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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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18%, from 20 million to 50 million - 20 over 50 million - 22%. changes in personal income tax will not affect the monetary benefits of other payments to participants in a special military operation. the level of taxation here will remain unchanged . as for certain types of income, citizens are asked to set the tax rate on income from the sale of property and keep it at 13%.
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sale of securities with a holding period of more than 5 years, for those whose income exceeds 50 million per year, today we have for those citizens who has papers in his portfolio and stores them for more than five years, there is no taxation, in this case the marginal personal income tax rate will be 15%. further, for people with high incomes, regions and municipalities will have the right to restore higher... higher rates
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of property taxes on expensive property worth more than 300 million rubles. the marginal rate for such property complexes may, by decision of municipalities , increase from 2 to 2.5%, and for expensive land plots the rate may also be increased by decision of regional local authorities from 03 to 15%. the principle of justice will also work when using additional taxes paid; all funds that will be collected into the budget system will be used for social purposes, to solve the most important problems for people. the range of expenses for which taxes will be spent concerns the most important priorities announced by the president, such as national projects: family, long active life, youth and children of russia; the state will spend these collected funds on increasing social benefits, supporting mothers...
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foundation for the economy of future generations, it is proposed to preserve the tax conditions for preferential regimes, which today operate taking into account stabilization clauses, all those stabilization decisions that are contained in the law on special contracts, such special regimes as special economic zones, areas of advanced development, where stabilization clauses are contained reservations, all of them will be retained - without changes on an indefinite basis it is proposed to extend the possibility of applying the investment tax deduction and regime of regional investment projects for organizations subject to inclusion in the relevant register. in addition, we are introducing a federal investment deduction, this is an innovation, only at the expense of the federal part of the income tax, as business asked us, its specific parameters will be determined by the government of the russian federation.
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the mechanism for increasing depreciation charges in the field of high-tech equipment and neo-development expenses as a source of investment are also expanding. in this case, we introduce increasing coefficients. means according to expenses on neokr in order to stimulate the appropriate allocation of funds from entrepreneurs. additional income tax revenues will be redistributed through the budget, also in the area of ​​business support, these are technological and infrastructure projects necessary to create a new economy. in terms of taxation of the corporate sector, also... note that we propose to keep the rates and rules of vat and value added tax unchanged. taxation of rental industries. our analysis of individual industries, identified a number of sectors,
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mainly raw materials, where the level of operating profitability of the business has been achieved, significantly exceeding the average value, two or more times, while the level of rental tax burden is below the minimum. which we define is about 5% of revenue, our analysis revealed this situation in such industries as the production of mineral fertilizers, iron ore mining, we are now also continuing to analyze the rental sectors of the economy, based on the external situation, and we see that there is something more to be done here work, taking into account the abolition of exchange rate export duties from january 1 of the next year and the high level of profitability in these industries, we consider it important, in addition to increasing the corporate income tax, to adjust the formula for calculating rental taxes for them, increasing the level of rental burden to the minimum comparable with other rental industries. when adjusting the legislation , an approach was used to equalize the tax burden with a target
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value of 5-6% of such burden. moreover, even after increasing the mineral extraction tax in these industries operating margin remains high.
