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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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former us president donald trump was found guilty on all 34 counts of forgery in the payment of hush money to porn actress stormy daniels. it's the jury's decision. the verdict will be handed down on july 11. trump could face up to 4 years behind bars or a very large fine. and this verdict will be announced by a judge who, according to media reports, is closely associated with the democratic party. moreover, this will happen just on the eve of the republican party convention, at which trump’s candidacy and his supporters will have to be officially approved for participation in elections. however, the jury's verdict, and even
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the judge's potential verdict, does not mean that trump will not be able to fight for the white house; according to the american constitution, criminal prosecution is not an obstacle to participation in the presidential race. donald trump became the first ex-president in us history to be convicted of a crime by a jury. let me remind you that trump is accused of falsifying documents, paying compensation to stormy daniels so that she would remain silent about their affair, the payments were allegedly framed as... legal expenses, he himself denies the charges, calls the verdict a disgrace and says that, quote, he will fight to the end. in addition , three more cases have been opened against trump: incitement to storm the capitol, illegal possession of secret documents about an attempt to falsify voting results in the state of georgia in 2020. well, they are unlikely to be considered before the november elections in the united states. western media with a pitch, of course. officials
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continue to fuel the image, a fictitious discussion about certain permissions and not permissions for the kiev regime to use nato weapons on russian territory. this is from the commentary of the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova, which was published in her telegram channel. the new york times previously published a note citing sources in the white house, according to which joe biden is very close to allowing american weapons to fire on russian regions outside the northwestern military district zone, although he had previously categorically ruled it out. this format of aggression, in turn , the politikon publication writes that biden has already given such permission, secretly, but this concerns only in the regions that border the kharkov region, the state department states that supposedly we are only talking about counter-battery warfare, the ban on strikes with atapak missiles is, again, supposedly still in force. in addition, earlier the media reported on the changeable position of olaf scholz, the chancellor of the federal republic of germany, who allegedly decided to lift a similar ban on. the use of
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german weapons, even if literally the day before he said the opposite. well , it seems that denmark is ready to join the instigators of escalation, and this is no longer some insider leak, but an official statement the country's foreign minister rasmussen. in particular, he gave the go-ahead for the use of f-16 fighters for russian strikes on russian territory as soon as copenhagen transfers them to kiev. well, of course, the discussion itself about all these supposed permissions or prohibitions looks frank. hypocritically, firstly, nato weapons are already systematically hitting our territory, and secondly, in the case of using longer-range missile systems, trained specialists are engaged in their maintenance, guidance and launches, and, of course, well, not ukrainian, but western, they play with words, increase the degree of emotionality, repeat everything, this is a fictitious discussion, you simply cannot participate in it, ukrainians are not able to... this is
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only possible with the help of space reconnaissance. the flight mission of these munitions is formed in the nato countries themselves. in one case, they are delivered to missile systems directly from nato bases, in the other they are transmitted via tablets. but in any case , the maximum participation of ukrainian military personnel in this process is to suggest target on the map. and then it’s up to the nato members, and these goals, as a rule, are determined by them.
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countries members of the north atlantic alliance, the united states, especially other european capitals, in recent days. weeks is entering a new stage of escalating tension, they are doing this deliberately, we hear a lot of bellicose statements, this is nothing more than provoking a new level of tension, we understand that this trend, unfortunately negative in their approach, continues, they are in every possible way provoking ukraine to continuation of this senseless wars, they themselves intend to continue the war with us, the war in the literal and figurative sense, this... everything, of course, will inevitably have its consequences, and this will ultimately cause great damage to the interests of those countries that have taken the path of escalation tension. the zelensky regime, apparently, is in full swing preparing for another reduction
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in the mobilization age, the lower the better, the ocean masters insist, the head of the russian foreign intelligence service spoke about the west’s plans to reduce the conscription age in ukraine to 17 years back in november. last year, it seems that in recent days, against the backdrop of growing losses of the ukrainian armed forces at the front, the people of ukraine have begun to prepare to take new measures. information about lowering the mobilization age to eighteen spread on ukrainian social networks the day before, and today new data has appeared from the country’s ministry of defense. ukrainian minors, 17 years old, who live abroad, will be required to return to register with the military, and yes, this cannot be done remotely, that’s right. the option to update data through the reserve plus service only works for those who are already registered, about this with reference to the military department of ukraine, reports the local judicial newspaper. but in addition to minors, kiev has long been eyeing women. now
