dyumin, who left tula after several years of successful work as governor. now there will be a more in-depth immersion into the voices of the subjects who answer.
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many in the room offer their own ideas, the governor of the ivanovo region, on behalf of the working group on healthcare, calls for financing the industry based on geography ; the government seems not against it, you propose to distribute resources not only according to population size, but about the real state of the healthcare system in the region, yes, who will determine this real condition, some had more opportunities due to the fact that richer budgets have the opportunity to direct their own...
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most of the development goals will in one way or another relate to the social sphere, everything - the well-being of people. it will be necessary to increase life expectancy and the number of children in families,
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modernize infrastructure and not forget about environmental protection. we have formulated several principles: an environmentally responsible economy, in particular resource efficiency, production of durable things, refusal of non-recyclables.
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the current trials that we are facing, we nevertheless have all the capabilities, resources, personnel to implement the plans, for the confident, long-term, comprehensive development of russia of our territories, regions, settlements, and i would like to draw your attention again, we will evaluate the results of national projects not by how many events are carried out or how much funds are spent, but by how ... national development goals are achieved, how people's lives actually change, and of course, how do the citizens themselves evaluate these changes? work there will be many more, but the national projects drawn up by the end of summer will start working next year. alexey knopko, mogomeev, stanislav petrov, sergey zanin, maria radimova, natalya lundovskaya, anna kolk, news. sweden has announced
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a billion-euro military aid package for ukraine. and there are two saab 340 argus reconnaissance aircraft from the nineties. then the swedes made 12 pieces and moved on, but now defense minister jonson reports that thanks to radars, these two aircraft will help the ukrainians detect cruise missiles and even drones. another belligerent report came from neighboring poland, from the deputy head of the national defense, who stated that polish weapons can be used in the ssu, without restrictions, that is, they can be used to hit the territory of russia, the same permissions to shoot everywhere were given to the ukrainians by great britain, canada, latvia, lithuania, the netherlands and france, the czech republic, estonia and finland, while only great britain and france from the entire list gave ukraine truly long-range stormshadow missiles, another name for scalp. and how
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in kiev for the second week they cannot give an answer to the question, in whose hands is the legitimate power in ukraine now? since may 20, vladimir zelensky is officially no longer president; on this day , according to the law , a new elected head of state was supposed to take office, but there are elections.
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meat of convicts of both sexes. this, of course, is far from the only example of the indiscriminate
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cruelty of conscription activities. details in the material by maria valieva. fist fights in dnepropetrovsk are fought off by women. in the first round, victory for tcc. they were able to get the man onto the bus. in the second, activists pulled him out of the window and helped him pick up his bicycle from the trunk. against the backdrop of tightening mobilization in ukraine , the situation is heating up; residents do not take zelensky’s loud statements about the counter-offensive seriously. zero additional help is zero, and zelensky promises a counter-offensive. people need to be disposed of. people are outraged and are not afraid to fight back against the military commissars, who hand out summonses to everyone indiscriminately. with a prosthetic instead of a leg, his nerves went away when they approached him strong healthy guys from the shopping center. come on, write,
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my place, right away to avdeevka, i answer, i ’ll immediately pop with you, together we’ll take the hand to go to avdeevka, but something to go to ovdeevka, then the tsekashniks are in no hurry, the brave lads in bulletproof vests only able to walk the streets accompanied by the police and take people to military registration and enlistment offices, and who will go to the front there, will a person be able to? he is comfortable seeing how you bury your children and husbands, he is comfortable looking at children’s graves and children’s torn bodies, and he is completely reflects zelensky’s opinion, there are no people willing to die for zelensky’s corrupt, bloody regime, people consider giving their lives. has a legal education, who
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understands, understands the processes, otherwise the enemies of ukraine are really enemies, but the question of which ukraine, what kind of ukraine, maybe that corrupt one, the decisions of the current government in ukraine causes a flurry of indignation among citizens, especially with regard to the decline. conscription age from 27 to 25 years, and there is no guarantee that he will not be lowered further to 23, or even to 18 years of age. within a few for months, exchanges of captured military personnel have been suspended due to the ukrainian side, as stated by obbudsman tatyana moskalkova. according to her, the kiev regime constantly puts forward new far-fetched demands, and those ukrainians who are captured by our military talk about a lack of training and zero support from
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the command. details in the material by evgenia petrukhina. i went out to the store to buy bread and met him. and his colleagues surrendered in the kharkov region, were surrounded, and before the motorized rifle company lysenko was in division of material support, and even there, as he says, there is a shortage of everything, well , it’s difficult, because there was a shortage of material support, well, it doesn’t matter. during 4 months of training in ukraine, they fired only 15 rounds, says valentin matsepura. and when we found ourselves in the kupinsky
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direction, we didn’t even know which side of the enemy’s position was or where to shoot. as a result , she was wounded.
