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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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with britain, canada, germany, france, italy, denmark and other countries, one of the main provisions, we have already commented on this , like a document, is the confirmation of western countries to continue providing military assistance to the armed forces of ukraine. spain announced a $1.2 billion military aid package, which will include missiles for the petriot air defense system and leopard tanks, but only a sixth.
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national military industry, but even their combined potential could no longer will be able to change the situation on the battlefield in favor of the kiev regime, the statement of nato agent stoltenberg on may 27 that, taking the quote, the bloc states supplied 99% of their weapons, but this is not enough, another clear confirmation of this, well, about the genocide of the kiev regime in relation to its own population, and mobilization in ukraine in ukraine.
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a similar picture is observed in other regions of the country; approximately the same percentage of people mobilized by military registration and enlistment offices refuse and turn out to be fit for service. on may 24 , the press service of the general staff of ukraine reported that its number will be reduced by 60%. the released military personnel will be sent to the front. at this rate, nato's weapons are narrower. there will probably be no one to supply it to, at
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the same time, in various regions of ukraine , cases of residents resisting violent actions to recruit citizens are increasingly being recorded; military commissars and other non-humans are often beaten, not allowed into villages, and so on, people literally beat each other off, literally tear out from the clutches of the kiev regime, which is paid for this by the west. there is also growing dissatisfaction in ukrainian society over about class inequality, the desire of the authorities to send exclusively the poor sections of the population to the front. as a matter of fact, it’s so close to the new maidan, but who will come to it? we understand that the kiev regime, apparently also fearing these new protest events or possible events, is pushing ahead. people on the battlefield into the trenches
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for their guaranteed death, so that they simply could no longer do anything with what is essentially an occupying power that is now stuck in the banking system. perhaps it another reason why the court acquitted berkut, perhaps. this goes in line with this same mentality, and now actually about another kalinkor, and in another direction of western thought in the context of ukraine: confirmation of information is coming from ukraine, our information about france’s preparation to send its military to ukraine, we remind you, was voiced such data on april 3 of this year, despite paris’s attempts to disguise participation in its personnel.
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long-range missile with autonomous it is a multi-role, high-precision cruise guidance as a matter of fact, other types of weapons also require the presence of western, so-called instructors, who , strictly speaking, have been there for a long time, as we
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have repeatedly said. the banks have long realized that the ukrainian military on its own is not capable of turning the tide at the front, so the kiev regime is trying to draw the nato countries into direct action as quickly as possible. military confrontation with russia, in addition to france , poland also spoke out about the possible deployment of military contingents, i have apparently warsaw and the baltic countries, their regimes, and what does this mean, that their initial plan regarding ukraine has completely failed, are frantically looking for how to conduct this campaign further, they are still afraid to tell the truth. citizens of ukraine that they have become hostages, and now also victims of this very adventure by nato led by the united states of america. the listed facts and many others once again confirm the relevance of the task of a special military operation to denazify and demilitarize ukraine and eliminate threats
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coming from its territory. as the russian leadership has said more than once, all of them will be fulfilled. now about human rights in ukraine. this is xumaron, but we are forced to use this formulation in order to collect facts and analyze them, including for future international legal assessment, and i mean in the legal context i use this expression, because international legal assessment can now be given, but to a greater extent, probably in the political dimension, from the point of view from a legal point of view... just the punishment for a crime, this information is collected for the future, so to speak. yesterday , another report on the human rights situation in ukraine would have been posted on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs; it was prepared by the ministry of foreign affairs of our country. we note that in recent years
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the situation in the field of human rights in this country has steadily degraded, and of course, this report should be called the situation with... non-fulfillment or non-fulfillment, or better yet , even with violation of human rights in ukraine. the current situation in this area is so critical that it is absolutely obvious to any independently thinking person that an openly nazi regime is in power in kiev, it is committing countless gross, systematic violations of human rights in all spheres of public life, including the obvious inability of the kiev regime to create at least the appearance of. efforts to address these serious backlogs and bring to justice those responsible for many crimes, including one of the worst of which, the burning of people alive in the union center in odessa in 1914. now, unfortunately, this monstrous logic is manifested in the abuse of prisoners, in
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the deliberate murder, brutal murder of the civilian population, including children, on civilian territory.