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ukrainians serving in military service will also be fined for failing to update their credentials. this statement was made by the head of the klemenchuk district military registration and enlistment office. for violating the rules of military registration, you will have to pay from 17 to... he competes with the turntables, screaming mercilessly, this is an unsuccessful attempt to recapture his son from the clutches of the employees of the ukrainian military registration and enlistment office, it happened in krivoy rog, that you are twisting your hand, i am not the hand understood, put away the phone, a new way of mobilization, tie up men at the points for issuing online orders, it’s interesting that in this way they kill two birds with one stone, and the guy
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is mobilized and the order is appropriated for themselves, people accuse online stores of coming as a bonus to the order summons, my boy was hit in the face, the goods were taken away and they wanted to take him to the front by force, but he was able to escape, of course, especially greedy employees of tsk tend to extort for a certificate from mobilization. in odessa, such an employee demanded that the boy pay certificate 300 liters of gasoline. in volyn they extorted $3.00 for removing a person liable for military service from the wanted list. the true leader of the situation for the ocean is not interested in the legitimacy and democracy of mobilization in ukraine. but employees of western companies were protected so that business would not suffer. and the head of the kharkov military administration , oleg sinegubov, has already invited zelensky to go. further, to urge, starting from the age of 17, to consider the possibility of amending the law of ukraine on military duty and military service and to consider the possibility conscription of the armed forces of ukraine, students of educational institutions of all forms of education, men who have reached the age of seventeen. lawyer nadezhda shulyak
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explains in an interview with one of the ukrainian tv channels that if the documents are filled out incorrectly, the student’s grief will be immediately tied up and sent to the front. i would recommend taking with you an extract from the order for the enrollment of students, graduate students, which clearly states what it is... nowadays, few people can evade mobilization, the term is partially valid, no longer exists, unless they take away a paralyzed person, with mid-may there is an active mobilization of women, including the head of the ukrainian ministry of justice denis malyusko admits the possibility of attracting female prisoners, sbu officers have already begun to mobilize, there is a category of officers who are at the disposal of the staff, and so vasily malyuk signed an order that such military personnel the sbu will send the armed forces of ukraine to participate in hostilities, since the sbu officers have military ranks, it is very
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simple, by order they are transferred to some motorized infantry brigade, some battalion commander and to the front line, and this is more effective than barrier detachments, ukrainian border guards mine the banks of the river. conscripts are trying to escape into the swim through it, 30 young people drowned this year alone, now the territory along the tisza is filled with american anti-personnel mines, the kind the us army used in vietnam and komikat zvsu, the village of gruzskoye was attacked four times in the morning, the post office and
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the temple were damaged, man with injuries in the hospital, the car was destroyed. the day before, another nameless village burned down on impact ukronazis for civilians, these mangled burnt car bodies of belgorod residents who suffered during shelling by the armed forces of ukraine, they are taken to special parking lots in belgorod, either for further disposal, or for troubleshooting damage assessment, if that’s the case.
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they shot people even more sorry, yes, someone with loans, they are repairing at the expense of budget funds, gevorg khochitryan’s crossover was cut by shrapnel during a massive attack on belgorod last weekend, so i look, yes, here, here, here, up, radiator, i this time slept at home, thank god 12:00 at night, the governor of the belgorod region called for speeding up the work on shchorsa street, where they are eliminating the consequences of the terrible terrorist attack in the ssu, now damaged apartments. very responsible
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guys, very well done, the dismantling of the house has been stopped for now, people asked for time to pick up personal belongings, it is necessary to completely cover the mattress, volunteers are helping, many of them are students of belgorod universities, john said that immediately after the tragedy he asked to volunteer, he himself is from uganda. are shelling the belgorod region, for understanding the scale, the governor publishes information about attacks on the region per day in
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three parts. egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, news. vladimir putin presented the highest state awards at a traditional ceremony in the kremlin. orders and medals of honorary titles were awarded to heroes of the northern military district, cosmonaut pilots, famous artists and athletes, those whose achievements and bright victories, skill and devotion to their homeland unite. embodiment of the most daring ideas. another important event of the president’s working day was a meeting with large families families from different regions. this is another tradition on the eve of children's day. the most important words and the most touching moments were collected by anastasia efimova. all actions and decisions of the state are built around the interests of the family, and in a variety of areas: education, healthcare and even the economy. the words of the president, voiced today at a meeting with those. the head of state congratulated those who were awarded the order of parental glory on the upcoming holiday,
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children's day. recalling that the most important thing for any child is a strong, friendly family. it is around the interests of families and children that almost all of our actions, all government actions and decisions are built, and in a variety of areas: education, healthcare, and in the economy, in the development of housing programs. in general, in the renewal of our cities, villages, towns, families, parents must be sure that the state is ready to provide them with the necessary... support, and the widest opportunities for self-realization must certainly be open to children, so that they can reveal your potential, your abilities, talents, well , ultimately find your own path in life, fulfill your wildest dreams and achieve success that we can all
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be proud of, the current 2024 is the year of the family in russia, and the president clarified during the meeting that...
