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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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trafficking, narcotrafficking, child sex trafficking, biochemical warfare labs, fascism and naziism, and these are the things that we still try to make them our brothers, and these are all poisons that can affect the entire world, not just us. many people say we are facing an existential threat by all these conditions, but actually the whole world is at risk of becoming
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and what is truth, i urge everyone who understands this to unite in the fight for truth and justice. talai alexey konstantinovich, director of the local charitable foundation, republic of belarus. thank you, dear friends, dear vladimir vladimirovich, it is a great honor for me to be here today, this is truly one of the most important days of my life. let me
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convey huge greetings and low bows from all patriots of the republic of belarus, we value and respect you very much. my journey to donbass began back in 1914, when an armed coup d’etat took place in ukraine. we really watched these events with a shudder in our hearts, somewhere back then i, green, still i didn’t fully understand what was happening, but... everything was bubbling inside, in anticipation of something terrible, later in the fifteenth year , letters and messages from the mothers of donbass, victims of murdered children brought me back there to donbass. in the fifteenth year, when yana poplavskaya and i arrived at the moscow kroshal hospital, to vaanni voronovo, who became like me from the kiev mines. junta, his
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brother died on the spot, i did everything possible to be with them, to support the mothers of donbass, in 2021 i decided to go there to our friends, to our social activists, who worked even in such difficult conditions with children, with children, with disabilities, taught them to swim, believe in themselves and move forward. i conducted a master class for them as a paralympian, since then a friendship began, even now i am proud that belarus is implementing its humanitarian mission for the entire belarusian people in the donbass, all the people today have rallied to help their neighbor, our people there, tens of tons of cargo gather every month, from all regions they...
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are inserted into our headquarters, minsk, we quickly try to get there, the same avdeevka, in within a few days, another humanitarian cargo was collected. and we, our volunteers , arrived promptly and handed over everything they needed to citizens, the elderly, mothers, and children. dear vladimir vladimirovich, i once heard the phrase: how our brothers died, we promised to die, we kept the oath of allegiance, but in the battle of borodino, then this quote from the famous... the work you said so powerfully sincerely hit me right in the heart, we we will not let you down, we are proud that you are with our leader alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, so keep the line like brothers, i am sure that tetiy
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the hero of novoross will one day return to us, we are russians, god is with us, i serve the fatherland. order of merit in culture and art, mikhailov stanislav vladimirovich, people's artist of the russian federation, member of the international union of pop artists . good afternoon, dear vladimir vladimirovich, thank you for the honor of being here today, for me this is actually a great
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responsibility, because when i started my life’s journey, i never thought that i would receive an award from the hands of the president of the russian federation federation, but... nikolaevna to the operator of compressor units at the kemerovo azot enterprise.
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dear friends, at the end of this solemn ceremony, allow me to say a few words, many of the speakers said words of gratitude to those teams, military teams, creative, labor teams, in which they were brought up and in which they achieved outstanding results.
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everyone will fight where they stand. congratulations. this was footage from the ceremony of presenting state awards, which were presented by vladimir putin. this is sasha. it is important for him that
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transfer of all proceeds without commission. open an account with sberbank and use all services for business development. business, it's a blast. now footage from the government house. good afternoon, dear colleagues, before we move on to the agenda, i will tell you about several decisions made. at a recent meeting, the president instructed to pay special attention to families with children in those russian regions where the situation is currently difficult, and to work together with the heads of these regions to work on the issue of organizing recreation for the children. the orenburg and belgorod regions are in greatest need of assistance now; we will provide ours. 1 billion 100 million rubles. for vouchers to children's camps and sanatoriums in crimea and the krasnodar territory. this will allow almost
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22,500 guys to rest and gain strength. taking care of children is always a government priority. anton germanevich, the summer holidays have already begun, so we need to quickly send funds to the regions so that they can organize trips for the children to vacation spots. about another document, the government continues to create conditions. attracting investors to the agro-industrial complex, as the head of state noted, over the past year we have significantly increased support for agriculture, and all decisions are made taking into account the situation in this sector of the economy and also, if necessary, to provide additional assistance in a number of areas that require strengthening the technological base. a resolution has been signed to correct the mechanism for providing subsidies. they will now be allocated from the consolidated budget in order to partially reimburse the costs of creating
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and modernizing facilities needed by the industry, including storage facilities and dairy facilities. complexes, production enterprises baby food, updating capacity for the production of feed for aquaculture, such steps will make it possible not only to shorten the payback period of projects for investors, but also to quickly introduce new technologies, and the amount of compensation takes into account these factors. support measures apply to breeding centers, including those engaged in scientific developments in seed production, viticulture, and poultry farming.