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sponsored this dehumanization taking place before their eyes, would try to stop the kiev regime, because they are holding a torchlight procession in honor of the nazi criminal stepan bandera. all this includes the glorification of the sss galicia division, this and various honors of the few who have survived to this day, former members of a criminal organization, i mean golicin, are published and glorifying the nazis, books, memoirs of major nazi figures who were then collaborators, sided with hitler, here is one of the latest examples of the publication of memoirs of the head of the puppet government of croatia, an ally of nazi germany, in the period from 41 to 45 years of ante pavelic. the nazi approaches of kiev are fully
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implemented in relation to the russian-speaking population of ukraine. by now in literally everything russian is prohibited in this country: language, culture, education, printed materials, the media, the process, as they say, of de-russification, has reached its apogee in the field of education, teaching subjects in russian at school , its study is prohibited. remember how , again, then 10 years ago... various conceptual documents were approved on how to minimize its spread on the territory of ukraine, how to make sure that people stopped using it. in the future, how to do this, to create the appearance that it is not the main language on the territory
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of ukraine, now everyone sees it, well , again, who wants to see, many still turn away, although there is nowhere to turn away, now everyone sees how right we were then what all this has led to is that all russian and soviet literary works, with the exception of ukrainian ones with, so to speak, this ethnic background of authors, are excluded from school literature curricula. books in russian are being removed from libraries, what’s wrong with them? what happens next is that they are sent to waste paper. schoolchildren and teachers are prohibited from even speaking russian, not only during classes, but also during personal communication during breaks. in addition, the kiev authorities are in every possible way supporting the campaign of persecution of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church, including legally sanctioning attacks on its churches, and denigrating its clergy in every possible way. we see precisely the obliging readiness of the current ukrainian leadership, to the detriment of the interests
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of its people, to move the country along the path self-destruction, creating from it the russophobic anti-russia project, is the reason why overseas curators turn a blind eye to the neo-nazi essence of the kiev regime, and of course a parallel arises with the attitude of western countries to the hitler regime on the eve of the second world war, remember this then.. . wide popularity under the name of the policy of appeasing aggression, and it led to the bloodiest war in the history of mankind. fortunately for today's generations, the war ended with the victory of the countries of the anti-hitler coalition with the decisive role of the soviet union. that such a disaster should not be repeated became a fundamental principle of the charter. united nations organizations. here is another country where westerners are conducting their monstrous experiments under
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the slogan of certain western values. this is moldova. on may 23, the ministry of foreign affairs of moldova, papsoi, again accused russia of trying to undermine the moldovan economy and bring certain criminal groups to power in the country. this term is used by the moldovan authorities to call their political opponents. the background of similar.
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which decreased overall by 6.6%, including from the eu countries by 8.7%, from the cis countries by 61.9%. independent observers are sounding the alarm about the consistent destruction of the education system in moldova under the pretext of its so-called optimization, which in fact results in the closure of educational institutions.
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the rural school system is on the verge of collapse. as of the twenty-third year in moldova, per 10,000 inhabitants there were only... 226 university students and 57 students from secondary institutions professional education, which, according to experts, is lower than in any of the cis countries and the european union. i have this question for sandu: she loves to criticize the period of soviet power and says that then moldova was almost in a state of destruction and falling somewhere into the abyss, maybe she will give statistics for comparison, how she lived moldova? so to speak, under the soviet regime, and we, by the way, cited these statistics for her, let her use it, and maybe she will show her achievements, in which are based on these very western values. in moldova, there is a decrease in the birth rate, according to official data, in the twenty -third year, 24,000 children were born in the republic, this is 11% less than in the twenty- second year, what i mean is that moldova is not
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experiencing any shocks associated with... the country is in the process of tightening up moldova to nato. in the twenty-fourth year, 17 military training exercises were held in the country, including with the participation of american or romanian military personnel. no, well, i understand why in moldova the birth rate is falling, but if 17 military exercises involving american and romanian troops. moldovan men have no time to simply procreate; they are all integrating into nato. on may 20 , a new stage of nato headquarters exercises started in the country, and on may 24, the defense ministers of moldova and romania signed a protocol on amending the military cooperation agreements of the twelfth year. it was a broadcast of a briefing by foreign
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ministry spokesman maria zakharova. we are closely monitoring the statements which sound. well now. in addition to other events , there will be a new governor in the khantomansi autonomous okrug. natalya kamaromova, who held this post for almost a decade and a half , announced today that she is moving to another job. in a video message published on her own telegram channel, komarova thanked vladimir putin for his trust and support, and the residents of ugra for the team spirit and the results that everyone managed to achieve together. the president proposed to head the region to ruslan kukhar kumai tyumen. at a meeting in the kremlin they discussed priority tasks, requiring decision in the district. ruslan nikolaevich, you were born in the khantamassi autonomous okrug, you worked all your life in tyumen, people trusted you twice in the elections, the mayor of tyumen, the head of the city administration, i want to offer you to head the autonomous okrug, everything is dear to you there,
