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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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kaistra, the ceremony of presenting awards to russian military personnel, cosmonaut pilots, representatives of public organizations and government officials, was traditionally held in the catherine hall of the kremlin. today we are going through serious trials, defending truth, justice, the sovereignty of russia and the right of our people to determine their own destiny. at the forefront of this fight are those who perform their warriors. professional, civic duty in the field of special military operations, fights on the battlefield, works in hospitals, restores, improves life in our historical territories, stars of heroes are awarded to military personnel who participated in a special military operation, you are the true support and armor of russia, you are aligned with worthy guidelines, with courage. those who
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today defend the state in the zone of a special military operation, lieutenant colonel alexander evtodiy, chief of artillery at the headquarters of the internal troops command from the donetsk people's republic. junior sergeant albert received hero stars for courage and bravery in the special military operation zone zainulin, junior lieutenant. ivanov and captain nikolai sokolov, with whom the head of state discussed something for a long time during the award ceremony, captain sokolov himself took the floor after the award ceremony. on behalf of every guardsman, i would like to assure you once again that all assigned tasks will be completed, the enemy will be defeated, and victory will be ours. a native of tuva, senior lieutenant from the fifty-fifth guards brigade, chuldum aol accomplished his feat back in december 2023. he was one of the first to discover. convoy of five cars
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ukrainian army and destroyed two vehicles with shots from a grenade launcher, and then competently organized the actions of his colleagues and defeated an enemy detachment and personally destroyed 10 ukrainian armed forces militants with small arms. veteran of the great patriotic war ibrahim pasha sadykov recently turned 100 years old, but the veteran responded to the invitation to come to the kremlin without hesitation, just as without hesitation, he first submitted a request to the ministry of defense for a special military operation. send him to a combat zone, he still considers himself a russian soldier, from dagestan to moscow, ibrahim pasha sultanovich, in his old cherkessk there are no free places from military awards, was flying by plane. despite his age, he refused to use the platform elevator and climbed up the stairs himself. the captain of the liner personally rose from the command chair and came out to greet the centenarian hero. speed ​​is not safe, settle down. star awarded hero. russia's ibrahim pasha sadykov,
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a native of the village of rutul, went to the front as a volunteer in '41 and came to the award ceremony with the same military bearing. veteran took part in the battles of stalingrad, kerch, on the kursk bulge, in the liberation of western ukraine, then liberated warsaw from the nazis, and ended the war in 1945, but still feels in the ranks. dear president of the russian federation, i am now 100 years and 5 months old, i am still young. self-made cosmonaut anna kikina, a hero's star from the hands of the president, received marriage and heroism shown in carrying out a long space flight. she became the sixth russian woman to travel into space after spending time in it. dear vladimir
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vladimirovich, dear country, i want to express and say immense gratitude, i express gratitude to my parents for the gift of life to me one day, to my parents to my small homeland novosibirsk in general to our country, for the conditions for human development. in the highest flights, we always remember those heroes who serve in defense every day. our country, our world, our freedom, our lives, these are defenders whose exploits often remain beyond the screens, but it is their courage, their greatness that is the basis, the foundation for our security of our country. the hero of russia star and the honorary title of pilot-cosmonaut were received by two more test cosmonauts and two cosmonaut instructors. sergey korsykov, denis matveev, dmitry petelin and andrey fedyaev. over many years in politics and work in
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the public service, the first woman, the head of the federation council, valentina matvienko, has received many awards more than once; she is a full holder. i am not a military man, but i will still say that i serve russia. among those awarded the star of the hero of labor is the people's artist of russia alexander shilov. a talented portrait painter who recently celebrated his eightieth birthday, shillov has been painting portraits of our
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outstanding contemporaries for more than half a century, many of which the painter collected in the state art gallery in moscow. one of the country's highest awards is the order of merit. the new metropolitan reality is closely connected with the name of sobyanin. over the years, moscow has become a city of high standards and rightfully took its place in the list of the best metropolitan cities in the world, developed, modern and convenient for living at the same time. it's high the reward, of course, is appreciation for the work of millions of muscovites who do everything for development.
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irina vinarusmanova, head of the all-russian federation of rhythmic gymnastics and head coach of the russian national rhythmic gymnastics team, received the order of merit of the first class from the hands of the head of state. as you rightly said, we are all mobilized. and we are really mobilized, we all must understand and know that today is a time that we must stand behind your back, athletes too, master and conductor, artistic director and director of the mariinsky and general director of the bolshoi theater, valery gergiev, received the order of merit for the fatherland, second degree, for his contribution to musical culture. valery gergiev, one of its most significant figures, he performed in the tormented palmyra and... still burned by the fire of tskhinvali, performed in all russian regions, on huge stages, in very small cities, was the organizer of a dozen festivals, on all stages, groups of large and marinsky theaters, which he leads, they do a lot for our regions, gergiev continues to defend the honor and
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significance of national culture, we have the courage of mind to play the music of tchaikovsky glinka and at the same time play mozart, verdi, and we will always do that. i think this is one of the keys to our common success. the order of merit for the fatherland, third degree , was received by the general director of the moscow kremlin historical and cultural reserve, elena gagarina. i would like to think that this is not only an assessment of my work, but of the work of the moscow kremlin museums. and i i would also like to say that today it is a special honor for me to receive this award in the presence of the officers who have returned. today from hot spots. the same high award was awarded to the head of the russian wrestling federation, mikhail mamiashvili, deputy director of the bakulev center for cardiovascular surgery, vladimir podzolkov, and former minister of energy nikolai shulginov.
