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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, whole locations are changed in the pursuit of views, it’s easy to do, we will expose all the fakes. coordinated escalation, almost all countries of the nato bloc have already stopped being shy about talking about attacks on russian regions, with western weapons, but at the hands of the ukrainians, this, apparently, is not enough, because the west is now promising kiev even more weapons. nato today said
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the alliance intends to coordinate military support to ukraine to avoid past mistakes of delays in military supplies. in at the same time, moscow is told that in the event of further aggravation of the situation, the answer will not be long in coming. so, if you believe the western media, german chancellor olaf scholz has changed his opinion regarding the use of german weapons to strike russian territory. previously, he was against it, fearing an escalation of the conflict, but supposedly, as the publication writes... he is no longer afraid of politics. earlier, scholz's press secretary said that quote: ukraine's defensive actions are not limited to its own territory and may also affect russian territory. end of quote. and the new york times writes that very soon us president joe biden will say the same thing. previously, the white house made only evasive statements. in fact , the british also gave ukraine the right to use british weapons against russia. decides for himself, said
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prime minister richa sonok. well, one last thing, the danish government allowed kiev to use f-16 fighters, which the ukrainians, however, are still waiting for. so, they allowed it to be used for attacks on russian territory, but by the way, the ukrainian armed forces are already using western weapons when attacking border russian regions, crimea, belgorod region, the west literally turns a blind eye to such terrorist attacks against the civilian population of our country, and actually condones it. to the kiev regime, not to mention the fact that nato specialists maintain these weapons on the territory of ukraine and provide data for the purposes, these are all the same, as it were, permissions, they gave them a long time ago, just not in the form of permissions, in the form of a front command , in the form of a team atu, in the form of a team, do whatever you... need and
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necessary from extremist actions, terrorist acts, including shelling of civilian infrastructure, hospitals, schools, of course, residential buildings, here you also saw polling stations during, so to speak, the elections of the president of the russian federation, whatever you like, this was from the very beginning, and as they remind in the russian media for examples...
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instructors, western specialists, these very weapons, because the kiev regime, despite the fact that it has long been in this link with... according to lavrov, the conflict in ukraine is possible it would be possible to curtail the negotiations, but the war party, both in kiev and in the west, is doing everything to prevent this from happening, and nato’s readiness to continue provocations and the course
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of aggravation, the press secretary of the russian president, dmitry peskov, also said. countries members of the north atlantic alliance, united states. especially other european capitals, in recent days and weeks they have entered a new round of escalating tension, they are doing this deliberately, we are hearing a lot of belligerent statements, this is nothing more than provoking a new level of tension, they themselves intend to continue the war with us, the war in the literal and figurative sense, all this, of course, will inevitably have its consequences, and this will ultimately cause... great damage to the interests of those countries that have followed the path escalation of tensions. 4 million families raising 10 million children in total will be able to receive family tax payments, said minister of labor and social protection anton kotyakov. changes
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to the tax code were discussed today at a meeting of the cabinet of ministers. and by the way, the government has already approved the proposal of the ministry of finance, but maria slobodyanskaya will tell you more about these changes. the final figures for federal budget revenues and expenditures last year corresponded to positive changes in the country. prime minister mikhail mishustin said this at a government meeting. the volume of domestic product increased by 3.6%. product output expanded in many sectors of the economy. this stimulated additional revenue growth. they turned out to be almost 3 trillion rubles more than envisaged in the budget law indicators and amounted to more than 29 trillion. rub 124 billion which in turn also allowed for increased costs. there was an opportunity to increase expenses to approximately 32.350 billion rubles. well, combined with the further strengthening of financial discipline, this
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made it possible to support with funds a large number of projects that are significant for our country and for millions of our citizens. additional resources were directed to areas such as health care. education, creating an accessible environment, providing comfortable housing and utilities. wherein the federal budget deficit turned out to be below the planned level; at the end of the year it amounted to 1.9% of gdp. according to mishustin, the public debt remained in a range convenient for servicing. a large block of questions concerned changes to the current three-year budget. the level of remuneration for teachers of fundamental disciplines will be increased. additional resources. will direct payments to educational directors' advisers to increase the monthly remuneration for classroom management. two more important areas: ensuring monthly payments to veterans and writing off 2/3 debt of russian regions on budget loans. since the beginning of this year , the economy has continued to grow. gdp in the first
