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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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and who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here, space pirates, i love children. will meet again, wanted to offer you with his hand and heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe there is some other way, any interference in time could lead him to this, 100 years ago, news from the middle of the hour, briefly: moscow
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localized a strong fire in building with warehouses and production workshops, the fire was stopped on an area of ​​​​about 3.00 km, about one and a half thousand the building collapsed, in helicopters helped extinguish the fire, but now there are urgent messages, the open fire in the industrial building in slazsk in the east of moscow has been eliminated, the ministry of emergency situations reports. israel stated that it had established control over the border between the gas sector and egypt and discovered 20 tunnels there, they led from one side to the other. in egypt, in turn, they say. with such statements, tel arif is trying to justify the military operation in rafak. north korea fired a salvo of ballistic missiles towards the sea of ​​japan. in south korea , they counted 10 missiles, all of them fell within outside japan's exclusive economic zone. one rose to a height of 100 km. the premiere of the comedy naughty took place in moscow. in the third and final part of the film story, the heroes will have to re-educate adults. who are tasked with rehabilitating
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children. the film will be released on june 6. and now technology news. in the studio is philip trofimov, the host of the program. philip, greetings. the leak of internal google documents is being called the most serious in at least 15 years. what is in these documents and what could be the consequences? good afternoon. well, firstly, the documents concern perhaps the most guarded secret of the planet’s main search engine. this could impact all online businesses around the world. well, except for china. and then google was caught lying and forcibly promoting individual sites. all in all, a great story. the largest leak from google, which could have very large-scale consequences. the main search engine on the planet somehow lost 2,500 pages of technical documentation, which concerns the holy of holies, the search algorithms of the very tool that for google is the basis of everything business, and for the rest of the world, that which largely determines whether it survives or dies in obscurity. the authenticity of its leak. several former
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google employees have already confirmed this; moreover, some of them shared additional information with the researchers; all this together , at a minimum, has already made it possible to refute some of the main search engine’s statements regarding the site ranking algorithms used. in particular , google representatives have been asserting for years that user behavior, in particular clicks, is not are taken into account, just as data from the chrome browser is not used, that the domain name and age of the site do not matter, and much more. and... all this turned out to be untrue. but the information was confirmed that google has white lists of sites that are promoted forcibly. however, the leaked document is interesting because it gives an idea of ​​the amount of information that google processes when ranking search results. for example, the same mouse clicks on the internet, the search engine distinguishes between a dozen types, in particular, the situation when a person from the search i went to the site and immediately returned. the activity of the cursor, that is, the behavior of a billion users, is also monitored...
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by the google chrome browser, which is also taken into account, while clicks are just one of the parameters, and there are more than 14,000 such parameters in the leaked documentation. another question is that it is unknown which of these parameters still work in reality and which do not; in addition, the leak does not provide an understanding of the degree of influence of each of the parameters on the final result of google’s algorithms, but without that, the published documents will obviously give a ton of new work for so-called search engine optimization specialists, it's a huge industry, hundreds of thousands. a person who, for years, actually by touch, by indirect signs and trial error methods , studied the algorithms of google, and of course, yandex too, in order to bring sites to the top of search engine results, and some promote legitimate projects in this way, others spam ones fraudulent, and there were examples of natural hooliganism, which even received a proper name, google bombing, for example, at one time for searches in the context of “pathetic failure”, the biography of us president george w. bush was brought to the first line of search results. and the first
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known case of google bombing was the association of the microsoft site with the search for a greater evil than satan himself. actually, this is one of the reasons why search engine algorithms are kept secret and even. hiding behind misinformation. hardware news. we didn't have time to get to the counter with the first very productive laptops based on the new microsoft copilot specification. pc, where the emphasis is on solving problems of artificial intelligence, including directly on the device. and they are already preparing a much more powerful update by the company that has benefited the most from the current neural networks race. let me remind you that just last week microsoft presented a new class of computers and even. the windows 11 operating system worked under it, all in order to embed generative neural networks into all processes possible. and from that, one of the key specification requirements for such laptops is the minimum performance of the neuroso processor at 40 tops (40 trillion operations per second). and
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now nvidia has announced its intention to produce the computing part for the copilot plus pc in partnership with the taiwanese media. this is interesting because it is on nvidia graphics accelerators that more work is done. part of all projects in the field of artificial intelligence in the world, thanks to which the value of invidia itself exceeded $2.8 trillion the day before, almost like apple. in general, the new laptops promise performance in working with neural networks that is three times greater than that of solutions presented just a week ago. well , and, probably, the shortest youtube video, well , of the relatively informative, to be more precise, video of the process, which in... takes so little time that you can literally blink through it, it lasts less than your eyes remain closed while blinking. this is a robot from mitsubishi electric that set a world record by solving the rupee cube in 305 seconds. for comparison, a record holder needs more than 3