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the editor-in-chief of moskovsky komsomolets, pavel gusev, became holders of the order of merit for the fatherland, fourth degree. for more than 40 years he heads this beloved national publication. and also. the creator of new standards in domestic journalism, the same award was given to the former minister of sports oleg matytsin and the artistic director of the oleg tobakov theater, vladimir mashkov. our culture cannot be abolished, because we remember our predecessors and appreciate the great things that we have, we really need everyone in their place. work responsibly, selflessly, for the benefit of the future of our great country. the president awarded the order of courage to the governor belgorod region vyacheslav glotkov. he was presented with a high state award for the courage and dedication shown in the performance of his professional
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duty. glodkov more than once personally came to the site of attacks on civilians by the fsu and himself helped clear away the rubble after the bombing. there is a job that i do, yes. chosen, so based on the current situation, yes, i try to do everything that... this important award was received by lieutenant colonel of the federal service of the national guard troops viktor dmitriev head of the department of the lugansk republican clinical hospital valentina makaruk: on behalf of all the doctors of the luhansk region, i want to assure you that we are working and will work for the glory of our fatherland, working to ensure that all our children who come to us all return home, each mother hugged her son at home at home. orders of alexander nevsky. the head of state awarded duma deputy and famous hockey player vyacheslav fetisov,
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president of the russian chess federation andrei felatov. received orders of honor and friendship former deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko, director of a charitable foundation from belarus, alexey talai and special representative of the ministry of foreign affairs steven seagle, who in his response addressed the international agenda. before the start of the northeast military district, ukraine was known for trade.
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russia to say words of gratitude and bow deeply at their feet. there is no award that could be given to the whole people. but it is his heroism, unity around his homeland and its interests, that is the guarantee of all our victories, of all of russia and each of us. here is one of the awardees said that we will continue. work, achieve results, we will move forward, and
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of course, we will follow the behest of alexander nevsky, everyone will fight where they stand. at the end of the meeting , the president once again congratulated the awardees over a glass of chimpansky. dmitry kayster, natalya lundovskaya, vesti. thank you. during the day , units of the southern and central groupings of russian troops repelled a total of seven counterattacks by ukrainian militants on the territory of the dpr, and at the same time managed to improve own position at the opposite edge. the enemy lost up to 640 personnel, a tank, a pair of infantry fighting vehicles and a significant number of artillery pieces, be it d-20 and d-30 howitzers or two us-made m-1908 systems at once. and our fighters are provided with cover from air attacks by anti-aircraft missile systems.
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here is the story of one of the officers of the central military district, working at that same strela anti-aircraft missile system, everything happens in cooperation with...
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undercover, including the complex tank crews of the central military district are also working. the breakthrough is sent to the base for its replenishment. the battalion commander with the call sign sanya tells us about the peculiarities of combat work when the infantry advances in the ovdeevsky direction. it is there that the troops of the central military district are operating today with some success. you have to control yourself, because
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you are a commander, you set an example for yourself. your platoon, you must always maintain the morale of your comrades at such a level that they go with you into battle. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankeev, eduard ribokon, igor lebedenko. vesti, avdeevskoe direction. well, let's return to the presidential agenda. vladimir putin had a long conversation with families with many children via videoconference; mothers and heroines, as well as families awarded the order of parental glory, came to meet with the head of state. vladimir putin emphasized that when making decisions he tries to rely on such open dialogues, so it is important for him to hear how support measures from the state are assessed those for whom they are taken. the results of the meeting will be summed up by anna semyonova. to accommodate all
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the guests who are invited to the telemos with the president, a very spacious hall in these nine would be required. lives in kamchatka, they have their own kennel of sled dogs, mother anastasia is a flit player by training, she and her husband are raising nine children, meetings like today’s cannot be carried out according to protocol, vladimir putin comes into play, my daughter is looking at me on your lap.
