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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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pay, i remind you, the entire operational feed of legal news in our telegram channels, conduct the duty department and an honest detective, that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon on the russia 24 tv channel, this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you with today's agenda. they shout that it is we who are undermining the mobilization in ukraine. but what about the mined bank of the tisza? kiev is ready to do anything to stop the draft dodgers, it doesn’t help. abrams once again proved their uselessness on the battlefield. vsushniki refuse to serve these tanks and are not shy about telling the americans about it. the ending of the tale about the bunderbuffs was shown nowhere. russia continues to stick to its line, including on the railway. through
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satellites, the enemy is watching with alarm as a new railway line is being built between mariupol and donetsk. what is its strategic significance? he went to usa for the sake of money, and he was sent on a sortie for free. a captured fighter from the brotherhood battalion revealed the staging of the gur in the belgorod casino. why do ukrainians not want to fight? they even come in a tank to surrender. zelensky's fear and hatred. actively near kharkov? they are preparing sabotage in order to build fortifications, where is the panic coming from, why aren’t they strengthening the territory , discrediting the government, sowing panic among the population, ukrainian media headlines that scare readers with some future attack from russia, this time informational, and the kremlin’s new insidious plan was told to viewers of the telethon by the boss center for strategic communications of the defense forces.
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according to his report, russia, if quoted verbatim, will try to show the military personnel in the ssu in a negative way, for which supposedly preparations have already begun for the filming of some discrediting videos, while the author of the stuff claims that the main target of the attack will be employees of recruitment centers, it sounds funny considering how much scandalous content about the work of rope catchers for the armed forces of ukraine appears daily in ukrainian public pages , but apparently the propagandists do not give up hope of somehow... winning over their fellow citizens, that the mobilization is going quietly and calmly, and all the negativity is just a mosfilm, and anton potkovenko will explain why nothing will work out for them. kyiv mines the shore of the tisza so that those who want to avoid brutal mobilization at all costs, which is not at all as terrible as it is shown on social networks, do not sail away, as ukrainian propaganda tries to convince fellow citizens of this, saying that this is all the media hand of moscow. well, what about this video, where? ukrainian border guards
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are laying mines, and the american ones are using those same supplies of nato weapons, kiev is directing them at its own. ukraine today is acquiring all the formal signs of a concentration camp, interesting footage of the installation of american mines from the fifties years, m18 a1 claimer, this is a special directed mine with a very serious damaging effect, these mines are directed inward. respectively, in relation to those potential persons who will try to cross the coastline further through tisza to reach the shores of romania. people are fleeing across the tisa in droves, in groups of 100 people a day, and drowning in dozens. the british economist calls the bird the river of death. he writes directly about thousands trying to escape from ukraine. and all this against the backdrop of a stream of creepy videos about how evaders are caught. in ukraine, tetsekashniks are perceived as
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kidnappers, here is a video where a woman is trying to take their son away from them, of course, without results, a dark wave of indignation is growing, not only among those who are actually being packed in a car and taken to a meat grinder, but in the rear, that ’s all it’s happening right on the streets, the tts students are really being cursed, they even tried to beat them, and what kiev propaganda is doing, rightly, is blaming russian propagandists for everything, supposedly discrediting the tts students is an information war and nothing more, says one of the speakers of the armed forces of ukraine pletenchuk, a series of videos is being prepared, a series of videos are being prepared, where they will behave as inappropriately as possible in various situations, establishments, including drinking alcohol and doing similar ugly things, that is, supposedly it is we, russia, who are filming and will be filming videos about the fierce mobilization in ukraine, but nothing, that all these videos from the streets of cities are independent, that everything can be checked by topographic references, by geotag. local residents themselves
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publish this information on social networks in a massive format, it is difficult to hide the truth here, after all, everything that is happening, it concerns practically today... a very characteristic platform, they said, there is no need to tell that the telethon is lying, uh, because this is all russian propaganda, but in fact now the level of trust is below the plinth, because everything that the telethon was criticized for, it somehow came true, they had
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an active pr campaign that the counter-offensive would bring results, and underestimation was just russian propaganda, in the end what we saw was a complete failure, ukrainian fakes were elementary . fight with facts from their own information field, on the official account of the kiev metro we read about the shortage of workers due to mobilization, this is in addition to the fact that everything is leaking there, everything is collapsing, this is also russian propaganda, well, mayor klitschko is sure that yes, but this is klitschko, the mines on the banks of the tisza look more than real and they will kill draft dodgers for real, so the fakes of ukrainian propaganda may well become the explosive that... will ultimately destroy the kiev regime, well, here’s another news from the ukrainian ministry defense, which is unlikely to be passed off as an allegedly russian fake, the department stated that seventeen-year-old boys who live or study abroad will have to return to ukraine, since military registration begins precisely at this age, and they need to
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personally visit the shopping center at their place of registration, and do this is not possible remotely. by the way, the ukrainian ministry of defense does not specify whether young people from the other country will be released. they are not yet subject to conscription, but the west has been here for a long time. insists that kiev lower the mobilization age to 18 years, so it will be possible to quickly fill the gaps in the ukrainian army. the federal security service today announced the detention of several residents of crimea who were recruited by the ukrainian special services and received various tasks from the kiev regime from spying on the russian military to preparing a very dangerous sabotage. however, thanks to the high-quality work of the security forces, these criminal plans were nipped in the bud. and the defendants themselves have already managed to tell a lot of interesting things during interrogations.