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crushing schemes will not be taken into account before taxes are assessed and the corresponding debt in such companies will be written off. the workload for subjects will also be reduced. medium-sized businesses in the manufacturing sectors, a list of okveds for such companies will be established by the government of the russian federation and it is proposed to reduce insurance premium rates from 15 to 7.6% for payments in favor of individuals above the minimum wage for such companies manufacturing sector and those related to small medium-sized enterprises. a few more brief words about literally eliminating payment evasion schemes. taxes , non-payment of taxes cannot be a competitive advantage of a business, otherwise it
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creates an incentive for the entire industry to look for schemes not to pay taxes, and accordingly the budget does not receive additional funds, and this means that companies that work honestly are in a worse position to prevent the spread of this scheme , it is proposed to improve excise taxation on for a number of categories of goods where abuses have been identified, we are talking about the transfer of the substance alcohol with the simultaneous provision of a full deduction of excise tax used for the production of drugs and medicines. in this case, a specific list of medicines and medical products will also be established by the government; a full deduction of excise tax when using medical alcohol for its intended purpose will prevent an increase in medicine prices. medical alcohol will be taxed at the general rate as usual . also to improve control over in the tobacco market, it is proposed to introduce an excise tax on liquid nicotine. the modern provision of raw material deductions for the production of nicotine-containing products will also
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reduce the illegal import of such products. dear mihai vladimoroch, colleagues, during the development of the relevant tax proposals, my colleagues and i agreed to work further on specific formulations, to clarify them for the second reading, but in general , colleagues support our proposals. all these and a number of others for... these initiatives, i repeat once again, have passed discussions, extensive discussions in parliament with business associations, we hope to consider the bill in the state duma and the federation council during the spring session in order to ensure the introduction of the innovation starting in january next year. a few more words about the three legislative initiatives that you already mentioned in your opening remarks: these are amendments to the budget code, why are they necessary? in order... to ensure those decisions that were, therefore, voiced by the president
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in a message, several positions, three literally, this is the establishment of the possibility of writing off 2/3 of the region's debt on budget loans under the condition of directing the freeing up funds from regional budgets to support investments and infrastructure projects. this is a good resource for the regions to develop economies, improve people's lives, and this is also a good addition to support measures entrepreneurship and measures to stimulate economic growth, the second is amendments to the budget code: the distribution of those tax innovations that lead to additional revenue sources between the levels of the budget system, this is regulated through the relevant budget legislation, and the third norm in execution of the president’s message, the municipality will have the right to direct savings in interbudgetary transfers based on the results of procurement. if there are savings, leave them for the implementation of national projects, and not centralize them in
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the federal budget. the bill also contains other amendments that are of a less significant nature. now the third position, the third bill is the introduction changes to the budget law. dear mihalavich, you also defined the main parameters in your speech. we are talking about the implementation of the president’s message, the general scope. implementation this year, only the task set by the president in the message is 160 resources that will be used for a billion rubles here and this means paying remuneration to classroom teachers for classroom management, this is high-speed internet, this is an increase in the level of remuneration of teachers teaching fundamental disciplines and a number of other positions, and also about 190 billion rubles for the implementation... of the instructions of the president and the government regarding payments to veterans, subsidies to energy supply
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organizations, and a number of other positions and the final one in my first block, which means the proposal is legislative, we are talking about clarification, which means indexation of pensions for military pensioners, in connection with updated inflation forecasts for the current year, we previously planned indexation of pensions from october 1 of this year. year by 4.5% due to the clarification of the inflation forecast to 5.1, it is proposed that a corresponding change in the mechanism for calculating pensions, in this case the pension coefficient... changes to 89.83% from october 1 , 2024, that is, pensioners will receive higher pensions taking into account the updated inflation forecast. dear mikhalavich, dear colleagues, please support the reported legislative initiative. thank you. thank you, anton evrgenich.
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let me emphasize once again that all the current changes are aimed at building a more equitable tax system. from a more balanced it must ensure the receipt of the necessary resources for the implementation of all social programs, for national systemic tasks, national projects, government programs, for the benefit of our citizens of our economy. so, this was footage of a meeting of the russian government. well, we continue, now to other topics. coordinated escalation. almost all countries of the nato bloc have already stopped being shy about conversations. about strikes on russian regions with western weapons at the hands of ukrainians, but this, apparently, is not enough, the west promises kiev even more weapons, but nato secretary general today said that the alliance intends to coordinate military support for ukraine in order to avoid previous mistakes of delays in military supplies. well, finally, the building will allow kiev to use f-16 aircraft to attack russia. so,
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the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, is in touch with us. "hello, we welcome you, how would you comment on all these statements and hints about strikes against russia, you know, i would even like to ask you, and by the way, to address all our journalists and observers, still should not fall for this bait, which is so generously spread by western or propagandists or on purpose." services that operate within nato on disinformation, indeed, this is the absolute truth, you quite correctly quoted a number of leaders of the countries of the nato alliance, and the foreign ministers of these states, who for several days now have been chewing more and more actively on
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this very construction regarding the fact that they will allegedly give permission to the regime to use the weapons they supply, either they haven’t made a decision yet, or they will allow for partial deliveries, in relation to the possibility of striking on russian territory, this is absolute nonsense, this is nonsense, this is a smokescreen, what is really happening, in fact, these are all the same, as it were, permissions.. .
