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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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its civil part and we covered this process, yes, yes, yes, and it was said that the investment component will now be approached more strictly, i am a member of the parliamentary inter-factional group, i continue this topic about the company’s investment expenses, i strongly continue demand, pump, fortunately i find support from the prosecutor general's office of the russian federation, so there are positive aspects.
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i always took this calmly, but when the myth began to inflate more and more that as the mayor of the city of yakutsk, i had a hand in ensuring that more than 200 animals died in the yakut city animal holding center, then at first i thought that, well, everyone in the city knows, everyone will figure out that i didn’t do this, but the republican veterinarians did it, well, the level power - this is a completely different decision-making process, well, i sort of missed it, but the years passed, and this... everything grew, grew, grew, it began to interfere with me, because not only did it start to interfere, it also began to cast a shadow on the party , in which i am a member, therefore, i decided together with my colleagues that i would still defend my position in court that no, such a fact did not exist, i have nothing to do with it, it’s all a lie and vile slander, the second part of this story, it is about the fact that after all, any public figure, be it a politician, blogger, journalist, still... must bear
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responsibility for what he says, for the information he carries, and well, you, professional journalists this is known, so here it is. sardanna vladimirovna, thank you for your comments, thank you for answered questions, let me remind you that our guest was the deputy leader of the new people faction in the state duma, sordana avksentievna.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed. we will expose all fakes. as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. toufon was created to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes, it is recommended to use it.
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someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, the megamarket will simply grow with us, when burned ames, unlike many remedies that act on symptoms, ames reduces acid production and fights the cause of heartburn. the czech town of žatec is famous for its good holidays on tružek square. enjoy the žatec goose beer without alcohol. register codes and collect your collection of mugs to have a good rest, zhatelsky goose is non-alcoholic, collect nice mugs, it’s hard not to notice
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the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get a supercake in rubles every month for free. withdraw cash from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, for you, who wants to solve all the mysteries of nature, this is a plus for you, who are especially attentive to details, i checked, and for you, for whom curiosity opens up new horizons, ruviks, you know where to find out , i am something good, the best, and i am useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i am the new vtb loyalty program! vtb! choose the categories you need every month, for example, clothing, food, sporting goods, and you will receive cashback of up to 25%
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on any vtb card, in rubles. thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb: together everything will work out. if you are, be the first. you were not the first campers, from songs the best songs, from books, real books, and you don’t listen to the cowardly, you will blow them away like foam, if you are, be the best, if you are, be the first, gdve fuel reveals the potential of the engine and those who strives to be the first, tested in racing conditions, driv, be the first, attack by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts for we conveniently repay one loan within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. at the burning of ames. unlike many remedies that act on symptoms. ames reduces acid production and
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fights the cause of heartburn. at avito work it’s easy to find your place. dad, you'll be home soon. soon. i don’t stay late now, mom, guess who started a new job today? many vacancies are new every day, you will find not just a job, but your place, children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb. complete control of my expenses payment sticker, apply now for a children's savings card - an adult approach. and now briefly about the main
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economic events of the day. the ministry of finance called the crypto-industry the locomotive of economic development, this was stated by deputy minister of finance ivan. chebeskov. according to him, the department has been discussing the issue of comprehensive regulation of the crypto industry for many years. many russians have digital assets such citizens must be protected from deception by unscrupulous sites. on the other hand, the ministry of finance sees huge potential for using these assets, including for investment projects. based on the results of the quarter, transneft increased its net profit by 5%. the company earned more than 95 billion rubles. this is stated in the ifrs report. you. positive by 17%, a total of 369 billion. the result exceeded market expectations. let me remind you that in january last year the company increased tariffs for the transportation of oil and petroleum products by 7.2%. today's quarterly report is also presented by interrao. here the increase in
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profit was immediately 17.5% to 48 billion rubles. revenue increased by 10% to 392 billion. the results were affected by the increase in energy consumption in the domestic market. expansion of geography and purchase of power engineering assets. interrao is one of the largest russian energy companies, its power plant capacity is about 31 gigawatts. and export prices for russian wheat increased by 15% over the month. by may 24, the cost of grain reached $245 per ton. a businessman writes about this with reference to the price center indexes. analysts note that the price exceeded the national mercantile exchange index of $235 for the first time in 8 months. experts attribute this trend to the end of the discount period for the new crop. as a result, contracts for supplies to foreign buyers are concluded at a higher price. this was economic news, briefly, but we
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continue to carry out remote inspections instead of very long ones; information technologies make it possible to more effectively control the quality of agricultural products. how does this system work and how much does it speed up the process of obtaining business permits, marina gromova will tell you, there is a solution in the program, right after the advertisement. remember what they told you when you decided. open a business, you won’t make money on honey, it’s a swarm of problems, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account in alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at a megamarket change the world. megamarket - just grow with us!
