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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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it so happened that our god surrounded us with very caring and attentive people, in the person of our governor, alexandravich, we received a lot of care and help, and also in the person of the director of the station, vladimir ivanovich , over-talk, that is, the care was personally shown on their part to a considerable extent , because my income is slightly above the minimum subsistence level. social assistance is bypassing the country, well , it turned out that the income exceeded a little, yes, yes, yes, of course, by the way, they paid attention to this, so tatyana alekseevna also talked about this. raising the issue at meetings with
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the government, this is definitely a moment that requires careful attention to it and additional regulation. tatyana alekseevna, you and i talked about this , but the income of the head of the family is slightly higher than that of the head of the family and that’s all, and various social support mechanisms slip past them. we talked about this, but vladimir vladimirovich speaks. we have this in our work, let’s look at this family specifically, but as i heard evgeny vladimirovich, i understand that in ’24 he decided this question, if i heard correctly, if not, then we will look further, they are helping him and the governor of the leningrad region is helping him and the management of the nuclear power plant, where the head of the family works, but in general on... this needs to be regulated at
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the federal level, bearing in mind that such, such situations may arise in other families where the head of the family does not work at the rector’s station, yes, therefore, yes, let’s go to this again, please, please, vladimirevich, i’ve retired, i’m 50 years this year and i'm just receiving a pension, plus one of the children will turn 17 years old, again our budget seems to be a little off. again i will find myself without payments, well, this is not only a private problem of mine, i think that it requires attention quite significantly throughout the country, yes, yes, tatyana alekseevna and i were talking about this just now, for sure, we will definitely return to this at the government level, but you no longer work at the station, but i work at the station. left due to harmful work experience, i
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still have the opportunity, i still have the desire to work, well, i want to be useful, to realize myself and it’s clear how the station is developing, very bad, eugenic, how the station is developing, you have there - the work at the station was great, the concern - the rosenergoatom concern is developing very well. we are building additional units, we have a serious prospect, i myself work at the second, at the second las station, in the reactor shop, i graduated from st. petersburg state university with a degree in radiochemistry and connected my life with nuclear energy, my eldest son also graduated from polytechnic, he also already works there, my other son is finishing college, polytechnic will also follow the same steps. my father, just as i, in fact, followed
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in the footsteps of my father, my father is a submariner, he is a power engineer, he also operated submarines, mastered the first and second generation of submarines, in fact, i also followed in the footsteps of my father, i wish you good luck , all the best, and regarding these situations related to - with support from the state, we will definitely...
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family members rakhmatulla khamitovich and galina sergeevna, this is us. it’s us, yes, i see, hello , hello, hello, how, how are you, i see you’re doing well, doing well, yes, in the ministry of emergency situations, i’ve been working for 17 years, generally retired, the ministry of internal affairs, i’ve been working, as a kid, together with we gave birth to a wife, and we don’t regret it, as the previous ones said, also colleagues, parents of many children,
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something oh, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, and we are very grateful to you for such a high award for our family, and on april 2 our daughter was born, they called her hope , but i think that at present we are all very hope is needed now, i ask for sure, but... on april 3, we learned that you signed a decree awarding our family, thank you, thank you very much, thank you, how is the situation, this is where you live, local
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authorities are helping you how is it with your housing, with your children’s education, do the children manage to participate in any clubs?