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all our actions, all the actions of the state, from the donetsk people's republic to the teleconference the family of oleg and irina volga joins, they have 10 children, all of them, despite the difficult situation, study and work. i ’ll tell you honestly, vladimir vladimirovich, i can’t explain it, why we didn’t leave, it’s as if it’s difficult to even give in, well, to some kind of explanation, and my children stayed with us, and to this day we are alive, healthy, and no harm done. no one has ever had any idea about this, that everything would be reliable and stable, and we will achieve this state of affairs,
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there is not even any doubt, times have been difficult since 2014. donetsk, the donetsk republic, then the lugansk republic, live in such difficult, frankly speaking, conditions. i have no doubt that this situation will change. the donetsk republic, lugansk, kherson region, zaporozhye region, everything will develop as part of russia, the russian federation in our common big family. the family of oleg irina volga has faced difficult trials since the kiev regime declared war on its own citizens; 10 children and spouses grew up under constant rocket and artillery fire. war radically changed their lives, a cozy bed was replaced by a safe basement. if
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shelling started at night at 12:00 at night, you jump out of bed, take the children and carry them to the reins. who we ourselves say, quickly go to the cellar, and if we don’t have time to lower ourselves, we lie down on the floor, and we somehow support each other, a large family feels support from the state, since everyone received russian passports for irina, oleg and their ten children, new opportunities opened up, then we lived both in a small state and in the donetsk people's republic, well, how else could there be such military operations, there were few opportunities, now it’s already possible to travel around...
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the guys are getting a musical education. the family, which came into contact with the kremlin from the town of sosnovy bor, has 18 children. evgeny krovtsov is a leading engineer in the reactor shop of the leningrad npp. the eldest son followed in his father's footsteps. during a conversation with the president , the krovtsov family raised an issue that worries many large families. to get help from the state. immediately gives instructions, tatyana alekseevna, here this needs to be sorted out, i don’t even understand, i’ll figure it out, vladimir vladimirovich, it’s somehow unclear, okay, we
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’ll look at that separately, galina sergeevna, we’ll definitely look at it, don’t even doubt it, we’ll figure out all these nuances, that’s very good, that we are in contact with you today, and this is useful for us, this is useful for us, because this makes it possible to analyze how... vladimirovich, here are pictures from the maternity hospital of the baby , his whole huge family met him in the volga region , there is a family kindergarten for olga and sergei shishov . older children collect humanitarian aid
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assistance for fighters in the northern military district zone. children, to the best of their abilities, write letters, poems, draw pictures, and send all this there in support. thank you, i want to express my gratitude on my own behalf, but also on behalf of those of our guys who receive your things. then i am very proud of him, i love him very much, i rarely see him, how many children do you have? eight, eight, only eight, yes, yes, only
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eight, and you say that i rarely see my beloved husband, but eight children are rare, but it turns out aptly, this is firstly, and secondly - you gave him yes, such a family, such great joy, so many children, a family from chechnya, where traditionally many children invite the president to grozny, we have a place in the sharoy mountains, thanks to ramzan akhmatovich, a tower complex was built there, we will meet you, you will be our great guest, thank you very much , for the invitation, i will definitely try to implement it, i promised radlan akhmatovich, he also told me just recently, they haven’t been with us for a long time, i promised him to come, the teleconference with the president took more than two hours. those who took part will be invited soon come to moscow with the whole family. anna semyonova, dmitry kaystora, anna kolok, olga sukhorokova, news. the kiev metro
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is increasing train intervals, as explained in the metro of the ukrainian capital, they do not have enough employees. the machinists were mobilized, but however, such a purge is unlikely to save the insatiable kiev regime. it became known that the ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices were already waiting for seventeen-year-old boys who had gone abroad, the peace defense forces reported that they would have to return in person to... a new way of mobilization to knit men in points for issuing online orders. it’s interesting that in this way they kill two birds with one stone and the guy is mobilized. and the order is appropriated to themselves. people blame online stores for
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bonuses. call, starting from the age of 17, to consider the possibility of amending the law of ukraine on military duty and military service and to consider the possibility of conscripting the armed forces of ukraine, students of educational institutions of all forms of education for men who have reached the age of seventeen. lawyer nadezhda shulyak explains in an interview with one of the ukrainian tv channels if the documents are filled out incorrectly, the student’s grief
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will immediately be twisted. and sent to the front. i would recommend taking with you an extract from the order for enrollment of undergraduates and graduate students, which clearly states that this is enrollment in full-time education for a certain person. if there is only certificate form 20 and it is still expired, then the person will have problems. now few people can avoid mobilization. the term is partially valid, no longer exists, unless the paralyzed person is taken away. since mid-may , there has been an active mobilization of women, including the head of the ukrainian ministry of justice, denis malyusko, admits the possibility.
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this is more effective than using city detachments, ukrainian border guards are mining the banks of the tisza river, they are trying to escape by swimming across it to become a battalion commander and to the front line, and conscripts, 30 young people drowned this year alone, now the territory along the tisza is filled with american anti-personnel mines, such as the us army used in vietnam, iraq and bosnia. this is the path, zenaida kurbatova, anna povesyeva, to lead. deposit: the best interest in savings with favorable rate up to 16% per annum. hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sber shares as a gift. deposit is the best interest. in savings, more profitable with prime. at avito work it’s easy to find your place. dad,
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