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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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it was you who directly organized this charity , this organization, or is it under - or is it the russian orthodox church, the russian orthodox church , organized there in some parish, who organized this charity organization itself, and i organized it, but we always work in conjunction with the synodal department and often i am the head the direction of helping the homeless in general in the russian orthodox church, that is, as if, yes, you know, precisely by joining forces. and such caring people as you with a kind heart , let’s say frankly, yes, our religious organizations in in this connection, i cannot help but draw attention to the fact that his holiness the patriarch always , almost always, you can believe me, when we meet with him, and we meet regularly, not as often as we would like, but regularly, but we always talk about help, support, support for people, he always focuses on what is needed... we need to unite the efforts of both
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the church and the state, and raises the question of supporting people like you, this comes from his holiness the patriarch, this is the impulse, well, naturally , along the line of the russian orthodox church, but and he has very good relations, friendly relations with representatives of our other traditional faiths, therefore, uniting all our common efforts and civil society, as they often say now, but in simpler terms, to put it normally. in human language, simply by uniting in the efforts of people like you, proactive and kind, the state, the church, all of us, then in this case we will achieve common success, support, then our society will become more noble and more stable, which is the most the main thing, that's the most important thing more sustainable, well, always... it’s nice
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to feel and see that you are doing a good deed, as i have said many times, of course it’s nice to receive gifts, but it’s much nicer to make gifts, to give something to people, and if this gift is not material even, and something spiritual, then this is doubly, three times more important, this support is extremely important, we have these movements, volunteer movements ... in recent years - just a really wide development of uh and uh and such such areas of joint work sharply raise the sustainability of our society, and this is very important for uh for the state as a whole, for each person in the end, so thank you very much for devoting so much personal time to this, but i think that this... i see this it simply brings you
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satisfaction, this work brings you satisfaction, in the end this is the most important thing, so thank you very much, i hope that our joint work with you in this sense will continue, i wish your family all the best, maybe natalya alexandrovna wants something please add, i raised it like in first grade. well, firstly, thank you very much for your work, for your work, for the efforts that you make, well, in connection with your activities, and secondly, i would like to say a huge thank you to my husband, just like that for the whole country , yes, then i am very proud of him, i love him very much, i... rarely
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see him, but despite the difficulties that he overcomes every day, his work, we are still together, so we were also going to moscow to you, here we are, i hope it's the trip will be realized, yes, thank you very much, once again, here you have, how many children you have, also very, grateful, how many children you have, eight, eight, only eight, yes, yes, only eight. and you say that i rarely see my beloved husband, but eight children is rare, but it turns out aptly, that’s the first thing, and secondly - you gave him such a family, such great joy, so many children, i think that ’s is a manifestation of your mutual love, and there is nothing more important, no, there is nothing more important than love in life, that’s why i love children too...
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i wish you all the best from my heart and i hope that you will enjoy the trip too, that’s the point. appreciated our work, thank you very much for that. we live in donetsk, in the petrovsky district , since 2000, we are raising 10 children, each
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doing their favorite thing, we don’t make any plans for the future yet.
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the eldest, he followed in his father's footsteps, graduated from a shoe repair school, but works with keys, car keys, nadezhda helps her husband with shoe repairs, oksana lives with us as a tailor, katya and oksana are not twins, katya bakes cakes for us. zhenya is graduating from our pastry chef this year, tanya is our hairdresser, olya is finishing the eighth grade, philip is the fifth grade and mikhail is the smallest , our beloved family of kids, he goes to kindergarten,
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of course, everyone is doing a specific job, please tell me , these are the costumes i see behind you there? colorful products, what is this, who makes it, and this is in connection with this, these are theatrical costumes, we are now in mariupol, in the house of creativity, it’s clear, it’s clear, how do you like, how do you like mariupol, the city is being restored, hero, everything is quickly restored, before our eyes everything becomes more beautiful. some changes are felt there , yes, and new transport is appearing and the appearance of the city is changing, the healthcare system is gradually changing, education, i am sure that the same thing
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will happen, is already happening, i hope it will happen on a larger scale in donetsk itself, and in the entire donetsk republic, here... there are no doubts, this is what you would like to pay attention to, and what you would think that both the federal and regional authorities should pay attention to attention, but apart from security issues, of course, this is a separate, most important issue, but in everyday terms, from the point of view of supporting families like yours, well, i think that’s how i...
