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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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the motherland award is a sign of recognition of your skill and many years of conscientious work. dear friends, all of you, participants and creators of modern history, your energy, enthusiasm, loyalty to russia serve to realize the most daring, ambitious plans, unite and inspire society. i cordially congratulate you on your well-deserved awards. thank you. by decree of the president of the russian federation, for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, the title of hero of the russian federation was awarded to lieutenant colonel evtodiy alexander mikhailovich.
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junior sergeant zainulin albert tauratovich. junior lieutenant anatoly georgievich ivanov.
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on behalf of every guardsman, i would like to assure you once again that all assigned tasks will be completed, the enemy will be defeated , and victory will be ours. senior lieutenant.
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russian federation, assigned to anna yuryevna kikina, test cosmonaut.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear country, i want to express and say thank you, immeasurable, i express gratitude to my parents for the gift of life once to me, to my parents, to my small homeland novosibirsk as a whole our country, for the conditions for human development, i also say thank you to all the workers in the space industry, with whom we are... doing a common cause, i wish everyone prosperity and peace, thank you for the award, i work for the benefit of people and russia, sergei korsykov vladimirovich, cosmonaut, tester.
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dear mr. president, dear compatriots, friends, star of the hero of russia. this is the highest award and recognition, the highest honor, and this is not only recognition of personal contribution, it is a great symbol of our people, joint achievements of joint labor of thousands of people, in the highest flights we always remember those heroes who serve every day to protect our country, our... world, our freedom of our lives, these are defenders whose exploits often remain beyond the screens, but it is their courage , their greatness is the basis, the foundation for our security of our country. and we strive for the stars, we reach new
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frontiers in science and technology, primarily for the sake of our children, who will follow the path that we are paving for them today. their smiles, their dreams of hope are what what is a real driving force for our achievements, in them we find inspiration and determination for the most daring steps, and we will do everything for our children and for our parents, thanks to whom we became ourselves, and it is difficult to express gratitude to our parents in words, you can only do this with deeds, so that they are proud of us, see us as an example of courage and honor, this is a high reward, not only recognition of merit, but a reminder of the enormous... thank you for your high trust, for this assessment, i promise to continue my journey with the same devotion as before , serve to our homeland, its people and future generations, i serve russia, denis vladimirovich matveev,
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cosmonaut, tester. dmitry aleksandrovich pitelin, test cosmonaut instructor. in addition to the words of my previous colleagues, i would like to add that today we are celebrating the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of our famous cosmonaut alexei arkhipovich leonov, it is very pleasant, doubly pleasant to receive such a high award from your hands , vladimir vladimirovich, on this day, and
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i believe that a fusion of wisdom and experience of our predecessors of our youth, will allow us to achieve even greater success in space exploration for the benefit of russia, thank you, i serve. andrey valerievich fedyaev, test cosmonaut. for the courage and heroism shown during the great patriotic war of 1941-1945, a great contribution to the patriotic education of youth, the title of hero of the russian federation,
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was awarded to sadykov ibrahim pasha sultanovich, a participant in the great patriotic war, republic.
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i wrote a letter to the minister of the rashi federation, i am a mechanic. the victory of ukraine is yours, you will win, dear
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president, makhashkala used to have a lot of murders, ministers inside, children from school were stolen, raped, killed. thank you very much for appointing medical specialist sergei arimovich, from the day he set foot on dagestan soil, everything became brighter, in the doctor’s head, every institution, every one. when your elections were held, he went around, everyone
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voted for you, even my right-wing grandson, he said, grandfather, i am for putin, the victory is yours, vladimir, vladimirovich, february 24th. in 1945, i completed heroic deeds, for these feats i received only today, i need to that day, dear president, to pay the money, this is the second time.
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i brought a german officer, colonel krasnov, i was given the order of glory, the third degree, i killed 25 germans, i received the second uranslav, you have archives, look.
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on february 1945, near berlin , ibrahim posha defeated the germans in hand-to-hand combat in the opening battle.
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services to the state and people, the title of hero of labor of the russian federation, awarded to valentina ivanovna matvienko, chairman of the federation council of the federal assembly russian federation.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, allow me to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for the honor bestowed upon me, conferring the title of hero of labor, this award obliges me to a lot, and for me this is a special day, i think, as for everyone present here, a very exciting day, i am 52 years old. before their work experience, they are all in the public service, for me it has always been service, service to people, service to my country, and i am a happy person, because i have always had wonderful people next to me teachers, mentors, whom i remember, i am eternally grateful to my native
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leningrad, st. petersburg, where i received my education, where my career began, this is truly a unique, special city with a great history, with heroic pages, wonderful, outstanding people, he, of course, had a huge influence on me, like all residents of our city, on my development. deeply respected vladimir vladimirovich, i am grateful to fate that from your first day. leadership of the country, i’m on your team, these are my best years, the most creative, filled with meaning, and you know, this feeling of involvement in the great achievements that you are doing for the good of your homeland, for the good of the people, it has always given some additional strength,
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additional opportunities and high responsibility.