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i hope everything that you what was developed in tyumen will also be used on the field. high level, what do you see as a priority, what priority tasks do you consider the most important in working in a new place, thank you very much for your trust, to fulfill the duties of the gubernatorial district of jura; indeed, today this is a very serious strategic region, making a significant contribution to the country’s economy today, and the primary task, of course, is to continue the pace of development. in certain areas, i think that it can be further increased, first of all, here, probably, the emphasis was placed more on what concerns the living conditions for residents, the next task is to support those who today defend our country as part of a special military operation, this of course, members of the families of our military personnel, and the khantamasssky district of yugra has a bearing territory, this is the donetsk people's republic,
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the city of makeevka, very close cooperation today is taking place to restore engineering, social, transport infrastructure, this work undoubtedly needs to be continued, so of course , if we talk about plans, then today, probably, such a guiding document is a new decree on the national development goals of our country, within the framework of this work it is necessary today in my opinion, closely interact with federal structures, federal ministries in terms of completing the tasks that were set within the framework of national projects, including in terms of the formation of new programs focused on 2030 and 2030. in the tamansi district, he is 45 years old, graduated from high school with a gold medal, tyumen state university with honors in the specialty of jurisprudence, after graduation he began working in his specialty in the administration of the tyumen
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region and a few months later in the fall in 2002, he moved to the department of property relations of the tyumen region, and later headed the department of land relations and game construction of the tyumen administration. in this position, kuharuk was responsible for the resettlement of emergency housing stock and the development of built-up ones. in the fall of 2016, he became deputy head of the tyumen administration. in may 2018, he was approved as the acting head of the city. in october he was unanimously elected to the post of head of tyumen. an international comprehensive security salon opened today in the patriot park near moscow. this is one of the main platforms for demonstrating the latest scientific achievements in this field. the country's leading companies presented their latest developments. rostec brought a new modification of the sapper robot. the vehicle is already being used to clear mines from civilian objects in the northern military district zone. and they showed an augmented reality helmet for rescuers, it is just undergoing certification. protection sensors
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allow firefighters to work in a heavily smoky environment and at the same time have excellent spatial orientation. what other new products are presented at the international salon? let's find out from alexandra perfileva. she has now contacted the studio directly. alexandra, hello, what did you manage to watch? which you told us about, we will not only tell you, but show you, there are really a lot of developments here, and we will definitely demonstrate some of them in our live broadcast, but i want to note that we are at the main, largest exhibition of the ministry of emergency situations, where some of the innovative developments of domestic manufacturers are presented, for example, a robotic fire extinguishing installation, this there’s even such a fire extinguishing laboratory, here the emergency situations ministry employees have already told me that it’s a whole one. a map, thanks to which firefighters can quickly, when they are traveling in a car, yes, for example, they can quickly get acquainted with the object itself, how many
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floors there are, whether there are emergency exits, the location of fire hydrants, a schematic diagram of the distribution of forces of means, that is, arriving already at fire, they will be maximally informed and will be ready to take the decisive direction of where to insert the barrels. thank you, let's move on of course we will show the helmet. which our scientists, thanks, have developed, is a helmet with a thermal imager, thanks to which firefighters can quickly navigate a cloud of smoke and thereby quickly help a wounded person. khalil, i greet you, tell me what it consists of, what is it? the reality of launching work, we developed as part of a study at the russian gbs academy, it allows fire rescuers.
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remove the seat from the plane, this speeds up the installation system, installation, respectively, evacuation of victims. still, yuri, returning to the key topics of the salon for 2024 - ensuring the safety of infrastructure facilities, as well as ensuring the fire safety of people on water bodies. well , i want to note that today an agreement was signed here, someone even re-signed the emergencies ministry agreement.
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post videos on popular social networks about the supposed seriousness of the russian threat, the target audience of the project should be the population of sweden and finland, who need to be instilled with universal fear of
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period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit sbercard is the best in country, get a credit card, everything will be the way you want. and... now briefly about the main economic events of the day: the ministry of finance called the crypto industry the locomotive of economic development, this was stated by deputy minister of finance ivan chebeskov. according to him, the department has been discussing the issue of comprehensive regulation of the crypto industry for many years. many russians have digital assets. such citizens must be protected from deception by unscrupulous sites. on the other hand, the ministry of finance sees huge potential for using these assets, including for investment projects. group element "leader in
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the area".


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