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quarter added 5.4%. industrial production over 4 months increased by 5.2%. an additional incentive for further decision. socio-economic issues will include changes to the tax code, preparatory work on them has been completed, most of the recommendations were taken into account when introducing the bill to the government. most of them were taken into account when introducing the bill to the government, including a proposal to select double the average salary in the country as the first level for applying a progressive tax rate on personal income. the government decided to take into account the recommendation. with a reserve, increasing this level to 200,000 rubles. as a result, the changes will affect 3% of the working population, those who actually receive more income. the main change is the progressive personal income tax scale; it will affect approximately 2 million people. for people with incomes
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less than 2,400,000 rubles. per year, no changes are envisaged. those whose salary is higher of this amount, but less than 5 million, will have to pay 15%. then gradually. growth over 50 million rate 22%. in this case, increased tax rates will be applied specifically to the excess amount. simultaneously with these changes , for families with children who need it ... half in terms of taxation for entrepreneurs, the key proposal is to increase the income tax from 20 to 25% with
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the simultaneous abolition of exchange rate export duties. at the same time , there will be no adjustments in various preferential regimes: vat rates and rules are also will remain unchanged. but taxation for rental industries, in which the level of operating profitability significantly exceeds the average, will change. this is, for example, the production of mineral fertilizers, mining. iron ore. taking into account the abolition of exchange rate export duties from january 1 next year and the high level of profitability in these industries, we consider it justified, in addition to increasing the corporate income tax, to adjust the formula for calculating rental taxes for them, increasing the level of rental burden to the minimum comparable with others, with other rental industries. they also propose to adjust a simplified taxation system for small medium-sized businesses. income thresholds will be raised. up to 450 million rubles. with the simultaneous introduction of obligations to pay vat for companies with
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income of more than 60 million. the vat rate can be chosen taking into account the right to receive deductions. as mikhail mishustin noted, the current changes should make the tax system more balanced. it must ensure the receipt of the necessary resources for the implementation of all social programs, as well as national systemic tasks. this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting, start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get paid.
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approach. defense minister andrei belousov arrived today on a working trip to almaata, where he will take part in a meeting of the csto council of defense ministers and hold a number of bilateral meetings, well, with details from evgenia nit. russian defense minister andrei belousov arrived in almaty. a meeting of the heads of defense departments of the uec will be held in kazakhstan. organizing a collective security treaty. currently, the organization is chaired by kazakhstan. andrei belausov met with his colleague, minister of defense of the republic ruslan zhaksylykov. andrei belousov noted that the allied relations between moscow and astana in the military sphere are the basis of stability in central asia. we have a very big responsibility, the situation in the world is extremely difficult, it
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tends to further complicate the central asian region. and you and i understand well that our strategic partnership with you is one of the main factors in maintaining stability in the entire central asian region. according to the russian minister of defense, the russian military department highly appreciates the achieved level of relations with the republic of kazakhstan, both on a bilateral basis and within the framework of international organizations, in particular csto lines. we need to develop, our cooperation is very... multifaceted, to develop all forms of both bilateral and multilateral cooperation, including within the framework of the monetary policy, everything here is really built very high quality, on such a deep foundation, there are no problems, although questions always arise, but we solve them quite successfully.
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the russian minister of defense named the improvement of the unified regional air defense system of russia and kazakhstan as the main areas of bilateral cooperation. exchange of experience on the activities of the armed forces, ensuring the functioning of testing sites of the russian ministry of defense on the territory of the republic, military-technical cooperation and personnel training. let me remind you that on friday there will be a meeting of the council of heads of defense departments of the csto, which includes russia, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan, on friday the head of the defense departments will discuss a number of topical issues. the meeting is planned to include the participation of defense ministers of states, csto members, the csto secretary general and the chief of the csto joint staff. during the event there will be an exchange of views on challenges and threats to military security in the organization’s area of ​​responsibility. as reported, issues of strengthening military and military-technical cooperation, as well as issues of countering threats to strategic stability in the region will be discussed first. evgeny nipot, oleg sokolchuk, victoria dadayan, ianna povetyeva, news from almaata.