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yes in our church near the city they collect things necessary for soldiers of a special military operation and our children also take part in collecting the necessary things, in addition, we also have a kind of continuity such that our parents have always helped, my mother is very he knits a lot, sews, does something with his own hands,
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and we, too, as if together as a common team, also knit warm things, the children, by virtue of their... the older children paid for the tickets, how amazed he was by the beauty of adler, like a little son accustomed to scarcity water in the donbass, could not enjoy the usual bath procedures, and just like today, after so many difficult years, he does not regret anything, including the fact that no matter how difficult it was, he did not go anywhere, did not leave his
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homeland, we were told, well, why don’t you leave, i’ll tell you honestly, vladimir vladimirovich. i can’t explain it, why we didn’t leave, it’s as if it’s difficult to even give in, well, to some kind of explanation, yes, times have been difficult since 2014, donetsk, the donetsk republic, then lugansk, they live in such difficult, frankly, let’s say, conditions, i have no doubt that this situation will change, it will change for the better, it will be stable, everything will be... calm, stable, everything will develop, and donetsk, donetsk republic, luhansk, kherson region, zaporozhye region , everything will develop in as part of russia, the russian federation, in our common big family. and
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the president spoke today at the ceremony of presenting state awards to the family, as the basis of the state. the title of mother-heroine was awarded to olga verpakovskaya from the tver region, she has 14 children, of course, as vladimir putin emphasized, each of those gathered today in the kremlin works in his own way for the good of the country, but the true support of russia’s armor is the military personnel who defend the rights of the country , choose your own destiny. we're going through some serious trials. we defend truth, justice, the sovereignty of russia and the right to...
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security comprehensive security 2024 the hardware complex for
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identifying hazardous chemicals in the air, evacuation equipment, underwater drones, what not at the main exhibition of the ministry of emergency situations, have even been developed, they have even developed a helmet with a thermal imager, thanks to which rescuers can better navigate the smoke and quickly help the victim. khalil is an engineer, he came to russia. in 2014 from yemen, he says with his developments, he wants to help people, the principle of operation of members for the integration of different sensors, information is received from different sensors, excellent cameras are received, in total there are more than 260 samples of equipment and advanced weapons in the patriot exhibition complex, and the minister of emergency situations met some of them. alexander kurenkov noted: the key themes of the salon in the twenty-fourth year are ensuring the safety of infrastructure facilities, as well as the safety of people on water bodies. the russian ministry of emergency situations is purchasing... including
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new aircraft, and if we are talking about aviation, then in the details, uh, well, the construction of these national ships and helicopters, including, there are such simple modules - on stretchers, but it turns out like this if you look at it, nothing is clear, but this module - it allows you to not remove the chair from an airplane, this speeds up the installation system . according to the evacuation of victims, such underwater drones dive up to 200 m to help the ministry of emergency situations employees search for people in the water. this underwater vehicle has a manipulator and an attachment, we call it a claw. she designed specifically to lift drowned people from the bottom, that is, it makes the diver’s work easier, that is, you can use it to lift people to land. at the main exhibition of the ministry of emergency situations you can
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try yourself. tone speed is 40 km/h on land and 6 km on water, if you have a storm, then accordingly it can work up to three points, that is, you close the door, close the window and you can swim, it floats due to the rotation of the wheels, respectively he can move through swamps, sand, snow, he can go out on the ice if it is winter, fire and rescue competitions and even demonstration exercises to eliminate
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emergency situations were also held in patriot park, the exhibition will be held until june 1. alexandra perfileva, denis tsitseronov, vladimir klimov and asya oslonyan. news. there is an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit;
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all the inhabitants of the village were burned for their connection with the partisans. a very well thought out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. i present to you a new soldier, ribinin, nikolai sergeevich, do you like books? yes, i write books. the classic
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has arrived, take it. thank you. would help, i don’t help like that, come on guys, let’s interfere, call sign passenger, i’ll come back for you, do you hear, i’ll come back, used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, russian channels all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.


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