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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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program is being broadcast live by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. police officers stopped the work of the kitay-gorod business center in solyansky proezd in moscow. according to some sources, a search took place there, and according to others , bailiffs worked who could assess the value of the building as commercial real estate. one way or another, the actions of the security forces are clearly related to the criminal case the former owner of ugra bank is still the owner of the building. alexey khotin. let me remind you that khotin himself was already sentenced to nine years in prison in march of this year for the theft of more than 23 billion rubles. report by daniila sukhoruchka. this building in one of the historical districts of the capital, kitay-gorod, is now called a business center, although a few years ago the notorious ugra bank was located here. perhaps that is why in the morning people in uniform appeared here and blocked the entrance. let's see what the situation is like inside now. let's go to.
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khotin, formerly very successful a businessman, one of his largest assets was the ugra bank, a few years ago his business seemed to be going uphill, but... the central bank took ugra under its direct control and began an investigation, the results of which shocked the auditors. it turned out that ugra simply could not pay off its depositors. the difference between the available funds and the fact that it is necessary to pay more than 140 billion rubles. the central bank eventually closed up shop. by order of the bank of russia dated july 28, 2017, the license to carry out banking operations from the credit institution was revoked pao bank yugra. the activities of pjsc-bank yugra were focused on attracting funds to their population. placement in assets of unsatisfactory quality. at the same time , the credit institution did not independently create reserves for possible losses
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adequate to the accepted risk. then yura was declared bankrupt, and investors were paid an astronomical 170 billion rubles. the largest insurance claim in the country. but the story of the greedy khotin did not end there. investigators opened a criminal case of embezzlement, bankers' machinations alerted law enforcement officers. indeed, if a bank attracts funds at a high rate, it issues them as a loan to companies that... have weak financial indicators, are invested in assets with low efficiency, then in any case there is a high probability of all sorts of difficulties in returning these funds to retain the business. investigators found out that he, together with his, let’s say, business partners, actually ruined his own bank, withdrawing depositors’ money from it, for example, with the help of fictitious loans to their own companies, assets from khotin there was plenty: 15 million square meters of commercial real estate in moscow, deposits and other small things, but even a bunch of lawyers did not help the once successful entrepreneur. verdict in the name of
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the russian federation, the city of moscow, march 4 , twenty-four. this sentence turned out to be very disappointing for khotin: 9 years in prison. his accomplices also received real sentences. the court also decided to recover more than 17 billion rubles from the cunning bankers in favor of investors. so the bailiffs in the building for khotin may well be harbingers of confiscation. as they say, what goes around comes around. daniil sukharuchko, mikhail overenkov, alexey koshlakov, lead, duty unit. this morning in the capital they were fighting a terrible fire; the flames spread over an area of ​​4.2 m2. the fire occurred in a building where an industrial warehouse was located; there were highly flammable paint and varnish materials inside. some tanks literally exploded, and the roof collapsed over an area of ​​1,500 m. helicopters from the moscow aviation center were brought in to extinguish the fire. two k-32 helicopters reset. more than 200 tons of water, only after this the fire was localized and then extinguished. the incident was brought under control by
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the prosecutor's office. the fire occurred in a multi-level industrial and warehouse building. the exact cause of the fire will be determined based on the results of a fire-technical examination. the progress and results of the procedural check are carried out on this fact under control in the prosecutor's office. more than 200 samples of equipment and advanced weapons were presented at the international exhibition of comprehensive security, which opened in the moscow region. the key topic this year was ensuring the security of critical infrastructure facilities. the start of the exhibition was given personally by the head of the ministry of emergency
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situations, alexander kurenkov. report by my colleague andrey ivleva. at the patriot park training ground in the moscow region, large-scale exercises of rescuers together with railway workers eliminate a conditional emergency with the use of a fire train, using the most modern models of equipment. the training takes place within the framework of the international salon comprehensive safety. while some of the equipment is in operation, others are already ready for it. more than 200 samples from domestic manufacturers are presented in the patriot park pavilion. an all-terrain vehicle produced in st. petersburg, which has already been tested. for example, this car, now i’ll try to carefully lower it, recently returned from the erenburg region, where it underwent, so to speak, a baptism of fire in flood conditions. this vehicle is in the arctic version, in a special polar version, it is slightly different from the serial all-terrain vehicle, this is additional insulation, additional heating and a number of other solutions that we
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applied specifically on this machine. the improved model of the rescue all-terrain vehicle is examined by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. every year, the emergency department trains its skills in the far north. on june 4 we open the first arctic rescue center in the city of piviki.