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your guys took me prisoner, although they could have freely shot me, so they brought me in, they cooked me scrambled eggs, gave me coffee, the ammunition was running out, the radios were silent, and eight soldiers, including the commander, surrendered to the fighters of the northern group, we... well , as if they were passing the word on, no one was saying anything, there was no help, and we decided to surrender to captivity, but will the ordinary soldiers be taken away? from captivity the ukrainian side, exchanges have been suspended for several months, as tatyana moskalkova said, due to the far-fetched demands of ukraine, unfortunately, for several months because of
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ukraine, which constantly puts forward new far-fetched demands, exchanges have been suspended, we are located. dialogues with the ukrainian ombudsman and the international committee of the red cross. according to the agreement , the ukrainian obbudsman visited our prisoners of war, day after day, and i, together with the staff members who are present here today, visited the ukrainian military personnel, more than 700 citizens from both sides and... also agreed on mirror transfers from home, things, letters, notes from children. vladimir stelmashek was captured near the yar clock when he tried to deliver batteries to the front line of the ukrainian armed forces. after the arrival of the uav, stelmashek, as he himself says, got lost, and raising his hands, he went to the positions of the russian army. get away from this mobilization, if you are already caught, get up
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and surrender, like this tanker, maxim likhachov, he stole a ukrainian one. 64 went to the positions of the russian army with a raised cannon, indicating that he was surrendering. now it is quite possible that he will decide to fight on the side of russia, where they certainly do not abandon their own people. evgenia petrukhina, yulia tyushevskaya, news. tretikovka masterpieces can now be seen not only in moscow, but also at foreign exhibitions. the legendary museum, which houses one of the world's largest collections of russian fine art, has opened its first regional branch in samara. next up. leningrad and vladivostok. tickets sold out several months in advance. veronika tivikova found out what paintings were brought and what else was prepared for the first guests. detailed lighting. gives us the opportunity to understand that this, for example, is not kuznyaya us, the famous hunters at a halt ended up in the tretyukov branch in samara immediately after a long restoration, this is a picture many
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saw it for the first time. those who saw her before, she was so darker, now a lot of layers of old varnish have been removed from her, she just became so lighter, somehow festive. the theme of the first ever exhibition on taste and color, images of food in russian art, 92 masterpieces were delivered from moscow to samara under armed guard from the fund to galleries and private ones. collections. another recognizable picture of a tea party in mytishchi near moscow. vasily perov was commissioned by officials and local authorities to write a work on a topic that was fashionable for the mid-19th century, but when they saw job, they immediately refused it. perov wrote it in his accusatory , acutely social style. the decision to create a branch of the tretyukov factory in samara, of which there are currently three planned in the country, was made in 2018. starting next year , the restoration of the legendary kitchen factory began, its history being dedicated. this is our very long-awaited child, our long-awaited home, we are glad that it turned out so beautiful that
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, as it seems to us, it should not disappoint the residents of samara who love this building, i want today on behalf of governor dmitry azarov, who was also at the origins of this project, thank everyone who was involved in this matter, social activists, architects, builders, museum workers. post-war unofficial art, as well as paintings by artists of the last 25 years. on average, two to three times a year they will be brought to exhibitions. initially, we
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agreed with the big tretyakov that all world tours and tretyakov tours begin or end in samara. residents of samara will see tretyakov’s masterpieces on may 30. tickets sold out for months forward. veronika tivikova, mikhail vodovozov, host samara. how is this day remembered in history? right now. hello. today we celebrate the birthday of one of the most famous cosmonauts in the world, alexei leonov. he was born in the siberian village of listvyanka