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seconds. according to ptsubishi electric, the secret success, in servo motors that can rotate the face of a cube exactly 90° in just 9 seconds. and improve this result. as they say, it will be difficult, well, simply because faster movements no longer pull the material of the cube itself. that's all about technology for now, roman! philip, thank you, we continue, right after the commercial, a report from the premiere of the comedy “naughty.” only in alfabank, spin the reel in the application and receive a supercake up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in categories guaranteed. if
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baltika 7 non-alcoholic. experience the perfection of taste. meet free baby stuff. sbr card, limited design, access to sim card with swow tariff, month of communication free of charge sticker, children's savings card - an adult approach, if you exist, be the first, the first, whoever you are, from songs, the best songs, from books, real books, and don’t listen to the cowardly, you will blow them away like foam. if you exist, be the best, if you exist, be the first. gdve fuel unlocks the potential of the engine and those who strive to be first. tested under racing conditions. drive: be the first. i am something good, something better. and i'm
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useful. oh yeah. and you control me, regularly. oh, i’m the new vtb loyalty program. select the categories you need. together everything will work out, exactly on target, this is a goal, this is a victory, this is a victory, russia, russia, russia, russia, whether you throw out the trash already or not, so, attention, we have a replacement, a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field, to win. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first,
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someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket change the world, megamarket, just grow with us, this is sasha, it is important for him to have friends were nearby, maxim always tells his friends yes, masha will help at any moment. a vanya will never keep you waiting, start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 1,500 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. i'm not a fighter, i came for my brother. here all senses are heightened to the limit. happiness resurrected me. go, i
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'll come back for you. in the donetsk people's republic, the restoration of production at coal enterprises is in full swing. so at the komsomolets-donbassa mine they began to update the material and technical base for mining operations. will allow for a multiple increase in production coal, they plan to involve students in the work, the topic will be continued by alexander podoprigora. the industrial giant of the republic, the komsomolets donbass mine, a staff of 2,800 people, many of whom continue family dynasties, including the operator of mining mining machines, yuri moskol spent half his life underground. we carry out repair work, since our shift is not productive, well, we check the combine, everything is under load so that the site works for a day. normal, because in the mining business , safety is at the forefront, the task repair crews - to reduce the number of accidents,
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ideally to prevent them from happening at all, to protect ourselves so that there are no injuries, no accidents, but this is how we mine coal, the more coal, the more money, the older the equipment, the higher the likelihood of its failure out of order, the situation is also recognized by investors who entered the mine in april; a large amount of equipment is morally and physically outdated, which requires... not only major repairs, but also 100% replacement. you don’t have to wait long for a decision, just a few days back, the company received a road support machine for restoring and expanding workings, loading rock mass, and drilling explosive fastening holes. it has the ability to undermine the soil itself and load it into wagons. how did you work before? yes, we used jackhammers to demolish this and loaded it with a shovel. how difficult. this is very hard work. the work of all sites, of which there are more than thirty, is gradually
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being automated, and this will allow for a manifold increase in coal production rates. it is noteworthy that the method combine and drilling and blasting workings. specialists are trained in these areas, including at the donetsk national technical university. students mainly from the faculty of mining, mining geology, which is united into the institute of mining department of geology, are geologists and specialize in the enrichment of fossiliferous minerals and the development of fossiliferous deposits. the halls are being renovated comprehensively, last year the university received several microscopes and an analyzer for full-fledged studies of the composition of minerals shows how they work rector of the university alexander anaprienko, we press the button and we get the composition that 90% of this dust here consists of iron and can be recycled, so to speak. in this case, the productivity of researchers increases tens and even hundreds of times, weekly analyzes are reduced to 15 seconds, and this opens up fundamentally new opportunities for assistance. production , the revival of donbass is already the third in a row, and the first after the civil war, the second after the great patriotic war, the revival
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that is now, it will already be, well, it’s possible say, neo-economics, a new economy, which is based on such intellectual, technological equipment. taking into account the specifics of the region, improving the efficiency of miners' labor comes to the fore: t-grade black gold, which is produced in the mountains by the komsomol mine from donbass , is used to supply power plants in the region, and this is a guarantor of light and heat in people's homes, in this... in moscow the film center showed the premiere of the comedy naughty in october, the film will be released in wide release on june 6, this is the final third part of the franchise about adventures of a prankster starring gosha kutsenko. this time, the heroes are faced with a more difficult task: to rehabilitate the adults who are tasked with rehabilitating the children. how they cope, the author of the presenter
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of the film industry program, ivan kudryavtsa, found out. and not just children, but the children from the orphanage, we won’t let them go completely. the hero is entrusted with the task of slipping, who himself stumbled a long time ago, but only recently corrected himself. former bandit, and now a novice of anatoly’s father, sasha cherny, played by gosha kutsenko, saving children from crime, is soon forced to flee from him. sasha is being pursued by an enemy from her past. and now the children are his cover, and his headache, and of course, his gift from fate, although he will not understand it right away. the bunch is not a gift, for sure. the audience's favorite, the first disobedient, former pranker dimon, will also come to the rescue.