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vladimir vladimirovich, we have an earlier retirement, and we didn’t change anything here when there were corresponding changes, so this benefit exists, i just don’t know. what age is irina aleksandovna talking about now from the point of view of what we wish for? we have a preferential retirement for large families, what for women there, depending on number of children, yeah, well, in your family , how many children do we raise for 10 10 children ? somewhere in our country there is already a regime
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of preferential retirement for such families for and for women in such families, so you are tatyana aleksanna, then you will need to inform irina aleksanna and oleg mikhailovich about what we will definitely do, say, what what is our order, what is the order and what benefits do they have? have the right to calculate and what benefits they should receive, unfortunately, often people even they don’t know this, oddly enough, but here in the donetsk republic, maybe there really isn’t enough information on this matter yet, let’s do it vladimirovich, yeah, okay, oleg mikhailovich, oleg mikhailovich, you have some questions, some thoughts on about how work is organized, by the way, including something like this...
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i’ll tell you in general how our family developed, and i want to say that after graduating from the logan pedagogical institute, i ended up working in a rural school, also in lugansk region, and taught there in practice, so i turned attention to irina, but as a young specialist, i tried to lead in such a way that no one would give anyone a reason, well, i like the girl, but i didn’t give any reason... until her, she graduated from school, finished her studies there, well, she moved on to study, only then did i dare
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to tell her about it, we had already met our parents, so we moved to donetsk and until the fourteenth year we lived, as they say, happily, our parents moved to us, they settled next to us, here are all the children, they helped us babysit, and i will say that parental help, namely grandmothers, grandfathers, it simply... cannot be underestimated, it’s just that without them it would have been much harder, since the age of fourteen, as everyone understands, we were in such a way as isolation, we did not leave until the age of twenty from donetsk nowhere, now our children have already begun to grow up, began to work, earn extra money, they, as if in secret from us, collected the amount necessary to take us to abkhazia, because the entrance, entry into abkhazia...
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that’s when we arrived the day before, so as not to miss the train, we spent the night in rostov, we rented an apartment, arrived at the station in advance and thought, we’ll park the transport, the car, we went to look for parking, and at that moment my wife calls and says: the train has arrived to board, it turned out, my daughter was a little mistaken, so it’s like our trip is being disrupted, you know, that’s it. so long-awaited, here we are at the very last moment... we ran up to the train, we were already starting to board,
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well, literally the train was about to start, and my daughter, who was accompanying us, nastya, she seemed to be discussing everything , agreeing on everything, she looks , she does not have passports and my husband ran to get his passport into the car, at that moment the train was starting to move, i looked, tears were flowing like that, i said, nastenya, nastyunya, i said, don’t worry, i said, well, we’ll find out how, what, well. .. at that moment my husband was running, someone was not from our carriage, someone just pulled the stop valve, the women were holding hands, they themselves were worried about us, they said: we have never had anything like this in our lives for something like this to happen , this tells you, well, it’s just such luck that when we had all calmed down, got on the train, they they check our documents, and we bought tickets to sukhum using dpr passports, and here it turns out that when the decision had already been made, well, we’re already moving to
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the russian federation, as i understand it, we can’t enter there with dpr passports. we were warned, they say, the train director warned us, he says, perhaps they will take you off the train, here we have another kind of obstacle, well, our joy seems to be blocked by something again, they take us off the train at 6 in the morning behind adler, before the border with abkhazia, they took me outside this the fence, the guard showed, he says, well, along the autobahn, go straight into the city, you will walk about a kilometer and a half, and we... well, we had wheels, so we rolled along this autobahn, everything is lit, of course, that’s when we arrived in the city, we’re already looking, well, the morning was still gray, suddenly it blossoms and we look, we’re around the mountains, there’s this beauty all around, we ended up in the city of sirius, like in some kind of fairy tale, everything is shining, after
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donetsk, that’s who lives donetsk has no idea how to end up in this shining city completely, we are like, well... a little we were shocked and took two taxi cars and my daughter already phoned and rented an apartment for us, so we spent this time in such good communication, we see each other, our child is pouring a full bath of water into the bathtub, well, for people who don’t experience this, it’s hard to understand, but he didn’t get out of the bath, because we don’t have water, it’s just normal to bathe, these are the difficulties, you know. i wouldn’t even have guessed that this could happen, and in the best way possible, so we met one person in adler, he works, well, goes on yachts, he took us for a ride,
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that’s it, we have such a friend, a comrade among the local residents, although... the siberian has been living there for some time already, we already consider him a comrade, one might say, we’ve already passed we’ve been around for a year and we’ve already received a payment, irina received a payment, so we ended up back in abkhazia, we went, and people treated us very kindly, but we immediately came to adler to see this guy, and he took me out in the evening, he says, can i show you around, i want to talk to you, i... please, and i thought he would take me to the gym, maybe because i was involved in sports, it’s somehow close to me, and then i got another job, i can do repairs, until today, and i think, probably , he will take me to the gym, show me his gym, we’ll see there, and he says, i want to take you to a slightly different place, and we ended up in a supermarket, a very expensive store,
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in the conversation i found out that he himself is an orphan, this guy and ... it shocked me, of course, he says: i want to buy you a gift, well at least for the sake of our acquaintance , to buy something, he says, well, what do you need, he asks directly, well, i see, so he says either sneakers or some kind of jacket, i say, well, i have sneakers, bought them , i said, well, let’s take a jacket, so he took me and takes me around these stores and tries on everything for me, they try on, try on, i look at the man like that, i just think, what kind of heart this guy has, he’s clearly... gone through in life these are the hardships, i think that every large family understands that it is difficult to live here in a large family, but no one regrets, i think, from those present, so he tells me, i want to buy you this, and i say, well, please, if you want, so he bought me a thing, then it was still possible to buy a warm jacket, and i said, it’s already
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getting warm, give me this one, he tried it on for me, i put it on like that, he says, you look like a mushroom picker, khaki, i say, well, this is just what i need, now such a purchase, so we bought it with him, he bought more gifts for the children, he bought a gift for his wife, and now he has appeared we have such a comrade on the other side, as they say, in the south, and i wanted to say that so as not to be discouraged by these difficulties that befall us, well, looking at our families in our region, even in the petrovsky district there are many large families. and eight children, and nine children, we have here, but people somehow remain in their places, and my parents live next to us, they told us, why don’t you leave, i...
