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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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natalya komarova announced that she is completing her work as the head of the region and is moving to another position. meanwhile, in the capital it is already 9:30 and beyond, briefly about the main thing. firefighters managed to extinguish a large fire in an industrial building in eastern moscow. more than 3,000 m2 were engulfed in fire, and the roof partially collapsed. the premises contained warehouses and a production plant. emergency ministry employees required air support. two firefighting helicopters dropped more than 200 tons of water on the fire. israel said it had established control over the border between the gas sector and egypt and discovered 20 tunnels there. they led from one side to the other. in egypt, in turn , they say. with such statements, the myth tries to justify the military operation in rafah. northern. korea fired a salvo of ballistic
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missiles towards the sea of ​​japan. in south korea, 10 missiles were counted, all of them fell outside japan's exclusive economic zone, one rose to a height of 100 km. the pre-premiere screening of the russian comedy “naughties” took place in moscow. in the third and final part of the film story, the heroes it is necessary to re-educate the adults who are tasked with teaching children how to live. the film will be released widely on june 6. a big premiere is being prepared at oleg tabakov's moscow theater; over the weekend they will present their version of sergei naydenov's play "vanyushin's children", which was successfully received by audiences in tsarist russia and the soviet union. the performance was created in the style of russian psychological theater. sofia sergeeva has all the details. on the tabakerka stage is an action-packed drama of a large merchant family. vladimir mashkov and playwright oleg antonov. presented their version of the play
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sergei nadenov, children of vanyushin, which at the beginning of the 20th century created a boom in theater in moscow. how are things at the gymnasium, no one is offending you? yes. the chityvanyushins have six children, each of them fights for their own happiness. the head of the family, alexander egorovich, achieved prosperity and recognition, but was unable to raise a worthy replacement for himself. you thought that we were reading something, going somewhere, learning something, but what, where, with whom, you didn’t know. and didn’t want to know, we are engaged in russian psychological theater, in the word psychology, it is translated as the science of the soul, that is, in in this sense, each artist needed a lot of work on himself, his reflexes, bringing out the music of feelings so that it was expressed in the correct form, this is a very detailed, accurate and, it seems to me, incredibly modern performance. this play lives on the stage of the russian theater. for 120 years, it was successfully
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received on the stage of tsarist russia and in the soviet union, the secret is in the piercing accuracy and truthfulness of the images that the author copied from members of his own family. he’s killing himself, today he stayed out all night again, why are you doing this? so what's wrong with you, mom, i want to and i will, i’m tired of it, well, who are you like with us, everyone is quiet, humble, not everyone is quiet and humble in front of their father, because they are afraid of him, but they themselves have knives in stock, everyone, it’s disgusting. living at home under the same roof and family names, it’s as if diametrically opposed types have gathered in a terrarium, who just can’t get along together. it took 2 days to install the scenery for the performance. on the stage , the creators built a family nest, a real living space in the image of the house of the rukishnikov merchants, the ancestors of the performance artist. i wanted to do merchant thoroughness, i wanted to do something tangible, so that it would be clear to the viewer what and why these heirs are fighting. so that these
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are not some mythical factories, factories, or anything else that cannot be shown in the theater, but can only be shown in the cinema. in the year of the theater family , tebakov staged a performance in the mirror of which everyone can look at themselves and, after watching, think about relationships with family and friends. make me your heir. i beg you, by christ god, please rewrite your will for me. of course this one the material can only be raised by clinging to some of your personal pain. i think 100%. people who are sitting in this hall, it’s about them, about us , about me, about everyone, in the production there are two actors for each role, the director involved all generations of the tabakov theater, not only recognized masters, but graduates of school students, in a word, everyone successors to the work of oleg pavlych. sofya sergieva, igor belogurov, pavel varbuzov, news. badik, come out. go out and start a business,
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to invest the donated money? investing in the future. we agree. but first, let’s open a deposit with interest at sea. with sberbank, everyone can profitably increase their income. your savings, open a deposit with the best percentage brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime, withdraw, stop at cean for daily rent that we bring from a trip with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito trip everything will go as booked, with cashback bonuses for a couple of roman burger and roman burger with chicken at a bargain price, delicious in italian, period. meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of free payment sticker. children's savings card - an adult approach. in the united states, social media users
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are discussing another incident with joe biden. this time the american president. rough answered a question from a journalist who doubted his adequacy. thus, the head of the white house responded to a topic that was uncomfortable for him, and, as the media emphasize, there are more and more issues that are unpleasant for biden. from the usa, reporting by evgeny davidov. biden's walkers. journalists noted the retinue that began to be released from the white house with him. the extras, so as not to be as conspicuous against the general background as the elderly president, go to the turntable. we flew to pennsylvania, where biden, like in other swing states, things are bad, polls everywhere give victory to trump. because black
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americans voted, we led the united states. this is not hyperbole. thanks to your vote , donald trump lost in 2020 and became a former president.