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a question of safety, but not mine, the vaccine for cows, it’s bottled right here, a sterile zone. this is domestic equipment, it works smoothly, but if something goes wrong, the red light will light up . the quality control of food products, from field to counter, is carried out in approximately the same way, how digitalization contributes to this and what solutions are there for business in this area, there is a good expression: what a cow has on her tongue is in her milk, so it depends just because she ate. but also from the health of the animal, the twenty-second year simply gave, to put it mildly, such an impetus, which was simply kicked very well, when western companies that supplied american, danish, german, yes, they simply stopped supplying, you can put
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your paw on the shield, and if you feel that there is heat coming from it, this needs to be refined, in 7 years, the volume of agricultural production should increase by 25% compared to the twenty- first year, exports should increase by one and a half times, the rosselkhoznadzor has a special one here role, and above all to prevent the spread of diseases that threaten both animals and plants. vologda oil is a brand known far beyond its borders. in russia , production was founded at the end of the 19th century by nikolai vereshchagin, the brother of the famous painter, traditions are respected here, and they also keep up with the times. when the supplier delivers milk to us, we bring it to the factory. the first thing we do is we go into the state information system mercury and check for the presence of a document that confirms to us milk safety, veterinary.
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if this document does not exist, or it is formatted incorrectly from our point of view. sight, we don’t do anything further, we don’t even open a section of the car tank, if we have confirmed the presence of a document, and the document says that milaco is really safe from a veterinary point of view, we begin to monitor it, hide the section, take a sample with a sample already we come to the laboratory. this production became a pilot project, new digital services came here in 2015, thanks to technological solutions, it was even possible to identify. we had a case of counterfeiting when, using the mercury system, we tracked and prevented the spread of counterfeits, when the product was supposedly produced at a training and experimental dairy plant, but in fact it was not produced here, and was simply sold under our guise. the safety and quality of products is ensured by the federal state information system bet;
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it covers the entire production chain of circulation of raw materials and consists of... components, here are just a few of the main ones. cerberus is control and accounting of legally significant actions in the field of veterinary supervision. serano, an early warning system, signals violations during laboratory control, and mercury is an electronic veterinary certification that includes all stages of production of raw materials and identifies violations in the enterprises themselves. the system builds a chain of certificates from raising animals to selling finished products, and 86...
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no one knows, quality control is not limited to one tasting. company on market for 20 years, they were mainly engaged in the import of meat products, and 2 years ago they began to process meat. what it is? this is necessarily a veterinary klimon, which manufacturers use to mark their products so that they can be tracked. for example, we receive products from different suppliers, and suddenly some quality issues arise. i see some number there, just electronic veterinary certificates, where all this is written down. supplies come from all over russia; 200 tons are rolled on this line every day. pork. production, as far as possible, is automated as much as possible, but manual labor cannot be done here, every collapse. processes 6 tons of pork per shift, it’s very physically difficult, look at the guys here, real heroes.