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well, also, my elders are volunteers, they go, network for their own, for more than 3 years, probably, well, they are engaged, well, we live with our parents, with her parents in an apartment, i would like to leave, sometimes it turns out that we receive benefits
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, but taking into account that my income also exceeds that of children, we receive less as a percentage, now we now receive 50%. let's see, galina sergeevna, we'll definitely look, don't even doubt it, we'll find out all these nuances, it's very good that we 're in contact with you today, and it's useful for us, it's useful for us, because it makes
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it possible to analyze how decisions are made work in life in practice, we will definitely figure it out, well, i want to wish you all the best, such a you. a close-knit family, it’s nice to see you, we will definitely contact you and resolve all these issues, so we’ll move to krasnodar then. solodovnikova elena viktorovna and vladimir alekseevich. hello, vladimir vladimirovich. it’s very nice, such a meeting, i think, in our family, it will be such a historical, memorable meeting, communication with the president, of course, well, i’d like to tell you a little, here we are in our family, my wife and i... as if in one classmates were studying in the class, well, probably this is the first
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love, like, well, these school days passed years, we met each other, understood what each other needed, it’s like such a family, 11 sons, we love them very much, of course, we waited for each of them, accepted them as a gift from god, poured all our strength into them, everything your health, even though it was difficult, how... one of your sons also became a father of many children, yes, just recently a third child
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was born, who has this? yes, this is vadim, vadim, where is he, vadim, congratulations, hello, there are some questions , wishes, i want to thank my parents, that... yours said that everyone tried to do everything for children, in order to create conditions for them
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for the future, as i understand it, so that they - feel confident - walk confidently through life, this always distinguishes - people who, uh, who invest, invest their souls in their family in our children, after all , this is, uh , we notice very strongly now there, of course , it has become much easier to care from our local
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authorities, and from the region, as it were, from you , federal payments, all of them , of course, help us a lot, so we are very grateful from the region too is felt some attention ivanovich helps supports of course of course okay. and you know, he looked at our family with such parental valor, so he rewarded us, said such prophetic words, he said: this mother, here she is worthy of the title of mother-heroine, well, it’s as if the wife was born with this order, i congratulate you again once, all the best, all the best, so let’s do it! chuvazhskaya republic will move to the privozhsky federal district, sergey evgenevich fishov and olga
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anatolyevna, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, good afternoon, on behalf of our large family i express my deep gratitude for the high state award. god put you in charge of such a huge power, great russia, holy russia, so we saw how you, together with... with his holiness the patriarch of moscow and all russia kirill after the inauguration they prayed at a prayer service of thanks, because it is so important that the head of our huge country, a believer , a sincere believer... man, we are very glad that right now we have begun to revive the primordial traditional russians spiritual and moral values, and now we can calmly educate and raise our children, because for our family, education is based on spiritual and moral values, so
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i would like to thank you and wish you... in the city they are collecting things necessary for special military soldiers operations and our children also take part in collecting the necessary things , in addition to that, we also have a kind of continuity such that our parents always helped, tried to help boarding houses for children who are deprived
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to be of parental love now, when everything is going like this, they also help. mom knits a lot, sews, does things with her own hands, and we also knit warm things together as a team, the children, to the best of their abilities, write letters, poems, draw pictures, all this is sent there in support, thank you, i want to express my gratitude on my own behalf, but also from those of our guys who receive both your things and your letters, you know how important this is for people who... risk their own for the interests of our country, in the interests of such families like yours, so this mutual connection and support is the basis of our existence as a whole, by and large, and the basis of our successes, including on the battlefield.
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thank you very much, i see the baby in my son’s arms there. already yes, and this is my godson, my name is seraphim, i am 18 years old, i, sava, georgiy and tikhan are helping in the velensky cathedral in chebaksary, metropolitan of chebaksary and chuvavsky savati, fell asleep, tired, vladimir vladimirovich, i join ... his wife told him, and thank god that it is you, vladimir vladimirovich, who are at the head of our state, thanks to you, we have such an opportunity to raise and educate, educate our children in the spirit of spiritual and moral values ​​traditional for russia, i wish you god's blessing and god's help in your work for the good of our
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state , thank you very much, so i want to uh, as they say in such cases, jokingly send you an answer to... washer, you said that thanks to me something is happening, but i want to say that thanks to you and people like you, i am where i am now, and i work, and i try to do it, of course, to the maximum for the good of the country, so you and i are essentially doing a common thing, here you are, where you are, i am there, where i am, this is without any exaggeration, but it is true, we have a big country, one big one. family is the way it is and the way it should be, i looked, you are also a trainer, and for your children, and your children, just a little bit, i train army hand-to-hand combat myself, and you yourself used to practice hand-to-hand combat, yes, yes, before the army i was involved in martial arts, and i also
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did a little martial arts, so i have experience. “i want to wish you all the best, thank you very much, vladimir vladimirovich, but i would also like to briefly tell you a little about my own, yes, in addition to the fact that they are deacons in the cathedral, their daughter also sings in the choir there, yes, in the sunday school of the cathedral, and for boys - boys and girls still receive everything extra, and the older ones have already completed this musical education, this..." in the ceramics class, i also wanted to say that when
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literally a month before they called us and said that our family had been awarded and invited to moscow, to say that it was a holiday would be an understatement. because the joy was simply overwhelming, the children were happy, and it didn’t end with a single day, the joy, it was so boundless, everyone was very happy, it turns out that - literally, when all the suitcases were already packed, they called us and told us that there wouldn’t be a trip, that’s right, then i remember how upset the children were because they have never been to moscow. but we are still grateful for everything, because even communicating with you, and this is a great joy, even in
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the format in which we now communicate with you, and for us this is a great honor for our entire family, in our family book, it’s probably these words, these meetings that will form a special, special line for our memory. thank you very much again, olga anatolyevna, here it is written in my certificate that every summer the family makes pilgrimage trips, where do you go? yes, pilgrimage trips are a kind of pilgrimage for us. consolation, as the holidays begin, we try to go out with the children, but we can’t travel far, we usually go to the nizhny novgorod region, we love deveev very much, so we hope that we will go there, but here...