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journalists are trying to ask the president about global issues, but in the jazz club , biden's aides turn up the music louder, drowning out uncomfortable questions. thank you. “it didn’t work out a second time, a caustic question about the ability of the oldest president to serve another 4 years in the white house, i caught up with biden while taking photographs, and he was openly rude in response. president biden, you will serve a full four-year term or transfer power to the vice president. are you okay?
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on the first day, the jury was unable to reach a verdict, went to deliberate, and one angry man, the accused donald trump, came out to the press. mother teresa could not get away with these accusations, these accusations are fabricated , the country is a mess, from the border to false.
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shorten your working day in hot weather. the department has issued a memo that reminds working conditions in extreme weather. at the same time, weather forecasters warn of heat and thunderstorms in the european part of russia in the coming days. we will find out all the details from our meteorologist ekaterina gregoroy. katya, good morning, but i think it’s unlikely that the working day will be shortened. tell me, will thunderstorms somehow help this heat? well, maybe for the period of this rain and thunderstorm. by the way, it is unlikely that today a significant drop in temperature on the russian plain will be expected in the coming days. well, let's start talking about the weather . regions where warming is expected in the footage road to velyuchinsk in kamchatka today in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky the temperature
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dropped to 0°, the city weather station recorded a decrease in visibility due to snow charges. in the capital of the region , a symbolic snow cover of 1 cm high even appeared. the same amount of snow today in severokurilsk. the day before the snowfall, residents of petropavlovsko-kamchatsky discussed on social networks the appearance of a new year’s character on the streets. some are now writing that the return of winter is on the eve of summer after this. was inevitable, there were exactly 2 left until summer day, welcome to kamchatka, residents of st. petersburg and some areas of the leningrad region and karelia were not allowed to sleep by a powerful thunderstorm, planes at pulkavo airport landed against the backdrop of flashing lightning, while it never rained in the city, and the night in the northern capital turned out to be even warmer than moscow, the minimum temperature was 17.8 versus 16.5°. at the same time, in the capital region, some residents managed
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to open the swimming season; due to the heat, the upper layer of water in most rivers in the moscow region has already warmed up to 18°. metropolitan administration rospotrebnadzor allowed swimming in three recreation areas: troparevo, a large city pond and black lake in zelenograd. the temperature background in the central region brings weather conditions closer to dangerous categories, for example, for the capital region , an increase in temperature to 30° is considered a dangerous phenomenon. it’s hot in the center, in the west, in the southeast of the russian plain, it’s very warm, the central siberian plateau, the west siberian plain, the coast of the far east meet summer in completely non-summer weather, but it turns out this way because the shores of kamchatka and chukotka under the influence of the cold rear part of the cyclones, atmospheric vortices deliver air masses here from the waters of the icy eastern siberian sea. in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky, the maximum temperature for today is +5... tomorrow the precipitation will weaken, there will be gaps in the clouds
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, it will warm up to 7°, well, in the next days the influence of the anticyclone will finally increase, the precipitation will stop and with partly cloudy air the air will warm up better at the beginning next week in the afternoon +14 +15. the cold air in the rear of the cyclone continues arrive in siberia, very slowly, very reluctantly, the cyclones retreat to the northeast, giving way to... the solar anticyclone, but the anticyclone continues to heat up the atmosphere on the european territory of russia, however , the proximity of atmospheric fronts on the periphery of the high pressure area makes the weather unstable in the background. intense heat thresholds in the west and south may develop powerful cumulonimbus clouds, which are usually associated with thunderstorms, hail and squally winds. according to the forecast, the northwestern region, middle volga, south-ural region, kuban, stavropol region and the caucasus. it's sunny in moscow today, precipitation is unlikely. today at the peak of daytime
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warming, even in the shade it will be +28, tomorrow afternoon +30. on friday, late in the evening, perhaps briefly. rain and thunderstorms on saturday it will become a little fresher, in the afternoon 27°, showers and thunderstorms are possible, on sunday short-term rain is not excluded and in the afternoon it will be 28° again. and finally, footage of the consequences of truly extreme heat. in indian schools, students are passing out due to heatstroke. temperature in newdeli for the first time in meteorological history rose to 49.9°. at the same time, in the city of chyuru in the shade it was +5.5. well. i will add that according to preliminary forecasts, in moscow at the beginning of next week it will still become easier, the daytime temperature will drop to 25°. thank you, katya, it was ekaterina grigorova, she talked about snowfalls in the far east and heat in the european part of the country. upon joining the world trade organization, russia managed to defend its veterinary standards that relate to
