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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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i also want to express my gratitude to the leadership of the republic, the leadership of our ochkhomortanovsky municipal district and also joining all the warm words spoken to you. thank you very much. you know, i looked at the composition of your large family, yes, here you have children, mathematics teachers. physics teacher, senior researcher, artist, researcher, artist, listen, you have such a family, beautiful, simple, and you raised such children, wonderful, maybe one of them will add something, but i want to add about elder brother ramzan, and about whom they did not write in the newspaper, we we we work in
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government agencies, but there was no mention of him, i want to add, but ramzan always stayed at home, took care of his parents, when our grandmother was still alive, with her, here, here is our older brother, we all always looked up to him, here is a big thank you to our parents, older brother, we also want to convey a big hello to our older sister izeta, who could not attend the conference today. she lives in tv tvira region, and thanks to you, vladimir vladimirovich, we we can be proud of our country, our president, many thanks to you, as well as to our leadership ramzan akhmatovich, many thanks, peace and kindness to everyone, how great it is that you - not about yourself - started talking about your parents, about your older brother, about your older sister, well this, this... what, this means
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that mutual respect and love reign in your family, this, this, well, this is an example for imitation, for all families with many children, few children, this the basis, the basis of our common cultural code, is also applies to the caucasus and other regions of the countries. we have a multinational and multi-religious country, but the cultural code, the basic basis of our common russian culture is this : respect for elders, respect for parents, respect for your country, for your small homeland, for your big homeland, for your own, for your homeland as a whole. , and caring for each other, loving each other, that... this is the basis
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of the stability of the russian state, i want to wish you all the best, thank you for the invitation. moscow, central federal district, abakomova irina alekseevna and alexander nikolaevich, please, good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, we are not all here, our youngest children, schoolchildren went to vladivostok for special achievements in sports, so...
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ago it was very difficult to think, there is do we have an ideology in the state, now it is on its own, i see this from today’s communication, and from those speeches, ideologies appear in our state, and thanks to you, thanks to the efforts of your assistants, thank god, this one appears in our country family values ​​and the purpose of the state. i would like to thank you again, vladimir vladimirovich, well, i wish you to visit such a small town in the moscow region, where you have not been before, this is the city of lobnya, i serve there, i serve my ministry, our dear prime minister, mikhail vladimirovich, is from there , and if possible, stop by for at least a few minutes, thank you very much for the invitation, thank you for your service for... for
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children, for their upbringing, so i’m looking at him from your doctors, eldest son, as i understand , the therapists say: in the documents at the beginning, svo went with her sister to the combat zone as volunteer doctors, but no one forced her, however, we went at the call of our hearts, it’s impossible to say otherwise, it’s kind of like a cliche, but it’s hard to find other words , just from the call of my heart, i want to wish you all your big family, all the best, happiness, prosperity, here we talked about the possibility of organizing a trip to moscow, well, you are already practically in moscow, but i hope that you will also take part in these general events, because in addition to the trip, my colleagues are organizing
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a certain program, i hope that this will also be of interest to you, we will try to make sure that it is meaningful and not very... tiring, keeping in mind that a large number of children, i want to thank you all for today’s meeting, for the conversation, in some, our country is large, if not huge, i see, i have a picture on the screen, kamchatka is not sleeping yet, despite the fact that the children small i can already see them lying on the elders’ laps, almost falling asleep, i want to. i wish you all all the best - and yes, did you want to say something? yes, well, please turn it on, and hello, dear vladimir vladimirovich, i would like to express my gratitude to you for
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appreciating the care and love of our parents in this way, thank you very much and may the lord bless you, and also taking this opportunity, i would like to thank their parents for their... loyalty to each other, for their love for us, for their care and also faith in our god, thank you, this is the best, you can’t say, to conclude, this is the best that could be said to conclude our general meeting, i want to wish everyone all the best, congratulations to you, excuse me, congratulations on the upcoming good holiday, children’s day, everything hello, thank you very much, good luck! vladimir putin spoke via video link with families awarded the order of parental glory and mothers awarded the title of mother heroine. vladimir putin accepted the resignation of the governor of the khantamanti autonomous okrug natalia komarova, the corresponding decree was published on the official website of the president of russia. the decision was made due to the fact that the head of the region
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announced his resignation from his post of his own free will. by the same decree, vladimir putin appointed the acting head of tyumen, ruslan kukharuk. at a working meeting, the president discussed with him. the next tasks that need to be solved in the district, ruslan nikolaevich, you were born in the khantamasi autonomous okrug, you worked all your life in tyumen, twice people trusted you in the elections, mayor of tyumen, head of administration city, i want to offer you to head the autonomous okrug, everything is dear to you there, i hope