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previously, veterinarians at the plant also needed heroic strength, when for every kilogram of meat there was a stack of paper documents. we still remember those times when we had to spend a lot of time and money just on application forms. our employee had to fill out all the forms and go to the veterinary service office where you were. the queue was live, where in this queue there were large, small companies, medium-sized, professional, not professional, but it was as if they came to the store, stood in line, today, of course, thanks to all electronic systems, we have forgotten what it is, now the construction of a second production site is underway, where canned food will be produced, there will be even more documents, but now the mercury platform is responsible for this part of the work, now you only see a computer on the table, and a small cabinet with some documents. vietnam, export documents are prepared
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in a few clicks, in order to supply products to foreign markets, a veterinary certificate is required, you can get it through the “my export” platform, it works under the national project international cooperation and export, more than 100 electronic services for exporters, in one mode windows, consultations on logistics services, assistance in... the quality of products from field to store is monitored by the federal veterinary service and phytosanitary control. scheduled inspections are not needed, because according to the plan, we are required by
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law to notify the enterprise 3 days in advance. we come to the enterprise and say, where is the counterfeit? 3 days were not in vain. for example, we made counters and modules for calculating fat and protein for milk, that is, you got milk. fat content, you can produce from these 100 tons of milk, taking into account the fat content , this is the amount of product and that’s all, but the system itself gives more output automatically, when we launched it, we succeeded so that in the 4 months of september, october, november, december we made more detections than in the previous 2 years, these are risk indicators that are triggered, if risk indicators are triggered, this is a reason for control and surveillance activities, last year we carried out more of them.. .
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recommendations for improving the biosecurity situation at the factory; perhaps somewhere you need to add an additional disinfection mat or a cuvette with a disinfectant solution. one poultry house contains 40 thousand chickens, there are 25 poultry houses, for a total of a million individuals in the factory are subject to the strictest sanitary control. the first thing that surprises you at the poultry farm is that the chickens are not yellow, but green. what's the secret? so that veterinarians can be sure that all the birds have been vaccinated, the vaccine is sprayed.
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have been working for 15 years, the main diseases against which poultry are vaccinated are infectious bronchitis, bursitis, nucleic acid disease, until 2022, vaccines were used mainly imported, there was a fear that domestic production would not be able to cope with the volume, since there are enough poultry complexes around the country a lot, and simply biological plants, they will not be able to produce the required volume so that absolutely all poultry complexes can... over the past 3 years, their production has soared from 12.5
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billion doses to 20. make it easier for foreigners to work in russia than to domestic producers, when all these sanctions began, we immediately said that we need to move in the direction of increasing our production, our problem was that many of our institutes, they are highly specialized and did not understand that we need to develop, but we their forced, you know, when they came to our service in 2004, we were forced to completely reconstruct, completely make sure
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that the vaccines were of the highest... in the twenty-third year, based on the results of production , we buy only russian equipment in which we produced 1.6 billion doses vaccines, then today we have produced more than 5 billion. this means that we are increasing volumes, and this is some kind of intermediate story, but it will continue to develop, of course. vaccines are produced here, which have no analogues on our market, against mastitis in cows and for fish, yes, they get sick too. vaccines for poultry
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produced here have filled the market in... and sad in the next 2 weeks after visiting the production of vaccines, i am strictly forbidden, but of course you can, perhaps, meet another one, now in the center of moscow it’s a little difficult, unlike cottage cheese milk, they are sold at every turn, the main thing is that the consumer expects from these products, that they are safe, healthy and of course tasty, we filmed this episode in four cities, everything was not included in the program, so go to qr code to our social networks, there is even
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something there that usually remains behind the scenes. pushkin, a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe the best lines to this place. and it seems that the surface of the large bolden pond forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. on the 225th anniversary of the poet, this is where the concert will take place. reflection. live
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stream. from the boldin estate on june 6 at 21:20 on the russia channel. the broadcast continues with facts. information picture of the day in our issues. in the studio artyom yamshchikov and olga armyakova. and not the future of the country, large families, the number of which has grown by a quarter in recent years, are the support of the state, support for parents and their children is the absolute priority of the authorities, what federal projects are already helping families and what else needs to be taken into account at the regional level for large families to become the norm life in russia. vladimir putin presented the order of parental glory and mother heroine.


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