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poultry and livestock breeding. the head of rosselkhoznadzor, sergei, took part in the negotiations dankvert and him. in an interview with our channel , he noted that stricter rules than in europe saved animal populations during the bird flu epidemic. when you remember history, here we lived in the soviet union and also produced products and milk , then we had a period in the nineties, when they preached freedom, that we should have everything foreign, foreign medicines, today... antibacterial agents are foreign , everything is fine, and 2014, i think that this is the turning point when everyone understood that it is impossible to hope for foreign protection for our, let’s say, agricultural industry, for one simple reason, today we supply,
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tomorrow we don’t supply, from the point of view of how... it affects, these are absolutely catastrophic consequences, this is immediately visible according to what measures the state is taking, bird fungus, in europe, in the usa, the same thing, all free range was destroyed, in the usa there are more than 50 million, in europe there are more than 50 million heads, in our country due to the fact that there have always been more veterinary requirements strict, when we joined, i spent a lot of time as a negotiator. spent on convincing that our requirements were in order to protect production, and we benefited in many ways due to the fact that veterinary medicine has a lot of strict rules, the full version of the interview with sergei dankvert, which he gave to my colleague marina gromova, see on russia-24 today after 10:00 am moscow time, now to the news
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marked urgently, this is a message from the fsb public relations center. service detained four residents of crimea who were preparing terrorist attacks on the railway tracks of the peninsula at the direction of ukrainian military intelligence in order to paralyze the movement of trains, including military ones. we will return to this topic later, now let’s move on to sports news. the summer olympics kick off in paris this summer, but a recent study found that the number of bacteria in the seine river is twice the normal level. my colleague will tell you all the details. 2 months before the start of the swimming tournament in the seine as part of the summer olympics, fical bacteria in the main river of the city in twice the norm for 8 months, every 2 weeks different laboratories
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analyze water samples from there, in which, according to the plan of the french authorities , the stages of competition should be completed. swimming triathlon, the persistent presence of e. coli is of particular concern, so swimming at the moment threatens everyone with conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis and staphylococcal infection. the most important thing is that the mayor of the city, anne idalga, confidently stated that she herself was ready to swim in order to prove that swimming is not safe, president macron also supported the ideal idea. we continue the topic of competitions in paris. russian tennis player pavel kotov defeated swiss sten wawrinka in the second match. round of the french open, 76 64 1676. kotov’s next opponent will be the italian janik siiner. another russian andrey rublev overcame resistance in the second round match. spaniard pedra martinez, for this he needed three games 63, 64, 6:3. in the third round, rublev will play with the winner of the match between italian mateo arnaldi and frenchman alexandre muller. their
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the match was interrupted due to rain. the day before , the first stacking matches took place for the right to get into the rpl. only teams from the first league celebrated the victory. parien tula arsenal played in the lower one. the guests scored an early goal 2 minutes after the start. the match was scored by maxim kainov, who made a precise header after a corner kick. nizhny bounced back quite quickly, a russian of congolese origin, erving bataka , scored into his own goal, but after another set piece he evened the balance and scored into someone else’s goal, 2:1, arsenal’s victory, return match will take place on the first of the month in tula. in another match, ural from yekaterinburg lifted the talyatinsky okron on their field. here both goals were scored in the middle of the second half. first , anzhelkovich jumped higher than everyone else on a corner, a few minutes later ural goalkeeper ilya pomazun made a gross mistake, who ran to intercept, went far out of the goal in a jump
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and actually gave the ball to the opponent. kirill danilin hit mostly empty goals. 2:0, okron wins. the return match will take place on june 1 in zhigulevsk, if okron enters the rpl, then the home match will be held at the krylia arena in samara. greek olympian. beat the italian fiorentina with a score of 1:0 in the final match of the conference football league. everything was decided by a single goal in extra time, scored by ayoub elkabi in the 116th minute. the moroccan sent the ball into the net from close range. fiorentina lost their second conference league final in 2 years. last season the club from florence competed for westham. it is noteworthy that for all greek football this is the first european cup trophy in history. before this , only in the seventies did panathinaika reach the final of the european cup , and it coincided that the final of this conference league was held in athens, so the fans did not have to travel far, and after the match they filled the streets of the greek capital,