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makeyevka is very close cooperation today in the restoration of engineering, social, transport infrastructure, which work undoubtedly needs to be continued, and of course, if we talk about plans , then today, probably, such a guiding document is a new decree on the national development goals of our country,
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within the framework of this particular work, it is necessary today, in my opinion, to closely interact with federal structures, federal ministries in terms of completing the tasks that were set within the framework of the national... in ukraine, they decided to abandon the idea of ​​economic reservation, local media reported this, we are talking about the idea of ​​​​exempting people with high incomes from mobilization, these are workers who receive a salary of 35,000 hryvnia , that's about $850. the authors of the idea assumed that it would be better to use taxes from such salaries to support the troops, but unexpectedly they were opposed by the general staff, who felt that such an initiative would be perceived by society as unfair, that will lead to a drop in morale in the army. perhaps, however, the reason is different: now in ukraine it is very difficult to recruit the required number of people to replenish. citizens
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are hiding from military commissars and, at the first opportunity, trying to escape abroad. today, for example, a new case became known, four men tried to swim across the tisa river using children's inflatable rings. the tightening of mobilization is increasingly affecting the economy. enterprises note that there are fewer workers. so today it became known that due to the shortage of personnel in the kiev metro has increased. train intervals, information appeared in a number of ukrainian telegram channels that the authorities intend to lower the age for mobilization to 18 years. the new people party has prepared a bill that would equate an attack by ambulance officers to an attack on government officials. we’ll talk about this and other initiatives right now with our guest, this is the deputy head of the new people faction in the state duma, sordan avksintevna. sardanna vladimirovna, hello, hello. first of all, i would like to touch on the topic of tax changes that have been initiated. tell me, your party has already formed
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some kind of position on this matter. the party has a preliminary position, of course, but at the same time, i always emphasize that the devil is in the details, so we all just got acquainted with the introductory parameters of the upcoming changes, so, well, for example, i have now requested information in several regions, in several municipalities, they predict. tax base here in part increase or decrease, because there are questions, of course, about how this will all change, so right now on the air i’m not ready to say which one in general or in particular, what we are ready to support, so the next question, which of course is still of interest to our party , what changes will there be for small medium-sized businesses, because according to the simplified taxation system for the income tax of organizations, as for large ones there, all this now requires detail, we are studying it very carefully. well then, how as soon as there is information, then we will wait for
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your comments. now let’s move on to other topics that were also announced. a bill has been prepared that would equate attacks by ambulance officers to attacks on government officials. as far as i understand, such an initiative had already been put forward before, in the end it was rejected, why now they decided to raise this issue again and what are the chances, the state duma. previously , a similar bill was introduced, but changes were proposed. in the health protection law, now we are proposing to make changes to the criminal code of the russian federation, because the reports that we see, the facts of attacks on ambulance crews, unfortunately, and the changes that were made to the code of administrative offenses relatively recently, have no positive results in this case they did not bring it, i made a request to the ministry of internal affairs under the relevant article of the code of administrative offenses. attracted only five in five episodes last year, yes, whereas we see that, for example, in the first
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in the first six months of last year , there were more than eight hundred attacks on ambulance crews, 852 attacks, 872, correct me if i ’m wrong, in total there were 1,752 attacks on doctors last year, only five episodes resulted in administrative offenses , just a fine, most likely yes yes, therefore and therefore. i believe that they need to be protected, they argue with me about what and why, for example, the police or the national guard, of course, there they go against armed criminals, they mean, i say, well, comrades, doctors, ambulance crew help, they are without weapons, without any protection, but civilians sometimes go into extreme situations in a situation incomprehensible to themselves, they have potent drugs in their car, which... are also a subject of interest to different groups, today in some
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regions, the shortage of doctors and ambulance attendants reaches 40%, because the work is a difficult, b - dangerous, people are in a state of effect, people are in a state of alcoholic drunkenness, and well, in different psycho-emotional states, they go to see them, well, mostly women, not counting drivers, do you think that tougher punishment will help solve this problem? today we... talked to the federal trade union of medical workers, they support this idea, we talked to the expert community, the emergency doctors themselves , they support this idea support, so let's see how the consideration goes, how colleagues in the state duma react, whether they will support the ambulance crews or not. if we're talking about security, here's another initiative to combat home violence, tell us more about this direction, will it be a separate bill, or are these some changes to existing legislative acts? i would like to say right away that our approach
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differs from the approach that was previously in the state duma of previous convocations in terms of formation.
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strengthening the work to prevent some very, well, extremely tragic cases that we know about, yes, what measures need to be taken, and one of the preventive measures, for example, we proposed an initiative, which means counteracting stalking or, in normal language, obsessive persecution, because very often we see, when i analyze the tragic cases that occur in different parts of our country, what about the deaths of women?