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drone to get him out of the koops. when it is enough to direct a kilometer into the flying zone , the drone loses contact with satellites, communication with the operator and the drone lands. eliminate enemy drones, to give way to domestic ones, these words
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have a special meaning at the show; in the pavilions of the exhibition center, i use the latest samples of drones and aircraft. annual climate changes significantly increase the risks of natural disasters and make emergencies more widespread and destructive. the russian federation has been implementing humanitarian projects for many years, sharing developments and helping partners. first of all, i would like to thank the minister of emergency situations of russia for this
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kind invitation to take part in the work international salon. it took the bomber more than a quarter of a century to solve one of the mercenary’s high-profile crimes. according to the police, an intelligent sixty-year-old resident of the city on the neva, in the nineties, traded in contract killings. by releasing explosives, according to investigators, in the nineties, this man and his accomplices dressed in the uniform of traffic police inspectors and stopped a lada on the road in which the director of one of the factories was driving,
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pretending that they were inspecting the car, the impostors planted a bomb in it. we arrest of a crime, now we will go and tell you everything. on the road to the three-tan islands in st. petersburg , an explosion occurred in a vaz-2108 car. in the cabin of which were the director of the ship mechanical plant and two of his assistants. as a result of the incident, the director of the enterprise died, and two of his colleagues received serious burns. now the probable killer is being interrogated by investigators, they are checking his involvement in other crimes. three criminal cases have been filed against metropolitan fitness trainer kelvin tan, who the day before he staged a mass stabbing in the north of moscow. at first the man stabbed. a friend of his former lover and beat the girl herself, then ran into a local store, where he also wounded the seller. to stop the rowdy, the police had to use their service weapons. report by maxim
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shevchenko. by mid-afternoon on thursday, the cordon near the supermarket on the khorashov highway was completely lifted, and investigators completed their work at the scene. the attack of the man with the knife took place inside, so there is practically nothing on the street. traces except for one napkin on the sidewalk, presumably with traces of blood. the noise from what was happening clearly made the residents of the area nervous. a high-profile incident occurred on the night of may 30. a twenty-six-year-old young man decided to visit his ex-girlfriend, broke into an apartment in the same building, attacked her new lover, and killed her with a knife. this is footage taken in the apartment by law enforcement officers after the murder. they show that the climax of the fight was in the hallway, the halfway steps were smeared with blood, but the ardor of the... puffer did not fade away and after that the conflict with the lady continued on the street, he hit her numerous knife wounds, apparently he wanted to deal with it, but did not have time.
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the arriving law enforcement officers could have interfered, having learned about the loud showdown at the entrance from the neighbors, but by that moment the attacker seemed to be no longer in control of himself. the suspect resisted and struck the policeman on the shoulder, after which, trying to hide from the arriving police officers, the defendant ran in. store, where he struck an employee numerous times. we didn’t have to wait long for help; soon there were seven police cars on the spot. our correspondent ekaterina lekhomanova was also one of the first to be at the crime scene, this is what she managed to see: in order to somehow stop the criminal from being detained, the law enforcement officer had to use his service weapon, he was taken away in an ambulance, and as soon as he was given first aid, he could be interrogated . the crazed guy clutching the knife could be a twenty-six-year-old fitness trainer with the exotic name kelvin tan. now this is being reported in the press. the young man led a public life on social networks, calling himself
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a nutritionist and a buzzologist, and also promised to do biohacking of the whole body and advised those who wanted to lose weight. there are even full interviews with tan on the internet. quality of life for me, and in general in principle, as i tell my clients, is an improvement in all health parameters. accordingly, this is additional. and thinking, sleep, mood. probably, the mood was hopelessly spoiled when the guy found out about his beloved’s new boyfriend. it is preliminary known that a certain businessman alexey vaenshel was killed with a knife out of jealousy. by according to some reports, the entrepreneur realtor handled transactions with cryptocurrency, but little is known about him. the details of what happened, as well as the personal connections of the participants in the conflict, will be established by investigators. and kelvin tan probably has to prepare for drastic changes in his life. criminal case.