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this is now a detained gardener with the call sign he sighs heavily, almost cries, but he prepared for the crime in detail. at home, the attacker found a whole arsenal, an ak-47 assault rifle, a pistol, cartridges and improvised explosive devices, on the phone there were maps with marked points, the locations of the caches. sadovnik met the ukrainian curator through a man named bakhtiyar or chingiz, who recruited the remaining members of the sabotage and terrorist group. here's the recording. one of the conversations, don’t be afraid of anything, yours, ours, well, get to know each other better, this is none other than ours, i’ll prepare you, that this will be a ukrainian number, we will already begin to work fully, on the instructions of a ukrainian agent, who introduces himself as andre, the crimeans were supposed to not only carry out
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a terrorist attack, but monitor the movements of our military, tyun, something is out of touch, i can’t, i can’t reach him on the phone, just in case he needs to be insured through. social networks and instant messengers kiev recruit people with certain views, which is worth just the pseudonym of this detained khasab, translated from crimean tatar butcher. when the siberian federal district began, i registered on telegram, in one of the groups they discussed the occupation of crimea, alexander wrote to me in a personal message, saying that he was from the special services or had connections in the special services. uh in ukraine and invited me to uh work for him, that is, uh take photographs and send him uh military objects, i had a photo of the kirov
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airfield, which i sent to him, another saboteur, chiban, hid an explosive device at home under his chair, i received a message from kiev, so that this - the little one i have was to lay a sub-rail in the bagerov area to stop the train and then blow it up. rockets, good evening, we are with ukraine, so with lis, i’ll tell you, in short, with chaban i went through full instructions, preparation, everything, everything, everything, showed, told how to work with the phone, uh, prepared it almost 95.5% . as for this one, he said that he would not let him down, but they were not allowed to carry out a terrorist attack, fsb operatives detained all the saboteurs, there is nothing for the enemy here, crimea is monolithic. in this case, in terms of supporting the president, support for the armed forces, support for the law enforcement system, uh, all this
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work is being carried out effectively, in fact , in crimea, in this case, no large-scale terrorist acts were allowed, and so on. the same bakhtiyar or chingiz, who led a group of saboteurs, died from his own weapons, an improvised explosive device detonated on the spot, the rest give confessions . this is not the first time that ukraine has tried to carry out a terrorist attack on the territory of crimea, especially on the railway. now there are four accomplices of the kiev ... regime risk spending the rest of their days behind bars, because in addition to criminal cases under the articles of illegal possession of explosive devices and terrorist attacks , the issue of initiating another one is being decided: we are talking about high treason, in which case the punishment is life imprisonment. yana shcherbat and andrey terentsev and vyacheslav olinov, news: crimea. the new york times today published a note citing sources in the white house, according to which joe biden is very close to allowing american weapons to fire on russian regions outside. zone of the northern military district, although previously he categorically excluded such a format of aggression. in addition, almost simultaneously
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, an article by a politician was published about the changeable position of olaf scholz; the chancellor of the federal republic of germany, they say, finally decided to lift a similar ban on the use of german weapons, even if just the day before he said the opposite. well , it seems that denmark is ready to join the instigators of escalation, and here it is no longer some insider leaks, but an official statement by the country’s foreign minister rasmussen. in particular, he gave the go-ahead for use for blows. over russian territory with f-16 fighters as soon as copenhagen hands them over to kiev. but by the way, the very discussion about certain permissions or prohibitions looks frankly far-fetched, since speaking about longer-range western missiles, such as scalps, stormshadow or attack ms, one cannot help but note that the ukrainian armed forces are simply not capable of using them independently, without having their own space reconnaissance therefore, flight missions are formed by nato specialists, at their own bases, from where missiles are directly delivered complexes, or... are transmitted through tablets, well, that is, the role of the states of the north atlantic alliance is known, the most
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that is not direct, and the goals, as we know, are often determined by them. and today, dmitry peskov commented on all this very clearly. according to him, the united states, together with its nato allies , have recently deliberately entered a new round of escalating tension. what? quote: will inevitably have its consequences. abrams calmly rolls down the road. dpr, well, its crew is all over visibility does not even suspect that a russian fpv drone is flying right behind the tank. these are spectacular shots from the avdeevsky direction of a special operation, where one relatively small copter with explosives was enough to not only stop a heavy nato vehicle, but burn it to the ground, since the drone hit the ammunition load under the turret exactly at the weakest point. and here, of course, we must pay tribute to the accuracy of our drone pilot, who managed to hit a rather difficult target right on the move. perfect. calculating the trajectory of the attack, although on the other hand, it was a sensation something like this has long ceased to work, because
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abrams have been shot down and destroyed in the zone, well, regardless of whether they are hit by the same drones or, for example, shot from an anti-tank missile system, well, i literally lost count, and moreover, these tanks, like it turned out that they easily break down even without participating in hostilities, as ukrainian armed forces militants told the american television channel cnn, elizaveta khramtsova carefully read its material.