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90 years ago, on may 30, 1934. he graduated from aviation school, became a fighter pilot and joined the first cosmonaut corps. and he was the first man to go into outer space. this was a landmark event in the development of astronautics. started in 1965 together with pavel. then it's not enough who knew how much he risked, what he experienced in those 12 minutes and 9 seconds that he was outside the ship. tachycardia, rapid breathing, sweat poured down my face. leonov lost 6 kg of weight. due to the pressure difference, the suit swelled and it was impossible to enter the airlock, but the astronaut did not lose his cool. he vented the air and managed to return to the ship. further worse, due to failures in the control system , we had to land manually, with a g-force of 10. because the landing capsule began to rotate furiously, we landed 200 km from the calculated place, spent the night in the remote taiga in 30-degree frost, but everything ended
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well, and then leonov once again set off on an epoch-making flight, in the seventy- fifth of the apollo soyuz program he docked with an american spacecraft, and if you had the opportunity to fly somewhere else, now where did you fly , well, i had a dream to be... into space and how to stand on the footboard of a tram and fly around the entire globe, it was so interesting, i only flew around a quarter of the globe. alexey arkhipovich was a versatile personality, he was fond of painting, wrote books, and they were named in his honor. space objects, streets and even a children's art school, and the film "time of the first" was made about his exploits. on may 30, 1593 , he died... christopher marlowe, an outstanding english poet and playwright, his life is full of mysteries, the son of a shoemaker somehow graduated from cambridge, was a spy for elizabeth i and
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unexpectedly took up literature. his plays had enormous success: tamerlane, the great skivian shepherd, the tragic story of doctor faustus and others. psychologism, depth of characters, brilliance of monologues written in blank verse—this was innovation for the 16th century. u marloo had a reputation as a libertine izodira. he was threatened with prison, but he did not live to see the trial; he was killed with a knife in a tavern in london. he was not even thirty. a popular version is that the death was staged, and then marlow committed it under his name. william shakespeare. both were born in the same year, and shakespeare gained fame only after the death of marlol. researchers compare their dictionary, the work finds many matches. but all that has been proven is that these playwrights knew each other and co-wrote several plays. may 30 in 1918 , georgy checherin took charge of the foreign policy of soviet russia. he was appointed people's commissar for
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foreign affairs instead of lvotro. who treated diplomacy with disdain, because he believed that when the world revolution broke out, the workers of all countries would unite, the need to establish relations with other states would disappear. checherin was a social democrat, a comrade-in-arms of lenin, and at the same time managed to work in the tsar’s foreign ministry. first, relations were established with afghanistan, turkey and iran, then in in the early twenties, the turn of europe came, which then became convinced that it was relying on international isolation. russia and the ussr failed. in just a few years, almost all the leading western powers recognized our country. this event went down in history as a streak of recognition and cartoonists depicted foreign representatives eager to receive checherin. on may 30, 1975 , a convention establishing a european space agency was signed in paris. it brought together satellite
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and launch vehicle development corporations that emerged. still at the beginning sixties, but europe lagged behind the russian americans in the space race and it was decided to catch up. the first project, already in 1975, launched an x-ray observatory into orbit to study the galaxy, then the ariane and vega launch vehicles were developed. they will launch from the kourou spaceport in french guiana. the agency has many achievements. launch of a space telescope, creation of the galileo satellite navigation system, interplanetary flights. parades to meet comet golay, descent to titan, one of the moons of saturn, we launched into orbit european satellites, russian spacecraft were launched from the kourou cosmodrome, today all bilateral projects have been curtailed, but confrontation and sanctions are unlikely to benefit the european space industry. this is what this day in history was like.
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i realized that i can’t sit anymore, i have something to learn from the young guys.
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