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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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open burning of an industrial building containing production workshops and warehouses. the fire area reached 4.00 km and partially collapsed from the roof. the rapid spread of the fire was facilitated by the design features of the building. the crews needed air support. two firefighting helicopters dropped more than 200 tons of water on the fire. vehicle traffic in the area is blocked. there are no reports of casualties; the cause of the fire is being investigated. the roar of powerful explosions last night was heard in several parts of ukraine. at the same time, in the majority regions, several series of detonations occurred. at least two, according to local publications in the khmelnitsky region. one of them occurred in starokonstantinov, next to which there is a large military airfield. but in kharkov, where numerous explosions have been heard since wednesday evening, a critical infrastructure facility has been damaged. this has already been confirmed by city authorities. the roar was heard twice in dnepropetrovsk, a. the
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night before, ukrainian journalists reported about explosions in odessa. the air raid alert was announced several times, and closer to morning it sounded on throughout the country. now to the situation in the nwo zone. russian anti-aircraft gunners in the agdeevsky direction effectively protected the unit on the front line from air attacks. for this purpose, air defense combat crews have, among other things, strela missile systems. anti-aircraft gunners operate in constant coordination with reconnaissance. our war correspondence.
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here is the story of one of the officers of the central military district, working at that same strela anti-aircraft missile system, everything happens in cooperation with...
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undercover, including the complex the tank crews of the central military district are also working, the ammunition is completely used up now, the t-90 breakthrough is heading to the base to replenish it. the battalion commander with the call sign sane tells us about the peculiarities of combat work when the infantry advances in the ovdeevsky direction. exactly.
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news: avdeevskoe direction. the united states has become an accomplice in the crimes of the kiev regime. glova mit sergei lavrov, in an interview with riya novosti, also stated: the white house intends to inflict a strategic defeat on russia and is not interested in the fate of civilians residents in our cities. washington and nato are ready for anything in the ukrainian conflict. lavrov called it a symbol. the planned supply of f-16 aircraft to zelensky. they have long been the main means of delivering nuclear warheads in the alliance program. in moscow, the desire to transfer fighter jets is regarded as a signal in the nuclear sphere. lavrov emphasized: f-16s will be destroyed, like any other western weapons in ukraine. the minister also noted that russia expects that joint exercises with belarus on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons they will bring their opponents to their senses and remind them of...
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the catastrophic consequences in the path of nuclear escalation. the world is dancing on the edge of a volcano, as ex-french president nicolas sarkozy commented on the latest statement by european leaders. if possible, shelling of russian territory with nato weapons. sarkozy stressed that moscow and paris must not be allowed to enter into open confrontation. alka komarova will tell you how other western politicians commented on the possibility of a collapse of the ukrainian conflict. berlin tiptoes around the issue of ukrainian strikes on russia with nato weapons. an article was published with this title in a political publication. according to journalists, german chancellor olaf scholz is allegedly one step away from that. to officially approve the use of german weapons to shell russian territories. bloodthirsty enthusiasm was shown in london; british prime minister rishi sunok, in an interview with tymes, recalled his country’s past merits in arming ukraine and said: “the ukrainian armed forces themselves decide where and with what to strike.” i
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regularly speak with vladimir zelensky, as it is their business that operates in the ussr, but i am proud that we were the first country to transfer extended-range weapons to ukraine. however , nato is objectively not ready for a one-for-all, all-for-one position, especially for the sake of ukraine, the financial times reports. according to journalists, the european part of the bloc has less than 5% of the air defense capacity necessary for open confrontation.