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these are men, representatives of some public professions, artists, yes, anyone can suffer from this from persecution, some girl in the audience will like you, it will start, you know, so far the scammers have only liked it, so far only the scammers have liked it, oh well, that’s it and there is no mechanism that could protect, because that after all, the article that talks about interference in private life is quite specific, it does not fit into this application, so in june we will hold a round table with experts, first of all, we will discuss exactly this... for intervening in russian families, there are parents, children, divorced parents, how will they communicate between, no, not about that, to protect from the beginning, so we are not talking about the fact that we are experiencing physical violence, further from psychological impact, because psychological violence is it's also like a very difficult situation in which any family member can find themselves, and if we are talking
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about domestic violence, it is not only a man against a woman, it is also women against men, this also exists. or adult associative children against elderly parents, we will consider all these situations, but still the family component, judging by your words, will also be present there, but i repeat, without those nuances that find some very wide resistance in society, this is the relationship between divorced parents issues of raising children and raising children in general in families. another topic that has been an important topic of discussion lately, especially concerning. including, probably, partly security issues, such as migration policy, what is the party’s position, what is your attitude to the policy that is currently being pursued, is there anything that needs to be changed in it? of course, something needs to be changed in it, all the events that occur or the reasons, when we begin to understand certain resonant events that occur in tragedies, of course, we see
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that there is a mess, our position is party... very convenient, very convenient, we propose the same as electronic passports, electronic doubles to be introduced for every migrant who enters our country in order to get a job.
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in this regard, i watched this video quite carefully, which means, well, i must say that now there is a pre-investigation check going on, so i, sitting here, at a distance
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of 1.00 km, can judge what really happened there only on the basis of the excerpt video, it’s difficult for me, i still i’m used to trusting documents and facts, so let’s wait until the investigative check, but in general i would like to say that when the unified state examination takes place, it’s already a pretty stressful situation for our children, all these stories with inspections. stories of weapons being brought in and shootings in schools, so where is the balance between safety and psychological comfort ? i absolutely agree with you, because like any parent, and i am already a grandmother, of course. first of all, i worry about the health and lives of the children, yes, but i repeat, after all, the oge, eg, they should not go to schools, like to
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their own native schools, to their teachers, like to some kind of closed institution. uh, a topic that is probably being actively discussed in moscow, and in general in large metropolitan areas lately, is this kind of confrontation, pedestrian, scooter, let’s call it that. do you use a scooter? me not. how do you feel about those who use it? and since i walk very often, i try to walk a lot , then of course they scare me, like any normal pedestrian, they scare me at great speed, two at a time, and i just i understand that even if they just fall on me, it will be an injury, but what can we say about the elderly or children, at the same time, which means that when we, in the first approach to the projectile, let’s say, considered the bill introduced by our colleagues about ... fines for speeding and so on, yes, that is, well, in principle, people are asking to regulate all this, this is understandable, we as legislators must
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do this, along with how who will control how what devices will measure speed , how this scooter moves, then, as experts tell me, and you noticed, i always refer to experts, people, specialists in one area or another, they say that until we separate these flows of pedestrians and... people using personal mobility devices, some of these situations will still arise , not everywhere it is possible to allocate a special lane for the movement of people on sims, not everywhere we have sidewalks in our country, so of course the problem is colossal, but we must approach it carefully, first of all, of course, i think, but that all participants in this process the interaction movements were satisfied, but this doesn’t happen, so... when she grows up
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, will she ride a scooter herself? yes, and young people like it, and they like this way of transportation, or my mother, who rides a scooter due to the fact that she is a little limited in movement, she is also a sim user, everything that concerns all these supposed bans and fines and so on, will concern these people too, because when we talk about means of individual mobility, this is actually quite broad, these are not only scooters, it is clear that this is...
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mine is in the nearest moscow region, but it stirred up, and to me, for example, as a person who led the largest city for the eternal world, these problems seemed childish, because our utility workers, heroic, they service the worn-out utility network at -55 and below -60, and nothing like that happens, so it’s a matter of qualifications, it’s a matter of being demanding, it’s generally a matter of approach to the issue, so... in order to freeze everything there at -20, well, that’s who we need to be, that’s what we northerners need to do, just like that is, you think in many respects the issue of personnel, of course, and if we talk about housing and communal services in general, then of course, i think that we could devote a separate issue to this, now i’ll think about where to start, and not just one, the first, for today in the country does not have a complete picture of the state of our networks, how many
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there are, in what condition they are...
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i must sadly inform you that today there is no responsibility for the failure to implement investment programs, money is collected regularly, responsibility for no one wants this investment programs themselves are not mandatory, and even if they are adopted and somehow implemented, there are no uniform requirements, because one type of work is replaced by other types of work, as the cost of work changes from one figure to another figure, no one controlled
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this process? yes, yes, yes, and it was said that indeed, the investment component, now this will be approached more strictly, i am a member of the parliamentary inter-factional group, i continue to strongly pursue this topic about investment expenses of companies demand, pump, fortunately i find support from the prosecutor general’s office of the russian federation, so there is a positive moment, i can talk a lot about this, unfortunately, we don’t have much on-air, and i’ll probably have time to ask one more question, about a minute and a half us, just yesterday in your telegram channel, a message appeared that you won a libel case, this is your first such experience, remind me, if possible briefly, what kind of case it is, yes, this is the first experience, in general i believe that the work of a public politician it is always associated with certain rumors, stories, something true, something real, that’s why with...


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