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it doesn’t even bother us to come to moscow, i will ask my colleagues from the administration and we will definitely organize such a trip for everyone participating in our meetings with families today, we will coordinate with you on a time when it will be comfortable for everyone, well, it’s probably better to do it in the summer, so that and there were vacations and vacations for those who works, and we will definitely organize it, okay, agreed, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, we will do it, thank you, all the best, we are moving to the tyumen region, the city
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of tyumen, andrey alexandrovich yakunin and natalya alexandrovna yakunina. good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, hello, hello, on behalf of myself, on behalf of my wife natalie and all my children, i want to thank you. for that high reward and in general for everything that you do to revive the family and strengthen it, i always tell all my children that we are called to serve our homeland, and for us it is a great honor and privilege, and the fact that you paid attention to our family and awarded such a high award, this confirms my words, i am sure that my children are well ... thanks to your support, they look confidently into the future and will work for the benefit of russia, now i have three older sons, well, they are already working
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with me, i am organizing assistance to people in a crisis situation, the eldest son is helping to develop medical care, how since this year you gave an order to study the experience of the tyumen region in providing medical care to the homeless, this is exactly what olga yuryevna demicheva spoke about our project. works for me in a peasant farm, which i also created and am promoting the idea of ​​​​developing abandoned rural settlements while implementing a socially significant project, this idea has been among the top thousand on the forum for 3 years in a row, strong ideas for new times, that is, i believe that this well, such an important area of ​​activity for development. direction of helping people in crisis situations, and my fourth son, he is now already involved in the work of the mercy media information agency, i created it specifically for the development of social
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journalism. that is, i mean that my activity, it continues in my children, and we act as a team, and if you allow, i could tell you how we implement your instructions, if you are interested, of course, of course, yes, that is, of course, thank you very much to tatyana alekseevna golikova, because as soon as your the order was issued through the efforts of the public chamber of the russian federation. representatives of the ministry of health and the state council gathered on a common platform and developed general recommendations for replicating our experience, so i wrote as part of, well, i wrote a grant for your presidential grants fund, where the implementation plan is also laid down, an all-russian conference is planned in tyumen in june, always a person, olga yurievna
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conducts it and... and i am sure that many non-profit organizations will gather and this will allow the experience that already exists to replicate, i still head the direction of helping the homeless in the synadal department for charity of the russian orthodox church, and on behalf of all the non-profit organizations of our church projects, i also want to thank you, because the instruction that you gave gave impetus to the development of our projects and ... in a number of regions, temporary shelters are already being created with a medical service, but they are working on it, in particular, i recently met with the leadership of the kurgan region, well, the deputy governor for social issues, and the issue of creating a help center with a medical service in its structure is being discussed there, that is, just how
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important your word is in this matter. i also want, if possible, you know, i have been waiting for this meeting with you for more than 20 years, in fact, to thank you, here’s one more thing, and you have created conditions in russia so that every person can realize their idea for the benefit of russia, when you have ensured that a socially oriented non-profit... organization has access to budget funds, this is exactly allowed me to implement the idea that i started working on back in 2001, the opportunity came in 2017, when , uh, i managed to become a provider of social services and develop this area, and now this is your order to study the experience of the tyumen region , that is , i considered it important to just give you this feedback, how important it is that you
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took this step then, because i... well, it was me and my colleagues from the government from the administration who paid attention to this, could and should would probably be earlier this is to pay attention, realizing that in our country there are a lot of kind, sympathetic people, those who strive to support, help people who need this help and support, but what about you, it was you who directly organized
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this? with my heart, frankly, let’s say, yes, uh, of our religious organizations, in this regard, i want, i cannot help but draw attention to the fact that his holiness the patriarch always, almost always, you can believe me, when we meet with him, and we do meet regularly, not as often as we would like, but regularly, but there is always talk about helping, supporting, supporting people, he always focuses on what is needed...


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