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no state will supply foreign weapons, in this case, american tanks abrams, if they are in good condition. it is absolutely clear that the polish armed forces are getting rid of those tanks that have various kinds of shortcomings; getting into, for example, an abrams tank is actually a one-way ticket. it is absolutely clear that no one wants a one-way ticket and no one wants to get into this tank, for which there is such a hunt, and where there is a large number of weapons that can hit this tank. but the ukrainian audience is still
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told about the wonders of american industry and inevitable victory. in that video. filmed at the beginning of the month, vysushniki admitted, they say, yes, there are problems with the armor, but in general, if they meet on a dry t-72, then we would show them, but for now the technical characteristics of the miracle machine are enough, except for rides for a blogger, who came to film an uplifting story about american support, with tears of happiness at the opportunity to be the first journalist to ride an abramsi, oh, it’s true, civiter, ale... the quality of supplies is generally the weak point of western support, so financial times released material that half shells purchased for the armed forces on the czech initiative in asia and africa turned out to be defective, then they really realized the level of hatred and rewrote, they say, it’s just the russians who purchase faster than we do, and it’s not surprising that recipients of western supplies react like this, if you could
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ask is there one thing you would ask americans for?
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in the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodkhov this evening reported the death of one person and the injuries of nine more after a kamika air force drone hit a passenger gazelle , of course there was no one in the cabin even remotely a car connected to the armed forces was taking employees of an agricultural enterprise home , that is, another cynical terrorist attack is evident. a little earlier, a ukrainian drone exploded in the belgorod village of zazuli, where there were also no casualties; in general , militants attacked the region fifty times during the day. our special correspondent egor grigoriev is monitoring the situation. drone kamikat for the ukrainian armed forces, the village of gruzskoe was attacked four times in the morning, the post office and the church were damaged, a man was injured in the hospital, a car was destroyed. the day before, another one burned down in the village
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nameless when the ukronazis struck civilians, these mangled, burnt ones. the bodies of the cars of belgorod residents who were damaged during shelling by the armed forces of ukraine are taken to special parking lots in belgorod, either for further disposal or for troubleshooting to assess the damage, if there is still a chance to restore the cars. experts divide damaged vehicles into four categories: those capable of moving under their own power, those in need of evacuation, those that must be repaired on the spot, and those that are completely destroyed. we record the vehicle from everyone.
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gevorg khochitryan's crossover was cut by shrapnel . they are being repaired at the expense of budget funds, during a massive attack on belgorod last weekend, so i see, yes, here, here, here.
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the ssu is under daily shelling in the belgorod region. to understand the scale, the governor publishes information about strikes in the region per day in three parts. egor grigoriev, yaroslav
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borisov, news. the railway line is very clearly visible on satellite images and, apparently , is ready for launch. like this, adjusted for frankly sad or even alarming intonation, the ukrainian media today are responding to the events in the donetsk people's republic, where apparently a new route for trains between the capital is almost completed. dpr and mariupol. for knowledgeable media, this, of course, is a real shock, because their paradigm, according to which the russians in donbass are engaged in exclusively destructive activities, does not even fit into the basic improvement of the liberated territories, not to mention the implementation of such a large-scale project as an entire railway. but however, the stage acceptance, in a certain sense, it must be assumed, has already arrived, but at least not a single one of the propaganda dumps of the kiev regime dared to call the construction a fake, but at the same time, the face still does not... a distant stage of anger, here for example, the adviser to the fugitive mariupol geuleiter andryushchenko directly demands the destruction of the railway route, i assure you that he is a quote more important than the crimean bridge, and
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evgenia tishkavets will tell you what reaction should be expected from our side. integration of new regions into the transport system of the russian the federation is underway at all times. the west and the drunks are tearing out the hair on their heads. donbass and the northern black sea region barely returned home to russia, eh. and we have already done more for the development of regions than ukraine did during 30 years of independence. videos of the construction of the new railway line are not published for obvious reasons, but we and our enemies can see everything from space, work is in full swing, and the project is obviously already at the final stage. the surveillance system, they were already surprised, they noted that this road, it is being built quickly, they are already detecting there is train traffic there, and quite intensely... the section in question is a kind of cross-section. previously , it was possible to get from rostov-on-don to mariupol by rail only through donetsk and volnovakha. now the path will become much