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for millions of our citizens, additional resources were directed to such areas as health care, education, formations accessible environment, provision of comfortable housing and utilities, economic development, formation of an innovative economy, a large number of technological projects, funding for national projects and a comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure was also increased, despite the growth. spending , the federal budget deficit turned out to be slightly lower than the planned level of 1.9% of gdp, and the public debt remained in a range convenient for servicing. today we will let you down the results of the implementation of government programs last year, all of them combine mechanisms for achieving the strategic goals of the country’s development and its economic, scientific
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and cultural potential. improving people's living conditions, ranging from supporting medicine and education. large families of the most vulnerable categories of citizens, construction, housing, roads, in turn, efficiency is determined by specific results and the quality of financial management, on average over the past year this figure exceeded 94%. one in six out of fifty government programs have been completed by more than 99%, and two of them have reached the maximum level, including that... by the way, deputies constantly tell us during our meetings with representatives of the state duma, this is the comprehensive development of rural areas, which directly concerns the key area of ​​the country’s food security, this is a very good trend, it is important to continue to improve the best practices of government administration so that all the tasks that the president has set in his message for the next 6 years
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the federal assembly were completely resolved. the question of the execution of the budgets of state funds for the past year, all social obligations to citizens were fulfilled, pensions were paid from the social fund , increased as part of planned indexation, all types of insurance coverage of benefits were provided to families with children, including the new one introduced at the beginning of last year, a single allowance for the birth of a child, it is provided monthly to parents who need social support, its... free medical assistance throughout the country, more than 2.700 billion rubles were allocated to the work of regional medical institutions, this funding made it possible
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to increase the coverage of clinical examinations and preventive examinations for another 23 million people, by a quarter of the volume of medical care for dispensary observation and rehabilitation, and to increase the provision of specialized care in federal hospitals by almost 20%. and high-tech assistance, including... from march 1 of this year, monthly monetary remuneration for classroom management of teaching staff, which will make it possible to reach about 540,000
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people, to increase the level of remuneration of teachers of fundamental disciplines, in order to increase the prestige of this work and expand their participation in scientific research ; the introduction of a monthly payment to advisers to directors of education in schools in colleges will be introduced from september 1 of this year; 37 will receive it. people, we will provide funds to increase access to high-speed internet in our country. the second significant area is the implementation of individual instructions of the president and government, including including ensuring monthly payments to veterans of subsidies to energy sales organizations in our new regions. well, and thirdly, the transfer of 2/3 of the debt of russian subjects on budget loans from the current year to next year, respectively, from the write-off. we will also consider changes to the budget tax code as part of the message to the federal assembly, the head of state set a number of systemic tasks, they,
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of course, must be solved, including through the launch of updated and new national projects, both in social and technological orientation. at the beginning of this year, the russian economy continues to develop dynamically; according to preliminary estimates from rosstat, the domestic volume of domestic product increased by five in the first quarter. there is already information on the dynamics of industrial production for january-april - 5.2%. it is very important to maintain this attitude, by the way, despite the high base of last year, growth rates remain, and additional resources must be generated to address issues of further socio-economic development of the country, to support families with children, repairs, equipment of clinics, hospitals, construction of kindergartens, schools.
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in which representatives of the expert, scientific, and business communities were involved, as a result of which the government received recommendations from the state duma, which set out in detail all the proposals on the main areas of tax changes, most of them were taken into account when submitting the bill to the government, including the proposal, in order to select double the indicator as the first bar for applying a progressive tax rate on personal income.
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bills that include amendments to the ministry of finance presented a package of tax legislation, the budget code, as well as amendments to the federal budget for the current three-year period. the adoption of these amendments will make it possible to implement the instructions of the president of the russian federation, contained in the message to the federal assembly, to provide these instructions with the necessary financial resources. i will dwell in more detail on each of the bills. the first and most important thing that
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nikolaevich has already said is this. amendments to the tax code of the russian federation, a lot of work has been done jointly with the state duma, business associations, the expert community, associations of trade unions, employers, as well as with the constituent entities of the russian federation, i will outline the principles that guided us in preparing tax innovations, and these principles were approved and supported by the expert. community and our partners. the main principle is fairness, stability and predictability of the tax system. the second is to stimulate the investment activity of companies. third. redistribution of resources to solve problems in the socio-economic spheres, because through tax changes we thereby concentrate resources on the most important tasks of the state. and
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the fourth is creation. we have developed an approach, an approach in which the progressive scale will not affect 97% of the working population, while the main thing is that by raising taxes for people with high incomes, we simultaneously reduce them for families with children who need it through the mechanism of deductions and the so-called. tax
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payments, we provide a mechanism for in which parents in families with two or more children with an average per capita income of less than one and a half times the minimum subsistence level per month will be compensated for part of the personal income tax paid through payments from which it was said that the effective tax rate should be 6%, that is, from the 13% rate it will be returned to such families. more than half, i especially want to emphasize that such a decision will not affect regional budgets, and these resources will be obtained from the expenditure portion of the federal budget. standard tax deductions are additionally increased income of individuals for the second and third child from 1,400 rubles to 2,800 rubles. from 3.00 to 6.00 rubles, respectively, with a simultaneous
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increase. up to 450,000 rub. total income, until reaching which these deductions will be applied, and a tax deduction in the amount of 6,000 rubles will be established. per year for those who play sports, pass the gto and undergo an annual medical examination. as part of progress, we have provided balanced rates for the personal income tax scale, for employees with an annual income below 2,400,000 - rub. personal income tax rate will remain. at the current level today, the current level today is 13%. for the remaining citizens with high incomes, we have 2 million people or about 3%, only 3% of personal income tax payers, the following progressive scale is proposed: for incomes from 2.4 to 5 million per year 15%, from 5 million up to 20 million rubles per year 18%, from 20
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million to... will not affect the monetary special military operation. the level of taxation of changes in personal income tax will remain unchanged here. concerning pleasures of other payments to participants of certain types of income of citizens, it is proposed to set the tax rate on income from the sale of property to keep it at the level of 13% to 2.4 million rubles. it is also proposed to maintain a marginal rate of 15% for income in the form of dividends, interest on deposits, income from transactions with securities that have been in the portfolio of the relevant citizens for less than 5 years. in addition, we must maintain the incentive for the development of the stock market of our country, and of course.


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