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celebrating the victory until the morning. the fourth match of the playoff series of the nhl western conference finals ended in edmonton, the hosts defeated dallas with a score of 5:2 and evened the series score 2:2. the visitors gained a two-goal advantage in the sixth minute, but in the second half of the first period edmonton equalized the score, then there was a minority goal, in the end, the puck into an empty net, captain conor mcdavid scored three assists. the fifth match will take place in dallos on the night of june 1, the rivals will again play the sixth game in edmonton. that's all about sports for now. what if the bank has... only banking services, without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like that, ural sip bank, nothing
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more, it became known that the russian the military managed to liquidate the elite ukrainian special forces on... a more trained unit of the kiev regime came under our attack in the kharkov region. why these servicemen ended up on the front line along with the infantry will be explained by evgeniy nipot. two of them immediately went to the nazi forefathers. light of the zahistnikov square from the eighth regiment of special operations forces, liquidated in the kharkov direction. this formation, notes vgtrk military correspondent evgeniy poddubny, is one of the best trained available in disposal.
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konstantin mikhalchuk, an ideological nationalist who has been fighting in the ranks of the armed formations of ukraine since 2014, was liquidated and joined the regiment in 2015. he began as a scout, when the formation was actively operating against the inhabitants of the south-east of ukraine, the nato forces involved those who were especially active in their various operations, choosing from personal composition of the regiment. all these years, he took part in various operations, including on the territory of african states, his officers. were in afghanistan and the regiment was mainly intended for deep reconnaissance to carry out sabotage reconnaissance missions, has
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serious... training and has taken part in virtually all western military exercises since the beginning of the 2000s. according to available data, the saboteurs of the eighth regiment were involved in many terrorist attacks, those that claimed the lives of the legendary donbass commanders in giva and motorola, as the detainees told the special services and now the regiment is being transferred to hold the front line. manages to create a certain tension and pressure on the enemy, and he is in a hurry forced to transfer and search. developed by colonel mark laroche, deputy commander of us special operations forces in europe. in the photo, laroche with ukrainian special forces, who are now dying in the kharkov region, and earlier near avdievka and artyomovsk, where the military elite of the square continues to burn. the alliance made considerable efforts to train and
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prepare ukrainians for combat. ssso, parted ways back then after 2014. they are the most nationalistically prepared, purposeful, a trained mtr specialist is sitting in a trench and a high-explosive russian air bomb is flying at him, this bomb doesn’t care what he can do, how accurately he shoots. or swims underwater there , it destroys and the entire eighth spider at that moment also masters the option of levitation. apparently, the zelensky regime is using all available reserves to try to stop the advance of russian troops in the kharkov direction. the reason is certainly the lack of ukrainian forces in this area: rugged fighters, sharpened by tactics sabotage and reconnaissance.
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in this situation, in switzerland there are already few people willing to talk with velensky, but taking into account the success of russian troops in the kharkov direction, there will be nothing less, which is why all the reserves are being thrown there, including special operations forces. on their chevrons, these militants depict a wolf, and under it there is a semblance of a broken trident, as if at such a rate other teeth with fangs would not be knocked out of the gray mouths, which, at the behest of kiev, tried to bite into the skin
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of the bear walking... forward. pushkin - name, in which reflects all of russia. boldin, a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. on the 22nd anniversary of the poet, this is where the concert will take place. reflection, live broadcast from bolden manor. june 6
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at 21:20. on the russia channel. at moscow 10 we continue our morning broadcast, here ’s what we’ve learned up to this hour. russian intelligence services. revealed the plans of the kyiv regime cut off crimea from railway traffic and prevented a large-scale terrorist attack. ukrainian security forces hoped to set off explosions on the tracks, after which they were going to launch a missile strike. they trained saboteurs and taught them how to assemble bombs, but the perpetrators were caught red-handed. this morning in the east of moscow there was a major...


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