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the spring flood destroyed thousands of houses and destroyed tens of thousands of lives. how is the region coping with the consequences of the disaster today? will the exact causes of the record flood be established? fraudsters in floods profit from injured elderly people and children came up with new schemes. the orenburg duty department will talk about these and other news in the final release of the program. tatiana. yes, thank you very much, it was my colleague vyacheslav kampe
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from orenburg. well, we continue on... graduation , a child does not have to stay with his mother after a divorce. the supreme court emphasized the equality of both parents in a situation where it is necessary to determine the place of residence of children after divorce. the reason for this clarification was a controversial situation: a ten-year-old girl, initially, by decision of the servants of themis, remained to live with father, but the appellate court returned the child to the mother with the wording that the schoolgirl does not yet understand her needs and there is no need to separate her. the supreme court overturned the decision, which made both parents equal in their right to keep the child.
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laser sensors, thermal imaging cameras, tailcoat-red rays, all this is the stuffing of just one train, but not a passenger one, but a diagnostic one, it runs in the capital’s metro, checks the operation of the tracks, and after finding dangerous symptoms, sets up a technical diagnosis. why is this needed and how a laboratory on wheels operates, vladimir bazov will tell you. hundreds of kilometers of rails under houses, roads and even rivers, metro lines are one of the most important transport arteries of russian megacities - a real giant among metros, moscow is the most. a large city in europe in terms of the number of inhabitants is a tense, dynamic life that does not tolerate stops. almost half of the trips in the capital are made at depth. on average , 11.5 million passengers descend into the subway per day. what is the norm for russian residents is a miracle for many foreigners. here's for comparison, the infamous new york subway. mold, rats, graffiti and rust. sometimes you have to wait up to half an hour for the desired train. many passengers don’t even know that things could be different. to.
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to understand how the russian subway achieves such control over the quality of its work, we go to a place where access to outsiders is extremely limited, to a place where real laboratories on wheels hide during the day, trains baked with computer and laser equipment, the krasnaya presnya metro station is one of the oldest in moscow, he is over 70 years, its convenient location makes it an ideal base for three unique diagnostic trains that check the subway tunnels every day. diagnostic trains of the moscow metro usually consist of five cars. but only the first two are used for measurements, because there is a lot of measuring equipment in it and some of it has taken the place of brakes and engines, so the last three cars are used for braking and acceleration. all three trains are presented here, this is a carriage path meter, then synergy one and synergy two. we've had a track-measuring car since the last century, but it still works, our old man, he feels great, he helps us out a lot, we use him
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to check quite a lot, especially connecting winds. in the depot there is an old man in the wings of newer models, he can be compared to a therapist who diagnoses a patient, in our case the rails in appearance, here is synergy 1.2 - this is already a product of the new millennium, their crew relies on digital devices, if again if we draw parallels with medicine, then this is a magnetic tomograph. we are now in approximately the same place where we just had new year's track meters, but there we saw a track measuring cart, but here the cart is no longer there, we have laser sensors installed here. which produces removal, that is, non-contact removal. sinergy 2 was designed by order of the moscow metro. the project was based on the experience of engineers accumulated over a decade of work. crew with energy 2 10 people. chief, deputy, six engineers and two adjuster on the outside, only a special levre produces synergy, but on the inside, it’s a real laboratory. for example, readings from laser sensors are displayed on this computer. here we see all of him, all of his condition. we use laser sensors like these.
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the dots are the places where the laser hits , we measure these distances, we actually see the state of the rail itself, the location of the rail in space is described here, how they are located, if there is any deviation, we will see here a yellow or red square, which will indicate to us the degree of this retreat, and this is equipment that literally shines through the rails allowing the engineer to see internal defects or chips, here we look at the appearance, and this is, roughly speaking, an x-ray. if we see any deviations from the norm, yes, so to speak, we fix this matter, that is, we record it and transfer it, so to speak, to the deficient station, according to our testimony, they additionally check these places that same night. the train also has eyes, more sensitive than a person's. front thermal imagers, cameras and infrared sensors are located. overheating of the contact rail or water leakage into the tunnel will be immediately visible on the monitor.


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