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team of the entire vladimirovich, we really learn from you all the time your selfless love for your homeland, for the people, your efforts to protect russia, its sovereignty, its security, and once again i want to say that we are such a leader, a national leader, we we will definitely achieve everything, i really liked your words yesterday at the state council and... at the strategic development council, when you said that everyone, all of us must work even more successfully, more efficiently, selflessly, as our guys do on the front line , it seems to me that this is an order to all of you, i am not a military man, but i will still say, i serve russia,
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thank you very much again. for special services in the development of national culture, art and many years of fruitful work, the title of hero of labor of the russian federation, awarded to alexander maksovich shillov, people's artist of the ussr, academician of the russian academy of arts. deeply respected. vladimir vladimirovich, first of all, i congratulate you from the bottom of my heart for your attention, for your appreciation of my work, and until the end, until my last breath, i will be
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grateful to you for this, and i want to say that i am also grateful to you for the fact that from the first steps of my presidency you defend our fatherland, our homeland, the only homeland of russia, when the enemy kova... the enemy, having long dreamed of destroying it, united, and we live in difficult times, that’s exactly what it is, to be or not to be, but given that the whole people practically, i completely agree with valentina bath, which takes into account the fact that all of russia, all the people, and this proves... the last elections rallied around you , this is the most important thing, because without such a powerful unity of people, to continue to work
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titanically, as you have been working all your presidential years, inhuman tension, work, the support of the people is absolutely necessary, and having voted almost unanimously for you, they supported, that means everything your... actions, all your titanic activity, which even in the mind, for example, in mine, it doesn’t fit how you can withstand all this, all this can only be withstood, as i understand it, i feel, in one case, for this you have to be the greatest patriot that you are, your heart must be woven out of love for the fatherland, for our beloved people, and this gives the main strength to the people, your great steps, supported you, as these elections speak about, so i also thank you from the bottom of my heart , i say again, for your activities, everything is more comprehensive, you
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you support all circles of the activities of our state, you have time everywhere, it is impossible to list, so please accept my congratulations on the fact that all of russia... supported you so that you continue your activities like this, although it is not enough to support, you need everyone, being on in his post, is obliged not just verbally, but by his actions, whoever can, to support you, to help you, because it is very difficult for one person to constantly live in such tension, but having the support of the people behind him, this is a great and important incentive, for my part, vladimir vladimirovich, i want to say that when you
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were in our gallery for the second time, you visited the hall of fame, where i exhibited - painted portraits that i have been painting since my student days of all those who fought, regardless of professions and special services, intelligence officers.
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these great friends, and recently i also painted one, as naryshkin told me, i instruct him to paint an intelligence officer, as he said, of the 21st century, i donate all this to the state, i have already given it to the state, for the 27 years of the gallery’s existence , tomorrow will be the anniversary, 1870 works paintings and graphics free of charge, and of course i will continue to donate these works in this, so to speak, in the activities of our gallery it helps us a lot. bortnik alexander
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vasilyevich for the fact that by his decree he accepted me into the public council of the fsb, he also entrusted me with several outstanding counterintelligence officers and intelligence officers, i also wrote them, all these people posed for me, i write them, communicating with them, and communicating with with them, vladimir vladimovich, i understood, and no one will convince me, that these people who are in the security services, counterintelligence officers, scouts of all kinds, the homeland holds on. if i repeat myself, i can say this endlessly, because it has entered my very blood, i did not know before, without communicating with them, but having become acquainted with the exploits of these people, i realized that without them the homeland cannot exist, that everything rests on even take them, if the last patriotic war, they brought the end of the war closer, and thereby reduced the number of casualties, they are now helping the north military district, moreover, i want to say, i started writing...
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the heroes of the north military district, including those you awarded, and it struck me too, it’s already four i painted portraits, tomorrow i will also give them to the gallery, from the vishnevsky hospital, the main hospital of the ministry of defense, they were brought to my studio, and i worked with them, and will continue to paint, of course, i am simply delighted, this is an example of how to serve fatherland, on their exploits, of course, it is necessary to educate the younger... generations, in addition to this, alexander vasilyevich bortnikov instructed me to conduct public work as a member of the public council , the golitin border institute comes to us every sunday, listeners, near the belarusian station there is an academy of border troops, an academy of the fsb, this happens every saturday and sunday, all year round, and i perform at creative patriotic evenings, also at these academies all the time, so i will continue
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to do these. because the listeners who come, they, of course, are also extraordinary people, their parents, of course, it is their merit that they raised such future defenders of the fatherland. i won’t hold your attention, i’m sorry that i may talk for a long time, but i want to say once again, vladimir vladimirovich, they say there are no irreplaceable people, you are an irreplaceable president, there are irreplaceable people, you must take care of yourself at least a little, and we all help together as best we can in our positions, and of course, your surroundings.
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for great services in strengthening the institute of family and raising children, the title of mother heroine was awarded to olga vladimirovna verpakovskaya, mother of 14 children, tver region. dear vladimir vladimirovich, i am sincerely grateful to you for your high assessment of my work, for the decree on the establishment that was once signed.
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title of mother heroine, for accepting numerous measures that relate to motherhood and childhood, and which are also being implemented in our tver region. our region has created a ministry of family and demographic policy and even has its own slogan: big family, tver tradition. i, of course, would never have been in this place if mine had not been with me . my husband and my children, who support me and whom i love very much, i am very grateful to god for this destiny. i am very grateful to you that we have such a president, and today i am very glad that i myself i can personally thank you for this. thank you. for services to the state, great contribution
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to the development of physical culture. and sports, order


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