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the united states, on the other hand, does not share europe’s predatory position. not only has washington still not supplied eu member states with new weapons in return for those that were given to kiev, the states are not yet ready to support strikes with nato weapons on... russian territories. there are no changes that i can announce. we do not encourage or facilitate attacks on russian territory using american weapons. to date, there has been no change in the us position. but new york times journalists are confident that biden will inevitably change his decision regarding strikes on russia, and the white house has even allegedly launched a formal expedited procedure revision of existing ones. restrictions. the day before , vladimir putin reminded his western colleagues: moscow knows that attacks on russian territories will be coordinated by nato specialists who are already present in the conflict zone. however, europe does not openly admit this and even denies it. they are not ready for direct confrontation. no one has yet been able
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to explain what the advantage was in sending our instructors to ukraine to conduct training there. additional effect that i don't see doesn't correlate with risk and effort. which will have to be applied, so for germany this is not an option. meanwhile, german newspapers write that local residents are blocking weapons production and government agencies because berlin's intervention in the ukrainian conflict is undermining the german economy. and the american press reports: the states will not survive in a global conflict. already , the us military leadership has to balance between financing its own army and subsidies to other states in order to maintain the myth of washington’s power. a like a children's sber card, limited children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as design, free registration, access to a sim card
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a meeting of the eu energy council will be held in brussels, the relevant minister of the eu countries will discuss the plan for europe’s energy independence from russian fossil fuels, which, let me remind you, is going to be achieved by the thirtieth year. maria filippova has all the details, she will join me. masha, hello, tell us, in general, how experts evaluate. sasha, hello, emphasizes that europe, of course, is getting its way, but to the detriment of ordinary residents and businesses. so, europe is discussing the implementation of a plan to reduce dependence on russian energy supplies. a recent imf report says that by 2030 the eu could completely abandon them. in addition, the other day it became known that a number of political figures in germany and the czech republic came up with an initiative to completely abandon not only oil and gas. from russia, but also from nuclear fuel, while a complete refusal, according to the european supervisory body in
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energy sector, eser, can lead to energy shock. analysts agree. at peak times, in the best years, so to speak, europe consumed about 480 billion mt of gas. that is, last year it consumed only 330. europe has greatly reduced gas consumption. at the expense of - various initiatives, and naturally, this is primarily at the expense of households and industries, and speaking from an economic point of view, well, it might be loud if it is suicide, but this is quite economically unjustified solution. in just 2 years, the european union has reduced gas consumption by more than 100 billion cubic meters and rolled back to the level of ninety- six. such data is contained in a new report from gazprom. they call this the first historical example of artificial destruction of demand for natural gas. in
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the twenty-first year, the share of russian gas among all european imports was 41%, and in the winter of the twenty-third - only 15. however, after a while, against the backdrop of a discussion about the complete abandonment of gas from russia, supplies increased. at the beginning of may it became known about an increase in russian exports to the european union via the turkish stream gas pipeline from january to april by 38% in annual terms. the data is published by the european network. operators of gas transmission systems, in april the increase was 15% in annual terms to 1.23 billion cubic meters, and this does not cover all of europe’s gas needs. perhaps, today austria is the main consumer of russian gas, which goes through gas pipelines, and at the same time, the key buyers of oil from russia are hungary and slovakia, they they receive oil through the southern branch of the druzhba oil pipeline, and therefore, if and if this initiative
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is crowned with success, then these are precisely the countries that will suffer from it. shortage of energy resources, while in europe itself it will not be possible to significantly increase production due to the depletion of norway’s resource base. in brussels, they take credit for this reduction in consumption, without thinking about the long-term consequences. some countries are betting on the transition to renewable energy sources, but the industry is you can't survive on food. for example, a country like denmark, yes, it can switch to energy supply using only wind energy. suppose sweden can partially, estonia, my native, i was born and raised there, it can too, because there is no industrial production there, there is no population, there are countries like france, germany, which means italy, where there is industrial production, such sources they physically cannot cross, because their economy is based on industrial production. meanwhile, in the ministry of economic development, when analyzing reports for the first quarter of this year, recorded
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significant revenues from the oil and gas sector, almost 3 trillion rubles, this is approximately... 80% higher than the figure for the same period in 2023, well, an increase in revenues from the export of both oil and gas , is, of course, not connected with the situation in the european direction, it is connected primarily with the supply of russian oil and russian gas to other markets, which are already a priority for us, and let me remind you that the key demand for energy resources, as a whole on resources, is formed. in the countries of the pacific region, southeast asia, in particular, at the moment the largest buyers of russian oil are india, china, and gas, respectively, the chinese direction is also actively developing. so the eu’s initiative to refuse liquefied natural gas from our country does not pose a threat to russia. but, as the foreign ministry noted, a ban on the import of russian lng to europe
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will lead to higher prices for consumers and create new risks for business costs. international energy security, the ministry also recalled the task set by the president, which must be completed in the coming decades, to increase the production of domestic lng to 100 million tons. and there will always be buyers of the resource, confident experts, sasha. thank you masha, it was maria filippova with a story about europe’s plans to abandon russian gas. and let's move on to other topics. it is in full swing in the donetsk people's republic. restoration of production at coal enterprises, such as at the komsomol mine from donbass began to update the material and technical base for mining operations. automation of production will allow for a manifold increase in coal production. they plan to involve today's students in the work. our colleague in the region will continue the topic. the industrial giant of the republic is
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the komsomolets donbass mine, which numbers 2,800 people, many of whom continue family dynasties, including a mining driver. more money, the older the equipment, the higher the likelihood of its failure; investors who entered the mine in april, a large amount of equipment is morally and physically obsolete, which requires not only major repairs, but also 100% replacement. we don’t have to wait long for a decision; a few days ago the enterprise received a road-supporting machine
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for restoring and expanding workings, loading rock mass, and drilling explosive fastening holes. it has properties. undermine the soil yourself and load it into wagons, but how did you work before? before that, we used jackhammers to do the demolition and loaded it with a shovel, how difficult was it? this is very hard labour. the work of all sites, of which there are more than thirty, is gradually being automated, and this will allow for a manifold increase in coal production rates. it is noteworthy that the method of carrying out the workings is combine and drilling and blasting. in these areas, specialists are trained, including at the donetsk national technical university. students are mainly from the mining faculty, mining and geology, which is united into the institute of the mining department of geology, these are geologists and specialize in the enrichment of polyfossils and development polyfossil deposits. the classrooms are being renovated comprehensively; last year the university received several analyzer microscopes for full-fledged studies of the composition of minerals and how they work, says university rector alexander anaprienko.