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peaceful resolution of this situation is that this conference is truly peaceful, in fact, of course, it is not, they need arguments, they give these arguments , including in this way:
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siv: first, because the majority of weapons supplied by the west to the kiev regime, themselves themselves, from the point of view of the radius of action, from the point of view of functionality, they assume precisely these very parameters that are associated with the territory of our country. the next point is that the weapons supplied to kiev by the west presuppose the management of western instructors, western... specialists and these same weapons, because the kiev regime, despite the fact that it has long been in this connection with
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nato structures, does not have the skills to train ukrainian armed forces, use these western-supplied weapons. accordingly, this is yet another proof: the supplied weapons imply the full involvement of the west in hostilities, involvement, including on the ground. using their instructors, specialists, and simply representatives, so to speak, of the power blocs of these very western countries, but that’s not all. another proof is that the coordinates used by the kiev regime to launch attacks on russian territory are only possible taking into account, for example, data, so to speak, from satellites, space data, we understand perfectly well that ukraine is not.
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capabilities, only the data provided by the west, the united states of america, britain, nato structures, and for them these are the very starting points and information points, these very data, and at which they strike, and we have said many times throughout these months regarding the west acting as a gunner for the kiev regime. this is one of the parts of their involvement, i have already mentioned several, but we can look also at the historical retrospective, the west was involved in the situation in ukraine
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long before the twenty-second year, because entire floors in government agencies of ukraine were occupied by representatives of the american and british intelligence services, in fact, training the very people who posed as protesting civilians in maidan, in fact... were equipped with sapper blades, and, so to speak, with the corresponding molotov cocktails, tires, and so on, their training and preparation was also carried out in special base camps on the territory of first of all the baltic states, poland and other countries, this was also the beginning of such an active involvement in the management of not only internal political processes in ukraine in ukraine, but in general preparation for the conduct of hostilities, first on the streets, and then what did you saw. another fact, look, we talked about this when we issued relevant statements, both through
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the ministry of defense and through the ministry of foreign affairs, this is the direct involvement of the anglo-saxon intelligence services, and we pointed to the british intelligence services for committing terrorist attacks against ships and our black sea fleet, and that would be it. not the only example, probably one of the most striking, when british intelligence services were directly involved in the implementation of a terrorist attack. here is the answer to the question as to whether they are going to strike, or are they going to give permission to the kiev regime to strike the territory of russia, or are they not planning to strike yet, they are just thinking about it, or someone seems to have already made such a decision, they have long ago... directly involved in this situation at all levels, their specialists were in the ranks of ukraine a long time ago.
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nationalist battalions, and trained these same azov militants, then joined the armed forces of ukraine, their special services were literally stationed in the relevant government bodies of ukraine, and, by the way, the so-called social and political figures became members of the ukrainian government, coordinating the work in the same way, for example, let's remember the same biological laboratories, there are several dozen that were opened. on territory of ukraine, who coordinated their work? the ministry of health of ukraine, who headed the ministry of health of ukraine, the same suprun, who is flesh and blood, so to speak, a representative of north america, i mean the usa, canada, that’s where her roots are, that’s where her citizenship is, and what does it mean that this is for the whitelaboratories, because they were directly connected with the pentagon, like the whole family.
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among other things, terrorist attacks are carried out against both civilian infrastructure, civilian objects, and civilians, as well as so to speak, to various and so- called regions, which we symbolically called new, in fact reunited with russia, with regions, so to speak, that are our
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traditional ones. without distinction, without a doubt, they have been doing this for a long time, so this is just a game, and you should under no circumstances fall for this deception, first of all, this is information for all those who are now being processed by the anglo-saxons to participate in a peace conference, as it were in switzerland, which, of course, is not at all peaceful, another trap, that is, a kind of political performance, essentially, right? it turns out yes, that is, these are no longer hints, but a smokescreen, it turns out that the west, with the help of ukrainians, is already striking at russian territory, maria vladimirovna, committing terrorist acts, and committing terrorist acts, you know, against the civilian population of our country, of course, of course, thank you very much, maria vladimirovna, the official representative of the russian foreign ministry , maria zakharova, was in touch with us, well, now let’s pause for a short advertisement, then watch the program
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