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he told me, he says: i came up with everything, the third part is there, i came up with everything. adventures will take the heroes far to the north, the film was shot in teriberka, the new scope, entertainment and intrigue are designed to develop the success of the series, which previously collected 800 million rubles at the box office. movie - must not be in over his head, but above himself, we made this movie first, we have to jump over ourselves, he’s lucky today like a step, well done gosh, that he played this in general really...
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an account and connect services for online trading from sber for 0 rubles. help at the start from sberbank experts, all services in your online bank, analytics on your business and transfer of all proceeds without commission. open up account in sberbank and use all services for business development, business. it's a total blast, we're watching to spend time with the kids, russian cartoons and children's programs, we're watching, in the app or on the website, may on the russian plain will end with tropical heat, but beyond the urals it's still snarling. winter, is it true that soon the whole of western siberia will be under its rule, when the showers drive away the extreme heat from moscow. current
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weather analytics on russia 24 channel, i’m vadim zavuchenkov, leading specialist in centrophobos. hello, on the eve of summer the weather the contrasts on opposite sides of the ural ridge reached their climax. instead of may 29, february 129. these are the residents of ugra, talking about the landscapes outside the window. on wednesday , many settlements of the khantemansky autonomous okrug were covered with snow. in addition to the capital of the region, precipitation in the solid phase occurred in vneshvartovsk, nefteyugansk, langepas, and kogolym. on may 29th the snow does not calm down. yamal, for example, in november, snowfall paralyzed traffic on the roads and disrupted the work of the airport. as a result of a powerful arctic invasion, siberia even began
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temporary snow cover will be restored. of course, we are talking only about the northern half of the region, but here, as a rule, all relapses of winter are completed by mid-may, at the end of the month the last time something like this was observed in... the year, and if the temporary snow cover lay mosaic, then another manifestation arctic invasion of frost will be more widespread, look, already on friday the entire territory of western and central siberia will be in the zone of negative night temperatures, right up to the line tyumen, omsk, kemerovo, and this is also serious an anomaly, because in these latitudes the frost period usually ends on average 10 days earlier. by the way, it was not only the streets of siberian cities that suddenly turned white at the end of may. due to the heat in the black earth region and the middle volga, poplars are already being pushed with might and main. rescuers
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ask not to set fire to poplar fluff, but there are always those who want to experiment. and this is what it leads to. a serious fire broke out in lipetsk the day before, cargo trailers and a gazelle were burning. according to eyewitnesses, the fire spread to them . frantic, still a little sunken snowstorms will swirl in moscow. on wednesday , the capital’s thermometers reached +28 for the first time since the beginning of the year. to slightly refresh the atmosphere in the megalopolis, air aeration is carried out. there are fog machines at stations. thanks to the anticyclone, the sun on the russian plain will continue to be hot today. as a result, there are columns in the northwest and center of the region. happy day +28:33.
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due to the intense heating of the earth's surface , powerful updrafts will form in the atmosphere, so that cumulonimbus will develop in certain areas. clouds carrying thunderstorms, hail and squally winds. today , the north-west of the russian plain, the middle volga and the south of the urals, as well as the southern regions of the country are in a special risk zone. if we talk in detail about the capital, over... moscow, the first thunderclouds will begin to appear on friday evening, in the following days local showers with thunderstorms will become an everyday occurrence. at the end of the working week in the megalopolis, extreme heat will still remain in the afternoon +29:30, but then the sultry anomaly will decrease slightly, temperature the maximum will not exceed +26-28°. that's all for me, goodbye.
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eliminated in the east of moscow. open burning of an industrial building, we will tell you all the details. today a meeting of the eu energy council will be held in brussels, where they will discuss the abandonment of russian fuel. our economic editorial office has all the details. israel said it had established control of the border between the gas sector and egypt. let's tell you more about the situation in the middle east. premiere in snuffboxes this weekend the audience will see the performance heirs, director and leading actor vladimir mashkov. the metropolitan area will be hot like summer. moscow is expecting july heat, how long will you hold off the flow?
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an open burning of an industrial building in eastern moscow has been extinguished. it houses production workshops and warehouses. the fire area reached 4.00 km and partially collapsed from the roof. the rapid spread of the fire was facilitated by the design features of the building. the crews needed help from the air. two firefighting helicopters dropped more than 200 tons of water on the fire. vehicle traffic in the area is blocked. there are no reports of casualties; the cause of the fire is under investigation. the roar of powerful explosions last night. were heard in several parts of ukraine at once, while in most regions several series of detonations occurred, at least two, according to local publications in the khmelnitsky region, one of them occurred in starokonstantinov, next to which there is a large military airfield, here in kharkov, where numerous explosions have been thundering since wednesday evening, a critical infrastructure facility has been damaged, this is already city ​​officials confirmed. the roar was heard twice in dnepropetrovsk, the night before
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ukrainian journalists reported the explosion. in odessa. air.


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