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shorter. the new sixty-kilometer line passes through the villages of burno and novoselovka. as for the threats from the ukrainian armed forces, experts say that in any case they will not be able to seriously damage the infrastructure. our military will only be required to do what they already do. catch enemy drgs and holding an air defense umbrella over populated areas, by and large, in order to fundamentally damage existing railways, is a problematic task indeed. that is , it remains essentially, that is, only strikes with some long-range weapons like haimers, but again they need to guess when some kind of train or something will pass there, because just hitting the embankment, there it is absolutely pointless it's an ineffective task, it can be repaired in literally an hour and a half to two hours. some kind of blow to stations is possible, well, again, for this purpose , air defense systems are already located at the stations, which shoot down missiles on takeoff, especially since
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they have learned to fight hummers. the construction proceeds to the accompaniment of monotonous screeching from the other side. ukrainian media are closely monitoring the progress of work, producing their signature schizophrenia. on the one hand, they constantly highlight our successes, saying that the insidious invaders have come, and let’s ruthlessly restore everything. to improve, on the other hand, in their own words, the road is still only on the plans, from the point of view of construction, quote, there hasn’t been a horse lying around here yet, they have a strange idea about horses resting, the horse hasn’t been lying around so much that just a year ago in may 2023 there was nothing at all in this place, now the outlines of a new road are visible, and this despite the fact that on the site there is even a whole bridge crossing over the kalmius river, the pace of work is amazing... amazing pace, pace, yes, this is such a military pace in the good sense of the word military, because military technologies are also advanced, modern
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construction equipment. russia comes to create, russia restores and develops communications, russia opens up new opportunities for economic growth, railway construction has a high multiplier
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effect, that is, when we create... this is for mechanisms, these are jobs in construction, that is, to build iron , there is a great demand for steel, for python, for cars, roads from the point of view of accelerating the economy, even regional, this is a profitable and very very useful activity, and the almost finished section is only one of the stages, by the end of 2024 a large railway line will be launched, rostov-nadon, donetsk, mariupol, berdyansk and further to sevastopol, not for the sake of war, but... peace and development. the original russian regions of novorossiya languished in the stone age of ukraine for too long. it's time to fix this. all zelensky’s decrees of the officials he appointed have been illegal for 10 days now, since the leader of the kiev regime has lost legitimacy, and new elections have not been called. one of the authors of the ukrainian constitution, former deputy prime minister dmitry tabachnik, recalled this today. he clarified that it is the country’s basic law that limits the terms of office
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president, and any decisions are beyond the limit. constitutions have no force, with details by stanislav bernald. the constitutional collapse in ukraine is in full swing; the prefix ex-president should be added to the title of the president of ukraine for the past 10 days. but it seems that zelensky is not going to say goodbye to his chair and does not intend to transfer power to anyone. the constitutional court could have had its say here, but in fact, a year ago it stopped fulfilling its functions. the constitutional court was strangled by zelensky because he illegally fired the chairman. constitutional court, mocked the constitutional court, ignored it, so the constitutional court practically exists there purely formally. zelensky decided that zelensky will continue to be president. this decision is due, as the bankai states, to the fact that the country is under martial law and elections are not being held during this period. according to this law, if the term of office of the president of ukraine expires during martial law, his powers continue until the newly elected president takes office,
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favorites after. lifting martial law, but that’s not the goal, this law directly contrasts itself with the main law of ukraine, the constitution, which clearly states that the presidential term is 5 years, that’s all, without any additions. the only body that has the right to interpret the provisions of the constitution, in my opinion, in any country, this also applies to ukraine, is the constitutional court; elections, for example, are appointed by the parliament, not the president, therefore. issuing his decree on the cancellation of elections and, so to speak, the unauthorized extension of powers, committed a clear crime and against the laws of ukraine, against the constitution, he had no right to do this. according to ex-prime minister of ukraine azarov, a few months before the end of his presidential term, zelensky could appeal to the constitutional court, but most likely, its decision would not be in his favor, therefore, understanding this, zelensky single-handedly
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decided to cancel the elections. in this case, it means that there is a direct indication of the constitution that for 90 days the duties of the president must be fulfilled, with the exception of a number of powers the president, maybe the chairman of the supreme council, the most important thing, that is, for the chairman of the supreme council for these 90 days. only the technical functions of the president are left, signing laws, for example, and so on; the chairman of the supreme council has basically only one authority: to hold elections within 90 days. the policy of double standards according to zelensky looks something like this: when necessary, he points to the constitution, when his actions violate the law and the constitution, he...


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