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kazakhstan. the national development goals of russia, outlined by the president, were discussed today at a round table. at the expert institute of social research, political scientists and journalists formulated an image of the future of the country, what it will be like by 2036, how the updated configuration of the cabinet of ministers is combined with the identified tasks, as well as the role of the regions, society and business, we evaluate first of all, we ask about the noticeability of the changes, it must be said that in at the end of last year, we did such additional research with... we asked several new questions to people, well, first of all, it was an open question about what positive changes people see thanks to national projects, i can to highlight the top five most noticeable changes for people are the development of road infrastructure, positive changes in healthcare, positive changes in education, solving demographic problems,
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caring for motherhood and childhood, organizing leisure facilities, modernizing cultural facilities, and increasing the number of cultural events. we are moving towards filling out the national family project very seriously, believe me, every point that will be written there will be clear to us, why, for what, where is the money, how much money, who is responsible, when will it be implemented? controls that this is implemented, yes, there will be no checkpoints there. a party of new people launched a chatbot for the animal protection movement, we are responsible for them, through it you can send messages about cruelty to animals, and also leave requests for volunteer participation. every day more than thirty requests are already received, ranging from everyday situations with pets to cases in which people were injured, sports,
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now there is no need, we made a chatbot in telegram, various messages are sent there about where something happened bad, there are dolphinariums, so to speak, yes, where animals, relatively speaking, are exploited, and there are centers where dolphins live freely.
7:52 pm
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three sber shares as a gift, deposit - the best interest rate, sber is more profitable with prime, you are thinking about which university to enroll in, you can plunge headlong into studying in the far east, make a dizzying rise, create a future in the it cluster, take your place among the giants industries, work in a team and spend time with friends, your all kinds of study opportunities in the far east 2030.rf. united russia today summed up the results of the preliminary voting from may 20 to 26, the party selected
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candidates who will participate in regional elections in september. and in total , more than 22 thousand people were registered to participate in primaries, among whom about 200 were participants in the special operation. anna voronina will continue. this year, preliminary voting to select candidates from the united russia party was held in 80 regions as part of 163 election campaigns. and these primaries showed very high competition, as well as serious renewal and rejuvenation among participants. the average competition for a place was almost six people per place, that is, a high level of competition. i would like to note that among legislative assemblies we have the greatest interest in elections, which is natural. deputies of the moscow city duma, of course, i think there is no need to explain to anyone, there is a competition, almost 10 people per seat, already at the level of
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candidate registration we have recorded a serious update. and rejuvenation, this was confirmed by the voting results; among the winners, only 30% are current deputies. the preliminary voting took place entirely in electronic format from may 20 to 26, and all registered voters in the region could take part in it. in total , more than 2.5 million people cast their votes for the candidates. it should be noted that united russia is the only political party in the country that selects all candidates for deputies.
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just as the guys work on the line of combat contact, these are the kind of candidates we need, honest, courageous, courageous, professional, skillful. this year in more than 22 thousand people took part in the preliminary voting, it is noteworthy that almost half are women, and 210 svo participants are vying for the positions of party candidates for regional elections, since i still returned from the svo zone, and this topic is closer to me. support for veterans, those who returned with injuries, the recovery period, support for this material support, somewhere to achieve something, just someone simply doesn’t know and doesn’t know where to look, for me to help them with this - this the task is, in addition to the fact that those who have returned, what is important to me is those who
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are there. support in terms of volunteerism and provision of humanitarian aid. technological solutions were actively used to attract people to vote, in tva, for example, special digital polling stations were formed, in altai there were mobile voting points, in chukotka there was personal campaigning, another update for these primaries, 33% of the winners were non-partisan, but at the moment they already got theirs tickets. well, i think it’s a better party. because it helped very much and still helps the participants of the svo, and another category of citizens, for example, chelyabinsk is known as the city of labor glory, it very well supports workers of the military-industrial complex, education workers, well, in general, the entire category of citizens, well it seems to me that it is not they who are being ignored, so
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to speak, so... i am ready to join this team and, accordingly, well, make my contribution. also today at the presidium meeting the general council of the party decided that former minister of sports oleg matitsin will take part in the primer with united russia before the state duma elections in the bryansk region, and former deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko in the rostov region. let me remind you that this year’s single voting day is set for september 8; elections will be held in 42 regions of the country. in the regions they will elect deputies at the regional and local levels, we are talking about seats in. ivan lavrikov, alexander shestopalov, valentina velichanskaya, news!
8:00 pm
it's a big information evening, that's what it's all about. we will tell you in the next hour. they shout that it is us who are undermining the mobilization in ukraine. but what about the mined bank of the tisza? is kiev ready for anything? to stop draft dodgers does not help. abrams once again proved their uselessness on the battlefield. the dryers refuse to serve on these tanks and are not shy about telling the americans about this. the ending of the tale about the bunderwafs was shown somewhere else. russia continues to pursue its line, including the railway line. through satellites, the enemy is watching with alarm how between mariupol and...


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