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we love our city and i want to say that all our friends, starting from the first grades, when the children started, all of our doctors, nurses, all our friends, neighbors, they treat our family very well, i would like to say hello to all of them, because i think they will see us, they really have always supported us, our district administration, i especially thank them, our doctors, well teachers. thank you very much for supporting us, we were young, now we have become a little stronger, and now our children have grown up, so we are
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grateful to these people and grateful to you that you organize such meetings, vladimir vladimirovich, i wish you health, and how to holy scripture says, acquire wisdom, acquire intelligence, every person always needs this, so thank you. oleg mikhailovich, what you just said doesn’t even need any comments, i think that it’s people like you, like your new friend, here in sochi, it’s people like these that hold up multinational russia, a powerful country, it is precisely on this attitude towards each other towards their homeland, yes, times.
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with the passports you talked about, i hope they are all gone, becoming a thing of the past, everything will be calm, stable - everything will develop, and uh, donetsk, the donetsk republic, lugansk, uh, kherson region, uh, zaporozhye region, everything will develop as part of russia, the russian federation, and... in our common big family, everything will get back on its feet, including for families like yours, a large family, 10 children, this is a huge
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wealth, i won’t comment on anything else, i just want to wish you happiness, good luck, uh, i hope another trip , which we already talked about, a trip... to moscow it will also be full of good impressions and will evoke the necessary positive emotions in your entire large family. i wish you all the best, happiness and prosperity. thank you very much, good luck to you. what you, what you said, that thank god everyone is healthy here, only one little girl got a shell shock, i think that this too doesn’t even need any comments, our common
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goal is to ensure that no one ever i have never received anything like this, no one would have even thought about it, so that everything would be reliable and stable, and we we we will achieve this state of affairs, there is not even any doubt, all the best to you. let's think about what can be done additionally for your family and for families like yours, because in today's situation , in general, we need to support, which is what we
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are trying to do for large families? topic, but in your situation even more so, so i will tell him all this, but he will probably hear it, so nothing more, more valuable than - these words, directly, as they say, on the air, are not for him either it can’t be, well, nevertheless, we will also talk to him in this bill, all the best to you, happiness and prosperity, let's move, let's move. another region, north-west caucasus, north caucasus federal district, chechnya, khalikov hussein daudovich and khalikova taistidovna, please, hello, i wanted to thank you very much, thank you for paying
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attention to us during such a difficult time for the country. met with us, thank you very much, and i am grateful to our leadership that they pay very much attention to our families, our people, thanks to you, vladimir vladimirovich, your with the support of our republic, people confidently move forward every day, our republic is improving in culture. thanks to ramzan akhmatovich, he leaves every person, every family without attention. my only request to you today, not as president, but as a private individual, came to visit us, and we have you, we have you in the sharoy mountains, instead, thanks to ramzan akhmatovich, a tower complex was built there, we will meet you, you will our great guest. thank you, thank you.
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thank you very much for the invitation, i will definitely try to implement it, i promised ikhmatyvich, he also told me just recently, they haven’t been with us for a long time, i promised him to come, of course, i will do everything possible to make this trip take place, indeed a lot has been done in chechnya recently, primarily thanks to the residents of chechnya themselves, thanks to the chechens .
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to express my gratitude to the leadership of the republic, the leadership of our mortanovsky municipal district and also joining all the warm words spoken to you. thank you very much, you know, i looked at the composition of your big family, and here you have children, math teacher, physics teacher, senior... researcher, artist, researcher, artist, listen, you have such a family, beautiful, simple, and you raised such children, wonderful, maybe some of them he will add something, but i want to add about his older brother ramzan, who was not written about in the newspaper, there...


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