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we press the button and we get the composition that 90% of this dust here consists of iron and is subject to, so to speak, extensive processing. in this case, the productivity of researchers increases tens and even hundreds of times. weekly analyzes are reduced to 15 seconds, and this opens up fundamentally new opportunities in... in general, production , the revival of donbass is already the third in a row, and the first after the civil, the second after the great patriotic war, the revival that is now, it will already be, well, one might say, neo-economics, a new an economy that is based on such intellectual, technological equipment. taking into account the specifics of the region, improving the efficiency of miners' labor comes to the fore. black gold mark te, which is produced in the mountains by the komsomolets mine of donbass used to supply power plants in the region, and this is the guarantor of light and heat in people's homes. this year, the miners plan to increase production to 1,800,000, and next year to overcome the two million mark. alexander podoprigora, alexander karavaev, vyacheslav
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bogaichuk. news donetsk, donetsk people's republic. and now to international topics. the yemeni houthis attacked american ships in the seas; the shuite group carried out six operations at once using long-range weapons of various calibers. attacks confirmed by central command. european countries are once again engulfed in mass protests, with activists taking to the streets in support of palestine for the third day in a row. hundreds of students gathered in front of the israeli embassy in brussels. they
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unfurled banners with slogans against aggression in the gas sector. demonstrators threw stones at law enforcement officers. after this, the security forces used water cannons. the pro-palestinian march in paris also ended in riots. the police roughly pushed the protesters away from the roads. login went up. cutting off the police are on their way with garbage cans and makeshift barriers. the head of the kiev regime essentially put the pilots of the ukrainian armed forces at risk. this happened during a visit to belgium, where they discussed the transfer of f-16 aircraft to the kiv regime. the training of the ukrainian military was also discussed there. several of them came to zelensky so that he could shake their hands and... thereby make them a desirable target for our intelligence. anton potkovenko will tell you all the details. not just an inflated ego for show. zelensky naturally
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set up his own military pilots, whom they are taught to fly nato fighters. in belgium they came to him without helmets. here in the hangar they are posing against the backdrop of the f-16, as if at an exhibition. press, photos, zelensky extends everyone’s hand. health, how are you guys, vladimir zelensky knows how to pr, many thanks to him on behalf of the russian foreign intelligence service and the gru, for showing us all the faces of the pilots, significantly reducing the work. zelensky was given a chevron at the meeting, but he is a famous pilot, he flies around the es countries, trying to give himself the illusion of legitimacy, and in front of the belgian minister defense ukrapilots reported to their own. the personnel are motivated, and i hope to return home as soon as possible to begin carrying out combat missions. the only question is how they will carry out these tasks now:
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military pilots are constantly being hunted by surveillance, including information, and above all by the intelligence services, if the identity of the pilot is known, he can, for example, be recruited, and he is also a valuable prisoner for interrogation, for exchange, have always been and will be the number one goal for... pilots have a device that it's called a sieve filter, but it's on the helmet, and he lowers it, tears off the tags, well, whatever you want to call them, their names and surnames and
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they ask that... so that they don't take it off from behind, because the pilot's surname is usually written on the helmet , well, of course, no one wants this. there are actually a lot of questions about the meeting in belgium, why the ukrainian pilots are not in flight suits, in training suits, why one of them has a beard, it gets in the way, it sticks to the oxygen mask, how does he even fly with such facial hair. it's not that for zelensky, the belgian vips were sent not by flight personnel, but by engineering personnel, it is unlikely, after all, kiev is too fond of pr.
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you will die, and i’m like, well, he says, who will protect you, if not me, many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school, in an occult way i went to serve the volunteers, i learned what it’s like to actually
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go to war. it’s on the front line, the younger one is also a brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go the same way, i realized that i can’t sit anymore, there’s something to learn from young children. now, in addition to the news marked urgently
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, news agencies have just received a message that the governor of the hanteman autonomous okrug, natalya komarova, has announced that she is completing her work as the head of the region and is moving to another position. meanwhile, in the capital it is already 9:30 and beyond, briefly about the main thing. firefighters managed to extinguish a large fire in an industrial building in eastern moscow. more than 3.00 km are engulfed in fire. the roof collapsed, the premises contained warehouses and production workshops. employees the ministry of emergency situations needed help from the air, two fire helicopters dropped more than 200 tons of water on the river. israel said it had established control of the border between the gas sector and egypt and had discovered 20 tunnels there. they led from one side to the other. in egypt, in turn, they say. with such statements tel arif is trying to tell the truth.


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